In Search of My Body vol.9 - I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

OMG, the visual imagery I am getting is hi lar ious! I was at the doc's office the other day for my shoulder and he and the nurse said they would step out while I took my shirt off and put the gown on. I was told I could keep my bra on. I had already been waiting *a while* and I wasn't about to lose them, so I just whipped my shirt off and said, "I run outside in a sports bra, no need for the gown...just do the exam." The nurse didn't miss a beat, but the doc was a bit surprised. :rotfl2:

Cathie! Wow. Long time no post. What's shakin'?

And MEG! Where are you?!?!
Hi Cathie!!

So, I tried two hungry girl recipes tonight with good results.

One was a baked onion ring recipe, using fiber cereal (they said Fiber One but I used Trader Joe's), spices, and egg beaters. It wasn't exactly the real thing but was quite good.

The other was a cheese stuffed burger. 96% lean, basically wrapping it around a laughing cow wedge (I used garlic and herb) and cooking as usual. I cooked in the frying pan rather than the grill due to worry about cheese drippage. 275 for the burger, ~75 for the onion rings.

Lisa, not touching the topless treadmill running. :laughing:
OMG, the visual imagery I am getting is hi lar ious! I was at the doc's office the other day for my shoulder and he and the nurse said they would step out while I took my shirt off and put the gown on. I was told I could keep my bra on. I had already been waiting *a while* and I wasn't about to lose them, so I just whipped my shirt off and said, "I run outside in a sports bra, no need for the gown...just do the exam." The nurse didn't miss a beat, but the doc was a bit surprised. :rotfl2:

Cathie! Wow. Long time no post. What's shakin'?

And MEG! Where are you?!?!

Listen pipsqueak - stop your braggin'. :lmao: We wouldn't even be having this conversation if my notes said bra on. They SO SPOILED my excitement over this test.

Yes Megan where for art thou?

Lisa, I know I have missed some posts, but
Running naked with only a gown, OMG, did you really??
OMG, you poor thing.

Tomorrow Jo. The sh!t happens tomorrow.

Hi Cathie!!

So, I tried two hungry girl recipes tonight with good results.

One was a baked onion ring recipe, using fiber cereal (they said Fiber One but I used Trader Joe's), spices, and egg beaters. It wasn't exactly the real thing but was quite good.

The other was a cheese stuffed burger. 96% lean, basically wrapping it around a laughing cow wedge (I used garlic and herb) and cooking as usual. I cooked in the frying pan rather than the grill due to worry about cheese drippage. 275 for the burger, ~75 for the onion rings.

Lisa, not touching the topless treadmill running. :laughing:

One day I'll have to come down and have you teach me all your skills. Or try to I mean.
Alaina's ear is ozzing stuff, so gross, doctor said not to worry.

ick. I remember those days. Nate had chronic ear infections as a little guy and ended up with tubes when he was about 18 months old. Best day ever. Seriously.

Okay. Wait. :lmao::rotfl: I totally misspoke. Topless was the wrong word. Nude with a hospital gown. Whoops sorry. I mean I assume you get to keep the hospital gown on.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Ok. Now I have to tell you. I googled "stress test procedures" (because you *know* how I must google every.thing.) and there, in the midst of the list of steps/instructions/procedures was a picture of a shirtless guy on the treadmill. And I was totally and completely concerned for you! :lmao: OMG I am so relieved! :lmao:

Hi ladies :):):)

Hi Cathie! What's new with you?

OMG, the visual imagery I am getting is hi lar ious! I was at the doc's office the other day for my shoulder and he and the nurse said they would step out while I took my shirt off and put the gown on. I was told I could keep my bra on. I had already been waiting *a while* and I wasn't about to lose them, so I just whipped my shirt off and said, "I run outside in a sports bra, no need for the gown...just do the exam." The nurse didn't miss a beat, but the doc was a bit surprised. :rotfl2:

I don't know too many people who are willing to whip their clothes off in front of people they've just met :rolleyes1 :lmao:
One day I'll have to come down and have you teach me all your skills. Or try to I mean.

Cooking you mean? That's easy... google, semi-decent cookware, and a lot of trial and error. :laughing:

Good luck with your stress test (wow that sounds weird!)!

So I think I mentioned that I joined the Galloway training group. Our 2nd run is on Saturday. Well, I got an email today that they already have 350 people registered! :eek:

Unfortunately, the humidity doesn't break at all here until Monday. Sat's forecast is 92 degrees and humid. Whee.
Welcome back Ronda! OMG on the full. I am in awe.

Cathie - welcome back to you too. What have you been up to?

Lisa - the discussion about your stress test had me laughing so hard I cried. Good luck tomorrow and Monday.

Hi to everyone else! Not much going on here. The week is almost over (yeah) and I am still in control of my eating - whoo hoo. Just need to get through the weekend now. I am off to crash for the night.

Catch you all in the flip side.
I had a whole list of things i wanted to say to you girls but then I got to the posts about Lisa running naked on a TM and.... well now I can't stop thinking about naked running. It could be the next running craze like barefoot running!

I had the stomach bug... then I was ok for a day... then I had it again. Then I had a cold, oh right I'm still getting over that. I have not done anything! No posts here, almost next to no runs or exercise classes. And my eating habits the past week? Almost no food for two days then full meals the next. And I'm worse then most people when I'm sick, I hate being slowed down!

But I'm mostly back in action now. Finally got myself the right pair of running sneakers for me. Went on a run late last night... sneakers felt good, I had a little chest congestion but it seemed to clear as I ran. Today I feel like me again!

Did I mention my first half marathon is at the end of this month?! :eek:

Its Friday! What do you all have planned for the weekend? What is new with everyone?
Unfortunately, the humidity doesn't break at all here until Monday. Sat's forecast is 92 degrees and humid. Whee.

ugh! That's yucky! Running with the group though should be good. I bet they give you some good advice on how to handle that kind of weather.

The week is almost over (yeah) and I am still in control of my eating - whoo hoo. Just need to get through the weekend now.

So happy for you Paula!:goodvibes Feels good to get back on track, doesn't it?

Did I mention my first half marathon is at the end of this month?! :eek:

YIKES! That's coming soon! Glad you're feeling better Meg!

I'm off for a bike ride again this morning. Having a love/hate relationship with that new little odometer thingy. :laughing: Then it's work, where I'll practically melt in the kitchen :headache:
Happy Friday

Kat, ugg yuck weather, good luck tomorrow.

Paula, Soooooooo Happy for you

Welcome back Meg

Good Luck Lisa with your test :hug:

Nancy, EE, E, Liz, Kelly
I hope eveyone is well.

No run this AM, I'm not feeling 100%, thinking of going to the doc after work myself.

Hope its gets better, Want to run tomorrow.
I don't know too many people who are willing to whip their clothes off in front of people they've just met :rolleyes1 :lmao:

OMG, can you imagine?!? I mean, I heard this story at the Princess that two women just changed out of their sweaty race clothes right there in the parking lot! :rolleyes1

Unfortunately, the humidity doesn't break at all here until Monday. Sat's forecast is 92 degrees and humid. Whee.

Kill me now. Wow, I would have such a hard time running in that. But like Nancy said, it is likely much better to do it with an organized group. You can learn all the tips for running in the heat. And they have water stops on the group runs, right?

MEG! Welcome back! Sorry you were sick. And WOW on the Half. Are you feeling ready? When do you start to taper?

Jo--hope you feel better!

Weekend plans--Jeff gets home tonight. Tomorrow is my niece's graduation party, so that will take the better part of the day. My in-laws are coming down for the graduation and staying with US on Saturday night. So of course that means I am going out with my girlfriends on Saturday night. See ya.

The girls have a softball game, too. Round 1 of the play-offs. And Cammie is starting pitcher. I am a wreck. Her? She's not even thinking about it.

OMG, can you imagine?!? I mean, I heard this story at the Princess that two women just changed out of their sweaty race clothes right there in the parking lot! :rolleyes1

Kill me now. Wow, I would have such a hard time running in that. But like Nancy said, it is likely much better to do it with an organized group. You can learn all the tips for running in the heat. And they have water stops on the group runs, right?

MEG! Welcome back! Sorry you were sick. And WOW on the Half. Are you feeling ready? When do you start to taper?

Jo--hope you feel better!

Weekend plans--Jeff gets home tonight. Tomorrow is my niece's graduation party, so that will take the better part of the day. My in-laws are coming down for the graduation and staying with US on Saturday night. So of course that means I am going out with my girlfriends on Saturday night. See ya.

The girls have a softball game, too. Round 1 of the play-offs. And Cammie is starting pitcher. I am a wreck. Her? She's not even thinking about it.

I would SO not be able to just change in the parking lot. I was enough in awe of the ones that broke the pack in the beginning and used the median as a port-a-potty!!

Yes, we just got our group e-newsletter and our pace group e-newsletter. No cotton allowed, you must carry water, and hats are frowned on. They say use a visor, lets the heat escape. They have water stops, too.

I ordered a water belt on ebay ($9!) that has one 10 oz bottle, usually enough for me. Galloway cautions overhydrating during a run... says 2-4oz every mile. YMMV of course, but as I have said before (I think), I get sloshy stomach very easily.

This week is a 4 mile run, but the 2nd mile is a "Magic Mile" (used to determine your projected pace). The newsletter says its a mile without stopping, although I am not sure that will be true for my pace group? I am a little afraid of that, since I have never gone more than 1/4 mile without a walk break.

I will likely come home from that, mow my lawn, shower, and meet my friend that just moved down here for a pedicure (they serve complimentary wine!!) and lunch.

E, sounds like a busy weekend!!

Meg, half details!!!
We've tried the HG onion rings. The recipe needs more spice. True, not the real thing, but the recipe makes a lot of food and that's what we want!

I'll keep crushing fiber one and adding more and more garlic powder.

Good Luck Kat,
You can run a mile without stopping. no sweat!!! If I can do it, I KNOW you can!!! Can't wait to hear how it went.

E, sounds like a busy weekend, crossing my fingers for your girls at softball playoffs!!! I get my in-laws in town on Thursday next week for 12 days!! Lucky Me!

So I decided to not go to the doc and try to fight it with hot tea. I feel ok other than my throat. Every time I swallow. Yuk!

Cathie! Wow. Long time no post. What's shakin'?

Hi Cathie!!

Hi Cathie! What's new with you?

Cathie - welcome back to you too. What have you been up to?

Hi ladies and thanks on the welcome backs :)

Things have been pretty good, a little hectic, but good.

I finished this semester of school, finally, with A's and B's and one D from the most ridiculous professor in the world who's life, I swear, revolves around homework. Too bad he forgot that we are night students because we have jobs and homes and lives. Ah well. Always going to have that ONE pain in the butt professor...

My cake business has been TAKING OFF like wildfire. Which is good...and bad. Because it is so time consuming just to do one cake a week, and lately it seems like all my orders for the month are all grouped together on the same weeks. Summer is busy time for cakes, wish someone had told me that lol.:rolleyes1 But the experience and money I'm getting from the rush of customers is awesome!

And (drumroll please) I FINALLY moved out of my family's house! I moved into the apartment with Carlos on May 22nd. We have had....well quite a few ups and downs. The stuff I told you guys about earlier this year continued to go on for a while....but oddly enough, things have completely done a 180 this last month and we are really happy now. I don't know if it was the moving in, or what. I KNOW that moving out of my parent's house and geting away from that kind of negative energy has probably helped.

Work has been a little crazy. Our department has started to run out of work constantly every day...which looks great for our numbers and bonuses...but it's a little concerning. They are finding us lots of other things to do to help out other departments, and I'm soaking it all up and learning everything I can and making myself available for everything, because eventually the extra work from other departments will be gone too, and hopefully if I'm well versed in other areas, I can get a transfer if it comes down to layoffs.(which I hope it won't) So it's been lots of training for new things, and a lot of frustration from the team on trying to do a million things for a million different people. And I swear, my boss needs a vacation. Or we're all going to kill him lol.

So...onto the last thing...the weight loss. lately it's been give and take, but over the last month I lost 10 lbs...whether that's due to stress or actually being able to eat somewhere other than fast food after class(likely both) it's been a good boost for me and good motivation to keep going. I'm still working on developing little habits that help translate into bigger habits.

SO! There's the book of Cathie for the last month haha!!!!

How has everyone been? Have I missed anything major!?

And I promise that I will try to at least make drive bys from now on and not disappear's like one day I just realized "hey I haven't been on there for a while I should go on there soon" and then two weeks would roll by before I had time to think about it again lol.
Ronda, I used a TON of spice (probably double what the recipe called for). Garlic salt, black pepper, onion salt, and a little actual salt (yeah, yeah, sodium, I know).

I used crushed Trader Joe's cereal, too, so don't know if that makes a diff? Less fiber but crunchier and easy to crush. I did have some trouble getting the rings to totally coat, though.

Jo, thanks!!

Home remedy... hmm. Some try honey and lemon in their tea? I hate tea. D uses a shot of whisky but I don't really recommend that. :)

OMG, can you imagine?!? I mean, I heard this story at the Princess that two women just changed out of their sweaty race clothes right there in the parking lot! :rolleyes1

I love it! My last 5k was in the pouring rain and when I got into my car I immediately stripped down to a bra and undies. (And put on clothes) Sometimes you have to do what you have to do no matter who is around.

E- Sounds like a busy weekend. Hope you have fun with your girlfriends and that the softball game goes well. I always thrived during those high pressure games, maybe Cammie is the same way.

Kat- The running group sounds great, I'm sure it's going to be a great experience.

Jo- I always suggest tea, lots of water and rest. I almost never take medicine but when I get desperate enough tylenol cold and sinus is the thing that always seems to help me. Hope you feel better soon.

So my half details. Erika you asked if I'm ready... I am and I'm not. I spent about a week not running and it has me in fear. The combination of a calf muscle that was still sore and the illness just had me to the point where I couldn't get myself off the couch. I'm worried that I've set myself back. On the other hand I am probably in better physical condition then I've ever been even back when I played hockey in college so I'm hoping that will kind of off set the week off. Mentally I'm also finding I'm in need of... something, anything. When I registered for the race I was lead to believe it was going to be run in Boston... now I find out it's being run just outside Boston on a course that involves a rather large hill... in fact you can ski on the hill in winter. This has me nervous. But I keep telling myself its a 16min per mile pace you need to keep and that I'm also mentally in a good place to push myself up hills so I shouldn't be worrying about pace or hills for this. But maybe all these worries are just typical for a person doing their first half? I don't know.

I have a wedding the day before. (I know, horrible timing by my friend! :laughing:) The wedding is actually a town over from where the race is being run so I'm looking into hotels today so that I can just roll into bed after the wedding with no driving home and roll out for the race in the morning.

Here's the race website for anyone who wants to check it out.
Hey everybody. My back is so much better than previous days. Let me put it this way, I was able to put my undies on without too much pain. Yesterday, I had waves of nausea from it. I hop to have a real post tonight. At Ryan's last regular season game. Really bad team this year.
Cooking you mean? That's easy... google, semi-decent cookware, and a lot of trial and error. :laughing:


No, I only want to watch Kat and learn. I swear I could eat in your house night in and night out.

Hi to everyone else! Not much going on here. The week is almost over (yeah) and I am still in control of my eating - whoo hoo. Just need to get through the weekend now. I am off to crash for the night.

Catch you all in the flip side.

Glad I made you laugh Paula. You can thank Nancy. She had me in tears.

Excellent on the eating. Happy for you.

I hate being slowed down!

I so understood and felt that.

Having a love/hate relationship with that new little odometer thingy. :laughing: :

I so understood and felt that - part deux. :goodvibes

Happy Friday

Kat, ugg yuck weather, good luck tomorrow.

Paula, Soooooooo Happy for you

Welcome back Meg

Good Luck Lisa with your test :hug:

Nancy, EE, E, Liz, Kelly
I hope eveyone is well.

No run this AM, I'm not feeling 100%, thinking of going to the doc after work myself.

Hope its gets better, Want to run tomorrow.

Frustrating Jo. Hope it gets better.

The girls have a softball game, too. Round 1 of the play-offs. And Cammie is starting pitcher. I am a wreck. Her? She's not even thinking about it.

I was a pitcher too. Well let me rephrase that - I was a pitcher in house league. "A" teams/rep I was in the outfield. :laughing:

Gosh, pitching was so friggin' exciting and so stressful for me. BOTH.

Have fun Erika. Good luck. Heaven having all the kids' sports to watch and coach.

Does anyone have a home remedy?

Hot water, lemon and honey. Breaks things up.

My cake business has been TAKING OFF like wildfire. Which is good...and bad. Because it is so time consuming just to do one cake a week, and lately it seems like all my orders for the month are all grouped together on the same weeks. Summer is busy time for cakes, wish someone had told me that lol.:rolleyes1 But the experience and money I'm getting from the rush of customers is awesome!


Wow Cathie. Good for you.

Home remedy... hmm. Some try honey and lemon in their tea? I hate tea. D uses a shot of whisky but I don't really recommend that. :)

Whoops. It's been said.

As for the shot. SO works. I learned that in French immersion one summer. My "french father" said "oh you have a cold - take this!" I was hmmm but so worked.

Here's the race website for anyone who wants to check it out.

Absolutely want to check in out. :thumbsup2

Hey everybody. My back is so much better than previous days. Let me put it this way, I was able to put my undies on without too much pain. Yesterday, I had waves of nausea from it. I hop to have a real post tonight. At Ryan's last regular season game. Really bad team this year.

Glad to hear. Been so frustrated for you Amiee.


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