International travel restrictions


DIS Veteran
Sep 26, 2017
Hello all! šŸ

For anyone contemplating booking, or re-booking WDW trips this summer and/or early fall - are you at all worried that the border won't be open in conjunction with your planned trips? I see a lot of folks whose march and April trips were cancelled due to Covid-19 re-booking for June- September, but I'm worried that while parks and hotels may be open again, international flights will not.

I was to go today but of course itā€™s canceled and I have a credit. Iā€™m waiting for things to settle to go back. I have a US passport so I think I can go now but not sure. Probably would have to quarantine getting there and back and I donā€™t want to do that.
There is a pretty good chance that international travel restrictions will be one of the last things to come down. The authorities will want to open things up but keep exposures contained to a smaller geographical area. I have no predictions about WHEN things might open up again, but I am thinking Canadians won't be travelling (for pleasure anyway) for several months yet.
I was to go today but of course itā€™s canceled and I have a credit. Iā€™m waiting for things to settle to go back. I have a US passport so I think I can go now but not sure. Probably would have to quarantine getting there and back and I donā€™t want to do that.
Do you Cdn residence? If not, you might not be let back in. That would be my concern.
Right now my next vacation is Austin in October for my wife's conference. And I'm not convinced that it's happening.
I doubt we'll be doing social distancing for that long because it'll likely be 2021 before we get a vaccine. But we'll be doing it until they determine a way to quickly identify and administer some level of treatment for the virus.

So are we going to get back to the "old" normal soon? No, perhaps never. But my hope is that the world can figure this thing out so that we can get back to a "new" normal that doesn't involve us stuck at home 99% of the time.

And also so that I can get back to having a job and stuff.
I doubt we'll be doing social distancing for that long because it'll likely be 2021 before we get a vaccine. But we'll be doing it until they determine a way to quickly identify and administer some level of treatment for the virus.

So are we going to get back to the "old" normal soon? No, perhaps never. But my hope is that the world can figure this thing out so that we can get back to a "new" normal that doesn't involve us stuck at home 99% of the time.

And also so that I can get back to having a job and stuff.
They will be opening things but you will have to keep your distance from people still. You can still relax restrictions and keep social distancing I expect parks, arenas and the border to be the last to open.
Our trip is booked for end of Nov/ beginning of Dec. I have not booked flights or have my theme park tickets yet. I am assuming that our trip will not be happening, unfortunately, and it makes me very sad! šŸ˜„
We are hoping to go next March. Our room is booked through DVC and is refundable, but I am nervous to book flights yet in case there are still travel restrictions...
Part of me is wondering if the doom and gloom from the PMs office is so people don't pre-maturely start going out into public.
I hope so. I'm of the opinion that we can't do this for that long, either. We can certainly change many things about our lives, but to be ordered home and not working is not a sustainable thing for most people for that length of time. I think we could manage until the summer at least, though. But some things will have to change after that to get people able to make money. Remember, being a contributing member of society is important for mental health, as well.
I hope so. I'm of the opinion that we can't do this for that long, either. We can certainly change many things about our lives, but to be ordered home and not working is not a sustainable thing for most people for that length of time. I think we could manage until the summer at least, though. But some things will have to change after that to get people able to make money. Remember, being a contributing member of society is important for mental health, as well.
They have said by summer some restrictions will be lifted and some jobs will come back. Parks, the border and places with large gatherings won't be open.
We had a road trip to Lake Tahoe planned for early July so we've cancelled that. We still have trips booked in late August and mid October to Florida and California and unfortunately, airfare is already booked with Westjet. So it's a wait and see right now. I'm not very hopeful that either of those trips will happen, but I'll wait for WJ to cancel so I can get it all back in my travel bank vs. paying $100 per person +fees to cancel the flights.
Part of me is wondering if the doom and gloom from the PMs office is so people don't pre-maturely start going out into public.

I totally agree. As soon as they start saying that they see light at the end of the tunnel, people will start running towards it.
Even when the border opens up, I think a big issue will be health coverage out of province until there is a vaccine or treatment. So even if we can travel, we won't be able to for a bit. Unless we want to get stuck with a huge medical bill that will wipe out everything we worked all our lives for. Maybe there will be extra "Covid-19" protection add ons. Who knows.
If you look at medical insurance now it notes about no coverage on pre-existing conditions. Would covid be able to fall under that? Or is it considered to be like the flu?
If you look at medical insurance now it notes about no coverage on pre-existing conditions. Would covid be able to fall under that? Or is it considered to be like the flu?
Not sure. Both dh and I have medical coverage in US through our work plans. But I would definately be checking to get something in writing before we put a toe in the US to confirm if we were covered or not, should we get it.
Another angle is what if you have had covid? Would you be covered for a period of time as you would have the antibodies in your system to help fight it better?

off topic - is that even a correct statement? Once you get it you are safe for a while?


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