-It Takes People To Make The Dream A Reality- DCP Summer 2018 Highlights Trip Report! (COMPLETE 6/6!)

A quick update on some DCP stuff, I was able to register for housing the other day (fingers crossed for Vista Way on behalf of my wallet) and so now I'm in the final stretch before I leave for FL, only less than three weeks to go. With that in mind, I'm really gonna have to take this TR updating up a notch. Instead of three day increments, I'm dropping it down to two starting with the update following this. Potentially I might go to one, just to get this finished so it's not hanging on when I get to FL. Keep up as best you can, no issue in lagging behind, this will be finished and I promise still lots of magical days and updates on the way.

With that out of the way, let's see how this graduation celebration ended...

"You've Graduated From The DCP (again), What Are You Gonna Do Next?"
I'm Going To Disneyland!

7/24/18: I Graduated From The DLRCP!

Well, technically was already there. I had walked in and texted Kaitlyn to see what was going on with them. She told me they were in line for Matterhorn but were gonna be on and off soon then they were gonna take pics by the castle. I told them I'd be sitting at a bunch by where the Wishing Well path was and I'd meet them there.

About 10 minutes of waiting and once again updating my social media, they arrived. We headed to the Wishing Well first so the boys aside from moi could take photos of the rest of us. The girls had a few group shots while I had all solo shots. They had some roses with them that they took from the celebration so I took one to help enhance the shot.

As we ran off, I remembered to take one last shot of just my graduation ears. I think this shot about sums up my program. A picture can speak 1000 words, ya know?

We moved from there to the front of the castle. First, we wanted a group shot that I guess I kinda jumped in on? I offered to take the photo for the rest of them but they insisted so here I am being my extra self in group shots. You can't bring me anywhere tbh

And some more solo shots. I wasn't as crazy about these as the Wishing Well ones. Probably because my awful posture was more evident.

They all were then on the move to head out or go to some other places in the park I had no interest in so I said my goodnights and went back to Main Street. I had to see a special puppy on such a special night and lucky for me, he was not drawing any major crowds, perfectly happy to see me in a timely manner (I hope you know I mostly make this up because I can never remember anymore how long waiting took for each meet I had with Pluto lol)

If you couldn't tell, I told him about graduating and all that good stuff. He was all about it and I believe even turned my tassel. The bestest boy.

Then we took the much needed formal portrait...

And our usual hugs goodnight.

With the Pluto and I love fest over, I could've easily called it a night. However, my friend Sage had texted me to see if I was in the park so I went over to see her. She was working outside Pirates for the night so I went to go see her for a minute. She said it was pretty dead and just wanted to see me since we barely saw each other all summer even though we hoped to make up for only becoming close friends near the end of our first CP. She also knew I was leaving and wanted the lowdown on the night. I regaled her everything including how the DLRCP continued to out-do Disney World with the End of Program Celebrations (in retrospect, they are pretty equal since we do have a Formal AND a Graduation at Disney World, but really they should be combined. It's much more fun that way.) I also told her about my final schedule since it had come out by then and she wanted to make sure she could say goodbye. We talked for quite a bit and eventually she had to go so we said goodnight and I headed out.

So this night and day in summary:

Met Princesses
Met The Fab Four in Their Grad Gear
Partied It Up With All My CP Besties
Met Pluto At End of Night
Ate Awesome Food
Had Many A Great Photoshoot
& Much More

Yup, the perfect day. The day that was necessary to truly close out my program. One could not have days left after that but I did, which was such a privilege. To have a night as amazing as this and still have so much more program... INCREDIBLE. Let's hope the rest of it lives up to it all so far!

Until then, have a magical evening/night/day/whatever!


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Those are some awesome shots that you had taken! Seeing Sleeping Beauty's Castle really makes me want to go "home" and see Disneyland. Disneyland is my home park that I grew up going to every single week. I miss it so much!!!

I hope you get the housing that you want. When you are in FL and if you ever want to meet, let me know. If not, I'm sure you will spot me around the "red circle" on occasion. :D
This is a gorgeous picture from your graduation night! Loved the others with the rose, too :) Yay for picture props!

I had to see a special puppy on such a special night and lucky for me, he was not drawing any major crowds, perfectly happy to see me in a timely manner (I hope you know I mostly make this up because I can never remember anymore how long waiting took for each meet I had with Pluto lol)
I believe it all anyway!! LOL Cutest pics ever to end your special night!!
Those are some awesome shots that you had taken! Seeing Sleeping Beauty's Castle really makes me want to go "home" and see Disneyland. Disneyland is my home park that I grew up going to every single week. I miss it so much!!!

I feel the same way looking at those photos. I never grew up around DLR and my first time there was only a month prior to getting accepted for this program, but it really became my home in a few short months. I'm so ready to go back and see Aurora's castle with the new paint job (which looks AMAZING from what has been revealed so far).

I hope you get the housing that you want. When you are in FL and if you ever want to meet, let me know. If not, I'm sure you will spot me around the "red circle" on occasion. :D

Lol me too. Oh and most definitely. I'm not sure how much I'll be on here once I get down there, but I'll keep an eye out. Don't be afraid to say hi to me either, I promise I'm friendly. :thumbsup2

This is a gorgeous picture from your graduation night! Loved the others with the rose, too :) Yay for picture props!

Thank you! I really loved the shots I got on this night. We love a good rose to accent an image. :goodvibes

I believe it all anyway!! LOL Cutest pics ever to end your special night!!

Lmao, it's probably better that way lol And thank you! Pluto is always there to serve proper adorableness.
Great photos in front of the wishing well and castle! And of course with Pluto! Sounds like the perfect end to such an amazing day of celebrating!
Great photos in front of the wishing well and castle! And of course with Pluto! Sounds like the perfect end to such an amazing day of celebrating!

Thank you so much! It really was. Honestly, a perfect day, which were a lot more common than I ever expected on this program.
The NH Babes Meet Princesses and Pixies
Part I

7/29/18: #NHBabes

As I mentioned before, I met another CP from NH during our CP graduation, Amanda. We ended up connecting on social media after then ran into each other again when we both took a tour around the resort with Fairytale Weddings (which was AMAZING). We ended up walking back over to the parks together after since she had work and I was still planning on playing around that day. We then made plans to spend a day since we got along so well and never ran into each other before now. Today was that day!

Amanda and I both lived in Carnegie so we met up in the morning to go to the parks together. She showed me where the city bus was. I had been using the resort bus that goes all around Anaheim to Disneyland. It's a super unreliable form of transportation. One time I had to walk to work because the route was messed up due to a marathon and I couldn't catch it with no clue where the city bus was. Not a fun morning that was. Anyways, this morning she finally introduced me to this more reliable (but super sketch) form of transport. Too bad I only had a few more shifts to really use it, but now if the resort bus was making me anxious instead of sitting out in the heat I could walk over to catch this bus.

While riding the bus, I mobile ordered some Starbs. I told Amanda but she didn't want anything so she just came along while I picked up my pick-me-up.

FYI: We got up to catch the bus at like 10ish and I ended up being out until like 3am last night because my friend Sage (my good Custodial friend from my first CP) drove me home from Disneyland after she got off to give me some gifts she had for me (they were a Paint The Night paintbrush and a pin for her Disneyland Social Club since they used some of my Pixar Pier photos. I loved them both dearly!), but we also stopped at In N Out (where she bought me food and refused to let me pay her back) and then sat outside Carnegie eating them while listening to Moana (something we did a lot at the end of our first program). She wouldn't let me leave so we were there from like 1am until 3am. Nothing beats talking with friends that late though, especially when this is the second time we've had to part ways and be on opposite sides of the country. It was a wonderful send off as all would come to be. I would see her on my last night since she was working on Main Street that evening.

Back to the current day, I was a bit tired as a result of the night before so my Strawberry Acai Lemonade was NECESSARY. That in hand, I also had recently been paid so I decided I need to treat myself. The hope was I'd get the iridescent spirit jersey and the matching pair of ears, but I only was able to get the iridescent ears since the matching spirit jersey was no longer in stock. Oh well, hopefully it would be back in stock by the end of the week. *fingers crossed*

That all squared away, it was time to go into Disneyland!

Amanda loved how much fun I had with characters so that was the name of the game. We first decided to go see if Tink didn't have too long a wait. Before 1, most lines are low and that was luckily the case for Tink. For the time we did wait we were entertained by the trivia that the host laid on us. He had stumped all the other groups but not us CMs and Disney lovers. The only question he got us on was one about which foot does Cinderella lose her shoe, but Amanda actually knew the answer. (FYI: It's the right!)

After that, we were finally let in to go visit Miss Sassy Dust herself!

I actually remember most of this conversation. Tink immediately noticed Amanda's dress as being Ariel themed (it was covered in silhouettes of Ariel, Dinglehoppers, Snarfblats etc. and she also had a bow in her hair with a Dinglehopper on it) and asked if she was her favorite. I cannot remember if Amanda said yes but I believe she was. She then told us Tiana was her favorite before I could even chime in, which I never knew. She likes her because they both wear green lol Her and Peter... Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. I'd call it a great visit with Tink and Amanda got to add another character to her autograph book.

When we left, I checked the Disneyland app and saw Tiana was coming out. I said we should head to her because later on her meet on the boat can be a bit obnoxious so it's better to catch her at this time when nobody's over in Frontierland or New Orleans Square.

As luck would have it, we timed it just as she was coming out and she ended up not coming out in time for the boat so she ended up meeting beside the Mark Twain entrance so we hopped in line and were about the third group to meet her. When we were next up, her host came up to me and said, "I've seen you around before." I was a bit shocked by this, rarely do I get this since so those who "see me around" are friends. Then he said, "Yeah, I've seen your instagram. I like your photos." Taken aback again, but I thanked him. I remember his name was Pierce and I since have tried to find him and recently did. He didn't follow me, which was odd, but I realized he was beating around the bush about something or SHADOW of a bush I should say... ;)

Anyways, we only conversed shortly before we went up to say hi to Miss Tia.

She wasn't super talkative while she signed but then I asked about beignets if she had any. She said unfortunately Louis ate them all. I said I feel like Lottie would to which she reminded us she takes them just because she thinks it'll get her a man. I responded by saying I needed some and Amanda agreed. Tiana found that hilarious and said she would. I believe her and Amanda had a separate convo before we posed for the photo which... I clearly messed up, but whatevs Tiana loved us and gave us some big hugs. Then she told me, "You look familiar" to which everyone just laughed. Tiana can be so flirty sometimes.

After Tiana, we stumbled upon this cute little set-up near where the Fantasmic FPs were. I considered getting one since I got off fairly early that night, but I decided against it in the end. Anyways, back to the set-up, they had made hopscotch out of masking tape as well as had the Fantasmic button prop out to take photos with. Amanda and I took advantage of both.

I wish I had photos of us in the hop scotch but alas we were having too much fun. We noticed at that point that BTMRR was re-opened. I probably noticed this at an earlier date but we both hadn't ridden in awhile so we decided to see how FPs were. They weren't going fast so we snatched some up for rather soon-ish FPs. In the mean time, I suggested we go see Moana since she was out and her line probably wouldn't be too long.

As expected, we basically walked up to her.

I really don't remember what happened but that first photo is one of my favorites ever. I'm guessing she was getting upset about Hei Hei. She's usually always stressed out about him.

We timed her meet perfectly as it was just about time for our FP so we ran back over to Big Thunder to redeem our FPs.

And yes, we did make sure to do the Goat trick. I mean, did you actually ride Big Thunder if you didn't?

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The NH Babes Meet Princesses and Pixies
Part II

7/29/18: #NHBabes

From there, we decided we had to go see the main girls in the Hall especially since Ariel was there and Amanda was all decked out specifically for her. We hadn't hit crazy hours yet so the timing was perfect and we weren't waiting for a half hour to go meet the faves.

First up was Cindy!

She was the most adorable ever today. She loved my ears and Amanda's dress. She said we'd be perfect for going to the ball with all that sparkle. She said the Fairy Godmother should whip me up an outfit to match the ears. It was so sweet.

Next up would be our fave merms, Ariel!

She was so bubbly as always and happy to see me again. She loved Amanda's dress and said she could tell we were both using the Dinglehopper then she asked about our fin colors to which she compared the colors we chose to her sisters. Then for the photo she had us show off our human legs (again). The absolute sweetest quirky princess. After I broke the news to her about me leaving rather soon...

She was very sad especially when I told her we couldn't swim together over where I was going but she was more than happy to have fun on human legs. You know how much she loves hers. It was a sad way to end a fun meet but we made the human legs plans so it's all good.

Last, but certainly not least, was the OG, Miss Snow White!

She was very fun and was loving the fact we all had matching bows. Snow is very proud of her bows so she loves to know that everyone else is wearing them too. And we all had such different colorful ones. She said Amanda must get one for Ariel, which we said we so would and that Ariel seemed interested in one. Granted she was confused by why the Dinglehopper wasn't separated from her hair to brush through with. The host was the one who came up with the idea to show off our bows which was awkward posing since we were all so close to each other and I could've easily elbowed Snow but we made it work and it looked cute... I guess?

We said good day to Snow and were back out in Fantasy Faire. However we weren't leaving. Not quite yet. We had some ruffians to deal with...

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She wouldn't let me leave so we were there from like 1am until 3am. Nothing beats talking with friends that late though, especially when this is the second time we've had to part ways and be on opposite sides of the country. It was a wonderful send off
Oh, this is so sweet! I remember having a late night just like this with my very best friend the last night before I left for college. Glad you had this time with your friend!

I love the expressions on your faces!! :)
Oh, this is so sweet! I remember having a late night just like this with my very best friend the last night before I left for college. Glad you had this time with your friend!

They are my absolute favorite type of nights. It was so much stupid but special fun. It's what I live for, even more than nights spent in a Disney park sometimes.

I love the expressions on your faces!! :)

Candid moments bring out the best haha

Sounds like such a fun day with Amanda! All your character photos are so cute!

It was and thank you! :)
Oof! I had some serious catching up to do! Glad to be back though, and to hear all about your adventures! I may be more of a lurker than a commenter for the next little while since I'm busy with my summer internship (I'm sure you know exactly how it feels to be up to your eyeballs in school stuff!) But I'll do my best to keep up :) I loved your photo tour :lovestruc You shared some really fabulous pictures! And your graduation seemed like a pretty serious event! Congrats :) Did you say you're doing custodial again this summer? I'll keep an eye out for you in August! And I'll definitely put in a good word/compliment for you if we run into you! :goodvibes
Oof! I had some serious catching up to do! Glad to be back though, and to hear all about your adventures! I may be more of a lurker than a commenter for the next little while since I'm busy with my summer internship (I'm sure you know exactly how it feels to be up to your eyeballs in school stuff!) But I'll do my best to keep up :)

Glad to have you back and that's totally fine. It'll probably be done soon enough anyways so you won't have to keep up with much. Best of luck with all your school stuff, so glad to be free of that. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and the freedom is sweet lol

I loved your photo tour :lovestruc You shared some really fabulous pictures! And your graduation seemed like a pretty serious event! Congrats :)

Thank you! I always try to take the time I need to get really cool shots. And it was a really fun event. It's probably the reason why I didn't feel it necessary to go to my own college commencement lol thank you!

Did you say you're doing custodial again this summer? I'll keep an eye out for you in August! And I'll definitely put in a good word/compliment for you if we run into you! :goodvibes

I'm actually gonna be in Merchandise this time around and I'll be doing that through January so definitely say hi if you see me around in August. I love visitors :goodvibes
I was totally going to say the left....

I had to look it up again before I posted that. It's so hard to tell, not to mention, there are two Cinderella films now so... which one are we even talking about with the trivia?

Alright officially calling her that from now on

lol I look forward to hearing how Miss Tink reacts haha

DANG GURL look at them human legs. Get it.

She was serving LEGZZZ.

I am HERE for all of your princess photos. You met with so many that day!

Thank you! We really did. We were on a true mission lol
So for some reason I just realized how soon your move to Florida is! And you’ll finally get to see Pandora and Toy Story Land and Happily Ever After... so excited for you!


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