Julie's continual struggle (WW thread - comments VERY welcome!!)

Well, it's not raining, YET, but I didn't go to fencing anyway. DH took DD and got lost on the way. You go straight up I-25 and there is basically 1 turn and he's driven it many times, but he called me and said " I think I missed my turn" He was almost 60 miles past it!! Then he asks - "Can you tell me where I am? There's mountains on both sides and I need directions to get to Los Alamos" And he was serious.

They were about 30 min late, but I was able to find the phone # and she didn't miss anything.

I took off to run errands and ran into Petsmart - BIG mistake. They had a bunch of DOG clothes marked to $1.99. Called a friend and then bought a TON. Went to the other Petsmart but they had none, then made an unscheduled stop at Costco, and many more and just got home. Time to exercise before the day gets away from me.

Breakfast was a scone - I love raspberry white chocolate from a local market - so I buy 1 a week. Bit into it and it was lemon cranberry. I should have stopped and saved the 6 pts, but ate it anyway. Lunch I just managed and it was the other half sub I got yesterday.

I went to McD's to find THE DOG toys - looking for the Yorkie, and bought 2 happy meals, and didn't even eat any fries! YIPPEE!!!

More later.
Yesterday was ok to start, but finished not so good. DD and DH got home from fencing and opened the strawberry chocolate covered and caramel chocolate covered almonds I bought at Costco. OOPS!!!! I ate WAY too many. Then ordered Pizza and I had one square about 3 x 5. It was sicilian with artichokes, spinach, chicken, tomato, etc and WONDERFUL.

I'm still full this morning and I'm sure the scale won't be kind - if nothing else because of the sodium.

Today is catch up day on DS 15's school, church, laundry, etc. With DH home it's doubtful I'll get the chance to do WATP. Hopefully a walk can happen tho.
That's hilarious about your DH!!! :rotfl2:

I'm so sorry to hear about getting the wrong scone! It's such a small thing, but when you save up the points and get all psyched up about a treat only to find out it's not what you hoped it's such a bummer! You'll have to enjoy it double next week!

I hope you have a great day and get that walk! You've inspired me--I think I'm going to head out for a spin around the neighborhood myself.
DD and I ended up shopping at the mall most of the afternoon, so I did quite a bit of walking (or standing) there. I did 20 min on the elliptical this morning and tonight DD and I took the dogs for about a 20 min walk. FINALLY! It is SO nice out here this time of year!

Breakfast was lt yogurt and 2/3 c Kashi crunch - 4 pts. Lunch was Keva Juice Berry Berry Good smoothie - 4 pts. Dinner DH and DS 15 came and we had Chinese buffet in the mall. I think I had about 14 - 16 pts there, so I'm either at or about 2 over on pts for the day. The sodium will KILL me tho.

Being at the Mall I've basically had no water today. UGH!! I had about 24 oz w/ dinner and I'm trying to get some in before bed, but don't want to be up all night.

Do any of you remember GAUCHO pants - sort of like capris only with wider legs? More like a split skirt. Well, they're back. I used to wear them in late 70's 80's and loved them. DD hates the tight jeans and short shorts and we bought 3 pairs of these today - green and jeans for school and black. Well, she changed into the black in the mall and DH about had a fit. Said they looked like a punk rocker would wear and we aren't going there. I thought they looked nice, almost dressy. Her new "happy bunny" shirt that is bright orange that she was wearing - it says "Hi, Loser!" I would have thought he would have had an issue with. Oh well.

My scale is moving ever so slowly, and I'm getting kind of bummed that I'm not seeing a difference w/ the exercise. I'm not stopping tho. I just hope that Thurs brings some good news at WI.
Ok, you know you're doing too much at once when you write a long post and then forget to click 'submit'. Maybe I should write myself a note! So, here we go again!

This morning got away from me and I'm eating lunch, (while listing ebay, writing this (for the 2nd time) and playing fetch & tug with Mia with my feet). No breakfast except my 1.5 cups decaf w/ ff creamer and 4 small choc eggs I found in the candy bag on DD's dresser and 2 almonds. So 2 pts there.

Lunch is a roll up w/ the flat out bread and cf diet pepsi. 5 pts, + my revival soy later 2 pts.

I'm taking DD to fencing tonight and while she is there will take Mia (my 5 lb 8 mo Yorkie) to Yappy Hour (small dog playtime at Three Dog Bakery). There's a starbucks next door so I'll have to plan a light dinner to save room for my decaf nonfat caramel macchiiato ( or get a smaller starbucks....NOT!)

My rebuilt ankle is really hurting today, but was worse yesterday, so I will tough it out and do my WATP after lunch.

Tonight DD's fencing coach and I will decide if I'm taking DD to Kansas City for fencing over Memorial day. It would be a girls trip - on the train of course (I don't like flying) and I think she'd like it.

Best get moving and I WILL remember to click Submit!!
Yappy Hour! That is too funny!!! :rotfl:

I hope your ankle feels better today! Good for you for sticking with the exercise anyway!

Hope you enjoy your Starbucks tonight!
Wow! You have been really busy, but I am glad to see that you finally got that walk. How can someone go 60 miles out of the way without realizing? :rotfl2: Kind of makes you wonder what they would do if they couldn't call us, wives fix everything you know.

I think you are doing pretty well. Good luck at weigh in. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Yesterday I only got in about half of my water and this morning the scale was up 2 lbs. UGH!!! Thurs is WI and I'm hoping that something comes off by then.

I added a few situps (WW wk 5) to my day yesterday and I can feel it.

Looks like DD and I may be going to see my sister in
FL in a couple of weeks. There is a fencing tournament in Lakeland where DSis lives and I had over $500 credit on SW. On a whim I checked airfare last night and it was $79 ea way so I booked. I can always get my credit again if we decide not to go. It would be a quick trip, but fun.

Breakfast was Egg beaters, lt bread and FF chz in a sandwich - 3 pts. Lunch I'm sure will be a roll up. No plan for dinner yet.

Loads to do today, including trying to catch up on Ebay. I've got to have all the summer stuff out of here before we head to FL the end of June. 67 days.
Today is not going as I planned. If I can find a way to get DD's weapons on the plane undamaged w/o paying more for them each way than for us, we'll be going to FL 2 wks from Friday. I'm SO excited. I'll get to be with my DSis for Mother's day and she is more like my mother than my mom was. Plus it will be good just to give her a hug with all she is going thru.

But, airlines have changed the dimensions allowable to 62" max. We are flying SW and over 62 is $100 each way! (I pd $79 each way for us!) I searched all morning in every type of store I could think of for a hard case that would hold her weapons. They are steel, but have electrical components and the blades do bend/break. Now we've got to try to find some way to make something acceptable. Even all the fencing stores online in US and Europe, the bags are too large. DD's bag is wheeled, designed for travel, but soft and is over 80". Very frustrating. Even worse is SW told me that they don't consider Fencing a Sport. American said they only recognize sports listed on their website. Come on, someone can check a Scuba tank free and we can't take a 2 lb stick? Oh well.

I had to talk myself into WATP today. I searched from 10 - 1, had lunch and since I hadn't started any other jobs didn't want to spend the time to exercise, but I DID!!

I'm almost done w/ my 77 oz water. It's getting warm here and I feel my fingers swelling. I retain terribly!

Almost time to pick up DD at school and then order her a new Epee (one got stolen at the university at a practice and they're about $130. UGH!)

More later.
Just an idea, but would it possibly be cheaper to FedEx/UPS it to your hotel or DSis' place? It's got to be cheaper than $100! That's nuts!
It would definitely be cheaper to FedEx. DD and DH are out right now looking for something. DD is pretty attached and doesn't like the idea of shipping. They think they may have found a fishing rod case that will work. Hopefully.

Water has been no problem today - 77 oz + about 40 of decaf green tea and 24 of caffeine free diet pepsi. Guess I know what I'll be doing all night ! :teeth:

I've stayed OP today easily, so hopefully there will be a change tomorrow. Thursday WI is fast approaching and I'm not feeling too positive about it. Oh well, one day at a time.
Hope you found a way to transport your DD's equipment. That would be very tough now a days. Isn't it frustrating what is considered a sport? My oldest DD's have been in dance and cheerleading and neither is considered a sport in most instances. Although some of their workouts and practices have been harder than the football players, it doesn't count. Oh well.

Glad, I am not the only one getting swollen fingers now that the heat is on. I can only hope that it will subside soon. :sad2:

Keep up the good work and get plenty of water! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Still looking for a way to transport equipment. Now we're looking for a gun case. What's worse, a 13 yo girl walking into an airport carrying swords, or carrying an tactical rifle case? HMMMMMM.......... Maybe I want to send DH with her on this trip! :goodvibes

My scale just isn't budging. Today is my liquid day and maybe that will help. I'm still up from my 2 wks ago WI by about 1+ lb according to my scale. UGH!!!

As my WW leader says..."Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ......"

More later....
Today is going ok. Still unsure what tomorrow's WI will bring.

So far today I've had 2 Kashi shakes, revival shake and a Keva Berry Berry good - 14 pts. I have 8 left. I'm trying to make Wed an all liquid day each week. We'll see if I make it.
Yes, a teenager with swords or a rifle case in an airport? Hmmmmm. That would be a tough one. :rotfl2:

Don't fret about the lb. too much, I was up a little for most of last week, but it is now coming back off. Just hang in there and you will get to where you want to be. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Finally! WI went much better than I expected. Down 1.4. Which puts me .6 below where I was when things went berzerk in mid Feb. - 2 months to get back on track. I need to remember that lesson ..... AGAIN!!

I can WI 2 more times before I go to see my DSis. I'd LOVE to get my new 15 lb clippie by then, but it won't be easy. I'm gonna try.

Haven't eaten yet today as I don't before WI. Was going to splurge & have a piece of leftover chicken artichoke pizza. Had 1 small bite and it was hard from being in the fridge so I picked the artichoke off & threw the rest away. Not sure what I'll eat now, probably my old standby rollup - I Love the carbdown flat out bread, so it's almost a treat

DD is out of school tomorrow, so I'm thinking of taking her to the zoo , if I can get her out of bed.

Keep trying....we CAN do this!
Awesome loss!!! You're doing great! That 15lb clippie is yours!!!! You can do it! :cheer2:

I hope you get a good lunch today! The zoo tomorrow sounds like so much fun, plus, great exercise! :banana:

P.S. Hope you like your dinner tonight! :teeth:
Wow! I was suffering from withdrawel!! Everytime I try to come to DisBoards I get a message of page not found. That was NO FUN!!

Last nights dinner didn't happen. We ended up doing more hunting for a case for DDs Epees, no luck. Dinner ended up being an Italian ice, a slice of wheat bread and a couple of bites of scone. Not good, but tasty.

So far this a.m. have had other 1/2 scone and a roll up sandwich from Costco - small 3pts-.

We have a reception for the opening of the fencing club tonight. I'm planning on eating basically veggies & fruit there. I'm sure they will have at least some of that from the caterer and I will stick with water.

I was wrong about DD's day off school. It was originally listed that Monday was the snow make up day, but they changed it to today, so she will be off Monday. We'll go to our fav thrift store and then if not raining, the zoo.

Off to finish ebay so maybe I can get dressed before noon (I have 27 min to go).

Later....Have a good weekend all!!
Sounds like a good plan for the reception tonight! Hope you have fun!
I didn't quite get off Dis at noon, but close and I needed my DISboard fix. Did my ab stuff from WW, showered and while showering I convinced myself I could handle the 3 mile WATP today. Never done it before. and I DID IT!!!!

The walking part was not too bad but the stretchie band arm stuff was HARD. Byt I already know that I have zero upper body strength. It takes almost 50 min, so I know I wouldn't have time to do it every day, but I'm hoping to try to fit it in 1 - 2 x week.

Now I'm tired, but feel some accomplishment. TOM is fast approaching - or at least it's supposed to be, at this point I never know for sure. Water retention, here we come. Sometimes I can gain as much as 6 - 10 lbs OVERNIGHT!! I've been this way since I was about 10 and so is my DD. VERY depressing.

Off to tackle the house.


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