It's August! It's HOT! It Rains! Wait, Where's Mikey?

Hey.....I met Kathy!!!! In all places....Atlantic City!! Of course we went to the Disney outlet store! That was quite awhile ago. The baby is adorable!!! :goodvibes
Hey.....I met Kathy!!!! In all places....Atlantic City!! Of course we went to the Disney outlet store! That was quite awhile ago. The baby is adorable!!! :goodvibes

That's an interesting place to meet. As close as I am to the Jersey shore I neer go there. I prefer Wildwood to Atlantic City. That baby really is a cutey. I'm looking forward to seeing them in October.
I need to explain part of the title. Mikey is my buddy. I love that kid to death. He is cute, sweet, a total lovebug. He is also deathly afraid of bugs. This is somewhat interesting because he loves to stare at ants at work but if one touches him he goes into complete panic mode. He will chase butterflies all over a field til it flies towards him and then he runs, sometimes into harms way. He will go up to anybody and talk to them and they are instantly his BFF. He has no social filters. I have learned to read his cues very well and can usually tell when he is ready to run, not always. We have lost him on the beach with 4 adults checking on him. I lost him at the zoo and on the boardwalk. I have even lost him at church. :confused3 My daughter and SIL are not always good at reading his flight cues.

They lost him in EPCOT the morning we took a break. They were all in panic mode even the 2 girls. They love their brother. From what I have been told they found him within 5 minutes holding the hand of a stranger (male) looking for hins mom. When Jen found him she was scared, happy, angry - the gamut of emotions. Mikey said "Mommy I couldn't find you." Thankfully this gentleman was very kind and stayed in one spot with Mikey. But that is why the Where's Mikey? in the title. They didn't tell me right away because they knew I would have been in the car heading to WalMart to buy a leash for him. What's scarier is Mikey still doesn't understand that going up to a stranger is wrong. I have some thoughts on Mikey and really feel he may be Autistic or at least ADHD. Time will tell this year now that he's in first grade.

OK - we had a late lunch/early dinner. I'm down two cameras. It's almost 4:30 and I haven't been to a park. That was a shocking first for me. Since we didn't have PH's there was only one choice for a park. We were off to EPCOT. Mike was still having issues with his back so he stayed behind. This was the first day we had a real issue with the buses. The All Stars share a bus and Movies is last. I got in the "handicap" spot and was followed soon after by another ECV. The first bus pulled up. While there were no ECV's on it there were a few people. The driver would not accomodate us. He did say that he radioed in that they needed to get a bus over to Movies for ECV pick-ups. OK I can understand that he felt he was too crowded.

We waited, the line swelled, no bus. Mikey was getting really hard to keep entertained.

Finally we see n EPCOT bus - full. Jim and the gentleman from the other party went up to the driver to find out what was going on. She was very nice and said that she heard the call for a bus to get there. It had to come from EPCOT. OK understandable but she was at EPCOT when she heard it. :furious: The other family had an AFR at 6 PM at the Coral Reef and it was now at least 45 minutes since we got in line. Just as the driver finished the explanation the bus for us pulled up.

I know ECV's get a bad rap. We get special treatment, have special lines, etc. We have to go through most lines, the special lines can have an even longer wait, nd when it comes to transportation we sometimes have very long waits and then we are last off of the bus. My family would have been at EPCOT an hour earlier if it wasn't for me and I was not happy about that.

Finally we were loaded and on our way. Not too long and we were seeing this beautiful, dark cloud covered sight

As we entered the first words out of my mouth were "Where's Mikey?" He found a hiding spot

Jay grabbed Ella

My first ride has to be Spaceship Earth. Mikey rode with me

Ella chose the graphics

Our future

I sent the postcards home when we got off



Crystal rode with Jim and Jay I believe but her face didn't make it.

That sky did not look too friendly. But we were headed to Club Cool

Now I had gotten my mother with Beverly on our trip. Last year I got my other daughter. I was given strict orders by my mom that I was not to do it to the little ones. I told Jim this, he didn't listen and gave the Beverly to them

Mikey was not happy with his Poppy, I gave him the one from China and he liked that. We headed over to The Land. I didn't want to ride Soarin'. This is not on my list of rides to do, I get really sick on it. We went down to Living With the Land. Jay requested it as he really likes the ride



After The Land we went over to Finding Nemo for the kids. They really enjoyed that ride and exploring a couple of minutes. Jennifer was tired and the kids were cranky so she and Jay took them back to the resort for an early bed time. We had another early day coming up.

EPCOT had evening EMH's so Jim and I were going to stay for awhile and explore the countries. We decided to go on


That's right Journey into the Imagination. This has been my son's favorite ride since his first trip. I designed a Figment

continued in next post

When we got down to the dump shop it was crowded. The threatening clouds had opened up. It was pouring. We waited a bit and then headed back to Finding Nemo.

I took some pics


Jim and I decided to explore the tanks for a bit. We watched the dolphins and then walked around the upper level. I spent 20 or 30 minutes taking pics trying to get a good one of the sharks. I have another grandson, Jay's younger brother Kyle, who is totally obsessed with sharks. He can tell you species, where they live, all kinds of facts about them. I wanted to get a good shot for him

Found the Hidden Mickey

A ray

and the sharks


Kyle liked them. Anyway it was after nine and still raining. I have done EPCOT, I have done EPCOT in the rain, and did not really want to do that this night. I knew we had another day and figured we would see the worlds then. We did SE one more time

Then headed back to the resort. I did take this pic of Ella after SE before Jen and the kids left

When we got back to the room Jim received a phone call from our son. This was expected as he called every other day or so to let us know how the furbabies were doing. I could tell from the look on his face and the tone of his voice that something was really wrong.

I was right. When Jamie got to the house there was a notice in the door from animal control. We were accused of abandoning the animals with no food or water for the past 4 days. We had less than 24 hours to respond or they were getting a warrant, breaking in to my house and taking my babies. I cannot say in words how upset and MAD!!! I was. We knew who called and made the report. My next door neighbor moved in 2 years and took an instant dislike to us. He calls the city and complains about everything. He hates my flowers so they're weeds. He parks so close to the property line that I have 3 inches to open my car door. He yells obscenities out the window at us. Basic bullying tactics. I have no idea why he hates us as I have never said more than hello to him when he moved in. I knew he did this the second I heard it. I was really upset though. I knew That Jamie would handle it first thing in the morning but I was worried that he or my daughter would confront the little moron next door.

So with rain and threats of losing my babies to baseless accusations my day came to an end. I went to bed early and had a really restless night. On top of all that I lost my photopass plus lanyard.

Up next DAY 6 - does it get better?
Oh my, sorry you have such a terrible neighbor. That is just awful. I would want to make sure the police knew it was a false report and see if he could be charged. That makes me :furious:.

Had you taken a pic of your photopass lanyard? Does taking a pic only help retreive the pics you already had or are you able to get a new one?

Sorry you had such a bad time with the buses. Man, you really didn't have a good night.

SE and Figment is about all I see us riding in October at Epcot. Soarin' isn't a favorite, TT being down, and I don't ride the extreme side of M:S.

Looks like you still had a little fun. Love the pics!
I would have been terrified if Andrew was missing, I know what you mean about our reading our grandkids before the parents can, I am the same way with Andrew he is my buddy, always wants to sit on my lap.

I love the faces Jim and Jay are making in their SE photo. We tried to get Anna and Ben with Beverly in Club Cool but Anna actually liked Beverly, we didn't try with Andrew because he has never had soda before. Emily loves sharks and can tell you what kind and where they live, etc. I could sit and watch the Manatees forever.
Oh my, sorry you have such a terrible neighbor. That is just awful. I would want to make sure the police knew it was a false report and see if he could be charged. That makes me :furious:.

Had you taken a pic of your photopass lanyard? Does taking a pic only help retreive the pics you already had or are you able to get a new one?

Sorry you had such a bad time with the buses. Man, you really didn't have a good night.

SE and Figment is about all I see us riding in October at Epcot. Soarin' isn't a favorite, TT being down, and I don't ride the extreme side of M:S.

Looks like you still had a little fun. Love the pics!

My son did take care of it the next day. The problem is we know it was him but animal control doesn't have to tell us who it was or they just say anonymous. He now screams obsceneties out the window at me. This is all over trash cans.

I do take pics of my photopass cards and the lanyard so I did get it replaced. that will be in my report for the next day.

We did have some fun and I really tried not to let everything get to me.

I would have been terrified if Andrew was missing, I know what you mean about our reading our grandkids before the parents can, I am the same way with Andrew he is my buddy, always wants to sit on my lap.

I love the faces Jim and Jay are making in their SE photo. We tried to get Anna and Ben with Beverly in Club Cool but Anna actually liked Beverly, we didn't try with Andrew because he has never had soda before. Emily loves sharks and can tell you what kind and where they live, etc. I could sit and watch the Manatees forever.

I have watched Michael since he was 6 weeks old when my daughter wnet back to work. He sort of took over Jay's role as my best buddy. Jay is a teenager, not cool or grandmom to be your buddy til you need something.

Jim and Jay looked so bored. I laughed when I saw that. I really didn't want to get Mikey with Beverly. Jennifer I wanted to try but she had been warned by her sister. It amazes me what Kyle tells me about the sharks. He's the same age as Crystal but has Aspergers. He can't read but yet watches a show on sharks and it's all committed to memory. The manatees were asleep while we were there and roped off.

I said in Amish country and I will say it now. :rotfl2:

The pic of Ella with the Jessie hat is so cute.

We are so turned off by 'Ohanas now that Vinny has put it on the "no list".

How nice that you got to see Kathy. I can't wait till October to see her and meet Lily.

Jay does not like his photo taken it seems.

Hope you find the laynard.

That is bad about the cameras.

Okay waiting for more.

I said in Amish country and I will say it now. :rotfl2:

The pic of Ella with the Jessie hat is so cute.

We are so turned off by 'Ohanas now that Vinny has put it on the "no list".

How nice that you got to see Kathy. I can't wait till October to see her and meet Lily.

Jay does not like his photo taken it seems.

Hope you find the laynard.

That is bad about the cameras.

Okay waiting for more.

I responded to this yesterday and lost it to cyberspace.

I would love to put Mikey on a leash at times. The only problem is he gets down on all 4's and barks like a dog. :rotfl2: It's embarassing.

Ella was really cute with that hat.

I will put Ohana on the no list after this trip. Kristel likes Stitch so I'll do it for her. Unless, I can convince her to cancel and do something else.

Jay is a teenager. He gets a little ornery sometimes. I of course am a horrible grandmom and constantly try and sneak in a picture.

The lanyard will be explained soon.

I really was upset about the cameras but the waterproof one dried out and worked. I didn't even lose a picture so that was good. The Canon sadly got worse on the trip. It went to the repair shop and was fixed under warranty so all is good. :thumbsup2

More will be coming. My modem stopped working. I replaced it and then it wouldn't sync with the router. I should have that fixed tonight. I am also busy trying to finish the photopass edits as it will expire in a couple of days. Add to that watching the kids and ball games PLUS getting ready for the trip in 2 weeks and I have been busy.

It really was nice being able to see Kathy and meting that adorable baby. I'm looking forward to seeing them again in a couple of weeks.
I'm so sorry :lovestruc. Life has really been in the way for the past 2-3 months. I've been MIA for everyone's reports and have been playing catch up for 2 days now.

Let's see:

Red Roof Inn - Wow, sharing towels :rotfl:

Jim's Pluto - :rotfl:

Kids at BBB and PL - So dang cute! But Crystal and two days with all that hair gel and spray. :crazy2:

Kathy and Lily - Aww. Kathy is just glowing with pride.

Mikey running off - Very scary.

Neighbor - Blow up his house. :rotfl::rotfl: That will make the trash can episode look like child's play. :rotfl::rotfl:

Hanging in for more, great fun this report is!
I'm so sorry :lovestruc. Life has really been in the way for the past 2-3 months. I've been MIA for everyone's reports and have been playing catch up for 2 days now.

Let's see:

Red Roof Inn - Wow, sharing towels :rotfl:

Jim's Pluto - :rotfl:

Kids at BBB and PL - So dang cute! But Crystal and two days with all that hair gel and spray. :crazy2:

Kathy and Lily - Aww. Kathy is just glowing with pride.

Mikey running off - Very scary.

Neighbor - Blow up his house. :rotfl::rotfl: That will make the trash can episode look like child's play. :rotfl::rotfl:

Hanging in for more, great fun this report is!

Red Roof Inn - totally agree. The manager actually commented on Trip Adviser that I should stay there again. I don't think so.

Jim's Pluto - even he laughs at it. The man cannot draw.

BBB and PL - thanks they were cute. I think Crystal could have lasted all week with that hair. She said it was getting itchy.

Kathy really is a proud mama.

I would love to do something to the neighbor but since we share a wall blowing up the house might take mine with it. Then again I could get the house completely redone. :rotfl2: His latest antic is trying to block me in so I can't open my car door. Give me 2 inches your car gets dinged. Oh well! Jim actually will park in the driveway when I let him. An F 150 super crew pick-up is one big truck. The neighbor had to climb over seats to get in his car. :thumbsup2

I will have more coming over the weekend. I'm trying to get everything done before I go back to Disney so I can do a TR of the Ip Dips and more. Plus I love taking pics and showing them off.
Nothing is more terrifying than a missing child!!! Thank God for that kind stranger. :goodvibes But you're right.....he need to understand not all strangers are nice!!!

You certainly had a mixed day of emotions!! What a moron for a neighbor!!! :furious:
Nothing is more terrifying than a missing child!!! Thank God for that kind stranger. :goodvibes But you're right.....he need to understand not all strangers are nice!!!

You certainly had a mixed day of emotions!! What a moron for a neighbor!!! :furious:

I used to lose his mother all of the time, once in Sesame Place. But usually with her my son, who was a real brat, hid her somewhere and always knew where to find her. That man really was nice to keep him in one spot til they found Mikey or he spotted a CM. We are working on stranger danger with him but he is a slow learner. Every one is a friend he hasn't met yet.

It certainly was a mixed day motion wise. And I agree moron works for the neighbor. What I call him isn't board friendly. :rotfl2:
I cannot believe the trip is 2 weeks away. So exciting. Glad 1 camera worked for you.
I am trying to multi-task today. I'm editing my photopass pics while the site lets me do it and trying to get an update in. I will be back at my happy place in 13 days. :yay:

We are up to DAY 5

This was my last planned early day. I warned everyone the night before that we had to be up by 7 and out of the resort by 7:45. Right! I was up at 6:30 and getting coffee by 6:40. I shower fast. When I left I had at least managed to get Jim up.

I got back to the room and woke up Mikey. He then started banging on the connecting door to wake up his mother. I knew this would be a problem so I was prepared for it. I watch the kids while Jennifer works. I drive her to work. She doesn't get there on time very often. Good thing her boss loves her. We did get the girls up and dressed.

We had 8:20 ADR's and I was worried after the bus issue the night before. Crystal and I decided we would go over to the bus stop and at least get in line. As we got there a MK bus pulled away. That could be good or bad. We got into line and a very nice CM working the bus stop asked where we were going that day. Normally I would get a little sarcastic but I knew that sometimes with early ADR's you could be heading to a monorail resort also. Just as I told him MK another bus pulled up and was almost empty. YAY!! Room for the ECV. I called Jim and he said. "Look to your right!" They were just arriving. Double YAY!!!

I let the driver park the scooter. I am actually quite good at this but when I may hit a toe or two I get nervous PLUS I was worried about our ADR. We were on our way and soon seeing

Mikey got excited when he saw that and told me to take a picture. We arrived at MK about 8:20. Just in time for our ADR but we had to get me off of the bus. I told Jim to hurry ahead and get us checked in. I don't know why I did that. Jim has 2 speeds - slow and stopped - when we need to be somewhere! I took this at 8:23 so we were making good time.

I got through bag check and through the entrance with the rest of the gang. Who did I see? Jim of course. He was just ahead of us. They also changed the ADR line. It now goes in to the left not by the stroller rental. After telling the CM 2X that there was 8 of us and we were late for an ADR we got in and saw the most beautiful sight - an almost empty Main Street. I got misty. Of course it could have been my camera lens. The temperature changes are murder on the lens. Slightly off topic - I learned a trick that worked really well. Wrap the camera in a hand towel and put it in the luggage or in with clothes. It doesn't get cold from the AC and therefore the lens doesn't fog up.

Back to Main Street - I got a picture of my girls

The beautiful sight and only picture I took of the castle :faint:

We got some photopass pics that I will post if I ever get the edits done and Jim called to tell me we were being called in to eat. Where

This was another OOP meal but we were treating for this one. It's Jennifer's favorite and we knew the kids would be happy. Jay for all he can eat food and the little ones for the characters. We had an absolutely awesome server. She brought me a POT of coffee not a cup. I had caffeine. She explained the drill to Jen and Mike and Jay was already headed up for food. I wanted one thing

I love the Puffed French Toast. The characters made the rounds



The waitress brought out birthday cupcakes and cards for Jay and Crystal. He saw her coming and left the table for more food. Crystal was excited

There were some parades and the kids joined in. Ella wasn't sure she wanted to do it but she did

And we were ready to go but wait - yes we were still short a character. Piglet. The kids did not want to leave til they saw him. Then the one bad part of this meal - the "handler" skipped our table. I said something and got a look but piglet was there

We had our bill and I left the money for Jim to pay. I told him to make sure it was right because we weren't charged for the 3 kids. He told me later she said they didn't eat - Happy Birthday! I love Disney.

While they settled the bill I went back to Town Square to try and see about the photopass plus lanyard. I was amazed at how easy it was to replace it. Of course I made it easy also. I have gotten into the habit of taking pics of photopass cards. I also took a pic of the code for redemption. And for once I saved my receipt. That was all that was needed. So if you purchase the photopass plus (or any photopass) - take a picture of it, save the receipt and take a picture of the redemption code. I was on my way within 15 minutes with all of the pics on the new lanyard.

As I exited the building I got a phone call from my son. He got up early so that he could call animal control first thing in the morning. He managed to get the officer still in his office. He explained the situation with the animals to him. He basically confirmed what we already knew and said that animal control has to investigate those claims. Jamie said we understood that and would not ever do anything like that. The control officer was really nice about it and said that there was no problem at all. Case dismissed! I did cry this time. Just a tear or two but I was so relieved. The neighbor doesn't realize that the more he antagonizes Jim the bigger hole he is digging for himself. His sewer lines run onto our property. Don't ask, I think the contractor who built the houses may have been drunk. But the moron's pipes have never been repaired. We know that they will have to be since his pipes were in bad shape when we replaced ours. The neighbor back then refused to fix them since he was selling the house. What does this mean? Jim will not grant an easement to dig up our sidewalk for repairs. He will have to get all of his pipes rerouted. So what could have been an easy $3000 job will be a complicated $!0,000 to $15,000 job or more. :rotfl2: OK that was off topic but when he starts his moronic games I think of this and laugh.

Back again. I caught up with the family, or most of it, by Casey's Corner. Jennifer had run in to the emporium. Why? Mikey as I have said is very friendly and will talk to anyone. He walks away with a new friend every time. This time it paid off for him big time. He chatted with a CM for about 5 minutes. The CM asked him who his favorite character was. My Mikey picked - Perry the Platypus. The CM gave Jennifer a voucher to take Mikey into the Emporium to get him a FREE Perry hat. pixiedust: I could not believe it when I heard the story. This is what people don't get when they hear I am going to Disney again. That hat made this little boy's day. It really is a magical place. Here is Mikey in his Perry hat

OK back to the photopass edits. More updates later.
I usually love Crystal Palace especially for breakfast but we decided to eat dinner there and it was awful, the food was gross and nobody ate, the characters were good.

We decided to skip buffets after that and after dinner I ran over to city hall to cancel our Chef Mickey's :eek: and booked lunch at Akershus which is so much better.
I usually love Crystal Palace especially for breakfast but we decided to eat dinner there and it was awful, the food was gross and nobody ate, the characters were good.

We decided to skip buffets after that and after dinner I ran over to city hall to cancel our Chef Mickey's :eek: and booked lunch at Akershus which is so much better.

I'll have to check that out when Jim and I go next year. It will be just the 2 of us so I don't know if we will be out of place. I like CP for the puffed french toast but can live without it. Plus breakfasts are cheaper and money was tight for the kids.
I am couch bound for the next couple of days so any lurkers please stop by and say Hi. I would love to make some new friends or just meet some new people.

To my faithful followers I will be updating a little more over the next couple of days unless the boredom puts me to sleep. I tripped getting the kids from school yesterday and managed to get a severe ankle sprain. Of course I will be in Disney in less than 2 weeks so not a great time for this to happen.

So on with Day 5!

As I left you all hanging we had a good breakfast. My animals were in good hands and not getting seized by animal control. I had a new lanyard and Mikey had some pixie dust.

We decided to head over to

Mikey loves to pose and got Crystal to join him


We passed over into Adventureland and I spotted the Tinkerbell and friends meet and greet area. It said there was a 15 or 20 minute wait. KNowing that later in the day it would be much longer we headed in to see some Fairies. They had a stretchable Perry to help pass the time


We saw Rosetta

then Tinkerbell

Then it was off to do some rides. First the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. Ella sat with me


I managed to get a shot of Jim while he waited

Ella saw a couple of boys playing here and decided to have some fun. I'm sure it was very cooling for her as it was really hot already

Next up


Stopped here and I finally got a semi decent pic of the headhunter

Next up was Pirates. The kids really liked this ride. Of course the fact that I will break out into random choruses of Yo Ho Yo Ho a Pirates Life For Me helps. We watched it on You Tube quite a bit also. No pics here. I took them but we have all been on it. When the ride was over we spent some time in the dump shop. Mikey turned into a pirate and Mike, Jay and Mikey had sword fights and gun battles.



I noticed that we were about 20 minutes from the next Pirate Tutorial. Jim really wanted to see that so we told Jen and Mike where we would be and got a spot. In the blazing HOT sun with no shade. I am now going into a small rant. We knew where the rope would be. I got a spot in the center of the area and had the stroller next to me so the kids would have room. Within the few minutes it took them to meet us several families came and sat on the stage. I knew they would be chased so where did they pick to sit - in front of me. When the CM came with the rope she told me to back up so the other families had room. I don't know if it was the sun and heat or what but I snapped. I refused to move. I was there first and I was fed up with being treated like I didn't exist. They moved to either side of me and forced my grandkids out of the way. Jim and Jen just moved over to the kids. Then to add to my anger the one family kept hitting me in the leg and head. I gave the mother a nasty look and basically told her to back off and control her kids. I was as nice about it as I could be but I was fed up. Then to add to my anger when Jack chose his pirates to do the sword fight both of these families had a kid chosen. I know that one of our kids might not have been picked but was really infuriated that these families were rewarded for rudeness. Mikey and Crystal did get picked at the end

They were happy and Mikey had us laughing the rest of the trip. He woould get his swords and fight with us. Then he would go "Look it's Blackbeards daughter" and he would run away. He said it with a perfect accent too. It did help me get over the incident anyway.

To be continued


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