Jess & Ben's Wishes Wedding 11/18/14 Sea Breeze Point/Backstage Prop Shop

Just got caught up on your PJ :)

This is not wedding related, but Patch is adorable! It's great that you gave an older dog a second chance at family life.
Loving all the updates and I love the way your setting Jess's ring its really elegant! Can't wait to here more your getting close now! :goodvibes

Thanks! When I got the email with the pictures of it I didn't realise right away it was only a work in progress and I was already really happy with how it looks! I wasn't around when Jess and the jeweler designed how it will look so it's all a surprise to me as well. Was so excited I got that email and they included a picture, I knew I was putting that straight on the boards!

Awww, what a cute pup, I'm sure both he and Heidi will have fun. :) Also, Jess looks like she's doing well after her surgery, and it's cute what you ended up doing in the house. Have fun with moving!

Also, can I say I love what her band looks like? It seriously looks awesome - I'm sure it'll be great once it's completed!

Yep, Jess seems to be doing a lot better now. She called me on the weekend and I could actually understand what she was saying! She's still quite sore but definitely struggling a lot less with the effects and nearly starting to be able to smile again. Plus I think having Patch is really a great thing for her at the moment, they can look after each other and help each other get better.

Thanks! The shape of Jess' engagement ring meant a normal band would've sat a bit awkwardly next to it so they've taken her engagement ring for a few weeks so they can customise the band and make everything fit perfectly! There was a time when we were going to have a hidden Mickey in the band but in working with the jeweler I think it's now going to be a row of diamonds just so it complements the engagement ring even better.

Looks like Patrick is doing just fine now that he's with you guys!

I love what you've painted in your bedroom, that's so sweet and touching :)

The rings look great - can't wait to see the finished product.

We're so excited about our first house together it was only natural we'd leave a mark or two! Jess' dad told me she did the exact same thing when she was little, painting her name in her bedroom of the first house she lived in. We've also bought a US-style mailbox from Amazon so we can swap out the one they're about to put in and have our very own Carl & Ellie style 'Up' mailbox. It's gonna be a whimsical little house!

I'm excited to see the finished product too! When we first got engaged it was funny holding Jess' hand and there being a ring there that never was before, now it's really strange again because her engagement ring is off with the jeweler! Really, really, really weird is being reserved for when I have a band to wear as well - that's gonna take some getting used to!

It's so sweet of you to adopt a new dog as a buddy for Heidi! Hope the cat copes with the move also well!

The ring looks beautiful so far - I started looking for wedding bands myself so I'm quite interested in what fits with my engagement ring ;-)

The idea for the new home is really cute - way didn't I think of such a think before they put in the floor?

Jess seems also quite well - be sure to greet her and wish her the best for the rest of the healing!!!

Hope to hear more soon!!!

Our poor cat Anya has already made that move once before, only three years ago! This time though she's going by plane whereas Jess & I will be making the 20hr drive (over several days this time). It's gonna be a big new experience for her meeting a new dog and going to a new climate again but hopefully because she's lived there before it won't be too bad!

Yes! The Tiffany cut does make fitting a band an interesting experience! We found that any time Jess tried one on it just didn't look right so we went fully custom with it so the shapes could accommodate each other. It's a platinum band, of course, and the beauty of the Tiffany cut is it can be accented really well in many different ways, will be very interested to see what you come up with!

Just got caught up on your PJ :)

This is not wedding related, but Patch is adorable! It's great that you gave an older dog a second chance at family life.

Hi & welcome!

He's such a gentle well-behaved boy! Our other dog was also a pound puppy so they'll have that in common when they meet up next week! Poor old Patch is so skinny at the moment from his time either neglected or homeless but with Jess currently unable to eat solid foods I think she's living vicariously through him and absolutely spoiling him, cooking him pasta and rice and meat for dinners! He probably can't believe how good he has it now and hopefully his new doggy companion will be the final missing piece.
Well we're getting back on track now with the wedding! The last few weeks have been busier with other stuff, Jess came and visited me where I was living and we went away with my family to celebrate my Dad's 60th birthday up in Alpine country which was a nice picturesque getaway for a few days and is also our last holiday - though only 4 days - before our wedding trip. Then when we returned, we packed up my things, packed up my car, put our pets on a plane and drove the 1,100 miles back to where Jess has been living and where I am now. One week from today we get the keys to our new home and over the last few days I've been emailing our Disney contacts to say hi and get things moving again. We'll hear back shortly from our Planner and organise a planning session really soon and then it's full speed ahead - just over 4 months now until we leave for the US and we're not coming back until we're married!

Also, Jess' wedding band is complete and she finally has her engagement ring back! You'll see that (and mine) soon, I think I'm due for a photo roundup of where we're at! Easily as sparkly but far more priceless is Jess' smile which has returned now that she has more feeling around her mouth. We're about 6 weeks removed from her jaw surgery now and she's doing so much better, still a bit puffy but the bruising is gone, the pain is lessening, feeling is returning to much of her face and her braces come off in less than two weeks (which will be a month early). That same day is also her birthday and marks 11 years together for the two of us. It's gonna be a HUGE couple of weeks!

Oh & I nearly forgot, we were both in a good friends' wedding recently. Jess' best friend from High School got married last weekend, Jess was Maid of Honour and I was a Groomsman. It is interesting attending weddings while you're going through the process yourself, I feel like I'm always scouting and auditioning things. One thing I did really like from their wedding was after the portrait session but before our arrival at the reception, the entire bridal party went up to a penthouse suite and just had some quiet time to relax and chat amongst ourselves. Staff brought up some hor d'oeuvres and we just sat around for a while before carrying on with all the day. I said to Jess I definitely want to try and do something similar, it was nice to have 20 minutes or so in the middle of everything where we had absolutely no obligations and could just enjoy each other's company and take a deep breath. It had already been a long day by then, especially for the girls who were up early for their makeup call, and you could see everyone appreciated the break.
Sounds like you two have been busy! Looking forward to seeing your picture round-up - I'm so horrible at making sure I get (any) pictures in my PJ. :( Excited about the house yet? Don't forget, you'll probably want to make sure Disney (and every other company that has/needs your address to send you stuff) gets things like your contract updated with the new address! :cool1: We went through that 3 years ago (almost to the day now - Raist likes to joke that it's our "engagement house" as opposed to an engagement ring:rotfl2:). Getting all the documents updated took a bit, and I think I still haven't updated my passport....which luckily doesn't list my address, so we're probably just going to be lazy about that. Raist still hasn't updated his drivers license and renewed his passport though, and that's a bit more important at this point. If you can't tell, your post made me think of the things that still aren't done, haha. There's so much stuff. Are you guys getting all new furniture, or just moving the stuff you already have to the house, and updating as you get money?

Your mini vacation sounds like it was lovely, by the way - a nice chance to get away from it all and spend some time with family. Even if it wasn't long, just a few more months until you leave for your wedding/honeymoon!

Oh! I was going to mention, you talked about how you really liked having a small bit of time in between pictures and going into the reception to just relax with friends/loved ones - I think Disney generally does this by default if you finish up with pictures early. I've heard of a lot of people who go to a different room than where their cocktail hour is, and their planner has a drink and some of their food waiting for them away from everyone else. Not sure if it's because they planned it that way, or because they just finished up earlier than expected though - have you talked to your planner about that yet?

Looking forward to your next post! Hopefully it'll even include a pic or two of your new place!:woohoo:
Wowee, your date-aversary, Jess' birthday AND her braces coming off are all on the same day? That's definitely a cause for celebration! Not to mention getting the keys to your new home on top of all of that.

I think your little getaway sounds wonderful and it is surreal to realize (no matter how short the vacation was) that the next trip you go on will be your wedding trip! Makes things seem that much closer (though I'm sure you'll agree with me that things are moving fast enough!)

You are absolutely right, you do owe us some pictures ::yes::
Have just read through your whole PJ and have to say I am impressed! It's cool to see things from a groom's perspective. Love your colors as well! Your writing is very engaging and I can't wait to read more and see more photos. :)
First of all: Congrats on moving back together! What a huge step in the wedding process! I'm also glad all your pets made the trip safely!!

I love getting inspiration from other weddings, must be even better when being in the wedding party - the little break seems like a really great idea!

Hope Jess and you have a great birthday/anniversary/brakes off-celebration!!!
I'm back! It has been a WHILE! Very eventful couple of months I'll try and be brief with but there's been so much happening. Firstly, we live in our own house! That was part of the holdup, we live in a new area and it wasn't yet internet-capable but we got switched on this week and we're getting settled in nicely.


Jess continues to recover well from her surgery, besides some numbness it's really not affecting her anymore. The braces came off on her birthday and she'll be ready to eat Mickey Waffles and EVERYTHING ELSE in less than three months time.

Oh, one minor thing. We had our PLANNING SESSION. Our planner called us at around 11:45pm local time on a Thursday night (we'd arranged this, it was fine) and we spent just under 1 hour and 40 minutes going over a lot of details. We're waiting on our BEO so we can look at prices and take some things out because we basically came up with a total wishlist of everything we'd like but we came up with a lot of things to be excited about.

A few of our favourite details? We're really interested in having the Dapper Dans at our ceremony to sing Jess down the aisle and to entertain for the cocktail hour. That's something we wont know for sure about until 6 weeks before the date, such is their booking schedule. Our cake flavours are chosen but we're still tackling a design. The flavours will be yellow cake with strawberry mousse and chocolate with amaretto crunch. We're designing a totally custom menu so more details on that later but the keywords we gave were 'fun comfort food'. Oh and 'waffles'. And moving back to Jess' entrance, the black Model A Ford is another item we're enquiring about, we love the look of that on the Boardwalk.

I think your little getaway sounds wonderful and it is surreal to realize (no matter how short the vacation was) that the next trip you go on will be your wedding trip! Makes things seem that much closer (though I'm sure you'll agree with me that things are moving fast enough!)

You are absolutely right, you do owe us some pictures ::yes::

IT'S GETTING SO CLOSE! As well you know, you're up first! Now that we're under double-figures in terms of the countdown it's just flying by. Ahhhhhh can't wait!

Also, here's one - our wedding bands!


Have just read through your whole PJ and have to say I am impressed! It's cool to see things from a groom's perspective. Love your colors as well! Your writing is very engaging and I can't wait to read more and see more photos. :)

Thanks! That's so nice of you to say, thank you for reading! I had thought of getting input from Jess but I'm kinda excited about leaving lots of surprises on her end until the ceremony - when I find out too!

First of all: Congrats on moving back together! What a huge step in the wedding process! I'm also glad all your pets made the trip safely!!

Thanks! Our little furry family is getting along well and making themselves at home together in our new house. And it's so nice to be living with Jess again, we talk about our wedding every day and just love spending time together. We're trying to get as fit as we can, we're really preparing together in every way we can to make sure this trip is absolutely perfect in every way.

Oh! I was going to mention, you talked about how you really liked having a small bit of time in between pictures and going into the reception to just relax with friends/loved ones - I think Disney generally does this by default if you finish up with pictures early. I've heard of a lot of people who go to a different room than where their cocktail hour is, and their planner has a drink and some of their food waiting for them away from everyone else. Not sure if it's because they planned it that way, or because they just finished up earlier than expected though - have you talked to your planner about that yet?

Looking forward to your next post! Hopefully it'll even include a pic or two of your new place!:woohoo:

Ahh! That's great then, we spoke briefly about the order of the day and I understand that there'll be somewhere at the Boardwalk that we'll get squirrelled away at times. I know I'm to arrive there around 1 for photos with my groomsmen and then go hide for a while when Jess comes down and has hers with the girls so it definitely seems they're gonna look after us in that way. Oh & about our house, we had been collecting lots of items over the last few months so we'd gradually get it ready. We bought a couch months ago, then a fridge, a desk, dining table and so on. We also brought in a lot of things we already owned and some things from each of our parents'. Also Jess has been decorating, there's a lot of red, black and yellow in this house! It's still in progress but I'll definitely add some pictures soon.
Love your personalized Mickey towels. Perfect for your new home -- congratulations! :goodvibes Oh, having the Dapper Dans sing Jess down the aisle sounds wonderful! :) I hope it works out with their booking schedule. Can't wait to hear more about your custom menu. Fun comfort food and waffles sound amazing enough already!
Just caught up on your PJ and I love everything! I love the uniqueness you two share and that you are incorporating it in so many ways!

Following along! :thumbsup2
Welcome back! Glad you and Jess have settled into your new home well enough, and it's great to hear she's healing well after her surgery.

Hooray for your Planning Session! Everything just feels that much more official once you've spoken with DFTW on the planning side of things. I love the idea of having the Dapper Dans sing Jess down the aisle, it's so romantic. Can't wait to hear what your custom menu comes out to be! I love me some food ;)

The rings are gorgeous! Only a few more months left that they have to live in those boxes :goodvibes
Oh my goodness! I just sat down and read through this whole thing. I love going along on the journey with you and I love that this is from your point of view. It's fantastic! I know we're all waiting to see Jess in her gown. She is absolutely beautiful and will make a STUNNING bride.

Can't wait to read more as it happens! And congratulations!
Welcome Back!

Glad to hear you settled into your new home that is always super exciting! the personalized mickey towels are too cute :goodvibes also congratulations on the Planning Session I am sure you both feel so much better having everything confirmed and I am sure the BEO is not somethign your looking forward too but a necessary evil I supposed ;)

I also love the dapper dan Idea really cute and I love your guys wedding band!

Happy Planning
Still so many updates to make, most of which I only remember when I'm doing something other than being on this site! Our guest count continues to be a little bit fluid but still lingers at roughly 20-25. Naturally all the people who are travelling from Australia (we also have two from England and one from Canada) are in some degree of booking their travel so they're all set but there's a few locals that may or may not join us so we'll see how that goes! We even invited our DFTW Sales Consultant (who we still email every few weeks, even though we've had our planner since January)! I'm sure she'll be busy elsewhere but we will surely go visit her at some point during our journey, we've just loved dealing with her ever since March last year.

On a bit of a whim, we were out grocery shopping a couple of nights ago and ended up starting on gifts for the Roots and our aforementioned Sales Consultant (as, to our understanding she cannot accept 'tips' per se but we really appreciate how above and beyond she's gone). One thing that always amuses us in the US is all the unique foods and snacks so we're buying a lot of uniquely Australian things as gifts (the usual stuff, like Vegemite, Tim Tams etc) that we'll present in gift basket form.

As our wedding falls in a Free Dining period, ADRs are really hard to come by, so what we have now is likely gonna be all of our reservations. We were hoping to do the Parisian Breakfast in the Food & Wine festival but there's only one date we were in town for and that was already sold out when we called (the day after reservations opened, silly time zones!). So here's what we've got!

October 31 - Mickey's Halloween Party (Disneyland).
November 6 - Cinderella's Royal Table dinner (we've never been!)
November 10 - 1900 Park Fare breakfast. We're staying in the GF the night before as the free night in our room block.
November 12 - Bachelor/Bachelorette parties! Jess will be at the Garden View Tea Room for a High Tea and the Biergarten Restaurant that evening. I'm still undecided, the boys and I might end up heading into Orlando.
November 14 - Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! All of our guests will be present, we've bought them all tickets.
November 15 - Planet Hollywood. Again, all of our guests will be present, Jess' parents are paying for this. Probably the closest thing we'll have to a 'rehearsal dinner'.
November 16 - *Possibly* going to the House of Blues to see Halestorm. Jess goes to the Boardwalk Resort the next day so this is our last night together before the wedding.
November 18 - Wedding day! Eating burgers, nuggets and waffles at the Prop Shop!
November 19 - Crystal Palace lunch. Farewell lunch with all of our guests, this is the first event I thought I us doing. Always wanted lunch the day after with our guests there ever since the site visit.
November 19 - California Grill dinner. A late one so we can watch the fireworks.
November 20 - Via Napoli lunch.
November 20 - Le Cellier dinner
November 21 - Cape May Cafe breakfast.

And then it's off to the Disney Dream!

Love your personalized Mickey towels. Perfect for your new home -- congratulations! :goodvibes Oh, having the Dapper Dans sing Jess down the aisle sounds wonderful! :) I hope it works out with their booking schedule. Can't wait to hear more about your custom menu. Fun comfort food and waffles sound amazing enough already!

Thanks! The towels are from the night we got engaged, I ordered an in-room surprise and they were part of it. We have never used them in the year and a half until now we finally live together!

Just caught up on your PJ and I love everything! I love the uniqueness you two share and that you are incorporating it in so many ways!

So nice of you to say! We made it clear as far back as the site visit that we're a little quirky and 'whimsical' was the word we all agreed on and we always wanted that to be how our wedding was.

Hooray for your Planning Session! Everything just feels that much more official once you've spoken with DFTW on the planning side of things. I love the idea of having the Dapper Dans sing Jess down the aisle, it's so romantic. Can't wait to hear what your custom menu comes out to be! I love me some food ;)

Yes! We still have Planning Session 2: The Floraling coming soon but it's great knowing that things are really in motion now and we have a BEO coming that'll be the first major indicator of how the day will be - as you well know! We loooove food too, our menu probably won't be terribly classy but it'll be tasty! Quick service, action stations, burgers, waffles are basically the full list of keywords from the planning session. I am gonna need to loosen my belt between dinner and dessert.

Oh my goodness! I just sat down and read through this whole thing. I love going along on the journey with you and I love that this is from your point of view. It's fantastic! I know we're all waiting to see Jess in her gown. She is absolutely beautiful and will make a STUNNING bride.

Thanks for reading along! Jess has been SO excited about her gown for a long time now, she picked it, paid for it and actually took possession of it so many months ago now. I've been around a lot of times when she's had her ipad out, showing members of my family and friends pictures of her in it from the fitting (while I look away of course) and their reactions have been so sweet. I will 1000% cry when I see her walking down the aisle.

also congratulations on the Planning Session I am sure you both feel so much better having everything confirmed and I am sure the BEO is not somethign your looking forward too but a necessary evil I supposed ;)

I also love the dapper dan Idea really cute and I love your guys wedding band!

Thanks! The BEO is really exciting for the most part but there's gonna be an awful lot of numbers on it and there's gonna be some hard eliminations to make! We basically gave them everything, full wish list of everything we want. Just like when we were in the design phase of our house and that's what I keep referring back to, we spent a day picking all the extras that we'd absolutely love, some cheaper alternatives and just waited to see the bill rather than eliminating anything as a possibility. Among that is the Dapper Dans, though we've really grown attached to the idea of having them. I think they're gonna be something we'll fight to keep in budget.
Great update with the ADR's!
And your food plans seems absolutely great - I love action stations and I think it goes wonderful with the Prop Shop!
Yay ADRs! You're hitting a lot of the big names for the first time, very impressive! Our of all of those, I've only done Planet Hollywood, Le Cellier, Via Napoli and Biergarten (and CRT/CP as a child) and Via Napoli is hands down the best!! I wish we could squeeze it in this trip but I wouldn't dare give up any of our other ADRs. I LOVE the idea of Biergarten for a bachelorette party - it has such an amazing atmosphere and I'm sure Jess will love it!

Oooooo now you're making me want to get the Roots something. Time to start brainstorming!
Thanks! Yeah Jess had a school trip to Germany many years ago with both of her bridesmaids and they've talked about it as long as I've known her. She just loved it and loves Germany so the Biergarten was an easy choice for her, she's really excited to have a few steins and a bit of a dance and a slap of her knees!

Great update with the ADR's!
And your food plans seems absolutely great - I love action stations and I think it goes wonderful with the Prop Shop!

Yep we've gotta have a buffet for the Prop Shop anyway so we're gonna make the absolute most of it and look at fun things like that. Because our food will be on the cheaper end it means we can be a bit more ambitious with things like action stations that might normally be priced out as an extra. I think there'll be a lot of 'build your own...' going on! It may get messy.

And now a reeeal quick update - is it too late for save the dates? Yes, the answer is a clear yes. But it's one of those things that Jess took on herself and it's been through a few drafts and revisions and here's what we finally arrived at! We're sending a version of this to all our family and friends and an altered version for the people we know are coming, along with maps and - hopefully, if it arrives - a planning dvd.

[SIZE=3 said:
Thanks! The BEO is really exciting for the most part but there's gonna be an awful lot of numbers on it and there's gonna be some hard eliminations to make! We basically gave them everything, full wish list of everything we want. Just like when we were in the design phase of our house and that's what I keep referring back to, we spent a day picking all the extras that we'd absolutely love, some cheaper alternatives and just waited to see the bill rather than eliminating anything as a possibility. Among that is the Dapper Dans, though we've really grown attached to the idea of having them. I think they're gonna be something we'll fight to keep in budget.[/SIZE]

That is a really smart way to approach pick everything you want and then see what the bill is and make changes! Fingers crossed everything comes back reasonable! (especially dapper dan :goodvibes)
Love your STD! It's so unique!
I'm really curious to see how your BEO will come out, especially with all the action stations!


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