January 2009. . . Calling all Snowbirds ~ Part V

Wow! I just logged back in for the first time in over 2 months - I can't believe this thread is still going strong! That's SO cool!!!

I'm working at planning another trip this fall, but I can only pressure my best bud so much, since it IS money. I'm so jealous that Meghan is on her way back (or nearly!), as I've been following on facebook!!!

Anyone want to go with me Sept 18-21?! ;) ;)

Hey! Welcome back! I would love to go in Sept!! or any other time! :)

I remember you were down for the marathon - can you tell me anything about the crowds at the parks then? Someone in my office is thinking about doing the marathon or half and wondered about it. TIA.
Hey! Welcome back! I would love to go in Sept!! or any other time! :)

I remember you were down for the marathon - can you tell me anything about the crowds at the parks then? Someone in my office is thinking about doing the marathon or half and wondered about it. TIA.

It was busier in 2009 than it was in 2005. It was, in fact, overrun with non-US tour groups. Generally waits were in the half hour range, with the occasional screw up on rides like Mission: Space. It's nothing like it is during the "busy" times of year, but the whole place was MUCH MUCH busier than even my 2007 trip during the cheerleading competition!!

Still, we never felt particularly rushed, though that might be because DH was post marathon. The weather this past year was COLD, whereas 2005 was in the 80s! This time, we were at the tail end of the Christmas decor, which was fun to see.

Sadly, the half for 2010 is already sold out... I was starting to work on convincing the husband to run it when I discovered that. Rats!!!

I have one weekend in August and one in September free for the potential remainder of this year (ugh not fun reasons, either), so I think September is a better time to make a trip. And i MUST go. Plus, the husband doesn't want to, so I need someone to go with me. (I can't decide when to give up pushing my friend and just book it and find someone later!!) But I WANNA GO!!!
Only you Snowbirds would understand...
DS is really getting into Star Wars ever since we saw the little show in Disney. All he talks about is going back and getting picked for the show- we tried 3X and he wasn't picked. Anyway I bought him some new Star Wars undies and I have to say there's nothing cuter than a tushy with yoda on it! He's was so excited after his bath he ran around the house in them dancing. :rotfl: I can't wait to surprise him with this trip. And this time I'm getting that boy in the show if it kills me! Maybe he can wear his lucky drawers and get picked.:lmao:

Oh,that is too cute! Our DS used to do that too, only they weren't Star Wars!!

Hmmm...let's see...we leave in about 11 hours or so. I actually wasn't keeping track!! :rotfl: Tony will be bringing his laptop, but we're not paying $9.95 for a 24 hour period of wireless internet. That's just ridiculous. So, I won't be able to check-in with all of you, but I'll be writing a TR!

HAVE FUN!!!! I'm so jealous!! :)

I'm working at planning another trip this fall, but I can only pressure my best bud so much, since it IS money. I'm so jealous that Meghan is on her way back (or nearly!), as I've been following on facebook!!!

Oooh - I forgot we had a facebook page!! I need to look for that - what's the page name? I'm a facebook newbie - my niece talked me into joining just recently, so I'm still learning LOTS!!
How is everyone today? I got some great news today!! My little sister's BFF got the results back from her test, and she does not have pre-eclampsia!!:banana::banana::banana: I was so excited when I got the news. When I had my oldest son I had pre-eclampsia and had to have him at 32 weeks by emergency c-section.
that's awesome for your pregnant friend!!! I am happy for her!!
My son is on his way home today from church camp. He had a great time...I am glad because we left our old church recently and have only been visiting this church for a short while. He didn't know any of the kids extremely well, but he hit if off with a couple of the boys, so I was wondering how he would do. But, being a people lover like his daddy, I figured he would be okay!!!

Man ya'll, it is soooooo bloomin' hot down here. We are breaking records with the heat/heat index. like 107 and it ain't even July yet!!!! I am roasting. I think I am gonna go ahead and fill out passport papers...see if I can convince Mike that we HAVE to go to Canada when it gets August!!!! WOW!! You northern people have my envy right now. I know ya'll get 'warm' but man... You would think I am acclimated to it---i've been here all my life... but geesh! I am not coping very well. Already had one day this week in the bed with a headache just from the heat! The kids are even draggy. Okay, well, that's my whine for the week!!! Hope you all have an awesome weekend---pray for us to get some rain!! We have been a pretty good while without any--our yards are pretty much burnt up! I could water it...but I hate to spend that kinda $$$on grass that always comes back!
[COLOR="Green" Man ya'll, it is soooooo bloomin' hot down here. We are breaking records with the heat/heat index. like 107 and it ain't even July yet!!!! I am roasting. I think I am gonna go ahead and fill out passport papers...see if I can convince Mike that we HAVE to go to Canada when it gets August!!!! WOW!! You northern people have my envy right now. I know ya'll get 'warm' but man... You would think I am acclimated to it---i've been here all my life... but geesh! I am not coping very well. Already had one day this week in the bed with a headache just from the heat! The kids are even draggy. Okay, well, that's my whine for the week!!! Hope you all have an awesome weekend---pray for us to get some rain!! We have been a pretty good while without any--our yards are pretty much burnt up! I could water it...but I hate to spend that kinda $$$on grass that always comes back![/COLOR]

We had a heat index near 100 yesterday, so we get it occasionally here in Michigan!! I haaaaate it. Hee!

The heat broke with some amazing storms last night and I'm pretty grateful, especially since I had knee surgery this morning. It's nicer to recover without that kind of heat!!
We had a heat index near 100 yesterday, so we get it occasionally here in Michigan!! I haaaaate it. Hee!

The heat broke with some amazing storms last night and I'm pretty grateful, especially since I had knee surgery this morning. It's nicer to recover without that kind of heat!!

Poor you!!! I didn't know you were having surgery? Did you tell us, or did I just miss it?:hug: Hope you are up and at 'em soon!!! And I didn't realize that ya'll got that kind of heat there!!! Our light bills are all gonna be soooo high this summer! YIKES!:scared1:
Poor you!!! I didn't know you were having surgery? Did you tell us, or did I just miss it?:hug: Hope you are up and at 'em soon!!! And I didn't realize that ya'll got that kind of heat there!!! Our light bills are all gonna be soooo high this summer! YIKES!:scared1:

Aw, thanks!!! I hadn't mentioned it all (since I reappeared after a two month absense, I didn't think I should unload all my health woes, in the "hi i'm back guess what" and then complain). It was a minor surgery so I should be back on my feet by Monday.

We don't get that kind of heat that consistently here and I'm grateful! And we only get it for a few days maybe all summer long. Personally, I just sit on AC vent with a fan blowing on me and I get through it. Yes, the electricity bill ought to be phenomenal!!

(I wish I could blame any typos that I missed on pain meds, but, alas, all I've taken is Tylenol!)
(I wish I could blame any typos that I missed on pain meds, but, alas, all I've taken is Tylenol!)

I never notice any of my typos until I change the color and submit it--then they just jump out at me!! Sometimes I go back & fix it, sometimes I just leave it and don't worry about it! Most of the time, I am answering one of the kids when I am on here, so I am just surprised part of our conversation isnt what I submit here!!!!! I have done that a couple of times and caught it!! ha!!!
Hey guys - it's been hot here too! We've had a nice early summer, but last week it's been in the 90s. Unusual.
I'm off with my girls for a Girls only camping trip in about 1/2 hour. Sadly, we're supposed to have rain tonight and tomorrow. :( Let's hope it passes us. We're going only about 1/2 hour from home with 2 of my girlfriends and one three year old girl. It's the girls' first real camping experience - tents and all! My DH gets a whole weekend by himself at home (well he works tomorrow). The poor guy is never home alone! So he and the dog will have some quality time.

Sarbah77 -glad to hear your surger was minor! It's nice having you back around.

Shawna - normally I'd say come to MN to cool off, but this summer seems a bit warm/humid. I've heard that next week will be more like normal, which is 80 or so. Our electric bill is going to be high this month - we've had the a/c running for two weeks straight. First time we turned it on all year.

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll check back on Sunday.
Maybe Meghan will be back and report in. I hope she's having fun!!
Girl, I have been runnin that AC since March! And we'll use it till Nov..on days when a cold front has came through we might turn it on some mornings during that time, but it's mainly the AC till at least Nov/Dec. CRAZY!!!
Thanks, Sheree for the welcome back!! :D Hope you have a great weekend!! (and Shawna, too!)

So for a surgery day, it's been downright excellent. Surgery and I aren't always good friends (well, anesthesia). Today, however, an anesthesologist took time to listen to me and talk to me about anesthesia and options. It made all the difference in the world. I got an anti-nausea pill, general anesthesia administered via IV, and fewer narcotics during surgery. I feel, in comparison, like a STAR.

The overall experience was good. It helped that Jeremy and I were cheerful while waiting, rather than grumpy, so that the staff was more inclined to be cheerful. They let me wake up at my pace, checked me out, and sent me on home in good shape. Pain has been moderate, though when I took Advil (I skipped the narcotics), it faded quite a bit.

So, for expecting the worst, it came out as good as it could be.

AND THEN!! My friend made a decision and had her PTO approved, so we're going to Disney in September! YAY!!!!! We're just debating on splurging v. staying at a moderate.

*happy hobble w/crutches!*

Sarah, glad to hear you're doing well after your surgery! :flower3:

It's been "warm" here. Upper 80's for the past week, but I however LOVE the warmth. Ok maybe not the "warm" when you start sweating just thinking about going outside, but it's a heck of a lot better than -40 without the windchill.

So my sister and I have done a lot of talking lately about our big trip next summer. I think we have finally decided on something. We are going to do a Hawaiian cruise, which lasts about a week. Then spend a week in Southern California. Not "quite" as exciting as spending some time in Europe, but I'm still super excited about this! We've actually figured out that it will also be cheaper for us to do. So...YAY!

Well everyone I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Sarah, glad to hear you're doing well after your surgery! :flower3:


So my sister and I have done a lot of talking lately about our big trip next summer. I think we have finally decided on something. We are going to do a Hawaiian cruise, which lasts about a week. Then spend a week in Southern California. Not "quite" as exciting as spending some time in Europe, but I'm still super excited about this! We've actually figured out that it will also be cheaper for us to do. So...YAY!

Well everyone I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

(yes, I have nothing else to do but haunt the internet today!)

Thanks, lady! :D

I've heard mixed reviews of Hawaiian cruises, so do your research!! That said, my brother and his wife left this morning for a 2 week trip to Hawaii, not cruising. I am jealous. However, I went to Alaska and they didn't. And I'm going to Baltic Seas countries next year and... they're not (but they're invited!). Cruisecritics.com has great information and a board not dissimilar to Disboards with a lot of the same fights (like dressing for dinner - lol!).

I will, however, be completely healthy with healthy knees before I go to Hawaii I think. Knock wood, this will occur within the next year!! I'm kind of thinking if my knees are bad for Disney, I might just end up renting an electric scooter... but man, I am looking forward to my next trip!! :D
congrats to both of you for deciding and getting trips in the works!!!! I made my ressies last week, and am anxiously waiting some Disney Mail!! Nothin' like it!!! Just swam for abit with the kiddies and super daddy!!! Ready to chill out and watch some disney movies!!
Ugh... our weather makes me feel like I'm going to melt every time I go outside. It's been over 100 with a heat index of higher the last couple of days. It makes breathing difficult...
We did get a storm the other night, and it was blissfully down in the 80s. Still humid, but not bad. Unfortunately, storms aren't the best weather to be outside in, so they're difficult to enjoy. Silly lightening!
And here in the northeast, we've had the cloudiest, rainiest and coolest June since 1903! We're really ready for some :sunny:!

sarbah, so happy to hear that your knee is doing well - I hope your other health issues have resolved to your satisfaction.


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