Is it worth the hassle to rent out just 76 points?


Always happy at Disney
DVC Platinum
Oct 1, 2000
I just sent in the final payment for our recent add-on. It comes with 76 - 2005 points that will expire on Sep. 30. My original plan was to rent out these points (and a few more if needed to complete a reservation). But I have never rented out points before and I am starting to get cold feet. Maybe I should just find a friend to give them to. Even though it would be nice to get a few dollars for the rental, I am wondering whether the time and worry involved would be worth the $760 or so I would charge. Anyone out there have experience with renting just a few points? Did you regret it?
I just sent in the final payment for our recent add-on. It comes with 76 - 2005 points that will expire on Sep. 30. My original plan was to rent out these points (and a few more if needed to complete a reservation). But I have never rented out points before and I am starting to get cold feet. Maybe I should just find a friend to give them to. Even though it would be nice to get a few dollars for the rental, I am wondering whether the time and worry involved would be worth the $760 or so I would charge. Anyone out there have experience with renting just a few points? Did you regret it?

I'll be your friend. :dance3: :banana: :banana: :banana: :dance3:
Actually, I would think that starting with something like that would be good. You already seem to be on the fence on the "is it worth it" question, calling it just "$760!" ( I know what my answer would be!) But if your risk tolerance can take it, you might as well start with an amount where you wouldn't be torn up if something bad were to happen, and if you're willing to give them away, it sounds like this could be that amount.

There are many threads here with great advice on setting protocols for renting - taking a certain % up front, establishing the contract, etc. I'd go for it unless you have some specific friend and circumstance in mind!
We just bought in January 2007 and our purchase came with 150 2006 points. I used some for a short trip in March and rented out the other 50 or so and even tranfered a few points. It really was a painless process. I did not use a written contract and had a very good experience. The money I made was put towards our 2007 dues making them much easier to swallow! It was very easy to post on the rent/trade board. If you feel more comfortable, you could always transfer your points to another member. I asked for half up front then once the ressie was confirmed and the letter mailed to the renter, I received the remaining half. I did everything through paypal. It also seems common for members to ask for a referel or reference if they have rented points before. If you need any help, feel free to send me a pm for a little encouragement.

We just went through a similiar dilema. It all revolved around a Friday night stay. If we used points it would have cost us 52 points, but the cash price for the night was $315. I was torn about whethor it was worth the hassle to rent just 32 @ $11 a point to cover the cost plus taxes. I did the post on the rent/trade board and everything went super smooth. I saved our family 20 points that will help for another trip. We did make sure we received the funds first before doing anything. I know that there is a matter of trust involved, but I didn't feel comfortable doing it any other way.
I found renting to be a relatively painless experience. It's definitely worth the $750+ you'll reap.

You added on again??!!!! Congrats!!!! I would love to know how many that makes for you.....Well, it certainly couldn't happen to a nicer person!!!

I have rented out once, and it was really easy. However, it is up to you....I'm sure you will find lots of friends who would love to take the points off your hands.


Okay, sounds like I should stop being such a chicken. I cannot transfer any of these points because they are banked (I think that is how the rules go), so once we close I will just post and hope for the best. These are kind of "distressed" points, since they will need to be used within less than 4 months and I'm thinking that there will be many resorts already filled for certain weeks and/or unit sizes. That is why I thought $10 per point would be all I should ask. I think that I will state that the person who rents needs to use all 76 (or more) to get them for that price. Doing multiple reservations for just a few points might put me over the edge on my maiden voyage into this territory!
Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. Putting the money into a kitty towards dues is a great idea!
P.S. Hi, Beca! :wave2: So glad to hear from you! Sending you a P.M.
I've often wished DVC did something with the "Make a Wish" foundation. I couple of years ago, I had an extra 10 points and I just wanted to give them to somebody. It would be nice if there was some way we could give them to DVC to be used by those children.
Okay, sounds like I should stop being such a chicken. I cannot transfer any of these points because they are banked (I think that is how the rules go), so once we close I will just post and hope for the best. These are kind of "distressed" points, since they will need to be used within less than 4 months and I'm thinking that there will be many resorts already filled for certain weeks and/or unit sizes. That is why I thought $10 per point would be all I should ask. I think that I will state that the person who rents needs to use all 76 (or more) to get them for that price. Doing multiple reservations for just a few points might put me over the edge on my maiden voyage into this territory!
Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. Putting the money into a kitty towards dues is a great idea!
P.S. Hi, Beca! :wave2: So glad to hear from you! Sending you a P.M.

I had points this year that would expire July 31 and felt as you do that the lower price was okay because I got rid of them quickly and did not have to worry about it getting closer and closer to the expiration date. The other times I have rented I have told the renting person I would change dates if there was a problem for them at any point if there was availability but that once the reservation was made it was non refundable. I did the same this time and everything went well. I replied to people who were looking for a rental and have always talked to them on the phone before going too far with the process. Make certain everything is understood on both sides and that you ask for payment in full once they have the confirmation since you are so short of time. That way if for some reason they back out you still have time to look for a new person or to try to rent the reservation you already have. Good luck - that money towards MFs for the year was a big help to me this year and well worth the small amount of time it took me - maybe an hour or hour and a half total. My renters are leaving for their trip tomorrow -
Jean - Isn't there something in one of the "Collections" or something closer to home that interests you? (I relate to your "Is it worth it" worry, LOL).

Maybe you don't want to drive that far, but points are good at the Grand on Mackinac Island.

How about a weekend at the DL Hotel? or in SanFrancisco? San Diego? New York? or D.C.? Plays! Shopping! Sightseeing! Do some browsing in your planner - maybe you can find some inexpensive airfare to pair up with those points and schedule a fun weekend somewhere. Keep the 60 day rule in mind if you want to go this route - you'd have to reserve before the end of June.

Congrats on the add on!

P.S. Hobbit Travel has some good specials to most of the places I listed - check it out!
Great idea, Carol! I will do some checking. My problem is that I have some medical stuff going on with my mom right now and that is why I am a little reluctant to schedule anything, knowing that a last minute cancellation will be a big problem. I had considered the American Club in Kohler,WI (we've stayed there before and liked it) because it is not far away. But I guess it is not part of Concierge anymore. Mackinac might be a possibility. We've also been there and liked it as well. I am a little unsure about anything that requires a plane trip. Things may be better with my mom soon, but the uncertainty now makes a decision more problematic. I never thought I would be in a position of not being able to use points. Never say never, I guess.
I've often wished DVC did something with the "Make a Wish" foundation. I couple of years ago, I had an extra 10 points and I just wanted to give them to somebody. It would be nice if there was some way we could give them to DVC to be used by those children.

Agreed! I'd love to be able to donate points to a known charity.


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