June 2023 W.I.S.H. Thread - New Season, New Start

So many vacation memories but the one that sticks out was our first wdw trip in 2021...the way the kids passed out after our first park day. They had a wonderful first day and laying in bed listening to their contented snores stick with me.

So many dream trips ...

Healthy vacation tip? Embrace the kids meal! When traveling I try to eat kids meals at quick service restaurants. Fewer calories and they don't sit like bricks particularly when it's hot out! Plus with the calories you save (and typically money too) you can splurge on a dessert (also kids size) and maybe a grownup beverage at the end of the night.
@Oneanne your edits made me laugh out loud! Have a wonderful trip to fake Morocco and hopefully real Morocco soon!

Vacation tips: make it a point to always eat lots of fruits and vegetables each day and if on a cruise, never take an elevator.

I really like the tip to drink water before you leave in the morning.

Dream vacation: well, some of my youtube travelers were in Africa during the pandemic and they went to many national parks so I'm thinking I want to do a safari. And another youtuber is in Panama so DH said he might want to do a Panama Canal cruise. I hear everyone about getting kids together. We did the Mickey's Christmas Party this year and it was fun but we were really only with the kids for one meal and then the occasional park siting! We did all wind up at Cosmic Ray's for hot cocoa at the same time once and that was fun.

I'm really struggling with my eating. I'm hoping that because tomorrow is the last day of school I won't be gobbling chocolate every ten seconds as I'm stressing out. The stress should be over in just a few hours--then a different type of stress begins for a couple weeks until we fly away and I leave it all behind.

And so do woohoos... what's got you woohooing today?
WooHoo -

I've been sticking to my treadmill routine lately, and outdoor walks with my neighbor and her dog will start soon. :dog:

My "garden" plants are growing. (Just a couple of pots on the back deck, but still fun!)

I have some extended family plans coming up this weekend. 🎈🎂 🎁
Woohoo... I packed last night! Half way thru I realized when I test packed a few weeks ago I didn't include a heavy sweatshirt or my jackets, but still managed to get it all in there... probably way more than I actually need.

Woohoo... today is a short work day because I have my mani/pedi, acupuncture and chiro appointments this afternoon. And woohoo for the mani/pedi.

And aside from the excitement over the cruise itself, woohoo for having an entire week off, which hasn't happened since December.
Today I am thankful for the care/support team I've found here. Yesterday during my acupuncture appointment I told him how my feet have gotten better enough that I could actually feel the effect of the sugar in the birthday cake I'd had Monday and he told me exactly what the sugar was doing to my feet... so much more helpful than 'yah, sugar is bad for you'.

I am thankful for the yummy dinner I had last night and for the people who cooked it and brought it to me. I knew I needed a serious helping of protein and was able to get a reservation at my favorite place, and it was delish.

I am thankful that I finished up all of my pre-cruise appointments yesterday and feel like I've reached a milestone getting ready. Tasks left to do are to
finish cleaning the kitchen/bathroom: mow and get the deer fencing up: wash and vacuum the car: drop off garbage and recycle... easy peasy.
I didn't get to post yesterday, so I'll do my WooHoo and Thankful Thursday all together.

I've had a bunch of purchases / trip planning things I've been mulling over / waiting to discuss with different people (DH, my mom, my kids, etc) and last night I got many of them taken care of!

I still have a couple more we have to decide on, but I feel so much better getting some of them purchased/booked or deciding against them or to go another way with it.
Happy Thursday everyone!!!!

I missed yesterday so I am gonna whoohoooo that I got a great rate on a pop century room for the first weekend in December!! DD wants to attend a show in Orlando (non Disney related) the first Sunday in December and I told her if everything lined up we could go. With my flight vouchers and the discount on rooms we can definitely go! Flights booked, room booked and I will get Christmas party tickets when they release 6/29-cant wait!! We have never been to a after hours or special event so this is going to be so special for us!!

Thankful for my yearly performance award to cover this!!!

Everyone enjoy their night!!
Well, I made it. Currently in the chair for my final chemo infusion.

My mom has the kids all weekend, so I'm just going to relax and binge trash TV while I get through the worst of this for hopefully the last time.

Best wishes and prayers as you go through your final chemo treatment! It's such a milestone! Hopefully you'll find some good shows to binge watch!

We don't have too many plans this weekend. It's Father's Day, so the kids are all coming for lunch at my mom's and dinner at my MILs - so that should be a fun day! I have a couple of closets that I've been wanting to organize / clean out, so they may just be calling my name this weekend. One of them is our hall linen closet - it's pretty big and I tend to just throw things in there. It's where I put all my good deals from Walgreens and CVS - I definitely need to go through to see what all is in there and probably donate at least 1/2 of it lol!

I also need to make a plan to use up stuff in the refrigerator before we leave Thursday night. I bought two gallons of milk yesterday and I told DS he has to make them last until then lol!
In true ADHD fashion, after declaring that I was heads-down eyes-on-the prize with my pre-cruise goals I did the opposite and have been getting too much dairy, gluten and sugar and not keeping up with my exercises. But yesterday felt like turning the corner and I was back on track with food choices and got in my exercise minutes. As a reward I'm on the cusp of losing my first pound in a couple weeks and will be within one pound of my pre-cruise goal.

Big plans for the weekend... knocking out the last few before-I-leave tasks and heading up to Vancouver Sunday - woohoo! Weather forecast for next week is looking down right perfect, I don't think we could have asked for better.

I'm admittedly one-note this week as most brain cells are working on pre-cruise and cruise stuff... so here's a quiz to help you figure out what your perfect cruise is:


Bonus points if you share if you've ever been on a cruise and what you liked best about it. Or if you have a cruise in mind that you'd like to take, other than what is suggested by the quiz... unless the quiz got it right.

How did the week go for you? Halfway thru the month, how are you tracking to your goals? Any fun plans for the weekend?
Week went OK - some days good, some days a little too indulgent.

Tracking my walking goal in the exercise thread. - I do have to update the last few days from the numbers in my phone.

Yes on the fun plans - a birthday party for my cousin's DD (who will be four) and taking FIL's present over to his house. It will be nice to see family on both sides.

I got Alaskan cruise.

I don't generally consider cruises my thing. I worry about the "petri dish" aspect and that I couldn't get home quickly in an emergency.

But I might actually consider Alaska if a friend or family member really wanted to do it. I would also be open to a river cruise.

I have been on one cruise a loooong time ago. My high school senior trip included a "cruise to nowhere" - just a couple of days out in the ocean. Parts of it were fun, but sadly, my camera disappeared on the boat and I don't have any pictures.


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