It's my turn now! Vija's journal ~*~*Posts and Pixie dust welcome~*~*


Viva Latvia!
Feb 18, 2001
The Past

Growing up, I was always a little heavier than everyone else. Not too bad, but a bit. I was very active when I was younger and enjoyed exercise and activity. That helped keep my eating problems in check. I loved running with my dog the most. I used to be a cheerleader and in waterballet. I do remember my mom coming home from the grocery store and my 2 sisters and I would practicly sprint into the kitchen to see what treats she bought and we would "claim" our junkfood for the week.:rolleyes: Well, I still love junkfood and am working on changing that. McDonalds and potato chips are my weekness. I hope in time I can learn to love wholesome food just as much as McD's.

I can remember specific weights in my life.

The summer fo 1985 ...
I was the most fit in my life. I exercised and ate right! I was away at a camp for 6 weeks and used that time for me. I loved how I felt and I want to get back to that. I weighed 117# and I am 5' 2 1/2"

HS graduation (1986) . 125
college graduation (1990) :eek: 164
....Bad study habbits combined with bad eating habbits
Wedding day (May 25th, 1991) 172
December of 1991: 184
After the birth of my DS 1994: 199
When I got pregnant with DD in 1998: 222
...When DD was born, I cut my hours ar work and my weight up drasticly!!!
Summer of 1999: 244
winter of 2000: 260
Lost a little by November 2000: 242
Since then a steady climb to my highest: 272

That is where I am now. I have a tendancy to Yo-Yo. I do really great for 1 week, and then I am off for 2 and binge daily (hourly?) This cycle has led me to where I am. I have experienced health problems and emotional downs.


ON to the present

My present includes my DH Glenn, he is the love of my life. He is the most amazing, supportive, loving man, and I am so lucky he is in my life. My DS Charlie, he is the joy in my life. He is the sweetest boy with the most caring heart. He told me he loves me just the way I am! My DD Aleks is the sparkle in my life. She has so much energy, and is so sweet and sassy at the same time!

I also have amazing friends and family. I am very lucky for what God has bestowed on me. Jody, is a very special friend I found on WISH and I am so thankful that we have been there for each other. Recently there has been such an outpouring of love, care and concern after a post I made. I have come to consider all of you my close friends and I love you all.

On April 23rd, 2003 I made the commitment to get to where I need to go. I am so excited and proud of myself. It has taken a long time to get here and I know this time it is the real thing!

My starting weight 272
Present weight 269.4
goal weight 130

I have commited to WW and love the program. My mom now comes with me and I love that we are doing this together. I intend to stay on program and not binge ever again.

These are my present goals that I am working on:
#1 On a daily basis I will not eat after 8:00 pm.
#2 stay on program by banking points, and staying within the range.
#3 floss daily

I also have another thing, not weight related that I am working on.... We need to finish climbing out of debt and save the $ for a house. My spending habbits have to stay within budget and work on saving $ for our house.

Also I have many projects and decluttering I have to work on, that will be written about another time!

My hopes and dreams for the future are many!

My goals include losing 50# before our trip to WDW in Nov/Dec. I am motivated to get on the airplane, now I want to be able to sit comfortably in one!;) We are then going on our first family cruise and I can't wait!

I dream of the day I can skip right past the Plus section of clothing and go right to the mediums. And have MANY choices to choose from, not just what fits.

I dream of the day I can enjoy water parks, and attractions and not worry about breaking chairs when I sit in them.

I dream of the day that I will reach lifetime and I am very proud of myself. That day I imagine my DH, mom and dad and kids are with me so I can celebrate with them. They mean the world to me.

I dream of the day Jody and I get together and celebrate BOTH of our successes and reminisce about our journey and struggle!

When I reach Goal I will sign myself up for a total makeover and let them at me! I can't wait to see what happens. I would love to be on Oprah, Regis and Kelly or in Woman's World. they do amazing makeovers and that is my dream.

I dream of the day when we move into our house.

I dream of the day I decide on a new career and use my new found energy and self confidence and move on!

All of these and more ARE my future, with hard work, perseverence I WILL make it!
You sound like you are rarin to go!! I wish you the best of luck. I'm going to try to have a physical and financial cleaning as well. We are trying to get out of debt ourselves. We're on teh right path, but it can't come soon enough for me!!!

You WILL reach your goal! We're rooting for you!!!
I did great today! Friday April 25th, 2003.

Total points is 28.5
exercise points 2
Floss: done!
I watched The Energizer spring program and remember when I was there last year. Still same size. I determined that next year I will be so much closer to my goal!!! Somewhere between 75-100# loss would be what I am looking for. It is amazing how fast a year will go by, and I am done sitting on the sidelines. It is time to join the game!
Did great today!

I am finding that given the challenge from Alex, I am making it a no excuses plan. I am finding that I just have to work at figuring out what I really want and then fitting it in. Very exciting for me! This challenge has opened my eyes to the posibilities!!!

Points: 29
Exercise: 0 (working day)
Floss: done!!!
Vija -- do you realize that this is one of the first times that we've BOTH been on track at the same time! Isn't it a very liberating feeling!!!!

I love your attitude! Mine is pretty much the same right now. Sugary/ Carb Laden food is just not even tempting me right now. I know where I want to go, I know what I need to do to get there, and those foods just do not work in to my Journey -- so the heck with them!:teeth:

Keep your head held high Vija -- you are well on your 'weigh'!:)
For Sat. April 27th, 2003

Again, doing well. I have learned that I will be satisfied with veggies and dip at work when we can stop and have a break in the afternoon. In the past, I was always "starving", but that was all just in my mind, and definetely stress eating. This has been another revelation for me!

points: 29 of 29
Exercise: 0 work day
Floss. :( Have to get back and keep going on that nightly!

*** yes, Jody, I did notice that we are both "on"!!!!! I have been so happy for both of us.

I know what I need to do to get there, and those foods just do not work in to my Journey -- so the heck with them!

That is the way to think! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
Vija -- you keep writing zero for excersize on work days. I bet you get much more movement on work days than your week days. Consider picking up a pedometer and wear it to work. You might be surprised the amount of movement you get during your job. I imagine nurses are quite mobile!:D
Vija - i just wanted to pat you on the back! Your change in attitude on your new lifestyle is sooo very evident! I'm so happy for you!

I'm impressed that you made it through your weekend at work and maintained your new attitude. My DH and I often say how much harder it is at work! (good reason for me to be stay-at-home Mom;)) Each weekend will be a little easier b/c you know now that you can do it!

I might even suggest taking an allowable WW treat with you one day a weekend at work so you don't feel too deprived. But just one day so you know who's in control!!!

Here's to Alex Challenge thru Friday!!
I have been doing very well. I have kept on track with Alex's challenge and It has been an eyeopener for me. I am journaling in my book, and looking ahead to plan my day.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday all were 29 of 29 points. Monday we went hiking in the woods, and I walked around the area in the morning. I did sneak a peak on the scale and am happy with that progress. Flossing has not been consistent, so that is my one of my goals this week.

Goals as I start MY 2nd week:
Finish Alex challenge
After the challenge stay 2 point under the max, journal everything, and include exercise
Water, water, water!
Wed April 30th was 29 of 29. I am so happy that I have kept it together. it was hard at night, because I was STARVING!!! But I didn't budge.

One more day for Alex challenge.

And I had weigh in today. I am down another 4# for a total of 6.6# HURRAY!
WEIGH IN.................Weight.................Pounds lost
4/17_____________272.0_________(starting point)____(0.0)
Thursday completed. 29 of 29! I claimed my clippie for the Alex challenge. Now I am on to my own challenge. I know I can do this, looking forward to having another loss next week.
Just wondering how you are doing? How did your weekend go? Weekends are my major downfall!

Keep up the good work. You sure seem to be doing great. I hope you reach all your goals... Keep up the way you have been and you will! Your dreams will become reality!
where for art thou Vija?

don't neglect some journaling on your "off" days, that will help you to remember the affect those days have on how you feel? how what you eat affects your moods!

disney cruise.........disney cruise.........disney cruise..........

come back, we need a new challenge tomorrow!!
Vija -- all your WISH friends are here for you! Don't stop journalling sweetie! You will need these days to look back on and learn from. I know how you feel though -- we may need to get more band width to cover one post of all the food a cheat day can hold;) but record it anyway!! It will help you down the road. I'm worried about you -- I hope you'll check in soon!
Back on track! Feel good to say that.
I am working on not eating McDonalds and chips for 1 month. 1 week almost done with that challenge. This is forcing me to be creative with foods, which I like and I am having fun with it while I search for foods that are "fun" so I don't feel deprived!
1# loss this week!
Ar nakosam sesam nedelam, es sekosu staigasanas programai, un es sekosu punktiem un turesos pie planu kas ir izskaidrots gramata! Tu vari to izdarit, es tev uzticos!!!

Just made a personal commitment to me, I will share this later, for now I am just keeping it as is, sort of a contract with myself.
the only thing I got out of it was "pie" :confused:

Vija congrats on your loss this week! And your committment to avoid your trigger foods! You are such a success and inspirations!


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