JUNE W.I.S.H. Challenge - Looking Ahead

This is an article that points out the “myth” of 10,000 steps. Even getting in 2-3,000 steps or 20 minutes of exercise is extremely beneficial.
My husband reminds me of this all the time. So I have switched more to the time I am active rather then the amount of steps.

The article wouldn't let me see all of it without subscribing but Yes I read this ages ago - apparently it was also that the step meter maxed out at 10,000 and everyone just assumed if you hit the maximum that was better. I am also focusing on time spent being active more,

It was a little trickier when we’d make something where they mixed together like in a stir fry or casserole.

Yes I hate this - it all gets lost and you don't know where you are portion size. so much so that when I was trying to be really good last week and made a stir fry for the kids and I. I actually measured my meat and vegies raw and sauce and then cooked them in a small separate pan (although you can't do that with casserole!) The kids wash up (with a dishwasher) so it wasn't tooo much of a hassle and I could just slide it on my plate and knew I had the right amount lol A little extreme I know but it helped me that night feel like I was sticking to my goals.


My plates tend to look more like this - represented on a plate like this the fat portion looks giant I know - but in reality your plate does not quite look like that the fat could be 1/2 an avocado combined with whatever oil you cooked it in :)

1592342877980.png Here is an example as to how it looks in reality. Most of the time my plate looks like this but will have an indulgence of bread every now and then when I feel like it. There is a strict, moderate and liberal where Net Carbs are 0-20 20-50 and 50-100 grams per day. The lower the carb count the easier to lose weight. For me the lower the carb count the less my blood sugar spikes and I stay more even accross the day. I also have been snacking less as everytime I eat that will see an insulin and blood sugar response - so to stay on a more even keel I am trying to stick to satisfying myself at meals and limiting snacks. That might mean sometimes planning a meal with desert so that it is all eaten together rather than waiting 2 hours then coming back for desert.

I was planning to respond last night - but I was so tired I just could not summon the energy to think and type a coherent response hah
Hello Dearies!!!

Ok, going back to Saturday's game... 2 truths and a lie...
1- My cat brought us a baby bunny the other day
2- He got into the HVAC vents and we spent the last day and a half trying to rescue him
3- He is *NOT sleeping inside my shirt right now 501538

So anyway, yeah, that's what I've been up to :rolleyes1 It's nice to be able to have the AC back on now, though luckily the weather was mild the last day or two. I also worked on my little serenity garden on the side of the house, it is pretty much done, and I'll try to get a picture tonight for tomorrow's woohoo... but the bunny-woohoo was too big to hold in until tomorrow.

Motivation Monday: Well, I dropped a ton of money on sod for my little garden, so there was a big motivation to get is in before it started to die... The scale was down a bit on Monday morning, my official weigh-in day, but even with watching what I eat and working in the garden, it seems that it's going to be slow going unless I make time for walking... which makes my bad leg hurt... because I'm heavy... because I need to walk... so that's motivation there...

It was a little trickier when we’d make something where they mixed together like in a stir fry or casserole.

THIS! Luckily I do most of our cooking, so I can estimate how much of each ingredient is in a serving or make a small serving for myself with adjusted ingredients. But restaurant food is tricky

When I am being good, I try to measure all my intakes and track them with sparkpeople, going for specific ranges based on the RDA... it can get pretty weird at the end of the day when I realize I'm short on something so there I am at 11pm eating canned spinach or whatever...
Hello everyone

Wednesday already WOW - I ended up having a day off today - we had a house inspection this morning - I don't know how renting works in the US but here every 3 months the property manager comes to check out that the property is being kept in good condition and to see if there are any issues that need repairing. So as much as we look after our place - it always is a time of a deep cleaning - that is a good thing in a way - but exhausting just the same. Then I had to go buy some more test strips for the glucometre and by then it was lunch time and I hadn't eaten all day! So I just could not get my head into work for the afternoon. I made myself a healthy lunch and then snuggled up on the couch with a blanket and watched some tv and had an afternoon nap. Some days you just need some me time with a day off from work.

My Woohoo's

  • My house is CLEAN
  • The scales and I were friends this morning I had a drop of 600g in one day :) lets hope I can keep that downward trend for the rest of the week.
Health wise I have point friendly meals planned out for the rest of the week. I have really enjoyed my walks the past few days-sunny and pleasant but not too hot. So I ended up walking a little farther.

Mental health wise, our libraries have had a limited reopening. We can pick up books that we have reserved at a drive through window. I have been putting books on reserve throughout the closure, so now they are becoming available. I have two more ready for pick up tomorrow!
We're headed into a run of warm sunny summery weather just in time for the actual start of summer, which doesn't always happen around here as June tends to be grey and gloomy.

Yesterday I had a meeting to review what I've been working on and was able to look at it as an opportunity to showcase my work, rather than dreading it. And it turned out exactly that way, a kudo at the end for "excellent work".

Still pleased with the improvement in my feet and really looking forward to my next acupuncture appointment to get even better.

My county has applied to move to Phase 2 of covid re-opening. The news coverage right now is really confusing because the reports are all about increases, but we've actually held pretty steady the past few weeks. A lot of the neighborhood businesses are opening up, which is great to see. I've increased what I'm comfortable doing, but things that involve extended periods of time around other people are still a no, as that seems most risky.

I've decided to go to my Sister's for 4th of July, a quick overnight trip. I'm hoping that most of the campers will have gotten to town Friday evening, and that catching the early ferry Saturday morning will help me avoid the trailer parade. Then I'll head home early Sunday morning, hoping to be in front of the pack that direction as well.
We're headed into a run of warm sunny summery weather just in time for the actual start of summer, which doesn't always happen around here as June tends to be grey and gloomy.

Yesterday I had a meeting to review what I've been working on and was able to look at it as an opportunity to showcase my work, rather than dreading it. And it turned out exactly that way, a kudo at the end for "excellent work".

Still pleased with the improvement in my feet and really looking forward to my next acupuncture appointment to get even better.

My county has applied to move to Phase 2 of covid re-opening. The news coverage right now is really confusing because the reports are all about increases, but we've actually held pretty steady the past few weeks. A lot of the neighborhood businesses are opening up, which is great to see. I've increased what I'm comfortable doing, but things that involve extended periods of time around other people are still a no, as that seems most risky.

I've decided to go to my Sister's for 4th of July, a quick overnight trip. I'm hoping that most of the campers will have gotten to town Friday evening, and that catching the early ferry Saturday morning will help me avoid the trailer parade. Then I'll head home early Sunday morning, hoping to be in front of the pack that direction as well.
I can’t believe the holiday is a just a little over two weeks away. We’re usually at the beach-celebrations cut way back this year, of course. We can watch the fireworks from our house but they have been cancelled.
Will probably avoid the crowds and stay home.
I can’t believe the holiday is a just a little over two weeks away. We’re usually at the beach-celebrations cut way back this year, of course. We can watch the fireworks from our house but they have been cancelled.
Will probably avoid the crowds and stay home.
The "official" fireworks that my Sister's town puts on are canceled, but families put on their own shows up and down the beach, some even hiring professionals to do them, so we're counting on some of that still happening. We can watch from her front deck, without being around other people, so minimal risk. I'm looking forward to it, with fingers crossed it'll be nice weather.
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Belated woohoo... I went out to my hair places website to check one more time and appointments have opened up! There were only about a 1/3 of the stylists listed, and one of them wasn't my usual person, but I went ahead and made an appointment for Friday night... just want to get the back shaved up and anyone there can do that!
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WooHooing that our Zoo has opened up. I can't wait to go. It is all outside and easy normally to social distance. They are even made it easy now that they are only letting 25% of the capacity in. This is good since on Mondays it is free for our county. We get a zoo pass every year so we just avoid Mondays.

Today food wise has been really bad. I am eating a lot of junk. I am PMSing and I always tend to eat bad around this time. This is one thing I need to be better at. I am usually pretty good with self control until this week. I seem to lose it all.
WooHooing that our Zoo has opened up. I can't wait to go. It is all outside and easy normally to social distance. They are even made it easy now that they are only letting 25% of the capacity in. This is good since on Mondays it is free for our county. We get a zoo pass every year so we just avoid Mondays.

Today food wise has been really bad. I am eating a lot of junk. I am PMSing and I always tend to eat bad around this time. This is one thing I need to be better at. I am usually pretty good with self control until this week. I seem to lose it all.

According to this website, you actually do need more calories the week before your period!
My woohoo is that I’m in a good workout routine. I’m having fun trying to “walk/run/bike to the Outer Banks”. I did better with my eating today...but I know there is still room for improvement. And school is officially over. My neighbor who had just turned 1 when we moved into our house just graduated last night!


Think of three things to be grateful for... one from the past, one from the present and one from the future.
PAST - Seconding yours - my grandmothers! One lived locally, and is a huge part of many of my memories. We used to have special traditions, and she taught me frugality and the satisfaction of being truly useful. The other lived a couple of towns over, but I still saw her often, and she taught me about being an independent woman and knowing what you want.

PRESENT - My tomato plants are growing! This is huge for me, as my family often refers to my "purple thumb of death". :rotfl:

FUTURE - Our pool (and DH, who worked very hard to get open and ready!) because I am looking forward to enjoying it during the hot days of summer. ☀🔥
PAST - A safe happy childhood with lots of great memories. The ability to go to University as a mature age student - it changed my life :)

PRESENT: My Kids and my parents.

FUTURE: Hopefully - the ability to make some more memories with my kids when we can travel again - we all have different areas of the US we would still like to see and of course another Disneyland trip. And most of all I will be grateful on that trip for all the hard work I am putting in now to improve my health so I will be healthier and be able to enjoy the trip with no worries and amazing pics of a radiant, healthy thinner me!
PAST: My twenty years in a HS library.
I have so many wonderful memories and made lifelong friends. I loved going to work every day.

PRESENT: My daughter, son in law and grandson. My sister, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and their families. Chatting more often has been one of the upsides of this epidemic.

FUTURE: Spending more time at our place in Ocean City. If schools open online next fall my grandson has already said he’s working from our place!


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