"It's your thing"

Math, Science and Soccer. Pretty boring I know, but I'm putting that to good use.
Acting is definatley 'my thing'
I've been passionate about it since I was a tiny little tot :goodvibes
Once I hit High School and got to do some REALY acting, like I mean bring out my real emotions and express them through a character, I mean, it was just brilliant. I loved that feeling. I loved the passion and the drama and the adrenaline and the excitment of being on stage.
I've always worked so hard at acting, at getting my lines down, and perfecting every scene. And it's not just because I wanted to look good infront of my class or get a good mark from my teacher, it was because it was an escape from the monotony of real life and I honestly just LOVE it.

Acting is certainly my thing. And hopefully always will be, whether or not it's on a professional level.
I have no thing except issues.
I could sit all day and go through everything that i could possibly be good at and im just horrible at everything.

sometimes when i get upset or just feeling bored i sit down and write in my journal either im writing about how i feel in 3rd person view or im writing about how i feel in song lyrics.... you dont wanna knwo my songs they suck

its true i can try everyday and everynight to get somethign good accomplished and it never works....
I like building things. I am hoping to build a club house for my brother. Other than that I would say being an athlete.
i guess my "thing" would b playing guitar and flute.
Singing, acting, playing flute, writing (when i have the self control and patience) and speaking french. I wouldn't particularly say any of them are my "thing" but the combination sort of sums me up. If that even makes sense :confused3
i can pretty much figure out and at least have the rules down to any sport in a matter of like 5 , 10 mins so pretty much sports is my thing
Probably acting and performing. My parents always marvel over the fact that I'm able to get up onstage twice a year and perform in a role that is either completely not in character for me, or totally like me. I love the stage. My favorite role was Jenny in Company, I had to get extremely high. And because that's so not like me, I had to work even harder. I spent a long, long time trying to get everything exactly right. And after the show, I got more compliments than the main lead because I really put it out there. My friends were like, "Are you sure you've never been high?" Anyways, I just love performing. I'll be in a terrible mood before a show or a rehearsal, and it totally gets picked back up. So that's my thing :)
I have no talent.
I hate it when people try to back me up by saying things like
'Oh you're smart.'
That's nothing special, there are a lot of smart people. And that's a very general saying.
'Oh you're good at [volleyball, graphic design, etc]'
It's something I do in my spare time. I'm not anywhere near good.

Some of my best friends have a hard time trying to find anything. I've been looking for years for something, but nothing has come. I have no passion, I have no specific hobby, I have no talent.
Not finding something I love, is right up there on my fear list.

Maybe you should stop looking because what you are good at is probally right in front of you.


Cheerleading. Its my thing. Some people say that it is a waste of time and that I am throwing my life away by practicing everynight sometimes for 6 hours for something that is not even a sport. I hate it when people say that and they have never even done it. I pretty much live and breathe it. You all will probally notice that on some weeks I won't be on at all and that is because I get out of school at 2:50, go to the gym at 3 and don't leave until 10 or 11 because I am practicing with my team.
my "thing", it's Disney stuff. I swear, everyone comes to me for all their disney questions, and needs. really. everyone I know says that.
Nothing really.

I like to do things, but I'm not really good at any of them.
Maybe you should stop looking because what you are good at is probally right in front of you.


Cheerleading. Its my thing. Some people say that it is a waste of time and that I am throwing my life away by practicing everynight sometimes for 6 hours for something that is not even a sport. I hate it when people say that and they have never even done it. I pretty much live and breathe it. You all will probally notice that on some weeks I won't be on at all and that is because I get out of school at 2:50, go to the gym at 3 and don't leave until 10 or 11 because I am practicing with my team.

I gave up looking in about grade six.
i gues my things are reading writing, photo editing, drawing, singing acting and video games. Yes i know its alot, but still that what im best at
I really dont have anything.
First because my parents never signed me up for anything when I was little and now I dont like to try out for things because people always expect you to have background experience...:confused3


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