Judy's Life of Change

Day 3 cheat free "I think"

omlet for breakfast
chef salad for lunch - Is regular ranck OK? I did not pour it on but rather dipped my fork in it before each bite.

also munched 4 HB eggs during the day

No dinner - and this is the hard part as I manage a Subway. I hated the smell of bread. Wish the cookies would develop a nasty oder too. I just skipped it.
doing atkins and you manage a subway??? oh my goodness! you must be the queen of will power! although, they do have the low carb wraps right? or i'm sure you could eat some of the stuff without a wrap at all, just like the insides of the sandwich. those cookies though, that's another story. i'd have such a hard time resisting! keep up the great work!

have a great day today :sunny:
You are a brave woman - doing low-carb and managing a Subway!!! Of course you'll soon be having those yummy low-carb wraps - I LOVE them!! Hang in there!

You'll need to keep some low-carb snacks around, so you have something to fall back on! I like sunflower seeds - very satisfying, even in small amounts! String cheese works well, if you have a fridge at work.

:jumping1: A NEW CLIPPIE!!! :jumping1:

Good for you!! Congratulations and you are looking sooooo good in that beautiful blue clippie!! You'll be in Onederland in no time!

Keep it up!! :sunny:
Thanks for the kind words. I am still on induction so no Subway food for me.

Breakfast - omlette and sausage

lunch - 1/3 baked chicken

dinner - 2 hb patties and lettuce

another cheat free day :D
Oh, I love this Atkins thing. I wasn't going to get on the scale until Sunday but... down to 203. Onderland - I can almost tate you! ::yes::

More incentive for no cheating.:rotfl:
you're doing a great job, keep it up with those cheat free days and you'll be in onederland in no time at all! :bounce:
Another cheat free day!:D

bkfst - omlet and bacon

lnch - chic br salad

dinner 2 hb patties with lettuse & carb free bbq sauce

another day without exercize though
so much work and so little life :crazy:
Another day bites the dust.

brkfst - 3 egg omlette and 4 sliced turkey bacon

lunch roasted chicken breast salad

dinner small portion of pork roast and about 20 nuts.

I feel better today :)
Hello ketosis. I am feeling so much better these last two days. I have to make myself eat now. I'm not sure about the funny taste in my mouth though. I wonder if I am stuck with it or will it go away? Ok this weeks summary:

Down to 206 thats 2.5 for the week and I have lost 3 inches in my waist. ( this is a big one - I don't have to lay down to zip up my jeans anymore! ) No exercize this week as I haven't had a day off and I won't get one til thursday. I am going to spend next weekend in Biloxi for 5 glorious days. And I don't even go to the Casinos!
You are doing such a great job! Onderland here you come! I think things will be better/easier once you are off the induction period. I don't know how you do it working at Subway, but kudos to you on a job well done! :)
Thanks for the pat on the back. It is always very much appreciated.

Breakfast - none

Lunch - double low carb burger from Hardees MMmmmm

Dinner - pork roast and chestnuts freshly roasted Very MMmmmm
hiya judy, just checking in with you to see how you're doing, and it looks like your'e doing great! keep it up :bounce:
Stuck it out for another day.

brkfst - omlette and bacon

lnch - salad with tuna

dnnr - pork roast with cheese melted over it

snck - Atkins caramel nut chew Yummy!

and if I'm not mistaken this makes post number 75 and I am no longer a welcomed guest. It has only taken me 2 years and 8 months. Thank goodness for this journal or it would still be a welcomed guest three years from now!:goodvibes
haha, i got tired of seeing "welcomed guest" so i went and changed mine. but i'm with you...my journal and other people's journals are pretty much the only places i post regularly. i'll occasionally head over to some other boards, but i mostly read those and not post. so good thing for our journals :)
Judy~Still doing very well--keep up the great work! I didn't realized 75 was the magic number of posts--I think I'm almost there! DH can't believe how many posts we have now that I've been on this board. We had very few before all from hom randomly commenting or asking questions, usually in the Resorts board.

Have a great day, Judy! :)
Congrats Denise on also becoming a DIS Veteran.

Didn't journal yesterday. Don't really remember yesterday. Oh, now I remember. DS called and said he had finally popped the question to his girlfriend. She said yes. They are getting married on MARCH 13th AHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG. That is only 4 weeks and 2 days!!! Wants to tie the not before he goes back to Iraq the first of June.

BRKFST - subway ak friendly wrap
no lunch
no dinner...yet.

I will be out of town until Monday. I will do my weigh-in then. Off to little Mardi Gras weekend.

:jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester:
Wow! Congrats to you and your DS! I'm sorry he has to go back to Iraq. I hope you are having a great time at Mardi Gras. Oh, and thanks, it feels good to be a DIS Vet!! Nice to join the club. :p See you back here on Monday--have a great weigh in!
hey judy, congrats to ds! that's crazy that the wedding is so close though!

hope you had a great weekend! :jester:
Hello Judy,

I just have to say how impressed I am with your willpower. Induction while surrounded by bread. WOW. Congrats to your DS. It may seem rushed, but it will come together. Enjoy Mardi Gras.

Note to self...don't get frustrated. Ok, now that I have been offline for a week this is an effort to get back into journaling. I am also afraid to get on the scale tomorrow. I didn't do to well last weekend. So instead of journaling and going on with it, i denied it and stayed off line. Today is a new day. Well, it is the end of a new day anyway. So here goes...

breakfast - omlette with cheese mushrooms and onions + bacon
snack - low carb bar
lunch subway wrap
dinner - low carb bar

no exercise today.


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