Jedi, Princesses and Disney Geeks...Oh My!! The Sweet Sixteen go to Disney!6-11 New

It's all in the details.

I love how Disney thinks of every last little detail. It seems like everywhere you look there is something unique and different to see. On this trip I really want to take some time to really notice all of the details. I have been collecting some things I want to look for from different posts on the DIS. Here are a few things I am going to take the time to explore:

You can see actual Pirates Of The Caribbean movie props in the pirate shop coming off the ride. They are located on the very top shelves or on the walls; they're very discreet. Ask a CM to tell you what scenes they are from and also point out the medallion and Davy Jones' key.

You get a nice nighttime view of Magic Kingdom from the top of Swiss Family Treehouse

Look closely inside the Liberty Square Christmas Shop. it's actually three separate shops with the walls opened between them. They are supposed to be owned by three different colonial families- a German family, a woodcarver's family, and a musician's family. Check out the details the next time you go! Also find the hidden park in the back of the Christmas Shop

If you're by the Haunted Mansion at night, look up at the top story right above the front door. If you watch it for a while you'll notice a light pass by it and some shadows, it looks like 2 people are walking by with a lantern.

Visit Belle's Library at France, noticed the stained glass window, purchase Beauty & the Beast and Hunchback of Notre Dame souvenirs and books.

Twining's Tea Shop modeled after William Shakespeare's home

In the fire station there are patches from almost every local fire station.

Those are just a few for now. I will post more as I come across them.
also the fire patches if you are a fireman, you can take your patch down to them and they will post it, they rotate them out all the BIL has taken his to them to display.
3 Weeks and 5 days left until we are in Disney!!

Here is an update on what we have been doing in preparation for Disney.

We had a giant 4 family yard sale this weekend. I think we all did well in making some spending/tip money for Disney. Plus my closets and garage are a lot cleaner!

One set of shirts is done!!! Maybe Jen can post pictures of the finished product.

Tim and I are going to be helping to make the Tye Dye Mickey's this weekend.

Jen and I had an awesome surprise from our DH's. They gave us each a card that had a thank you note from everyone going on our trip for planning the grand gathering. It was so sweet!:goodvibes Plus, they gave us really cute scrapbooking paper from the parks and two pins. One is a 2010 and the other is a Caribbean Beach pin. It was so nice of them! Especially, since Jen and I enjoy planning the trip.

Our travel documents are in and should be sent to us from our AAA agent soon.

I think that is about it for now. I am getting more excited!
3 weeks from today we will be in Disney!!!!!!:cool1::dance3::cheer2:

School is wrapping up for Jen and I. She ends this week and my last day is June 4.

I finished our mint matchbooks last night. I need to post a picture when I can. I also printed out our tip envelopes. I got them from the DISigns board. I did this last year for Mousekeeping and it worked great.

Here are some pictures from our 2007 trip:

Riding "It's a Small World".

Waiting to eat at Chef Mickey's.


Bryan and Jen on IASW

Tim and Bryan at MK


Tim and his dad on IASW
Awesome flashback photos! :banana::banana: 3 weeks til Disney! I love the sound of that. Especially because the faster your trip comes, the faster my trip trip comes;)
I am officially the most neglectful PTR author in the world...sorry!!:flower3:

Summer classes have started for me - can you tell? It's nutty. I have to take an exam and write a 5-6 page research paper BEFORE Disney. :scared1: It's actually due on the 20th, but since that's not something I want to be working on during my 7 days in the world, I need to have it done before that!

Anyway, back to happier things. I have an installment written with my top ten, but I don't have the pictures uploaded to photobucket yet. I'm on my laptop...most of the pictures are on the's not going to happen tonight! But I uploaded a few recently that are PTR worthy...

We've started a countdown calendar!

The kids aren't actually that great when it comes to remembering to take the Mickeys off, though! I wanted to make this a fairly easy countdown with my time schedule, but I did write little things we were looking forward to on each ear.

Will does enjoy taking them off, though! ;)

My other news concerns my Mother's Day gift. I opened up the bag and found these...


Here's a close-up:

And the letter that went with it:

Another close up:

Yes, I'm going on the Keys to the Kingdom tour!!!!! I'm sooooo excited! :banana::dance3::banana: I've really wanted to do this. I want to be able to really look around Magic Kingdom without having to figure out where Will is! I can't wait to hear about all the history, see the Utilidors, even eat at Columbia Harbor House (they don't have a kid-friendly - well, not my kids friendly - menu). We'll be taking the tour on Friday the 18th - my mother-in-law (because she wants to), my father-in-law (as a Father's Day gift), Bryan's Uncle Tim (a birthday present), and my mom and aunt (because Mom wants to ;)). :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

Well, that's going to have to be it for now - it's after 10:30 and I have one more day with kids plus one more teacher day. I think I'm going to sleep for about 10 hours once school ends!! I am almost done with my coursework for the week, so maybe I can do that...if the kids let me! Bryan is taking pictures of the shirts right now, but it will most likely be a day or two before they get posted here. I'll try to be better, I promise!!!
Awesome flashback photos! :banana::banana: 3 weeks til Disney! I love the sound of that. Especially because the faster your trip comes, the faster my trip trip comes;)


Some days it can't get here fast enough, and some days I can't believe how much actually has to get done before we can leave! :eek:
What a cool gift and presentation! Enjoy your child-free tour!! (and get busy on the paper now while you have school--Then you can focus on packing and getting ready for Disney when school lets out! =)
Jen, you are going to love the tour!! I loved hearing all the behind the scenes stories. CHH is great too. Your food will be ready and waiting for you when you get there. It is so nice!!
What an awesome Mother's Day gift!!!! I can't wait to read all about it!

Yeah, DH is a keeper. :lovestruc I also got my Mother's Day T-shirt, which he makes for me each year with pictures of the kids on it and their handprints.

very cool gift cant wait to hear about it.
I am sure it will be a highlight of the trip!

What a cool gift and presentation! Enjoy your child-free tour!! (and get busy on the paper now while you have school--Then you can focus on packing and getting ready for Disney when school lets out! =)

SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!!!!:dance3::yay::banana::cool1: I attended a training today on our newly adopted math materials, and they let us go an hour early - nice bonus! (and yes, I'm rewarding myself by spending that time on the DIS!) I managed to get this week's class modules done except for the test, which I'm going to do tonight while the kids are sleeping and DH is at Iron Man 2. Then tomorrow I'm going to focus on the kids and Disney. I've emailed my instructor with my topic for my paper, and once she's emailed me back I'm starting on it. I'm going to ask my parents to take the kids one day next week so that I can knock as much of it out as I can!

Jen, you are going to love the tour!! I loved hearing all the behind the scenes stories. CHH is great too. Your food will be ready and waiting for you when you get there. It is so nice!!
I was sooooo jealous when you guys took it last year! :rolleyes1 I'm so very much looking forward to it. My first Disney tour!! (of many, I hope!)

When DH gets home from work I am going to MAKE him download the shirt pictures. Once my test is done, I'll try and upload them.
Ok, as promised, here are the first two of our three shirt designs:

Our "Disney on Tour" shirts - front

Here's a bigger picture of the detail (sorry...poor photography!!)

And here's the back. I managed to take a picture of Jack's tshirt, I just realized. His, Tim's, Bryan's, and Uncle Tim's all have the "Tronorail" on it. The rest of ours just have the monorail coming around Spaceship Earth. But the writing below it is the same. This one was Shelley's idea!

The second design is the traditional tye-dye Mickey head. Don't ask me how it's done - Shelley helped our Mother-in-law do them for our 2007 trip, and Sue (MIL) did them on her own this trip. I've never even tried! But don't they look cool?

There's one more design that Tim is working on right now. Apparently he actually got the darned Yudu machine to was a lot of trouble! Maybe it's easier now once he's done it a few times. And Bryan is working on printing out a few Star Wars designs from Dom13 on the CreativeDisigns board. We'll post them as soon as we get them.

A few other pictures...I think Shelley mentioned that we had a yard sale a few weeks back to earn some Disney spending money. It worked out pretty well! And the kids even got into it. Haley (supposed to be Haley and Jack, but he lost interest in it after about a minute) had a soda-and-water stand during our yard sale. Seeing as how we were down the road from a baseball park, it went pretty well! I think she made about $13 or so, and pocketed $10 after giving part of her loot to a little boy from my MIL's hometown who was raising money for medical treatment. :goodvibes She didn't even bat an eye about giving some of it up - I was proud of her! Of course, when she and my MIL went to Kohl's the next morning, I think she spent $8 and change of it....



I think that's about it...two new posts for me in three days! Can you tell school is over???? :laughing:
Love the t-shirts! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for them while we are there (especially on our MK day)!
Here is the third t-shirt. My DH has been working on this using a Yudu. Which is basically an at home screen printer. The Yudu has proven to be more labor intensive and not as easy to use as we thought it would be. My DH is determined to make it work though.


He has a few shirts done and he will finish the rest sometime this weekend. If anyone is interested in doing the tye dye shirts you can find directions on the DISigns board.

Two weeks from tomorrow we will be in Disney!!!!

Oh, they turned out so cool!!! I love that design. And the best part is, we won't have to worry about the iron-ons shrinking up when we wash them like we will the other ones! Yeah, Tim, for sticking with it...I was ready to throw it out the window two weeks ago!!!

Two weeks from today we arrive - wooohoooo!!!!:banana::cool1::banana::cool1:
Awesome shirts... and congrats for being done! I have five days (4 with students) then Monday's workday! I cannot wait!
Awesome shirts... and congrats for being done! I have five days (4 with students) then Monday's workday! I cannot wait!

It's amazing how much less pressure I feel now with school being done. There's still only so much I can get done when I'm home on my own with the kids (Will is very much in "monster mode" these days), and my summer classes are exhausting as I try to get ahead for our trip, but it's still better than being at school for 8-9 hours! I'm glad you're at least doing the "single digit dance" for school! :goodvibes


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