Independence Day Challenge-Last Call for Updates!


DIS Veteran
Mar 29, 2004
Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are not created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable weights, that among these are calories, fat, and the pursuit of skinniness. That to free ourselves from these oppressors, support groups are instituted among men and women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the journals. That whenever any form of unhealthiness becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new habits, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Good Health and Happiness.

OK, WISHers, in order to free ourselves from the oppression of bad health, let’s start an Independence Day challenge!

Suggested ground rules for an eight-week challenge:
First weigh in Sunday, May 9 for baseline
Weigh in and post progress weekly
Last weigh in Sunday, July 4 for final progress, just in time to celebrate our weight loss, and Independence Day!
Just a few days left. I'm glad so many people participated in this challenge. Let's push our weight loss limits until Sunday when we can all celebrate!

AKASnowWhite 1.2 / 5
AllisonG 0 / 10
AprilN 15 / 16
Aroura 0 / 15
AuroraluvsPhillip 3 / 6
Baileymouse 8 / 10
BeamsofLight 4.2 / 10
bubie2.5 4 / 10
carole88 0 / 10
CarolynFH 6 / 8
catherine 10 / 13
chager -2 / 15
Cheryl N. WI 0 / 7
Claire4dpins 4 / 10
CookieGVB 16.4 / 15
CrzyforPiglet 0 / 12
danicaw 4 / 10
DavidandDenise 4.6 / 16
disneychick05 2 / 12
disneygals 2 / 12
Disneygoof 8 / 14
DisneyMom23Boys 19 / 20
DoomBuggieDriver 0 / 8
FonFon 5 / 10
gadizlover 17 / 15
Gator Kate 4 / 10
Hannosmom 4.5 / 10
HappyMommy2 2 / 11
helenk 3 / 8
hlane 8.4 / 8
karebear1 0 / 16
KatieBelle 2.5 / 10
kayeandjim00 1.4 / 10
kaylajr 5.5 / 10
kelljacques 0 / 10
Kimickey 4 / 10
KimRaye 8.5 / 12
LAinSEA 3 / 4
Laurajean1014 0 / 20
LittleMissMickey 0 / 10
lizdotcom99 0 / 16
lovesdumbo 9.2 / 13
minniecarousel 0 / 15
mishoe01 0 / 10
mom2boys 1.5 / 12
mommyflower 1 / 6
moocow35 3 / 20
NCRedding -3 / 8
ohMom -5 / 3
PAdisMOM 0 / 16
pixiechick 5 / 10
r3ngels 1.5 / 10
robinb 4.5 / 12
sadeeyore 2 / 7
Samandmom 4 / 17
sap1227 0 / 12
sharoncity 1 / 8
Steve's Wife 13.5 / 16
Strings 4 / 7
summersfam4 3 / 8
TammyNC 0.5 / 8
thotfulspot 3.5 / 10
tiggerlover 0.8 / 3
tink71973 2 / 15
TinkerbellTracy 0 / 15
TinkerChelle 14.5 / 15
tlgoblue 4 / 8
tmfranlk 11 / 13
WDWorBUST 8 / 10
wiskband 4 / 12
wtpclc 2 / 10
yasuern 13.5 / 15
ZerasPride 8 / 16

Sky blue: participant
Red: halfway there
Blue: Goal

We are now up to 74 participants for a combined total goal of 857 pounds!

We have a lot to celebrate this week!

:jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3:

We have three challengers who have reached goal!

hlane (aka MC Hammer) joined those who have reached goal, having attained her 8 pound weight loss!
CookieGVB is well over her 15 weight loss goal!
gadizlover is pushing Onederland having gone over her 15 pound goal!

I'm sure I speak for everyone in the challenge when I wish you all sincere congratulations!!!!

:jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3:

Three challengers have claimed new clippies this week:

CookieGVB's sporting a new 20 pound clip in addition to reaching her goal
DisneyMom23Boys's got a fancy new 30 pound clip and
you've GOT to check out AprilN's 110 pound clip!

Congratulations to you all!

I'm happy to announce that the following challengers are in the red zone:
Steve's Wife

And a few are within a pound or two of goal. Keep up the good work everyone!

And as a group, we have lost a net of 303 Pounds. That's an additional 29 pounds this week!

Keep going everyone! And have a magical day!
Ooh! Me, too!

LittleMissMickey 0/10

Hopefully I'll be successful with THIS challenge! I can't wait! :cool:

Let's really get these pounds off with a "BANG!"

Thanks for setting this up, Disneygoof...I am especially motivated because I just taught my 5th graders about the Declaration of Independence...You wrote it so perfectly, maybe I ought to reteach?! j/k... I just need to reteach myself...

Ok, I'll never make th MD challenge goal, but I'll try for this one . 0/7.5. Good Luck to all.
I just love these challenges! This is just in time because the Mother's Day Challenge will be ending. This challenge will also help to keep me in line the first week of June while I'm at Disney.

My goal for the 8 week challenge is to lose 16 pounds. Wow that sounds like a lot but I believe I can do it. Thanks so much disneygoof for starting this challenge!

0/16 - here we go, onward and downard everybody and let's set "free" some of these excess pounds!!!!!
Count me in too...... and like Zeraspride- my goal is gonna be 16 lbs. as well. This will be just in time to take me to WI. for a nephews wedding! Do we check in, and how often?
I would love to start a challenge and stick with it. I started Lo Carb eating saturday so far so good. My goal for this 6 weeks will be to loose 15 pounds and be able to do my new exersize tape from beginning to end. Thanks for the wonderful ideal and it's at a great time.
I always love a challenge and I will not make my goal for Mother's day. We will just be getting back from our WDW vacation on July 4th, plus my husband and I are going on a cruise the beginning of June, so I best make my goal doable.
hmmmmm 8 weeks, well, put me down for 10 pounds because I see some weight gain on that cruise.
Eight of us already! I'm thinking the best day to check in will be Sundays as it's a Sunday to Sunday challenge, but everyone should feel free to check in whenever they're comfortable...weekly same day as they weigh in, halfway point, whenever they see a downward move on the scale, whatever.

I will probably update overall losses on Tuesdays.
All right, I'm in too. Put me down for 16 pounds, starting from my weigh-in next Tuesday. I'll have to miss the first check-in (on vacation), but I'll report in eventually - on Tuesdays, as that is my weigh-in day.

Thanks for putting this together! :D
I need something like this, so sign me up. I can't believe that the 4th is only 8+ weeks away. I have a vacation planned to WDW for 10 days and a trip to Chicago/St Louis returning on 7/4 in those 8 weeks. I am going to be conservative in my goal. I will be working to loose 8 pounds in that time frame. Good luck to everyone.
I would love to be in Onederland by July 4th. So put me down for 17 lbs. This will make me weigh 199.5 (hopefully) :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I am so excited.
Perfect! We're going on vacation in the latter part of July, so this challenge will take me most of the way there. Please put me down for 10 pounds!
What about the right to "BARE ARMS"!?!?!

I just love your spin on the Declaration! Sign me up for this challenge....darn it ~ I need to get these last stubborn 5 pounds off!
I would like to join this challenge also. I think I am finally getting over my plateau. I am going to shoot for 6 pounds. Hopefully I will do better than that, but I'm really not sure how slowly I will be losing. But I'll be happy as long as the scale keeps goin down!
Ok!!! I'm in!!!

I'm putting myself down for 10lbs (but will hope for more :) ).

Thanks for getting this started!
Put me down as 0/11!

Thanks for organizing this...I am determined to see the 160s on my scale by July 4 so the Challenge will be a great help!
me too:D

i just love the challenges they keep me motivated

now for goal HMMMMMMMMMM????

let see i guess i'll say 10 lbs but will secretly hope to go over

good luck to all

onward and downward my friends


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