Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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It doesn't really seem to be about "putting family first" to me. They could do that easily in Britain, as Kate and William do. It seems to be about Meghan not wanting to live the real (sometimes boring) life of a royal, and both of them being uber-touchy about how they're portrayed in the media, which has often portrayed them well, btw. The insane level of paparazzi intrusion that plagued his mother no longer exists in Britain, so that isn't the issue. They just aren't happy that the media is sometimes critical of their choices.

When Harry made his speech saying "there was no other choice", as if he were a battered spouse fleeing an abusive marriage, I just had to shake my head. He's had a supportive family, the adulation of millions, great wealth, great goodwill, and all he has to do in return is fulfill some basic duties. He's choosing not to, because his wife isn't into it. They're turning their backs on Britain and going to live duty-free on another continent, supported lavishly by his father's millions (and probably public funds for security), while they simultaneously try to make extra millions from their new brand as modern royals.

No sympathy from me. I work for a living. They're choosing not to.

I wondered what he meant by having no choice. Why did they/he not have a choice?
Thats because Duchy Originals is in keeping with the Royal Family Brand. Its organic food, safe, non controversial, does not bring the Royal Family into disrepute. Its a very British arrangement.

Harry and Meghan on the other hand, the deals and endorsements they will likely be involved with will be the flashy, celeb, ostentatious, and Not How We Do Things Here.

That last line sums up the hilarious despair so many traditionalists are suffering...😏
A lifestyle change doesn't happen overnight for everyone especially if they are dealing with multiple issues whether they are physical and/or emotional.

You're right it doesn't. But those of us who have seen it professionally or personally, know it's frustrating, exhausting and often intrusive of other people. I get if people distance themselves from them.
I will say this. If he made the whole thing up because he didn't want to, or couldn't deal with going to the wedding, then I pity him. If that were the case he's obviously got coping issues, but who could really blame him with the type of extraordinary international and historic event it was to be? It doesn't seem like he has a lot of skills or support. Lack of coping would be the same reason he eats fast food despite his illness. It's not uncommon in cardiac patients. Someone who lives alone and doesn't cook usually doesn't all of a sudden take up shopping at Whole Foods and cooking gourmet, low fat, salt free meals. No, they often go back to what they know and are comfortable with as their way of coping, even if it's to their detriment, unless they have someone astute there with them to help them on a daily basis.

Exactly. And when people try and help over and over again, yet nothing changes, sometimes even those that love them throw their arms up and have to walk away. The change has to come from Mr. Markle. It looks like H&M tried to reach out (even looks like the ex-wife did too), but Mr. Markle did not want the help. MM released a statement that did not criticize him at all. But Thomas Markle started shooting his mouth off.
A little surprised to hear a statement from Harry. More surprised by some of what he said and how he said it. He's at least giving lip service to respect and gratitude for the Queen. For me it stands out that his father, brother and grandfather were simply lumped in with "my family". Truthfully I found the references to losing his mother at a young age and having the public rally around him a bit disingenuous and manipulative. I could be misreading it, but that was my gut reaction.

I'm not sure that making his public statement about his very personal situation should have taken place at a venue where he was invited there to support a very different cause. It's not like he had no other avenue to speak publicly without hijacking someone else's event. For all the fault that has been laid at Meghan's feet and on her head and shoulders regarding the trajectory of everything with these two since the engagement, for me this shows Harry's responsibility for at least half of the choices. Many of the recent decisions seem to be sort of an echo of his mother's very ill advised attempt to welcome and use the press with one hand while disavowing and pushing them away with the other. Something that has to be said in her favor was that she never attempted to outshine at an event where the spotlight was needed for others in great need. Makes me wonder about how and when they chose to announce Meghan was expecting, especially to the family.
I wondered what he meant by having no choice. Why did they/he not have a choice?

An article I read pointed out that the Duke and Duchess did not really get what they want. They originally suggested a hybrid arrangement: "part-time working royals." However, it sounds like that option was not acceptable to the monarchy. It sounds like the Sussexes' options were either to be full-time royals or non-working royals.

So, clearly, he did have choices... however, I think he was saying "I have decided I cannot be a full-time working royal, and someone else decided I cannot be a part-time working royal, so there are no remaining choices beyond becoming a non-working royal... and so that's what I'm doing."

EDIT: My guess is that the rule about working royals not being allowed to earn private income probably doesn't distinguish the amount of work a working royal must do, so even part-time working royals would probably not be allowed to earn outside income. (Speculation on my part.)
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Is that an exact quote? If not, they may have said something along the lines of not being able to confirm they had a patient by that name. I don’t know a lot about HIPPA but do know FERPA and that is what we have to say.
“But when reached out to the hospital for confirmation of his May 16th visit, the clinic replied that 'no such name' had ever checked into the hospital.”
“But when reached out to the hospital for confirmation of his May 16th visit, the clinic replied that 'no such name' had ever checked into the hospital.”
Shrug. That statement means nothing. He equally could have been there or not.
It’s interesting how Mr. Markle is the villain here while H&M’s stars continue to shine. ⭐

Latest word is that the two international celebrities will now be starting their own production company (the way some of their high powered friends have). They must have some pretty good people advising them, though Beyonce and Jay Z seemed a little shocked seeing Harry and Megan “pitch” themselves (Meghan’s words) to the Lion King director at the movie’s premiere. 😳 (Video at end of article.)
cabanafrau said:
Many of the recent decisions seem to be sort of an echo of his mother's very ill advised attempt to welcome and use the press with one hand while disavowing and pushing them away with the other.
An article I read pointed out that the Duke and Duchess did not really get what they want. They originally suggested a hybrid arrangement: "part-time working royals." However, it sounds like that option was not acceptable to the monarchy. It sounds like the Sussexes' options were either to be full-time royals or non-working royals.

So, clearly, he did have choices... however, I think he was saying "I have decided I cannot be a full-time working royal, and someone else decided I cannot be a part-time working royal, so there are no remaining choices beyond becoming a non-working royal... and so that's what I'm doing."

EDIT: My guess is that the rule about working royals not being allowed to earn private income probably doesn't distinguish the amount of work a working royal must do, so even part-time working royals would probably not be allowed to earn outside income. (Speculation on my part.)

So basically he wasn’t given the choice he wanted.
Where is Harry supposed to get a job that will cover his living expenses and the $1.7 million dollars in yearly security without using his name and claim to fame? Does he have any work experience other than his military service? His only "work experience" is being Prince Harry/Duke of Sussex. I personally have no issue with them creating a production company, doing voiceovers, etc. to make money. What else is he supposed to do?

I also agree with the Queen paying for his security since it's not his fault he was born Prince Harry. Security is a requirement.
Where is Harry supposed to get a job that will cover his living expenses and the $1.7 million dollars in yearly security without using his name and claim to fame? Does he have any work experience other than his military service? His only "work experience" is being Prince Harry/Duke of Sussex. I personally have no issue with them creating a production company, doing voiceovers, etc. to make money. What else is he supposed to do?

I also agree with the Queen paying for his security since it's not his fault he was born Prince Harry. Security is a requirement.

Maybe they should have thought of that first?

I agree about the security.

Wasn’t he a pretty big deal in the military? I know he did two tours in Iraq.
Maybe they should have thought of that first?

I agree about the security.

Wasn’t he a pretty big deal in the military? I know he did two tours in Iraq.

He obviously did think about it first and will be making money off his name (which I see no issue with). Seems like the Queen is ok with it too. It's the random folks on this thread and in the world that think it's a disgrace.

I think he's too much of a liability in the military. Didn't he have to be pulled from missions due to security risks? Either way the military pay would never cover his security. Can he even reenlist at his age now?
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