Jurassic park drop scary?!?

I don't do these type either, never done Splash Mtn, but i can tell you my Daughter put me on the Jurassic ride, i had no idea about what this ride was, until i got to the end and heard that ungodly noise and before i knew it i was gone, so it happened so fast, really enjoyed the inside part of it, and yes the drop
I loved the JP ride. I agree the drop is over so fast you can't even get in a good scream!

On a side note - My sister and I went on it by ourselves. There was not a single other person in line or on the big boat. It was really creepy being the only two people on the boat. Made the experience even more intense!
On a side note - My sister and I went on it by ourselves. There was not a single other person in line or on the big boat. It was really creepy being the only two people on the boat. Made the experience even more intense!

We got on it a few times on our own last year in Oct/Nov, it was fantastic.....unfortunately we got soaked as we were always sat at the front, especially front left of the boat which always happened to be our DS :rotfl: :rotfl:

To OP.........We love drops and this one is good. And I would always tell anyone to give it a try........ But if you really can`t do SM then I would avoid JP which is a shame as it is a remarkably well themed ride with a drop that is over far too quickly. Well IMO anyway :)
Question: Is the drop on the Jurassic Park ride scary?

Answer: Um, yes. Like woah. And, IMO, the rest of the ride isn't worth the few seconds of weightlessness and -this is important- this is coming from someone who loves "Jurassic Park" and Splash Mountain. Walk around and enjoy the terrific "Park" atmosphere and theming instead.

Here's my impression of the one time I rode the Jurassic Park ride:

So... we're in a boat, that's in a ditch that's going through a vineyard, I guess? Oh, neat, the iconic "What they got in there, King Kong" doors! Really cool moment - too bad they don't seem to sync with the music or progress of the boats.

Pass by a pair of bored-looking robot sauropods.

Through another ditch in a rather sparse garden. Pass by a bored-looking robot stegosaurus.

More ditch. Brief attempt at a jump scare where our boat's path is re-routed thanks to a Parasaurolophus who is... um... swimming underwater? (Somewhere, Bob Bakker is shedding a single tear.)

And now we're in a... brewery. Huh. What a tweest.

Further adventures in the Brewery. Couple of "raptors" popping up here and there. Whatevs.

Round the corner and hey, it's T. rex! Where ya been, girlfrien'! It's good to see you ag-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH OMG ***!!!???!!! :scared1:

Seconds of sheer, stomach-churning terror end with a massive splash that leaves one mad as a wet domestic theropod with an unnervingly high egg yield.

Depart boat... that's it? :confused3
:confused3 You're funny. "Bored" dinosaurs, what are they supposed to be doing? Playing basketball? A brewery? Its the JP control center and it is in chaos because the dinos have broken out of their cages and are on the loose. You have to learn how to "get into" these things. popcorn::
You know - I've ridden this but I just wanted to respond again and say that you aren't missing that much if you don't. People always say that I'm not having any fun at the parks. The truth is that I'm just not having fun the way THEY are having fun. It isn't a good day for me if I ride a bunch of things that make me uncomfortable - that is the opposite of fun. Why should I ride just because it doesn't make other people sick? Everyone telling you that you have to ride don't feel the way you do - so take it with a grain of salt.

The question was if the drop is as bad as Splash Mountain - it is worse. If that doesn't fit into how you want to spend your day then skip it. There is lots to see at the Discovery Center and all over the park. You'll have a great day no matter what. :goodvibes
I have to agree with you to ride something someone says its a must ride is not fun if your uncomfortable about and I hate heights but have rode this and never really bothered me but I personally don't care for water rides but at the same time I use to hate coasters but after riding the Hulk and Mummy I became a big coaster fan but thats me :thumbsup2
The drop is over in 2 seconds and is very fast. I think SM's drop is worse but if you don't do SM I'd probably skip JP.
Question: Is the drop on the Jurassic Park ride scary?

Answer: Um, yes. Like woah. And, IMO, the rest of the ride isn't worth the few seconds of weightlessness and -this is important- this is coming from someone who loves "Jurassic Park" and Splash Mountain. Walk around and enjoy the terrific "Park" atmosphere and theming instead.

Here's my impression of the one time I rode the Jurassic Park ride:

So... we're in a boat, that's in a ditch that's going through a vineyard, I guess? Oh, neat, the iconic "What they got in there, King Kong" doors! Really cool moment - too bad they don't seem to sync with the music or progress of the boats.
I don't know what you're talking about here. I rode a couple of days ago and right after John Hammond says "Welcome, to Jurassic Park!" the doors open up, and your boat goes through. I don't know what else you want them to do? :confused3

Pass by a pair of bored-looking robot sauropods.
Okay, it's actually Ultrasaurs (as known by the sign, and the audio that tells you that you are in Ultrasaur Lagoon), and there is only one in there.

Through another ditch in a rather sparse garden. Pass by a bored-looking robot stegosaurus.
Okay I don't know what you mean by "ditch". If you mean the ride track, then Splash Mountain is more "ditch-like" than this ride. River Adventure has big waterways where the boat is guided through a specific area via rails on the side to guide the boats, as opposed to a trough like Splash or Ripsaw. Also, the Stegosaurus are moving, and making noises. What would you do if you were a dinosaur?

More ditch. Brief attempt at a jump scare where our boat's path is re-routed thanks to a Parasaurolophus who is... um... swimming underwater? (Somewhere, Bob Bakker is shedding a single tear.)
Alright really? Making up dino names are we? It's a hadrosaur, and the story is that you see one come up on your left, who spits at you, then he goes underwater, then the one on the right who pops up is supposed to be the same one, hence he "knocked your boat off course" by swimming under your boat.

And now we're in a... brewery. Huh. What a tweest.
A brewery? It's the Raptor Containment Area. What in the world are you snorting? Oh it's pixie dust nevermind. I don't see a large container saying "BEER" everywhere?

Further adventures in the Brewery. Couple of "raptors" popping up here and there. Whatevs.
Yes, raptors come out, mixed with strobe light and screeching effects.

Round the corner and hey, it's T. rex! Where ya been, girlfrien'! It's good to see you ag-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH OMG ***!!!???!!! :scared1:

Seconds of sheer, stomach-churning terror end with a massive splash that leaves one mad as a wet domestic theropod with an unnervingly high egg yield.

Depart boat... that's it? :confused3

My answers in red. So a multi-million dollar attraction, taking 100's of man hours to maintain, and thousands of dollars to operate. What does impress you? Anything Disney apparently.
Well, as someone who doesn't normally do scary drop rides, I was coerced into going on this one a few years ago by my stepson. Right before we dropped, I said to him "I'm going to kill you"...I meant it. ;)
However, I lived somehow. It scared the :banana: out of me, but I did it, and I won't do it again. I don't enjoy being scared.
That being said, I'm not sorry I did it. Badge of courage, ya know?


I agree with tinydancer I think the Jurassic Park drop is the least intimidating out of all the ones you mention. When I rode SM it scared the dickens out of me. I thought the boat was going to flip over, lol. However, JP wasn't near as intense. This is my opinion of course. You'd have to judge for yourself.
Question: Is the drop on the Jurassic Park ride scary?

Answer: Um, yes. Like woah. And, IMO, the rest of the ride isn't worth the few seconds of weightlessness and -this is important- this is coming from someone who loves "Jurassic Park" and Splash Mountain. Walk around and enjoy the terrific "Park" atmosphere and theming instead.

Here's my impression of the one time I rode the Jurassic Park ride:

So... we're in a boat, that's in a ditch that's going through a vineyard, I guess? Oh, neat, the iconic "What they got in there, King Kong" doors! Really cool moment - too bad they don't seem to sync with the music or progress of the boats.

Pass by a pair of bored-looking robot sauropods.

Through another ditch in a rather sparse garden. Pass by a bored-looking robot stegosaurus.

More ditch. Brief attempt at a jump scare where our boat's path is re-routed thanks to a Parasaurolophus who is... um... swimming underwater? (Somewhere, Bob Bakker is shedding a single tear.)

And now we're in a... brewery. Huh. What a tweest.

Further adventures in the Brewery. Couple of "raptors" popping up here and there. Whatevs.

Round the corner and hey, it's T. rex! Where ya been, girlfrien'! It's good to see you ag-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH OMG ***!!!???!!! :scared1:

Seconds of sheer, stomach-churning terror end with a massive splash that leaves one mad as a wet domestic theropod with an unnervingly high egg yield.

Depart boat... that's it? :confused3

this made me laugh so hard :lmao::lmao::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I loved all the cheesy robot dinos! But was thinking the same thing the whole time. The drop is pretty freaking awesome though.

to the OP fellow drop hater here...I love JP drop the best! Splash is kinda lame and the drop feels fairly intense. never ridden dudley since I don't like getting soaked. JP is a fun little ride with about 15-290 seconds of scariness at the end. The drop is big but doesn't feel too intense. I managed by holding on and closing my eyes. ;)
The drop is the most fun when you take someone on the ride who doesn't realize there is a drop at the end!!! This is easy to do if you enter the ride from the Harry Potter side.
The drop is the most fun when you take someone on the ride who doesn't realize there is a drop at the end!!! This is easy to do if you enter the ride from the Harry Potter side.
The first time we ever rode JP my father-in-law rode it with us and I told him here comes the drop and turned my ball cap on backward and we got the pic and DS's looked terrified and me and father-in-law were laughing and that pic is priceless :lmao:
I absolutely HATE drops. Like, I will straight up have a panic attack in the line if I know there's a drop. I looked up this ride around a year ago and decided I would never go on it. I didn't even think I'd be going to the park. And then I looked it up. Here's some advice: stop looking at websites to figure out how bad the drop is, it makes it worse. I felt sick my stomach and I wanted to die. The ride closed at 5:15 and it was already 5:13, and I was praying that we wouldn't get on. Well, 5:15 came and went, but they still put us on the ride. I was freaking out silently as we went up and down the first extremely tiny drop, I wouldn't even call it a drop. The rest was actually super peaceful and calming, and I calmed myself down, thankfully. When the ride swerved into the raptor cage, I saw the belt. I saw what was going to bring us up 84 feet. And I was terrified for my life. As we went up I started to gain confidence. And as we were about to plunge, my confidence was at an all time high. I was fine! I think the thing that happened was the countdown, it really helped. And that usual painful drop you feel? Gone! It's like you're weightless, falling for a mere two seconds. And you could tell I was enjoying myself because of the picture, because I'm pretty sure I'm one of few people who can look great in a picture while barreling down an 84 foot drop. Moral of the story, don't be scared. You will truly miss out if you don't try this ride. I absolutely loved it and wish I could've done it more times than one!
This is really totally objective. I cannot do Splash Mountain or Journey to Atlantis at Seaworld as the drops totally freak me out, yet I am fine with Jurassic Park and have done this in Florida and California.

I really don't like drops; as in I didn't do RRR or Hulk when I went, but Jurassic Park felt a lot like the drops on The Mummy: exhilarating, but quick and pretty painless.

On topic: If you like the idea of roller coasters, but not the drops: try Dragon Challenge. I was totally expecting the drops to be bad, but they weren't. They honestly were the only 2 roller coasters I have ever been on where I didn't feel the drops after the lift hill. I truly don't understand it, but there was no drop feeling. The only feeling of weightlessness was the slight up-down feeling you get in the middle of Chinese Fireball.
I don't usually mind drops on water rides but hate roller coasters and would never ride the ToT again. I've never ridden Splash Mt (we always mean to though) but we do have a local log flume ride at a Six Flags that is a little smaller than Splash that I love.

I was too scared of the size of the drop to ride Jurassic Park the first time I went though, but I rode it the second time I went and I didn't think it was that bad. The size of the vehicle does help. They do some fake out drops beforehand but it might make you less nervous to know where the final one is. The drop feeling only lasted a drop. I would definitely do it again, but if you don't do Splash Mountain I can see where you might not like this either.
The drop didn't bother me and we were in the front row but it does look pretty big. I guess it being wider than log rides makes it seem different. The kids weren't as scared of the drop as they were of everything else just before the drop. DH refused to ride because of the drop from the videos and watching from the side... He does not do drops.
I hate, hate, hate drops. I'm really not sure if I'll ever do either ride- it was very hard to get me to go on Splash initially. It's all about taking that first plunge (literally). I haven't done this ride or Dudley Do-Right.

I actually love Splash but only after going on it about 3 times in a row/on the same trip...the build up waiting for the drop, even though I know exactly when it's coming and what it will feel like, terrifies me. However, after a couple times I am desensitized temporarily. And it's so cute.
I think becuase the size of the boat the drop feels really smooth and not like splash mountain. However i would say the restraints are quote loose so I'd feel happier holding onto little ones.
The main thing for me on JP is that it is soft landing. I have no problem with the drop, but was worried about a jarring sensation when we hit the bottom and slowed down. It was a soft landing, and much smoother than I expected.


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