July- Fitness Independence for Hakuna Matata!

Morning everyone!

Villains Rock, baby Pheonix is adorable! I'm so glad he's well.

My 5k yesterday went amazing. First the weather cooperated and it was rather overcast and very lightly raining and even better only in the mid-70s at that point. The only bad part was the ground was slightly wet. I ended running a 26:33 (yay!) and won my age group. It also placed me 7th amongst women and 50th out of 115 overall. I now have two weeks to prep for my next race, which should be interesting as it is a night race (8 pm).

I also decided to take my next step towards the half-marathon and have signed up for a 10k in October. For those of you that have gone from 5k to 10k, how long and how hard was the switch? I'd like to run roughly a 9 to 10 minute pace and finish it in under an hour. Should I be trying to train the whole distance like I do for the 5k or would running 5 milers (my occasional long run right now) be sufficient? Is it a pipe dream to think that after two months+ I should be able to run a 10k at my current 5k pace?
Oh and I forgot to add I convinced my mom to sign up for the 1 mile walk at my next race. I'm hoping she'll build up to being willing to walk one of the longer races that I run. I've tried to get her on these boards to show her a lot of people walk, but she's just stubborn and the truth is in our little local races there aren't that many walkers or run/walkers.
WOW Jennifer, you are doing great, Lynn said yu are doing better than her as when she takes 1st , she is the only one in her class.

Show your mom this site, that might get her motivated.

Watched the Magic arrive this morning, KEWL!!!
Wow so many exciting things happen in one day.

VR that baby is as cute as can be!

Scott & Lynn, Mark and I were on the Wonder for Mark's 50th celebration. We found out we liked it enough but not enough to cruise again. Have a BLAST!!

Dave my rest day was yesterday, I was beat. Today we did 4 but not too fast, just something for miles for the team and to keep our butt in gear.

Speaking of butt, I weeded the front yard yesterday and fluffed the bark mulch and my A** is killing me. Needed this morning's walk to move them legs and get blood back where it belongs. Very stiff but the yard looks good and I did find some leg muscles that haven't been worked in a while.

Monday I may get some pilates work in again since it;s my early entry day at work 7am. Too hard to be presentable at 7am.

Have a good night.

Hi everybody!!

Did a 6 miler on the dreadmill...too hot to go outside this afternoon.

Eva: baby Pheonix is beautiful! Make-up? You have a natural beauty that doesn't need make-up!

Denise: I hope Mark is over the migraine. I hate them.

Scott & Lynn: enjoy your cruise!

Connie: glad your shoulder is feeling better

Good morning everyone! (Am I the first one to post this morning :)) Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was a busy weekend for me - DF's birthday was yesterday so I had lots of stuff to get organized. We had a birthday dinner with his family which was nice. There was a big cake but I didn't go back for seconds - I figure it's going to be there the whole week right? And then went for a long walk last night to try and burn off some of the cake :) I ended up getting DF a certificate for 12 personal training sessions. I couldn't think of what else to get him and figured this would help him prepare for the half in January.

Eva - Baby Phoenix is a super cutie! And you don't need any makeup!! :) I'm going to give the hill repeats a try after work tonight. Wish me luck!

Scott/Lynn - Hope you're having lots of fun on your cruise!!

Denise - Weeding/gardening is tough! I've helped my mom a couple of times and I don't know how she does it. I always end up with back pain. Hope you're feeling more rested today :)

Jen - Congrats on another great race!! Do you have any running stores that hold clinics? Our running store has clinics for races from 5K to full marathons. Although my cousin recently signed up for one and he said that everyone in his group was "slow" and he found it hard to run with them.
I slept in a bit thinking it would be still cool at 8:30, no such luck. I got in 2 miles in 18 minutes before the heat got to me. Those 7:30 a.m. runs have spoiled me on temperature. I'll probably get on the dreadmill or try again tonight.

Vicky, There is a running store near me; however, their clinics are based on the local race calendar, which seems to be 5ks May to August, 10ks and 10-milers October to December. So, unfortunately I'll be back at school by the time they start up their 10k clinics. I'm worried that the people at the clinics will be too fast for me. The running store also runs the local run club and those people are hard core. (THe shortest club sponsored run is a 6 miler)

Hi everyone!

Checking in here after lunch. It’s hot in NH so there will be no walking tonight. Will Barb-b-q for dinner and relax. Have a lot to get caught up on the home front so will see if I have enough energy to do that.

We’ve had bad storms here recetly, so the sunshine today is a blessing. We actually had a Tornado last week and a woman was killed. Very unusual for NH. Our mountains usually protect us.

Well back to work since I am here to do just that. Have a good one all!

take care
Hi everybody!!!

Dave and I did a really hot and humid 12 miler this morning. I brought 2 GU gels with me and took them at 5 miles and at 10 miles. I am going to have to start taking one at 3 miles and then every 3rd mile. Had plenty of water with us.

Take care out there and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!

Hi guys.

As Princess Erica said we did a really humid 12 miles. Yes I drank water! It was actually quite pleasent except for the heat and the being soaked to the skin.

After our walk I had an hour of push mowing inn the heat. Once again I took water breaks.

Wiser Panda:hippie:
Hi Team!
Okay I guess the long day, heat, and humidity gave me a rest day only I feel totally drained.

:hippie: & Erica, just thinking about the heat I drank more water :goodvibes
Hey all!

I got back out and ran my full run. 3.25 miles in just under 30 minutes. The hills in my normal run prevent me from running it at race pace, but it has been getting better. I went after dark, so while still humid no blazing heat.

Also, for anyone interested, Target has running skirts on sale 14.99 this week.

Erica and Panda, nice job on the 12 miler!
Well...I ran my first unofficial half marathon yesterday! I had started out early in the morning and due to my drowsy state I had forgotten my asthma inhaler so I had to turn around. When I headed back out I though I went a way that would shave some time off, but it only helped by a half mile. My 12 mile run had just turned in to 12.5 and the wheels in my head started turning....I could just do it and get it over with. That way I have it under my belt and I can work on my time before September. So I did and I was super proud of my self. :cool1:

My older sister is in town and she was not impressed. My dad had told her how far I went and her response was, "Well hurry up and shower we have been waiting for you to get done." Then at the end of the night (8pm) we were at the fair and I said I was tired and wanted to head home. She started razzing me about being a baby and I said "I got up before 4 am and I ran 13 miles today...I'm exhausted". Her response? "I knew you were gonna milk that all day". Yep. I was not happy with that. I have been a quitter my whole life and I'm finally doing something and accomplishing goals. Her lack of support has hurt my feelings, to say the least. I don't talk much about my running to anyone other than Jordan. I know people don't care. But I hoped that my sister of all people would be happy for me. :sad2:

OK...enough of the pity party for me. On to the good with you guys!!

Dave - Can't believe you had the energy to mow the lawn after 12 hot miles!! You go!!!

Erica - I found that I'm best to take Gu at every 4 miles. I had been taking them at 5 then I noticed a trend on my Garmin of my pace slowing significantly at mile 4. I started taking it at 4 and now I seem to have a more steady pace throughout. See what works best for you. My rule of thumb is to drink and eat before I feel I need to. If you feel that you need it it's probably too late. I could be wrong though. :confused3

Denise - BBQ sounds goood!

Vicky - Good luck with the hills! I'm tackling them tomorrow after work. Eek!

To the rest...take care...hydrate...be strong!

I will be at the Tigers/Indians game tonight...YAY for baseball!!! :thumbsup2
Good morning!

Been busy. Had company for dinner last night and ended up without getting PLANNED exercise in. Got lots of the unplanned kind, though. I will be putting some miles on the TM this morning. It's too hot to get outside for long. I did 6 miles on Saturday, started at dawn and didn't get back to the house to avoid the 90's.

Phoenix is a cutie! Makeup, you don't need no stinkin' make up, girl!

Congrats princess on the 13 miles. No worries about your sister. It's no big deal to do 13 miles.....when you get to be the one NOT doing it!

Everyone make a great day!
Well...I ran my first unofficial half marathon yesterday! I had started out early in the morning and due to my drowsy state I had forgotten my asthma inhaler so I had to turn around. When I headed back out I though I went a way that would shave some time off, but it only helped by a half mile. My 12 mile run had just turned in to 12.5 and the wheels in my head started turning....I could just do it and get it over with. That way I have it under my belt and I can work on my time before September. So I did and I was super proud of my self. :cool1:

My older sister is in town and she was not impressed. My dad had told her how far I went and her response was, "Well hurry up and shower we have been waiting for you to get done." Then at the end of the night (8pm) we were at the fair and I said I was tired and wanted to head home. She started razzing me about being a baby and I said "I got up before 4 am and I ran 13 miles today...I'm exhausted". Her response? "I knew you were gonna milk that all day". Yep. I was not happy with that. I have been a quitter my whole life and I'm finally doing something and accomplishing goals. Her lack of support has hurt my feelings, to say the least. I don't talk much about my running to anyone other than Jordan. I know people don't care. But I hoped that my sister of all people would be happy for me. :sad2:

OK...enough of the pity party for me. On to the good with you guys!!

Dave - Can't believe you had the energy to mow the lawn after 12 hot miles!! You go!!!

Erica - I found that I'm best to take Gu at every 4 miles. I had been taking them at 5 then I noticed a trend on my Garmin of my pace slowing significantly at mile 4. I started taking it at 4 and now I seem to have a more steady pace throughout. See what works best for you. My rule of thumb is to drink and eat before I feel I need to. If you feel that you need it it's probably too late. I could be wrong though. :confused3

Denise - BBQ sounds goood!

Vicky - Good luck with the hills! I'm tackling them tomorrow after work. Eek!

To the rest...take care...hydrate...be strong!

I will be at the Tigers/Indians game tonight...YAY for baseball!!! :thumbsup2

Eva welcome to our world. Most people don't wanna hear it because it reminds them that they hate their on bodies but don't have the guts to do anything about it. Keep faith in what you are doing and be proud of youself. You have a lot to be proud of. That is why groups like this are so important becuse at times it seems like no one cares. Wait till you meet everyone at Disney, you will be worn out from the hugging.

Thanks for the compliment on the energy, I'm rewriting the book on senior fitness.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Mark and I went out for our 4 miles this morning. We were met by a fellow quilter/friend on our first mile. She’s a surgical nurse and does a couple of miles before she starts her day and liked having bodies to walk with for protection. It was a beautiful morning. We almost attempted to do 5 this morning but I didn’t have my watch so I didn’t dare and be rushed to get ready for work. Feeling much better today and glad the rest of the day and night will be more for me! If I can get a 5 miler in this week and continue my 4 on Wed and Thursday I’ll manage 80 miles this month! I really would like to do that but we’ll see………

VR, your sister really ticked me off! What a sense of accomplishment for you! When I did the ½ I had done 6.1 miles as my longest walk but with a feeling I could go on without effort, for you to tackle that length in this heat and then go out to the fair is amazing. Like to see her try.

I don’t have a sister, only a brother, he could not do the mileage I do - well maybe if his life depended on it. I think he’s proud of me but he’s never said so. We walk/run compete because we feel better, too bad you sister and my brother will never know the sheer joy of working hard to accomplish something and almost burst in tears when you’ve completed it and they put that medal around your neck. There is nothing in the world like it. I would say that incredible day in my life is one that I will remember as much as my wedding day, the birth of my children the death of my mother. It will stay with you forever. They can never take that away from us with every step we take, we’ve earned that moment – enjoy it.

As Dave says, WALK STRONG.

Dave and Erica – 12 miles – you guys are too much. I’d have to start at 3am so I could do most of it in the dark and cooler temps!

Well I am at work so I’ll sign off. Will PM my miles too.

Hi everyone! We're expecting another hot week here in Toronto. I want to go out and run on Wednesday and Thursday so I have a feeling I'm going to be waiting until later in the evening to do that. I don't mind exercising at night except all the water I drink usually keeps me up :)

Eva - I did some hill repeats last night. They were tough! I'm hoping to go out again on Thursday. We'll see. Sorry to hear about your older sister! I think we all know someone like that (unfortunately). I think you're doing great :) If it wasn't for you, I never would have even attempted the hill repeats!

Dave/Erica - Whoa! 12 miles!! You guys are awesome! DF and I are still working at building up the walking miles. We're at 3 miles and I'm pushing for 3.5 - 4 this week. I told him that if we walk faster, it won't take as long. Of course that's easier said than done.

Jen - I wish we had Target stores in Canada. $14.99 for a running skirt sounds like a good deal :) I've stayed away from the running clinics for that reason too but I think I might bite the bullet and join. I figure even if I have to run at the back, I'll have to push myself to run faster. I'd love to run at a pace like you and Eva. You gals are fast!

Margie - The heat makes me really tired too! Hope the weather is better today and you're feeling more energized!

Connie - The last time I went to a friend's house for dinner it was on one of my running days and I kept thinking about the exercise I was missing. Isn't that terrible :laughing:

Well, that's all for now. Take care everyone!!
Hi everybody!!

Did a 3 miler on the dreadmill today then finished up PT with ultrasound and ice.

VR: Congratulations on your 13 miler!!! Don't let anybody take that proud feeling from you! Non-exercisers can be so cruel at times. Ya done good girl!!

Connie: will PM you my miles tomorrow!

Good evening all,

What a hectic few days. It was a busy race weekend and crazy start to the work week.

Sat. morning I did a 1/4 marathon. Third year to do this local race. It's nice to get up and only have a 5 min. drive to the start. I really pushed myself. Had a PB and took 3 mins. off last years time.

Sat. night my husband did a local 5k. Wasn't sure if this would be a go. We had major storms throughout the day but the sky cleared for a beautiful evening run.

Sun. morning I did a 10k. Same event organizers as the previous evening. What disorganization! They were running a 1/2 marathon at the same time. They had problems with the course setup and ended up having the 1/2 runners do the 10k twice + an addon. They had to remeasure so we started an hour late. I was getting worried that my earlier breakfast wouldn't hold & temps would rise quickly.

Congrats. to everyone's accomplishments! What great work!:cheer2:

Happy Wednesday training.....it's track night. :woohoo: .....Sue
Hello Team! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Sounds like some great walks/runs and accomplishment this week :goodvibes WAY TO GO. Geez, I have not done a 12-13 miler since the April half marathon!

Eva :grouphug:

Vicky- Way hot in the 90's today with high humidity. I am tired but then I did not get home to even eat dinner tonight until almost 9:PM.

Connie, how is the shoulder?

Scott & Lynn know you must be enjoying that cruise or are you possibly wishing you were home working on the basement (?) :rolleyes1


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