jasonandlisa's PJ -- 9/2/07 UK Pavilion/LS -- DPS pics added!!


Mar 18, 2007
How we met
I met DF on match.com last June, just a few months after I moved down to Austin, TX from New Jersey. 2006 was certainly a crazy year for me: completely new and different location, new puppy (an adorable King Charles Spaniel named Harley), new friends in my new city, and then a new boyfriend who became my DF…

(Here’s a favorite picture of me with Harley and a new one with Harley and "his Pluto".)

Proposal(s) Story
First, there was the “bar proposal”. One night while out with a big group of friends, he leaned over towards me and asked what “the girls” were talking about. I gave him the quick synopsis: one girl was frustrated with her boyfriend of 4+ years not proposing yet. In response, DF-to-be said to me, “I’d marry you tomorrow if you’d let me.” I was shocked because he sounded serious and we had never discussed marriage, but I played it off jokingly. We had a little conversation about whether we should just run off to Vegas, whether our parents would mind us eloping so abruptly, etc. And then I just let it go. After all, a spontaneous, casual proposal in a noisy bar hardly counts, right??

Then, there was the “sleepy proposal”. A few nights after the “bar proposal”, after another late night, we were just dozing off to sleep. DF-to-be rolls over and looks at me and says, quite sincerely, “I’d marry you, if you’ll have me.” I say, just as sincerely, “Of course I’d have you.” And that was it. He didn’t say anything else. And I’m lying there thinking, “did he just propose?”, “are we engaged?” By the morning, I’d decided that that didn’t really “count” either. So then I decide that the next time I get a “casual proposal”, I’m going to pin him down and find out exactly how serious he is. ‘Cause this ambiguity is killing me :)

Finally, the “wedding proposal”. On November 12th, 2006, exactly 5 months after we first met, we were sitting at a table by ourselves at a friend’s wedding reception when another “casual proposal” popped out of DF’s mouth. This time, he wasn’t at all drunk, and he wasn’t half-asleep, and I didn’t let it drop! We continued to talk about getting married most of the night (and most of the next day, too.) Whether we wanted a wedding. When I should move in with him. How many and when we’d want children. How we’d manage our finances. And on and on. It may not have been the most “romantic” of proposals. But we’re a practical sort of couple, so it suited us just fine. So this time we were engaged, for real!

I don’t have a photo of us on the real, “wedding proposal” night, but I do have one from the first, “bar proposal” night. So I think that counts. Here it is:

Some Basics
Custom/Wishes wedding, 80-110 guests expected (and hopefully not any more than that!)
Date: Sunday, September 2nd, 2007.
Ceremony: 9am at the U.K. Pavilion, in Epcot
Reception: 9:45a-2:15p at the Living Seas

Rehearsal dinner: Hollywood Brown Derby
Wedding party : none, except for our flower girl, DF’s 3-yr-old niece

Room block: Wilderness Lodge, Coronado Springs, and All-Star Music
Registries: Macy’s, Pottery Barn, Williams Sonoma

Wedding Planner: Maxine (with floral design by Rose)
Officiant: Rev. Tim Herring
Hair & Make-up: About Face, Naomi
Photography/Videography: Disney

I’ll follow-up with the fun details in later posts! Our wedding is just 10 weeks away now!!
OMG! Your wedding is sooo close! We need you to get right on this PJ! We don't want to miss any detail!

Can't wait to hear more! Love the pics already! :thumbsup2
I just got back from mailing my invitations!! I know it’s a little early, but we’ve had some recent additions to our guest list. And since those people didn’t get the save-the-dates, I figure I should give them as much advance notice as possible...

I had no luck finding invitations that I absolutely "loved" and just settled on this one when time was running out. I ordered them from invitationlane.com and was very happy with the fast, friendly service. Although I didn’t end up ordering from these sites, finestationary.com and myjeanm.com also provided good customer service. I looked at invitationconsultants.com and liked a couple of their invitations but never got any response to a couple inquiries I made. Finally, if neither time nor money were issues, I loved the invitations I saw at www.prye.com. (And the designer, Sarah, was very friendly and quick to respond to my email even though I told her from the start I was “just looking”.)

Here are some pictures:

Not exactly my invitation, but a professional picture that shows the color and texture. You can't tell from the pictures, but the ink on both this invitation and mine is navy:


I used zazzle.com for the Disney stamp (thanks to TexasCourt for the idea!) It's Goofy, Mickey, and Donald. And I took the lazy approach of printing labels instead of writing out the addresses. Writing all the names on the inner envelopes was plenty! Plus, I figured that since I was using the (fun) Waltograph Disney font (thanks to the DISBOARD brides!), I could get away with not sticking to the official etiquette. Here’s the whole set (except for the inner and RSVP envelopes). You can't tell, but all the flowers are also in (raised) navy ink.:


On the back I used a light blue mickey head sticker/seal. I made them with the small mickey punch and some self-adhesive Epson printer paper that I just printed the solid light blue color. Here’s a picture:


Lastly, here’s the whole box with all the invites:


Included in that bunch are three “special” invitations. One to Minnie and Mickey (thanks DISBOARDS!). One to President and Mrs. Bush. I’ve heard you get a ‘congratulations’ on White House stationary. And one to Queen Elizabeth. I thought that since we are getting married in the U.K. Pavilion, it’d be neat if we get a response. I read on one website that you’ll only get a response if you’re a citizen of the U.K. but another website says they’ll respond if you’re of British “descent”. Our last names are both obviously English, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed on getting a response.
I love the mickey seal on the invites... Your wedding is so close you must be getting so excited!
I'm from the UK and did not realise you could send one to the queen!!

I'm sending you congrats from the UK!! Not quite the queen but still from the UK!!
looks like you're on a roll! makes me wish our wedding was here already , but I guess soon enough!! :goodvibes so now we need all the other juicy details - dress, flowers, food.....etc....yeah!

Michelle :cloud9:
funny proposal story....gotta love when the boys drink to much 7 you never know if they are serious or if they remember!!:lmao:
At least he remember & was serious....congrats!!!

cant wait to hear more!!!
OMG! Your wedding is sooo close! We need you to get right on this PJ! We don't want to miss any detail!

Can't wait to hear more! Love the pics already! :thumbsup2

I know! I feel like I have so much to write. I'm trying to gather up pics of all kinds of stuff right now, since I know I always love the PJs with lots of pictures.

I'm from the UK and did not realise you could send one to the queen!!

I'm sending you congrats from the UK!! Not quite the queen but still from the UK!!

Thanks for the UK congrats! Much better than those of some stuffy old queen :rotfl:

looks like you're on a roll! makes me wish our wedding was here already , but I guess soon enough!! :goodvibes so now we need all the other juicy details - dress, flowers, food.....etc....yeah!

Michelle :cloud9:

I know. It's crazy how much I have to write. I should have started this months ago!!

I love your invitations very pretty.

Thank you. I'm glad you like them!!

funny proposal story....gotta love when the boys drink to much 7 you never know if they are serious or if they remember!!:lmao:
At least he remember & was serious....congrats!!!

cant wait to hear more!!!

Thank you. He denies to this day that he was at all drunk that night. Yet he offers no explanation for why he kept "casually" proposing instead of doing the down-on-one-knee thing. Other than that, he was very traditional during our "courtship". Always opened doors (still does), insisted on paying for everything, planned lots of actual dates out to dinner, the movies, etc. And after we "became engaged", he even called my dad to officially ask for his blessing (before we told anybody we were engaged.) Guys are funny sometimes!!

Your invites are great, very creative! Congratulations for the big day!!!

Thank you. I was worried they were too plain. Guess I should have gotten help from my "disboards friends" back when I was stressing about not being able to find any I liked. Could have saved myself some unnecessary fretting!

how exciting! Its getting close!

Yep, it just hit me this past weekend how little time is actually left and that I really have to just get stuff done. Like sending away for our marriage license. Just did that yesterday. Definitely time to start checking things off the list!

I love the mickey seal on the invites... Your wedding is so close you must be getting so excited!

Thank you! I went back-and-forth on the seal, since I'm not doing a Mickey-themed wedding or anything. But my theme is shaping up to be sort of traditional with a touch of whimsy, so I think little touches like that work. Plus, I think it's more important to decide to do things just because they're fun rather than worrying too much about some overall design/theme. Guess I'd better hurry up and post details about flowers and decor and whatnot so that all of this will make sense!!
I really have no idea how I missed this planning journal:confused3 Anyway, I actually love your invites:love: I love the color scheme. As you know I'm from the UK also, I sent an invite to Mickey and Minnie and would much rather have one from them that the Queen anyday:rotfl:
You and your DF make such a good looking couple. I'll still be around on your wedding, may have to stop by Epcot and wave :wave:
Now, where are all the pics of the dress, flowers, etc, etc, hmmm???? I'm waiting...;)
Wow, I can't wait to read more!!! What else have you planned??

I really love your mickey head seals! Is the Mickey head kinda the theme of your wedding? It is mine and I am always keeping an eye out for how I can incorporate more mickeys into my wedding. And I just adore this idea!
I realize that it's more "urgent" that I post pics of the dress, ring, flowers and describe the food, entertainment, colors/theme and all the rest of it, but... I just finished loading up my car with welcome gift stuff, so that's what's on my mind at the moment. I've been having loads of stuff shipped here (in Texas) so that I could make sure everything would fit in the gift boxes. But now I've got to get it all back to my parents' house in New Jersey. They're going to drive down to Orlando from there with my dress and all the welcome gifts. I just packed everything I have into those Force Flex garbage bags instead of the boxes it came in, so that I could cram more into my itsy bitsy car. I have a two-seater, an Audi TT convertible. (DF says I have to get a larger, safer, more practical car after we get married, for "the kids"...but we'll see. I could be a 2-car girl...)

Anyway, back to the welcome gifts: I purchased white cardboard gift boxes and light blue shredded paper stuffing from nashvillewraps.com, and we've decorated them with royal and light blue (my colors) mickey heads. The larger, royal blue mickeys say, "Worthington Streeter Wedding" in the Disney font (I'll do something more creative/decorative with the tags closer to the wedding!):


Each one will have :
* a mini Disney photo album
(from eBay)

* silly putty
(CrayolaStore.com sells it in bulk)

* a couple Disney "tattoo" band-aids (not a whole box)

* Mini light-up fan

* 2 AA batteries (dollardays.com)

* Disney pez dispenser

* Disney gummy snack

* Lemon and lavender Herban Essentials towelettes

* a few Disney tattoos (princess and mickey & gang)

* one of three Disney "lunchbox" tins. Here's a picture of two of them. The third is below in the "group shot".

* food: box of cracker jacks, goldfish colors, Barnum's animal crackers, mini water bottle, and mini pretzel stix box.

Here's a pic of everything (except for the photo album--I'm still waiting for those to be delivered.)

And a pic of the inside of the tin:

And a few pics of all the stuff I just managed to cram into my car:

Well, that's it for the welcome gifts! Until, of course, I actually have to assemble them all in August, once I know the final head count. I'm doing one-per-person, so it'll be a lot! It's a good thing my parents have a big 'ol suv!

I'm headed out first thing tomorrow morning, so I probably won't be able to post any more "updates" for a few more days. It's a looonnngg drive! Tennessee is endless!!!! But I'll have plenty of music and Harley to keep me company. I'm looking forward to home and the beach and family & friends I haven't seen in a while!!
I really have no idea how I missed this planning journal:confused3 Anyway, I actually love your invites:love: I love the color scheme. As you know I'm from the UK also, I sent an invite to Mickey and Minnie and would much rather have one from them that the Queen anyday:rotfl:
You and your DF make such a good looking couple. I'll still be around on your wedding, may have to stop by Epcot and wave :wave:
Now, where are all the pics of the dress, flowers, etc, etc, hmmm???? I'm waiting...;)

I only just posted it, so no worries!! Thank you so much for saying you love my invites. It's so nice to get feedback from other people. I don't have any friends or family in the area, and DF's standard response is, "whatever you want, baby." Which is sweet, but not terribly helpful :)

Definitely stop by Epcot if you're still around!! It's too bad we're not getting there earlier. We'll be there starting the 30th, so if you happen to come back to WDW after then, let me know!!
Wow, I can't wait to read more!!! What else have you planned??

I really love your mickey head seals! Is the Mickey head kinda the theme of your wedding? It is mine and I am always keeping an eye out for how I can incorporate more mickeys into my wedding. And I just adore this idea!

No, we're "theme less". One request from DF: "no theme, please." Mickey heads is such a great theme, though--that'll be great for your wedding. It's very fun without being over-the-top little-kiddie. Subtle, classic Disney! Great idea!!

The seals were so easy. Do you have the large and small mickey head punches yet? You'll definitely need to get them. And then if you want colored stickers, just get some self-adhesive paper. (And a lot of ink-cartridges if you're going to be printing colored backgrounds on white paper!!)
sounds like a wonderful trip back to the Jersey shore ( where everything is alright) :goodvibes ....as long as you've got great music and Harley doesn't get car sick - wishing you a safe road trip back home!

your gift bags/boxes look fantastic, tons of fun stuff!! - it is so true, Disney just brings out the "child" in us all, doesn't it??!! :banana:



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