Ingdirect Faqs~Do Not Post Referrals Please!

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Originally posted by mjal
(I'm the joint account holder on the children's accounts even though I referred them. Minors have to have a joint account owner. I believe that you can refer yourself for an individual account if you're not the primary account owner on the referral account.)

Did you go through your own account to set up new accounts, or were you able to set up a new account through the email link? I couldn't set up a new account through the email link.

I sent referral emails thru my INGDirectaccount to the children's email addresses. I was able to click thru the email to INGDirect. From there, I was able to open a new account with each child as the primary account holder.

I then checked the box on the lower right of the form to make it a joint account. The next page allows you to add your name as a joint account holder by using the top 3 boxes (your account #, your PIN and a 3rd question that is randomized with each log in).

By entering your account number and the correct authentication data, you can link the kids' accounts to your name. It wasn't very hard to do. I didn't even have to re-enter my personal info like birthdate and SSN because they already had it.

And yes, my own savings account was credited for the referral and the children are each $25 richer because of it!

I hope this helped, mjal. I hope you can still refer your children and open accounts for them. It does work.
My kids don't have their own email addresses (could get them one if I need to) so can I send their referal to my email address? I am confused on how to refer them.
Just bumping this up for the newbies interested in saving some money for a future trip or whatever. any questions and any one of us will be glad to answer, if you need a referral just contact one of us and if we have one we will send it out asap, just be sure to give your full name(first and last) and your email you want the link sent to.
Maryann :)
Please, do not solicit for referral or this thread will get locked. If we want to keep this thread open, we have to follow the board guidelines. If you've asked for others to contact you for referrals you might want to consider editing your posts. This is a great informational thread and I'd hate to see it closed down.
I simply was letting the newbies know that they could email or PM anyone on the board for a referral, I did not specify myself in general I did not mean to start anything, I would hate to see this thread got locked also.
Maryann :)
Originally posted by dolphincrazy
I simply was letting the newbies know that they could email or PM anyone on the board for a referral, I did not specify myself in general I did not mean to start anything, I would hate to see this thread got locked also.
Maryann :)
I think that Denise was referring to the post right after yours, which directly solicited referrals. That's against the rules on this board. Hopefully the poster will remove it. I'd hate to see the entire thread locked because of a mistake.
I agree...Gary4Jenn...please edit your thread. I am sure everyone here would love referrals but we cannot ask for them directly as it is not allowed by these boards.

I would hate to see this thread closed too as I have learned alot from it.:D
Originally posted by dolphincrazy
I simply was letting the newbies know that they could email or PM anyone on the board for a referral, I did not specify myself in general I did not mean to start anything, I would hate to see this thread got locked also.
Maryann :)

Maryann - I was referring to the post from gary4jenn, not about the thread in general. Just don't want to see it come to an end.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it if I came off snippy, I'm all for everyone getting their fair share of referrals and I wasn't sure if I could even put what I did about emailing anyone on the board for one
but, I also thought since I wasn't telling everyone to email just me that it might be okay, I hope everyone who has referrals left can get them used up.
Maryann :)

I LOVE Dolphins::yes:: :earsgirl:
Not snippy at all Maryann, I know you wouldn't want to come across that way. Just didn't want to see all your hard work on this thread come to an end. I'm sure that gary4jenn didn't realize soliciting referrals was against the rules. Thanks again for keeping it going.
I looked up ING Bank on eBay and saw people "selling" their referrals. I figured what the heck and listed one too....for a whopping penny.

Does anyone know if there is anything in the ING TOS against doing something like this? Or eBay for that matter? I don't want to get in trouble but seemed a good way to get some referral money since people seemed to have bought sometimes.
Hi AK,
I looked thru both eBay's and I N G's TOSs and could not find anything that could get you in trouble for listing. However, I did a search of the completed auctions and very few of them "sold".

Now, it is possible that the reason they never "sold" is because the sellers also put links in their auctions to request a referral without bidding.'s kind of a gray area. If it works for you, more power to you for having thought to do it.
Thanks so much for all the info! I am the newest memeber of the INGClub. Now I am making a list of the friends and family I think will sign up.

Thanks again for all the hard work that was put into this thread!!Christy
Originally posted by dolphincrazy
to refer your kids just email yourself and use their info for the account(you must do joint if they are under18)?you can use your checking account, you don't have to mail them anything unless you feel uncomfortable doing it online.
as far as I know you can't take advantage of both the $25 and the $50 you could try signing up under a referral from someone here and then signing up your hubby or child with the $50
I know you have to be a new customer for all promos.anyone else have anything to add? I may be way off.:wave2:

Am I reading this correctly? I can use my checking account to start savings accounts for my children (even though I have my checking account attached to my INGSavings account).

Originally posted by sap1227
Am I reading this correctly? I can use my checking account to start savings accounts for my children (even though I have my checking account attached to my INGSavings account).


Yep. In fact, because the interest rate at
I N G was so much better, I closed the kids' passbook accounts at my local bank, transferred the funds into my checking and then put the $$ into their I N G accounts after I made sure that the initial $1 was transferred properly.

They each got the $25 for opening thru the referral link, I got the $10 for each referral and we're all getting a better interest rate to boot!
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