Jamie's Journal (comments welcome please!)

lovinaz said:
Oooh, I think I will have to try that string cheese wrapped in turkey w/mustard! That sounds good!

I'm glad you liked the Splenda. I just had some strawberries w/Splenda with my lunch - yum!

Did you start your alternating workout schedule? If so, how is that working for you? I did elliptical yesterday and am doing Pilates/weights today, then elliptical Wed & Thu, Pilates/weights on Fri. That's the plan anyway :teeth: You are doing so good on your eating and exercising, keep it up! Aren't you getting sick of turkey hot dogs yet? Hee hee ;)

Hi Amy!

The turkey, cheese and mustard is great. Believe it or not, I got the idea from the reality TV shoe The Biggest Loser! I found the website a while back and started looking at the things that they were eating. Not too much that I would eat, but I like this one!

I did alternate my workout so far. Monday I did the elliptical and yesterday I did weights for 20 minutes. I did the elliptical today and I think I will do the weights again tomorrow.

Hot dogs....never get sick of them. I don't know why, I just love them!
Thanks for the kind words! They really mean a lot.

Well today is weigh day.....Although I was running so late this morning that I didn't have time to get on the scale. And I kinda forgot! So I am going to do it tonight. Not a great idea, but I hope it works.

So yesterday was another good day I think. I am pretty darn proud of myself! I decided that I was going to do weights rather than the elliptical. So I did that for 20 minutes. Boy am I paying for that today! Oh well, it is for a good cause right!


B at 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S at 8:30 1 peach with Splenda - YUM
L at 12:00 turkey and cheese sandwich with 1/2 cup sliced strawberries with Splenda (Can you tell I am really liking the Splenda?!)
S at 3:00 1 stick of string cheese
D 2 slices of cheese pizza. DH didn't want to cook and neither did I, and it was 2 for Tuesdays! So he wanted pizza. And believe it or not, I was not hungry after two. That is a good sign right!!!

I got in about 64 oz of water. I tend to drink more when I am at home. Not really sure why!

Well I have to get back to work...hope everyone is having a great and healthy day!
Hi Jamie - I am so glad you like the Splenda. Isn't it amazing that just a few little granules can sweeten something up so much? I love it!!!

Wow, only 2 pieces of pizza - EXCELLENT! I have a problem with portion control on pizza and usually say I'm going to eat 2 and end up eating 3 or 4 (smaller pieces, since I make my own). But I can't do that anymore since I am on the 100 day cheat-free challenge!

I hear you about the soreness - I did my Pilates and arm weights and I am feeling it today! But it is a good pain, it means my flabby muscles are finally getting the attention they deserve!

Keep up the awesome work!! :banana:
I have not read through your whole journal but what I did read I wanted to let you know it sounds like you are doing awesome.

I did read the part about the scale. If you are thinking that your husband will want to know what you weigh then put it in a place he can't get to. I think it's wrong that he should pressure you like that but I know it's done.

Keep it up!
Hey Jamie!

Feel good about that post work out pain, you're building muscle! Especially with all the healthy food choices you are making!

Great job!
Hope you are having a good one!
Mike :goodvibes
Hi All.

Hope everyone is having a great day! Because I didn't weigh in yesterday I did it today. I only lost 1 pound. I was really hoping for more, but at any rate it is a loss and that is all that matters!

Yesterday was an alright day. I feel that I could have done better. But I can't change that so on to today.....A MUCH better day!


B at 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S at 8:30 1 peach with Splenda
L at 12:00 three small corn cheese enchillada's with 1/2 cup rice. My office ordered PF Changs and I didn't eat any of it. I am not big on chinese! They tried to get me to try a lettus wrap with chicken and that was not good. I think if the chicken was different chicken I would have liked it. But I didn't!Someone made a cake and I passed on that as well. The top had tons of chocolate frosting and I don't like chocolate. Although we had ice cream....I so wanted some. But I resisted.. :cheer2:
S skipped, I was not hungry
D 2 1/2 slices of left over cheese pizza. I don't think I should have skipped my snack. If I would have eaten it like I should have, I would have only had 2 slices! Bad me!

I only got in 32 oz of water. Not really a good day with water. I exercised for 20 minutes on the ellipitcal. I was going to go for a bike ride and well....I fell asleep on the couch. I have not done that in a while. I woke up to my furbaby licking my face...she wanted her before bed snack!

I am alone tonight for dinner so I don't know what I am going to do. DH is golfing.....Gosh I never thought that I would say that about DH!!!!

Well I hope everyone is have a great and healthy day!

Hi Jamie-YAY on your weight loss! It's the first pound of many, don't get discouraged! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Wow, you did great resisting cake (I'm with you - I love chocolate but do not like chocolate cake or ice cream - how weird am I?). I myself had a mini-victory. We had a speaker at work and they provided lunch (wraps and other goodies) and I DID NOT eat anything! Not even a chocolate chip cookie! And believe me, I kept eyeballing the one the guy next to me had. He probably got a little scared of me drooling the whole time :crazy:

And for your solo dinner tonight, make a salad or have cereal for dinner. I take it you are out of hot dogs? :)

Have a great day!
Hey Jamie!
I just wanted to say and wish you a great day!
Congrats on that one pound, each one counts!! And you resisted cake, awesome!!!
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Hope that you have a great night!
Mike :goodvibes
lovinaz said:
Hi Jamie-YAY on your weight loss! It's the first pound of many, don't get discouraged! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Wow, you did great resisting cake (I'm with you - I love chocolate but do not like chocolate cake or ice cream - how weird am I?). I myself had a mini-victory. We had a speaker at work and they provided lunch (wraps and other goodies) and I DID NOT eat anything! Not even a chocolate chip cookie! And believe me, I kept eyeballing the one the guy next to me had. He probably got a little scared of me drooling the whole time :crazy:

And for your solo dinner tonight, make a salad or have cereal for dinner. I take it you are out of hot dogs? :)

Have a great day!


Way to go on resisting the cookie! I know just how hard that really is. I am just as weird! I don't like chocolate at all, but I love chocolate chip cookies as long as they don't have too many chips in them!

I still have hot dogs, I just really didn't want to turn on the grill!!! That is one thing that I just don't like to do. I leave that to my DH!
Thanks everyone! Now before I get going I have to tell someone, my DH just does not get it! So it was about 3:00 here yesterday and my office manager came around and she was giving out ice cream sandwichs. The company bought them for the corporate office. So she set one on my desk and I told her I didn't really want one, but thanks. She made a big deal out of it so I took it. She is the type that is loud and rude, "it's not that bad for you. One won't kill you" Mind you no one here knows that I am trying to lose weight. That would just be bad! Anywho, one of my team members was out and he didn't get it. I gave him mine and went to the kitchen to get my string cheese, turkey and mustard!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Oh I was so proud of myself!

Now on the how I did yesterday. I think all in all it was a great day. I think what made it better, was giving up the ice cream. I love ice cream!!!!!
I did get on the bowflex yesterday morning for 20 minutes. I was not near as sore as before. Still a little but not bad! I didn't do great on the water. I only got in 48 oz. But at least it was something!

B at 5:30 two waffles, no butter, 1/4 tbps syrup
S at 8:30 1 peach with Splenda
L at 12:00 turkey and cheese sandwich with 1/2 cup strawberries with Splenda.
S string cheese wrapped in mustard and turkey
D I was solo and I didn't really know what to do. SO I made a few slices of turkey bacon with 1 scrambled egg. Not the best, but it was good!

I was going to take the dogs for a walk, but the weather turned bad, so we stayed inside. I did chase Baxter around the house. That is his new game. He will hide in the kitchen and when Haley does not come looking he makes a noise and mom goes looking, then the chase is on! Silly guy!!!

Well I have to get back to work. I will try and get on over the weekend, but if I don't make it, I hope everyone has a great, healthy weekend!
Hey, just wanted to say, have a great weekend, hope its not too hot to ride, get up in the mountains!! I can just picture a ride up I-70, I drove my taxi to the top of Mt Evans one Sunday morning, business was dead. Had to dodge the mountain goats, its hard to breathe at 14,264 feet!!
:moped: :moped: :moped: :moped:
Hi Jamie!

So proud of how you handled the ice cream sandwich "gift"! Some people just do not get it sometimes. When you say "No thank you" it means "No thank you," not "Please badger me into saying yes." Sheesh! We have had way more than our share of birthday cake this past week in my office so after singing I leave. I would rather not sit in the area where the cake and fruit punch are tempting myself. The only person who questions it is our secretary who is 5 years past when she should retire and of the "Cake with everything generation!" She can easily avoided though! hehe
Again, good job resisting! That should be your sweet "dessert!", the satisfaction you helped yourself!

Have a good night!
Hi Jamie!

Congrats on passing up the ice cream sandwich! I know it must have been hard, but you did it! Way to go Jamie!!! :cheer2:

Have a healthy and happy weekend! :flower:
Jamie, Hi!!!! I wanted to say I'm just soo soo proud of you for passing up the ice cream sandwich...YOU ARE DOING THIS!!! Doesn't it feel good??? :)

be proud of yourself, think of how far you've come since DAY ONE...and you're getting there 1 lb at a time 1 step at a time!!! JUST WANTED TO SAY CONGRATS!!! :teeth:


JUST :fish: KEEP :fish: SWIMMING!!! :fish:

Jen :fish: ;)
Wow, you passed up an ice cream sandwich?!?! Great job! And if DH doesn't get it, who cares, we all get it!!! You are doing great, keep up the good work!

Great job on passing up the ice cream sand, doesn't it drive you nuts when people "force" the issue....we have a few at the office like that. Sometimes I want to scream - hey I am on a diet here...but I just do that in my head! :)

String cheese and turkey...sounds pretty good, I'll have to test that out...:)
Great job passing up the ice cream sandwich!!!! It's amazing how much people try to pressure you to eat!

If your weight loss is common knowledge and something you feel comfortable talking about, I've always found guilt to be a very effective weapon. Something along the lines of "You know I'm trying to lose weight and I am really counting your support. You wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt my progress, would you? I think I'll pass on the ice cream this time." usually gets them to pipe down!

Keep up the great work!!!
Hi everyone. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for all the kind words.

So the weekend was great I feel. I didn't cheat on anything. Except my work out Friday! I didn't do it. I woke up and felt like crap. I don't know what it was. Part of it was my allergies. So I took Friday off from exercising.


B at 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S at 8:30 1/2 cup strawberries with splenda
L at 12:00 turkey and cheese sandwich
S at 3:15 1 meduim peach with splenda
D at 7:00 2 pieces of Long John Silvers chicken, picked at my french fries. Very good considering I normally would have had 4 pieces of chicken, all my fries and some of DH fries - YIKES! But after the two pieces Friday I was not stuffed, but I was satisfied!
I got in 64 oz of water. Not the greatest, but I will take it!


B at 6:30 two waffles, no butter with 1/4 tbps syrup
S at 9:45 1 stick of sting cheese
L at 1:00 turkey and cheese sandwich
S - skipped
D 2 BBQ turkey hotdogs- what else :rotfl:
I worked out on the elliptical for 20 minutes in the morning. We are still trying to fix the sprinklers in the back yard, so I ran back and forth from the back yard to the garage again! I took the dogs for a 20 minute walk in the evening, after it cooled down. Then I went for a 45 minute bike ride. Boy I was really into exercising Saturday! It felt good though. I got in about 120 oz of water. I always has a bottle with me!


B skipped not hungry
L at 12:00 grilled cheese sandwich
S at 3:00 1/2 serving of goldfish crackers
D 2 BBQ turkey hotdog. I am bummed, I need to get more!!!!
Here is where I messed up, ready. I was craving a strawberry daquiri (?) So I made one. That is very odd for me as I don't drink. But I needed one. I was going to go for a bike ride, but I didn't. I was not drunk, far from it. I am the kind of person, that if I can taste the alchole, than I don't want it! So very little rum, but enough to prohibit a bike (no motorcycle) ride.

Well today is a new day and everything is going the way that it should. I did cheat and had two small chocolate chip cookies, we have a lady here at work that bakes and OMG....you can never pass anything that she makes up!

Well I hope everyone is having a great, healthy day! Take care
I noticed that you eat turkey hot dogs. How are they? We have switched to turkey bacon and sausage and absolutely love it. i enjoyed reading through your journal. You are very detailed. It's good to look back and see what you ate on a good day and it gets you back on track. Good job so far!!
Great job this weekend Jamie!!
Sadly for my office I used to be the "cookie person"! But good for me so the temptations here are few & far between!!

Hope that you have a great night!
Mike :flower:


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