Irritating things that happen in your house?

I think we have a similar sink, but it gets used a bit differently. The side with the slotted drain ends up being where DH crumples up his soda cans before he moves them out to the recycling can in the garage. It's rare that this side is every completely free from cans. So, the side where you are good with dishes houses empty crumpled cans for me. That leaves the other side with the garbage disposal as the only open space.
Ah, beer cans. We have a bag hanging on the back door for cans, next to it is a counter, 2 feet away. Guess where H leaves his cans? When he sees me move them into the bag, he says thanks. When he drinks out of bottles he leaves the caps on the countertop in arms distance of the garbage can (or in his pocket, I fish it out of the washer or dryer).
Ah yeah. What are crumpled up pop cans doing in the sink?? That doesn't even make any sense lol, would def. annoy me, at least dishes in a sink make sense! Sounds like a separate spot for your husband to put those cans to end up before making it to the garage would help.
The bag IS the spot, we don’t have a garage, they go from the bag to the bin. My son had to transfer to a local school for college due to some mental health challenges so I def give him more of a pass than the others. Once he actually went to the store to get what he wanted (I tell him he should’ve put it in the lust every time), but he did Venmo me.
Ah, beer cans. We have a bag hanging on the back door for cans, next to it is a counter, 2 feet away. Guess where H leaves his cans? When he sees me move them into the bag, he says thanks. When he drinks out of bottles he leaves the caps on the countertop in arms distance of the garbage can (or in his pocket, I fish it out of the washer or dryer).

I think I'd be more understanding if it were beer! 🤣 These are soda. He drinks a crazy amount of Diet Coke. It's not good for him, but it is what it is. The cans are kept separate from other recycling since he bags them and brings them in to a place that takes aluminum. I forget how much he gets back, but he usually fills several large lawn bags of cans and comes back with cash. I guess it's something he still does from his poor college student days. I just don't want the big trashcan and bags in the house, so they collect in the sink until he accumulates enough to warrant carrying them out to the can in the garage. He's bad like that with beer bottle caps too!
The bag IS the spot, we don’t have a garage, they go from the bag to the bin.
Which is unfortunately like what another poster said weaponized incompetence (and all too common in many households truth be told, happens in mine usually with the kitchen trash frustratingly enough). All I did was suggest to the PP that another spot for crushed cans than the sink to free up the space in the sink if the space in the sink is the issue for why they don't prefer the dishes to be placed in there. It would certainly bug me if there was a bunch of cans there.

FWIW my husband's grandmother uses plastic bags in lieu of trash can for her kitchen. One handle is looped around the bar stool from the kitchen peninsula and all the trash goes in there and out into her garage. I'm totally aware of how that works in households, doesn't do any good if people aren't using the bag :)
My son had to transfer to a local school for college due to some mental health challenges so I def give him more of a pass than the others. Once he actually went to the store to get what he wanted (I tell him he should’ve put it in the lust every time), but he did Venmo me.
I'm not saying people don't help someone out during rough times but even your comment here doesn't make it sound like he grocery shopped for himself, as in that was part of his responsibility, before the issues cropped up.

Neurodivergence is put in there because that may actually prevent the person from being able to know how to do that because of the way their brain intakes that information. My aunt with autism while lives on her own wouldn't be able to grocery shop herself and she's in her 70s. Not that she temporarily (or even prolonged time period) can't but that she never could, never was able to get that skill because of how her brain works. And even then there are autistic individuals who are able to shop for themselves, many likely especially these days with our attention to it.

Personally when I was doing the shopping for myself it made me pay more attention to the nutritional labels and price. Like many I grew up where name brand (to a point for me, my husband had a more extreme degree with his mom). But as I shopped on my own I was comparing the labels and finding store brand could be more nutritional (or in many cases less sodium) than name brand, often half the cost too. And I'm still and was back then a person who wasn't about getting a less tasty meal out of it. We actually prefer Twist and Shout over oreos lol. Anywho he could even pay for delivery and do an online order (which functionally is no different than any other online shopping experience and I'm guessing he has ordered something online at some point). I'm sure one off complaints from him about a missing item don't get to ya but it would suck if you're getting that more and more, you're not ultimately responsible for his groceries even if you're helping him out :flower3:
Which is unfortunately like what another poster said weaponized incompetence (and all too common in many households truth be told, happens in mine usually with the kitchen trash frustratingly enough). All I did was suggest to the PP that another spot for crushed cans than the sink to free up the space in the sink if the space in the sink is the issue for why they don't prefer the dishes to be placed in there. It would certainly bug me if there was a bunch of cans there.

FWIW my husband's grandmother uses plastic bags in lieu of trash can for her kitchen. One handle is looped around the bar stool from the kitchen peninsula and all the trash goes in there and out into her garage. I'm totally aware of how that works in households, doesn't do any good if people aren't using the bag :)

I'm not saying people don't help someone out during rough times but even your comment here doesn't make it sound like he grocery shopped for himself, as in that was part of his responsibility, before the issues cropped up.

Neurodivergence is put in there because that may actually prevent the person from being able to know how to do that because of the way their brain intakes that information. My aunt with autism while lives on her own wouldn't be able to grocery shop herself and she's in her 70s. Not that she temporarily (or even prolonged time period) can't but that she never could, never was able to get that skill because of how her brain works. And even then there are autistic individuals who are able to shop for themselves, many likely especially these days with our attention to it.

Personally when I was doing the shopping for myself it made me pay more attention to the nutritional labels and price. Like many I grew up where name brand (to a point for me, my husband had a more extreme degree with his mom). But as I shopped on my own I was comparing the labels and finding store brand could be more nutritional (or in many cases less sodium) than name brand, often half the cost too. And I'm still and was back then a person who wasn't about getting a less tasty meal out of it. We actually prefer Twist and Shout over oreos lol. Anywho he could even pay for delivery and do an online order (which functionally is no different than any other online shopping experience and I'm guessing he has ordered something online at some point). I'm sure one off complaints from him about a missing item don't get to ya but it would suck if you're getting that more and more, you're not ultimately responsible for his groceries even if you're helping him out :flower3:
I actually shop online and encourage folks to pick up my iPad, open the add, and add to the cart. He’s very health conscious, checks labels religiously (he’s a gym rat). He only shopped for himself once, and he was surprised at how much it cost (hence the Venmo request). He’s medicated and is functioning much better, full time student, works at an accounting firm 30 hours a week, at the college rec center a couple of shifts, and a soccer arena 3 of 4 times a month. I’m just praying he’s saving so he can eventually move out (his 4 siblings went away to college, and all of them have apartments.
I actually shop online and encourage folks to pick up my iPad, open the add, and add to the cart. He’s very health conscious, checks labels religiously (he’s a gym rat). He only shopped for himself once, and he was surprised at how much it cost (hence the Venmo request). He’s medicated and is functioning much better, full time student, works at an accounting firm 30 hours a week, at the college rec center a couple of shifts, and a soccer arena 3 of 4 times a month. I’m just praying he’s saving so he can eventually move out (his 4 siblings went away to college, and all of them have apartments.
Ugh I do not envy him at all trying to find an affordable enough place! but fingers crossed he can and that he's got some savings to help him out.
For the life of him, my husband can't clean up little coffee spills on the counter. Every day, I'm wiping them up and I don't drink coffee. Ugh....
To OP. "Stacking dirty dishes next to the sink. Thanks for taking them over to the sink, but would you please scrape the food off of them, throw away the napkin, and rinse the plate before stacking them, one on top of the other!"

Forget the staking in the sink or next to sink. Our dishwasher is 6 inches from the sink.... this annoys me to no end... just rinse and put in the freaking dishwasher!!! My blood pressure is going up just thinking about it.
Things that annoy me at my house:

1. When DH gets home from work he decompresses by scrolling on his phone for a half hour and then goes downstairs to exercise for an hour. DD13 hides in her room messing around on her phone. Meanwhile, I'm in the kitchen making everybody dinner, doing dishes, making sure DS5 doesn't throw himself bodily down the stairs for funsies, maybe getting a load of laundry started, taking care of the dog, etc. You know, generally going crazy. There have been moments when I shout through the house "do you people want to eat tonight? Because if so, then someone needs to get up and come help me." And they grudgingly do.....that day. Then we start the cycle over again.

2. DH leaves for work at about 5 in the morning. He gets up, gets dressed, maybe shaves, and rolls out the door 15 minutes later. I get up 45 minutes later, wake the kids up, get myself ready for work, take the dog out, feed the dog, usually feed the cat since her dish is empty and rather than just investigating why the cat is incessently meowing at him DH just hollered at her to hush as he rolled out the door, wrestle DS5 into his school clothes, get breakfasts, pack lunches, take the dog out again, maybe start a load of laundry, pull something out for dinner, and shoo everyone to the car in a panic about 1 an hour and 15 minutes later.

3. DD13 compaining that I nag her to do things.'re 13, if you don't me to nag you to brush your teeth then do it on your own. I shouldn't have to nag you by now. If you don't want me to nag you about doing anything resembling a chore than choose something off the list I posted on the fridge of all the things I do on a daily and weekly basis and just do it.

Fun times.
I know it is a blessing to have my family so these things are mostly unsaid but boy do they irk me. I clean every day because I am disabled and do not have the strength or ability to do more than light housework so the only way to keep it light is to keep it constant.... took a while to learn this.

1) Why are you putting dirty stuff on both sides of the sink? Pick one and leave the other for sink stuff like rinsing things off or room to get water into a pot, I understand the need to let a thing soak sometimes but please pick one side.

2) When the fridge is full and you see a giant open space it is not a gift from God, someone, namely me, made it a point to rearrange to make that space for a task of some kind so leave it empty or ask.

3) Pete's sakes please empty the trap on the sink side into the disposal side, just tap it for a second and run the disposal a moment.

Whew, that feels good.

I live alone but boy do I get mad at myself sometimes. 😆
There are times when I'm by myself and wonder, "Why won't anyone else do this?", then I realize it is me, I'm the anyone.


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