Joelyfaithsmommy's Journal to Freedom! (Comments Very Welcome!)

brandip22 said:
you are awesome so far!! Keep it up!

WOW :earboy2: That's about the sweetest thing anyone's said to me...THANK YOU :wave2: THANK YOU :teeth: AND thank YOU! :goodvibes

You really should start your own's doing wonders for me, really it is, and it keeps me in check, if you know what I mean, plus these women (and men) are so super supportive!!

I LOVE W.I.S.H. .........thanks so much! :cool1:

Have fun...I'm grouchy because YOUR trip is closer than MINE and I wanna be there. Oh well. Am out of my funky mood.

You are awesome. Every one of these people on WISH has had some pretty ooky weight loss skeletons in their closets and they are SUCH an inspiration!! It's not the running of the race that matters, it's showing up at the startin' line!
Everyone here's pretty darn inspirational...dang, we should all be in a Halmark card! ;)


oh yea, and sorry my trip is before yours, if we were gonna be there at the same time I'd have loved to met you....oh well, next time! Cause there's ALWAYS a next time, isn't there? :)

Fiddlesticks. Maybe you can go next year too!!! We wouldn't be able to fit in a Hallmark card, there are too many of us!! LOL :rotfl:

Hugs right back atcha!
true, there are too many of

but we are all reducing our size!!! lol

anyhow...doubtin we'll be going next summer...we are taking the kids back in dec from the 29th-jan 8th..however i'm always up for ANOTHER trip there LOL...but lack of funds could prohibit me from making ANOTHER trip LOL

:teeth: :banana: :teeth:
HEY JEN (Tiger) Jen's are the kewlest! LOL :cool1:

ok, food diary time:

BREAKFAST: cup strawberries (fresh)

LUNCH: Spinach leaf salad with onions, tomato, and shredded cheese, FF Italian dressing + 4 saltine crackers

SNACK: hand full of trail mix

DINNER: Taco Chicken: 3 Chicken tenderlions--grilled, ff sour cream, salsa, a little shredded cheese, onion on a tortilia. 1 c frozen strawberry yogurt (no sugar added)

5-8oz glasses of water today + a little more maybe 2 oz when I got home...going to drink some more before I go to bed. :)

NO EXERCISE except I did walk at lunch maybe a 1/4 mile from my office to subway to get my salad and I guess that's exercise! :) :banana:

I am going to **try** to get up in the morning and walk, but we'll see how that goes...IT PROBOBABLY WON'T GO! lol :rolleyes:

huggies girls (and guys)

see you all on the flip side (DAY SIX IN MY WORLD) :sunny:

Welcome to WISH!

Thanks for stopping by my journal to say "hi!" and send good vibes too. I appreciate that!

I am in a lull with my trying to stay at goal so I can use the encouragement. I really need to loose a bit more though and tone up more too. Especially my tummy! My arms have definately firmed and my legs are firming, but the tummy doesn't seem to want to budge of late.

So, again, thanks for visiting! It looks like you are doing GREAT! I noticed that DH is doing this with you - you are so lucky! My ex-H (just separated) was my biggest sabateur! My kids are very, very supportive! Thank God!

Try to squeeze that exercise in each day it makes a HUGE difference especially if you are consistent with it!

Keep up the terrific work! :cool1:
You are doing so well, Jen! I'm extremely excited for you. :Pinkbounc :cool1:

I know how hard it is to get up in the morning to exercise . . . . sometimes I'm able to actually talk myself out of bed but sometimes I'm not. I believe it pushing myself but not to the point that I resent my wellness plan. I think just going with the flow is the best.

Your chicken tacos sound wonderful! I love anything Mexican!
THANKS SO MUCH **hugzzzz**

Ok, well exercise this morning just DID NOT work out :( I was up too late, and then (of course) got up late :( I was even 10 minutes late to work this morning YIKES! Good thing nothing exciting is going on here today! :)

I REALLY want to start getting up and walking in the mornings...but it's going to really take some **UMPH!!** on my part! I have to leave my house at 7am each morning...which means I get up at 5:30-6am. Which means to walk I'd need to get up an hour earlier (so as not to rush) you can see, it will mean kicking myself in the pants that's for sure! :(

I'll keep you guys posted on other news LOL...I just had a bowl of "honey bunches of oats" (with bananas) for breakfast! YUMMIE! ~~skim milk...and a glass of water! :)

oh my way to a SUPER GREAT day SIX!

Jen :cheer2:
Almost lunch time, YAY! (not yay because I get to eat, yay because half my work day is nearly over) Can anyone tell I'm not THRILLED with this job? LOL

but that's another any rate...

I'm going to go out and walk a lap around the parking lot which is HUGE!!!! I'm not sure how far it is, but after work I thought I'd make a lap around it with the van and see...this way I get my exercise in...however it might mean that dh doesn't...or maybe I'll just walk TWICE today to make up for not walking yesterday! :)

I brought some salad with cut up chicken breast and ff italian dressing for lunch

gonna drink 34 oz of water at lunch if it kills me LOL (i know it won't) LOL

and gonna kick tail on the scales!!! OH YEA...ok, enough playing, I'm going to go fill my water bottle and roll! I'll be back to eat my salad and post more after my walk!

toodles gals! (and guys)

jen :teeth:
ok, I'm back and eating my yummie salad! :wave2:

That parking lot is BIG, it's bigger than most walmart parking lots I'd bet...I walked around the outter edge of the lot, I'd say it was close to a mile, maybe only 3/4...we'll see after work :)

So how is everyone doing today? I've not heard much out of anyone!

Come on guys :Pinkbounc Livin Up! :bounce:


My work day is nearing it's end...I'll post my food dairy tonight after dinner (well probably after Jayt's baseball game)...


DH is supposed to be ready to walk when I get home, and have dinner already done for after our walk..**HERE'S HOPING HE DOES!!!** :teeth:

Nothing much to say except MAN THIS PLACE HAS BEEN DEAD TODAY! Where are all you supportive people??? LOL :confused3

ok, I'm outta here! Huggies from me! :banana:
LOL - I've been around but haven't had time to post until now.

You're doing such a great job! I'm sooooo happy for you.

Is your son's name Jayt? That's different.....and cute! I like.
yes, that's his name, well sort of LOL,

Here are my children's names:

Jaron (pronounced like Aaron with a J) Jeffrey

Jayton (pronounced like Clayton with a J) Colt

Joelyn (pronounced Joel - lun) Faith

but we call them:

Jaron ;)

Jayt (like Late with a J)

Joely (like Holy with a J) LOL

ok, so i'm weird, but you have to give it to me there are too many Jennifer's in the world....and I'm (kind of) one of them...

my name is Jenifer with ONE "n" ;)

now you know my dirty little secret! (the one 'n'), and hubby is Jeff, yes

WE ARE THE 5 J'S! lol :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
here goes nothin!

BREAKFAST: bowl of honey bunches of oats with bananas in skim milk

LUNCH: romaine lettuce salad with strips of chicken breast and ff italian

SNACK: A hand full of honey bunches of oats with bananas

DINNER: c of white rice, 1 chicken breast on the grill w/ motz cheese and onion + frozen strawberry yogurt (no sugar added) 1 c

40 oz of water for me today, not too shabby considering I have been coolin my heals on the water...

oh and my walk at lunch was only a half mile :(, but I did a mile with hubby tonight, so that's

1.5 MILES WALKED TODAY!!!! :Pinkbounc :cool1: :Pinkbounc

oh yea BRING IT ON DAY SEVEN!!! WHAT DO YA GOT FOR ME????? you're no match for SUPER JEN!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Good luck, Jen. I like your daily menus. Not too shabby! Why don't you add in some raw almonds as a snack too. They are healthy, (no salt though), and give you some nice protein.

My new found favorite lunch which fills me up is a salad with beans on it. I use Romaine, Spinach, Peas and Black Beans. Then I use a low fat/calorie Roasted Red Pepper Dressing from Seeds of Change (50 cal/2 TBSP). The fresh greens are great and the beans fill me up.

Good luck on your journey and thanks for posting in my journal. I'm not trying to lose alot of weight (I'm 5'5 & 120 now) but rather stop the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis by changing my diet. Just a little experiment, I guess. I hope it works.

Keep at what you're doing! You seem to be making good choices and remember, you can eat AS MUCH salad/fresh fruit/raw foods as you want! The darker the greens, the better! Eat lots!

Good luck!

Hi Jenifer with 1 n.

I wanted to thank you for dropping by my journal. I've been MIA a bit lately. You are doing great. Your menus look good. Congrats on getting in the 1.5 miles yesterday.

Keep fighting the good fight,
That's a great walk! I have grown to love my own and find them easier every time.

Your excitement is motivating! You seem to be having such a great time with this new phase of your life. :jumping2:

Your children all have beautiful names. Like the J theme.


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