JAMBO! The UN-official AKL Thread ~ UPDATED(short film/pg 8 & slideshow/pg 12) Part 2

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AKLGoofy - Can't wait to see more pictures and hear more details!!! I am in awe of how you planned this wonderful celebration for your DW :worship: !!!
I would have been terribly disappointed to be moved to a 4th floor regular room if I had been paying CL prices (especially if I were told that I was being moved to accomodate another guest - don't care who he/she is! - well, maybe I wouldn't mind if it was Brad Pitt, but only if they sent him to our room to thank us for being so understanding ;) ) - and the issue of having 2 Qs instead of a King would have been disappointing also - the deluxe room is not much larger than the regular, but King rooms always give DH and I extra 'living' room to enjoy - and the combination of loosing the deluxe room space and having an extra bed would have been very noticeable.
I also spoke with a few 'very reliable' ;) CMs about DVC at AKL (which I will buy more points for the day they are available :thumbsup2 ) - anyway, I was told in June that Concierge lounge and concierge floors (maybe not all at once) would be closed for several months by the end of the year for a rehab - in fact they were already working on one 5th floor suite while we were there (retiling floors and all it looked like). I was told that the plan at this point would be for a separate DVC building with it's own savannah in the middle - was led to think that it might be opposite AKL (mirror image) - forming a full circle on Arusha Savannah. I have looked on local.live.com and there is plenty of empty land in that very spot. I do not think that they will put DVC units on any of the AKL floors - no DVC shares a building with any of the resorts they are adjacent to. AKL has become very popular and I was told that it is often 90% full on weekends throughout most of the year due in large part to FL guests. I know that I would spend many long weekends there if I lived in FL !! Anyway, no one panic - these things take years - the CR DVC rumors have been circulating for many years and they still haven't started that one- even though CMs have been confirming the plan! :smooth:
bjakmom- so it sounds like they are doing rennovations in the existing Lodge-but they are constantly having to rennovate all the hotels and life goes on...right? :scratchin (In fact, I remember reading about recent rennovations to both the WL and the Contemporary... :goodvibes

As for the DVC...my DH is working on his parents to purchase DVC shares ...lol-this could up the ante... and if they are successfully able to do it (like WL) regular Lodge quests really aren't even aware of the DVC...

Thanks for the the update...I'm sure this will be an ongoing saga... popcorn::
wendypooh said:
Hey Patricia!!!! Don't cry ~~ :grouphug:

Seriously, I may be dense here, but what would this mean, If they do change it over to a DVC place??? Can someone elaborate for those of us who don't really understand. I'm certainly hoping it doesn't mean ONLY DVC people can stay there??? Thanks

....what I am guessing is that the 'other' building yet to be constructed will be like a similar situation to WL - the WLV is a separate building next to WL, and, perhaps to draw early sales, they are changing a floor to help 'would-be' customers make up their minds more easily.....
...in the meantime....I am going to pm an 'in' that I have, to see if I can't come up with any other details..... ;)

[PS ~ LOVED the 'Brad Pitt' comment..... :lmao: ]
Love all the new pictures!

Bob sorry to hear about the room change. Sounds like the rest of the trip went well. Look forward to reading your report.

2 more months & 20 days for me!!!!!!!!!
tinknme said:
Love all the new pictures!

Bob sorry to hear about the room change. Sounds like the rest of the trip went well. Look forward to reading your report.

....Uhhhhh, what JANET said!

This looks wa-a-a-a-a-y too pretty to eat......

AKLGoofy said:
I'm hoping that as well. After Kim's comment, I tend to agree that they'll most likely keep the "original" lodge as primarily open to everyone with only the 5th floor being converted. They'll most likely make the "new" building exclusively DVC, though, I'm guessing.

Already tried to look up rates and such for a much less elaborate (and cooler) return trip in January. Darned Disney site won't let you check availability or anything for arrival beyond Dec. 30, 2006 though!

One good thing (maybe) is that for those folks that can get a chance to come to AKL for an annual trip, the whole DVC thing might be a good idea. I'm going to be looking into that myself, although I have a knee-jerk aversion to ANYthing that smells of "time share"...

Got another picture ready. The ring presentation... man, are these guys good or what?



Thanks Bob, First, that presentation is stunning!!! A very well done job!!! Not to mention the Beautiful Ring!! YOU did an excellent job there ;)

As for AKL becomming DVC ~~ It does make more sense too keep the lodge as is, perhaps except for the 5th floor. I certainly hope that is what they do. I know we'd both, but especially DH would be really upset, he sincerely enjoys the lodge, so much so, it's his first choice of places to stay now!!! (And that's saying something!!!!)
However, he's like you in the aspect that he too would NOT necessarily want to become a DVC member to stay there. He's actually looked into the DVC briefly, and it just doesn't seem to interest him. Even if it did, at the time it's not a expense we could easily take on.
Our oldest son just finished college and recently got engaged. Our middle son is a sophomore in college this year and we have a 6 year old, so, you can see that a DVC membership isn't in the cards for awhile!!!

Again, your pics are lovely and I wanted to tell you that it makes my heart smile to see how much you love your Susan ~~ you are both blessed. So, just keep on feeding us little tidbits of your trip........... :rolleyes:

Of course, I'm kidding, just anxious for the site so I can read and see it all!!!! It's almost like a great romance novel that you just cannot put down, you want to keep reading until your eyes are burning, but you've just got to turn the page!!!
PracPerfPatricia said:
Bob-great photos :) ...keep the info coming...sorry for your inconvience with your room...If he hadn't been an inconvience to you-it is kind of cool that the Morrocan Ambassador was staying at AKL... :cool1:wonder if he was just on vacation...lol and I'm glad you mentioned the rennovations/construction-better to have knowledge and decide how to handle something than to be blindsided... :sad2: ...and so ...

When I mentioned this to DH he saw how upset I was and being the far more logical of the two of us, he called the AKL :hyper2: and asked the CM who answered the phone that he had heard from a friend who just returned from AKL :wave2: that there were plans for some type of construction to take place at the Lodge. The CM asked when we were coming and then proceeded to tell DH that they would be doing renovations during the time we were going to be there but the guests would be unaware of them and they would in no way be effecting the public areas either... :rolleyes: -so what does this mean? Who knows for sure... :confused3

Kimmar-since you are going so soon... :thumbsup2 maybe you can get the inside scoop from a CM :smooth:

So Wendy thanks for your hug and I am no longer crying...I'm going on the assumption that everything is going to be ok and the Lodge will be the same lovely place it has been by the time we get there in December unless I hear otherwise. :goodvibes I have really been looking forward to staying there and I'm really pretty hopeful it will work out... pixiedust:

Hi Patricia,

I have NO doubt your trip will be amazing!!!! We go in Sept. so maybe there'll be more news by then?? I know Kimmar will get the latest scoop on her trip!!! :thumbsup2

I am hopeful and pretty confident they'll keep it as is!! I also know though, that a DVC membership is just NOT something that is feasible for us for a long while, so, I'm trying to stay positive and not get too excited about it just yet!!!
kimmar067 said:
....what I am guessing is that the 'other' building yet to be constructed will be like a similar situation to WL - the WLV is a separate building next to WL, and, perhaps to draw early sales, they are changing a floor to help 'would-be' customers make up their minds more easily.....

It sounds like this is probably exactly what is happening, if anything at all is happening. It makes the most sense.
tinknme said:
I agree ::yes::

kimmar067 said:

This looks wa-a-a-a-a-y too pretty to eat......

Not that mine had a ring, or the "inspiration" behind it, but I'll have to find my birthday slipper from Feb. and share it.......... it was gorgeous and I didn't want to eat it either!!! BUT, I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :teeth:
Well, we are back already :sad2: from our first AKL trip. The time went by so quickly.......

We had a fantastic gal helping us at check in..it appeared that our Travel Agent did everything in her power to screw with our ressies...changing names on rooms, changing room configs etc. Poor gal at the desk took her about 20 minutes to get it all straight so that each persons key opened the right door etc. But...we perservered and all was done right! Kudos to Lynda at the desk! If any of you have the opportunity to work with her, she is fantastic!!!

We used TGM's site to assist in our daily plans, and I have to say, it was great! He was right on the money as far as less busy and more busy parks and touring plans. We rarely waited more than a few minutes for any of the attractions!

The lodge was fantastic! Even DH was impressed, and he travels first class all the time, so I was glad to hear his comments!

I think I caught a glimpse of you AKL Goofy and your lovely bride coming off the fourth floor elevator one evening, she had on a white tiara, and was carrying something, but I had one or more of my teenaged daughters with me, and of course, they were totally embarrassed when I started following you down the hall...(I was going to ask if that is who you were...), so I stopped and returned to the elevator to continue on our way to the pool.

I will post some pictures when I figure out how, we had a lovely complimentary upgrade to a Savannah view, and all of us were totally thrilled, we woke each morning to giraffes and zebras outside our balcony! My daughter spent a lot of time out there reading and watching/talking to the animals.

I sure hope that this doesn't turn into a DVC, as I for one am not keen on spending all of my vacation dollars in one spot. While I love Disney, I would hate to feel obligated to return there each year, when there is so much else in the world to see! At the same time, we are totally converted, and will not be able to stay anywhere else now!

Thanks to all in this thread (took me two hours to catchup on what went on while we were there!!!) for all the help and pointers!

Now...to start planning the next one!
Hey, has anyone stayed in any of the suites at AKL? Pricing, booking, availability, etc. Thanks. This would be a birthday present and any feedback regarding the sunset safari and dinner reviews would be appreciated. We love Jiko and eat there quite often, so I thought this would be perfect.
stephwynn said:

I think I caught a glimpse of you AKL Goofy and your lovely bride coming off the fourth floor elevator one evening, she had on a white tiara, and was carrying something, but I had one or more of my teenaged daughters with me, and of course, they were totally embarrassed when I started following you down the hall...(I was going to ask if that is who you were...), so I stopped and returned to the elevator to continue on our way to the pool.

By all means you should have! Susan would have been thrilled (I'm sure it was us.... probably weren't too many folks running around AKL in a tiara last Friday :) ). We had just returned from a carriage ride after our sunset safari and she was carrying her glass slipper on the flower pillow. Once the jig was up, I told her all about you fine folks and I'm betting you're going to see at least one "thank you" from her for all your help.

Thank you everyone for your encouragement. The task of setting down in type all the things that happened, good and bad, for the entire week is daunting and it will take everything I have to make myself stick to it and complete it...

As to the "honest man" mention... thank you, and interestingly enough, Don had said something to the effect of "We can always de-smoke it" when I mentioned that they had had to move our room... but the concierge I had been speaking with got a real pained look on her face when he said that, so I didn't pursue it. Probably should have, though, for the extra space if nothing else. Of course, Susan says all things happen for a reason and I guess if we hadn't taken the 4th floor room we wouldn't have had the baby giraffe sleeping under our window nor would we have had our wonderful mousekeeper Gladys - both of which were very special for her...

I'm glad to get more info from you "vets" on the whole DVC thing. I must say, when this person used the word "gutted" in describing actions to the lodge, I probably took it as a more intense changing than many of you describe as likely. And, after reading your logic, I believe your opinions to be well-founded and agree that, in the main, the primary building will remain the same.

OK, it's off to the word processor! "It was a day that would remind you of a turkish bath as exited the airport...."

BensMom said:
Hey, has anyone stayed in any of the suites at AKL? Pricing, booking, availability, etc. Thanks. This would be a birthday present and any feedback regarding the sunset safari and dinner reviews would be appreciated. We love Jiko and eat there quite often, so I thought this would be perfect.

Can't coment on the suites, but (even though I probably SHOULD be working on my report) I wanted to take some time and say a few words on the Sunset Safari.

My first comment is "Must do". Even though there are several very good viewing areas around the grounds, there's nothing like being out there on the savannah in my opinion. The additional information you get is outstanding as the folks that "do" the safari are the ones that actually care for the animals and you get information you could not otherwise receive, I think.

We only had one other couple with us on our trip. I thought that was odd since it was 4th of July week and I knew the lodge was full. The more I think about it, though, it makes sense, particularly coupled with the comments of our "guide" as we were finishing up. She had mentioned that the Sunrise Safari had really taken off as far as attendance went, sometimes requiring two vehicles (I had thought it was limited in number but apparently not), but that the Sunset was not as well attended. Now that I have time to think about it, this would be expected because many folks are interested in seeing various fireworks at night and there are few "special" events early in the day.

In my estimation, the dinner at Jiko makes the Sunset Safari well worth not doing a fireworks viewing for one evening. Although, a sufficiently motivated group could probably just get to a good viewing spot if they hopped a cab after dinner. Our meal was great, even though as it progressed the service suffered just a little from the growing crowd. I had deliberately not made reservations there earlier in the week so as to make it special on our last evening. There was certainly a LOT more food than we could possibly have eaten, a fact that made me slightly uncomfortable as I despise waste. Indulgence is fine.... excessive consumption and waste is not. Still, I understand that they wanted to provide a wide-ranging example of a variety of dishes.

As to the safari itself... I cannot say how much I appreciated the opportunity to gain additional information about the animals we had been seeing daily around the lodge. We had just gone through the "Behind the Scenes" tour at Animal Kindom park earlier in the day and so had a very good idea about alot of the basic information (how the animals are controlled and seperated, etc.) but the specific information about the animals around the lodge was what was so interesting. The animals and their facilities are seperate from the ones in the theme park and therefor they have their own set of "stories" about things behind the scenes. To keep this short I will cite only the one example of how the wildebeasts intimidated the Ankole cattle at AKL whereas the two species have no problems in the theme park.

In general, though, if you have any real interest in a little deeper information about the animals and how they're cared for (as well as the opportunity for some great pictures), I would say you cannot miss this event. They have gotten new safari "trucks" instead of the pop-top campers they used to use and they are much more comfortable and provide a better view. Once you figure in the cost of a dinner (with wine) at Jiko, the very nice piece of statuary they give you the day before when they deliver your invitation to your room, and the picture, it's almost like you get the "safari" for free!

Geez, at this rate I'm just going to be able to cut and paste my posts instead of writing a report!

We are going to WDW in August. We are staying at AKL. My sister is also coming with us. She doesn't have any children so she has definitely more money to spend. She is staying concierge with 2 of my girls. My 2 boys are staying with my dh and me in a savannah room. She has booked a sunrise safari for them. My youngest daughter will probably not want to go what are the chances my oldest son could go instead? Is there something she can do with the boys like that. I can not upgrade to concierge because its way too expensive but she and my girls are there so I'm afraid the boys will feel left out. Any ideas?
ktink said:
Hope everyone who is leaving soon has a great trip!

Wendypooh, Congrats on your extra days. Hope to see ya if February! Does anyone know when AKL will be on Great Hotels again? :confused3

Wednesday, July 26th at 10:30am (Central). I've got it marked in my calendar so I don't forget to record it! :thumbsup2
debbiemomto4 said:
We are going to WDW in August. We are staying at AKL. My sister is also coming with us. She doesn't have any children so she has definitely more money to spend. She is staying concierge with 2 of my girls. My 2 boys are staying with my dh and me in a savannah room. She has booked a sunrise safari for them. My youngest daughter will probably not want to go what are the chances my oldest son could go instead? Is there something she can do with the boys like that. I can not upgrade to concierge because its way too expensive but she and my girls are there so I'm afraid the boys will feel left out. Any ideas?

I'm betting you can get this worked out. You're paying for the access level needed for the safari anyway (that is, your sister is) and will of course pay the $150.00 for the reservation. When your sister makes the reservations for the safari (don't wait until you get there, have her call or email Don, Jaunita or Sue in the AKL IPO at: WDW.AKLodge.Concierge@disney.com), have her explain the situation and see if there isn't something they can do.

debbiemomto4 said:
We are going to WDW in August. We are staying at AKL. My sister is also coming with us. She doesn't have any children so she has definitely more money to spend. She is staying concierge with 2 of my girls. My 2 boys are staying with my dh and me in a savannah room. She has booked a sunrise safari for them. My youngest daughter will probably not want to go what are the chances my oldest son could go instead? Is there something she can do with the boys like that. I can not upgrade to concierge because its way too expensive but she and my girls are there so I'm afraid the boys will feel left out. Any ideas?

...why not call AKL direct and ask if your two children could be 'switched' so that your son could go instead..... :confused3
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