Just back from a lovely last min SSR trip!


Jun 24, 2009
Thought I would share a few pics and a review from our week at SSR. The cast is me (35), DH (35), DD (8), DS (5), and DD (2)

I am not typically a last minute Disney planner, and had actually scheduled a week at HHI 11mo ago. Unfortunately my DD8 broke her wrist at a birthday party 29 days prior to leaving for HHI, and had to be a in cast while we were scheduled to be at the beach. We were able to get the waterproof cast, but not sand proof. Knowing how miserable DD would have been if we kept her off the beach all week we called MS to cancel HHI and find a room at WDW trip instead (we have APs). Thankfully there was a 2BR open at SSR! Holding point drama avoided, and our family vacation was saved :thumbsup2

With less than 30 days to plan, I was happy to snag FP+ for the new Snow White ride, Wishes and also reserved ADRs for Ragland Road and the Star Wars character meal at Sci-fi. We don't do the dining plan or make a lot of ADRs, but I like to have 1-2 fun reservations planned for us. Last trip we did a Princess thing at 1900 Park Fare, so DS was thrilled to have a SW character meal this trip :goodvibes

That was about all the planning I did given the 3 weeks I had to do it. Oh, I also did online check in and put a request in to be "close to pool" or "close to Carriage House" We have stayed at the Paddock right next to the pool before and really loved that area. DH and I did a F&W trip last Fall and stayed in the Grandstand, and I would have been happy to be there as well. I was excited to see where we would end up :cool1:
We arrived at SSR around 3 on check in day. Our room was ready and we were going to be staying in the Congress Park section! I was slightly disappointed to not be closer to one of the big pools, but was happy we would be in walking distance to DTD so that more than made up for it. Here is a picture in front of the bus stop, I hope it is sized correctly...I am not terribly gifted when it comes to posting pictures.


Our room was lovely, and the view was of the back courtyard of the building. We could see the balloon and part of planet Hollywood, but trees blocked most of the view. Not a big deal considering the DTD construction really wasn't much of a view anyway.

We had our car, but only used it to go to the Animal Kingdom. The busses to and from the MK, Epcot and HS were GREAT. I have read some poor reviews of the SSR busses but found we had nothing to complain about at all. The longest we waited was 8 minutes and no bus was so crowded we couldn't sit down. The best bus experience was one night leaving HS. DD8 decided she needed to use the bathroom right as an SSR bus was pulling up to the stop. I figured it would be at least 15-20 min before another came. To my surprise it was just 6 minutes after that bus pulled off another pulled up! So we were very impressed with the SSR busses, no ride seemed terribly long, each trip was less than 25 min. Including getting back from the MK after Wishes one night! :woohoo:
Ok, I'm not thrilled with the size of that picture...but it shows normal on my photobucket account. I don't have to scroll to view the whole thing but it does seem a bit large on this page. I'll leave them that size in hopes not to make them too small.

The walk to DTD was such a pleasant surprise! We had never done this before, and with the DTD construction busses were a bit of a pain the past trip we took. We walked to DTD nearly every day of our trip, and even all the way over to the west side took no more than 15-20 min. I took several pics of the new bridge and construction going on, can't wait to come back when all is done! The new bridge will make the trip to the Marketplace even quicker, and it looks like a boat stop will be right off the bridge as well to make it easy to get to the west side or pleasure island.


SSR side entrance to new bridge:




And on to some pool pictures. The pool is a big draw for my kids, and we really enjoyed the Paddock area last year. So I was a bit concerned the quiet pool near CP wouldn't be as exciting, and that we would be too far to walk to one of the other pools. Not the case! We were a 5min walk to the main High Rock Springs pool, and went up there a couple different times. We also went to the CP pool a couple days and really enjoyed it there too! It was nice to stay closer since we had bad storms several days and we could go out for a quick swim and get back to the room quickly when the storms came. From the CP pool area:


The playground was hot in the afternoons, but DDs had no issue checking it out:


One more of CP pool

Really looking forward to this TR. We will be at SSR in 2 months and I requested Congress Park (maybe I should also request DtD view as I would love to sit on balcony at night and look at DtD). I hope the bridge is open by the time we go. We have only stayed at SSR for 2 nights in 2007, so this is going to be all new to us. Can't wait! Thanks for sharing!
To my surprise I found I enjoyed our pool days at the CP pool more than the HRS pool. It was much easier to keep an eye on all three kids there. The HRS area was pretty crowded and DD2 wanted to be all over the place. But the kids loved the pool, slide and splash area quite a bit.

From the bridge:


Zero entry area:


splash pad:


We did not manage to get to the Paddock this trip, it wasn't a close walk and the day we were going to drive over there the storms came really early and closed the pools during our swim time.
Ok, back to more trip report stuff. I wanted to get some resort and DTD pics up for those interested in seeing them :goodvibes

We have never done SWW before, I was hoping we wouldn't see too many crowds but wanted to check out some of the SW offerings at HS. We left the resort around 5 and went to HS, I was able to schedule a FP+ for TSM, Star Tours and the Great Movie Ride (my kids love this one). We got there a few minutes before the TSM FP, so we wandered into the Darth Maul. I heard from others around us there had been big lines to enter earlier in the day, but we walked right in. I *thought* there would be a big rankor inside, as a friend of mine went last year and got a great picture with it. I made the mistake of telling DS5 and he was quite disappointed to find NO rankor inside Darth Maul or anywhere else at HS :sad: There was however a lego Darth Vader which was pretty cool ;)


Oh, inside Darth Maul was mostly shopping, a few picture opportunities and a snack/drink stand. The exact same drinks were $3 less outside Darth Maul, but you didn't get this light saber glowing straw (and there was a substantially smaller line).

We rode TSM, the GMR and the big kids rode Star Tours while I chased after my 2yo. After that the kids all wanted blue icees so we got them and were able to sneak in the back right as the Indiana Jones show started. I was really shocked how few crowds were at HS Friday night! We headed back to SSR after around 8:30 (and sadly missed the SW fireworks....it had been a long day and we could see a 2yo meltdown on the horizon)

We had plans to be at the MK the next day and wanted to have plenty of energy for it :cool1:
Really looking forward to this TR. We will be at SSR in 2 months and I requested Congress Park (maybe I should also request DtD view as I would love to sit on balcony at night and look at DtD). I hope the bridge is open by the time we go. We have only stayed at SSR for 2 nights in 2007, so this is going to be all new to us. Can't wait! Thanks for sharing!

I would definitely request Congress Park! I had *hoped* to try the Springs but am so glad we were at CP instead. I think any future SSR trips it will be the request we make. The DTD walk was priceless, we really enjoyed wandering over when we wanted, not waiting on a bus or fighting to find parking. Plus that area of SSR was lovely and not at all far from the Carriage House :goodvibes
Ok, Magic Kingdom Day. I should have mentioned my 2yo would NOT sit in the stroller the night before at HS, and we went without one at all knowing we wouldn't be there terribly late.

The next morning she didn't want to ride in it either and DH said lets just leave it and let her wear herself out...um, ok. So we left the stroller and hopped on the bus. I knew it was a mistake but figured we would be back mid day for a break anyway.

DH took the big kids on SM (DS's first time...and last for this trip, lol), I took DD2 on "Ariel" the Barnstormer and Dumbo. Met up with them and I switched and took DD8 over to BTMRR for a FP and DH took the little ones to PP for a FP. We were going to meet up for our next FP at the new snow white ride afterward.

Crowds were not terrible that morning, unless you wanted to ride snow white standby or see Anna and Elsa. The shortest I saw SW was 75 min and Anna and Elsa was 100+ min every time we walked by there. Luckily my girls could care less about standing in lines to meet characters. DD2 was just barely 38inches and was able to ride Snow White. Unfortunately by the time our FP came she was tired and hungry for lunch. We got to the front and she FREAKED about loading into the ride. The CM looked at me like I was the worst mom ever for even trying to get her on it :( :( But the CM at the FP gate was very nice and gave me a rider swap FP that allowed 3 of us to go again anytime that day :cool1:

We ate at Cosmic Rays (is that the QS place in tomorrowland?), I really like the veggie burger there. That restored some energy, DH took the little ones on Pooh and I took DD8 on the Mine Train again. DS wanted to do Pooh over Snow White. After riding I could see why, it was fun and cute, but definitely not worth waiting a long time for. DD8 was happy to get two rides in though :goodvibes

After that things get blurry, we rode the HM, Buzz, did the laugh floor and got blue icees. Unsurprisingly we had the 2yo meltdown around parade time which made it challenging to get out of the park. We managed to get out by 3:30pm (later than I had hoped given we had no stroller), but luckily a bus to SSR arrived quickly and we were back to the room before 4.

This was our last day without a stroller, btw ;)

She didn't nap, but we took a trip to the pool and fed the kids dinner in the room (we bring groceries). DH and I ate from the AP. I loved the caprese flatbread and he really enjoyed the greek salad with chicken. We walked over to DTD after that and got ice cream for the kids and cocktails for us :goodvibes Perfect way to end a long day!
The next day we went to the AK right around the time they opened. DS discovered the Wilderness Explorer Badges our last trip and has been talking about it ever since. His plan was to earn all the badges this trip. DD8 wanted to ride EE, so I took her on that while DH took the little ones to set them up with badge books. We only rode EE once, as DD has decided she didn't like it as much as last trip (sad for me! it's a total favorite!) We switched our FP for EE to the Kali River Rapids. Poor DH, never got to ride EE this trip. (don't feel bad, he really could care less)

DD2 was tall enough for the Kali River ride so we took her. DS decided right as we were about to get on that he had to go to the bathroom, so DH quickly volunteered to take him and left me to get soaked on the River Rapids with the girls. :rotfl: I was a little worried my 2yo would be scared, but she loved that ride. We got off and she kept talking about "gettin soakin wet on boat ride!" DS managed to earn several badges that morning and around 1pm we were all ready to head back to the room for a late lunch and a trip to the pool. We had plans to eat at Ragland Road that night and I wanted everyone to be refreshed and in good moods for dinner. We left at 5:20 for a 5:45 reservation and arrived with plenty of time to spare. LOVED WALKING TO DTD!

I have to do a review of Ragland Road. We loved this place! The dancing started just a few minutes after we sat down and all three of my kids were totally into it. The dancers pulled some kids up on stage but we were toward the back and it wasn't easy to try to get them up there. After the show we sat back in our seats and the dancers came around to our room. One asked the kids if they wanted to dance, DD8 and DS said no, but my 2yo took her hand and went with her. The danced in our smaller room and I got the cutest video of DD2 dancing. She wanted to watch it again and again (it was great to have on my phone anytime we were in line or on the bus needing a distraction!)

The food was excellent and we had leftovers to take back for lunch the next day. We will absolutely be back to Ragland Road, it was a highlight for all of us :goodvibes
We are doing Raglan Road our check in night. It will be our first time there. I am glad to hear your good review.
We are doing Raglan Road our check in night. It will be our first time there. I am glad to hear your good review.

Have fun!!! I think your girls will really enjoy it. See if you can get a table in the main room, but even if not they do a wonderful job circulating the other rooms to dance for all. And the service and food was excellent. I looked at the menu ahead of time and was hesitant, but wow, everything was fantastic!

We had our Epcot day the day after going to Ragland Road, and had no plans for dinner. DS was pretty upset that we left DTD without visiting the Lego store the night before (big storms came in as we were leaving RR, we had made it back to our room just in time to watch it rain and lightning in DTD)

Epcot was great fun, but we noticed a substantial increase in crowds from the first couple days. We got to Epcot around 9:15, it wasn't an EMH and the Test Track line was already 55 min and growing. DH took DD8 over to ride it while I took the little ones to Nemo. He said they got in the line and she looked at him and said "are we seriously going to wait in this line????" :lmao: My kids have been spoiled by Sept trips! So they came over to meet us to explore the aquarium. I had Soarin FP set up for later that day. I really don't love the FP+ options at Epcot....but I do LOVE Soarin so TT wasn't making the cut ;) We spent the morning on Nemo, Spaceship Earth and eventually made our way over to the WS when it opened. Maelstrom or the "troll ride" is a favorite for my kids. We rode a couple times and then wandered over to America to hunt down popcorn and blue icees. I don't know what it is about Disney and blue Icees, but every day that's the treat they want!

DD8 was disappointed to miss out on TT, so I promised I would find a FP later in the week to get her on it. We had FP plans for AK on Wed, and since she didn't care about riding EE again, I switched it to TT FP that evening for her and DH, and another Soarin ride for DS and I.

DS loves Soarin, I can't wait until DD2 is 40 inches (hopefully next year!) and we can all ride together. We were ready for a pool break after riding that afternoon, so we went back to the room to get the kids some lunch and go for a swim. We wanted to go back to DTD that night instead of taking the bus back to the park.

All of my kids love TREX. I know it gets mixed reviews, but we have always had good experiences there. We walked over to DTD around 5:15 that afternoon and hoped to put our name in and not wait long. We arrived at 5:30 and were seated within 10 min. Yay! Timing was great too because when we left an hour later the line was HUGE. The kids loved seeing the dinosaurs, DH and I enjoyed a cocktail (I had the fish tacos and he had some kind of gigantic salad). We left happy and full and the bill was fairly reasonable (there is a 10% discount for DVC or AP, so point that out!)

After dinner we spent time at the Lego store and World of Disney. DD2 got a Rapunzel doll, DS got a lego set and DD8 got a princess doll too. It was nice to have the toys in the room as they were great the next few rainy days when our pool time was cut short. We grabbed another cocktail and made our way back to the room at a leisurely pace. It was a nice evening :goodvibes
Joining!! Thanks for the info and pictures. We are headed to SSR for the first time in October so I am gathering all the info I possibly can!!
Love your trip report! We will be staying at SSR for the first time - can't wait.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy your stay at SSR as much as we enjoyed ours :thumbsup2

Joining!! Thanks for the info and pictures. We are headed to SSR for the first time in October so I am gathering all the info I possibly can!!

Enjoy!!! This was our third stay and each have been great. With little ones, the Paddock was a fantastic location next to pool, close to CH and nice to be the third bus stop on the way to and from the parks. But the walk to DTD from the Congress Park has made that our new favorite section :cool1: It was just so convenient to restaurants and shops and nice to have something to do when we weren't up for all the effort of taking 3 kids to the parks :) Hope some of my trip info is helpful as you plan your week this Fall!
Here are a few pics of our Epcot day:

In the Seas after riding Nemo

With blue icees and popcorn snack

My little ones enjoying the Viking stuff in Norway after riding Maelstrom


The next day we had our Star Wars Breakfast scheduled at HS. It wasn't until 11am, so lots of time to enjoy HS before heading over to Sci-Fi for the breakfast. Our FP+ was planned for the MK later that night (Wishes, Snow White and PP), so we were happy to just do what we could that morning. We did Star Tours, Muppet Vision 3D, Great Movie Ride and spent time on the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground.

I am not a huge fan of that playground, but my kids love it. I don't like it because it is hard to keep track of them and I really don't enjoy trying to hunt them down through small tunnels and such. But they all had fun and eventually we managed to round them up to head to breakfast. The one pic I got of DD2 before she ran off again:


Waiting outside for our breakfast at Sci-Fi:

My review of breakfast is going to get an overall vote of "Meh" It could have been much better, but could have been worse I suppose. Here is our experience. Immediately upon arriving they took our picture with Darth Vader and Bubba Fett, pretty cool. What I didn't think was cool was that neither of those characters walked around to meet and greet or do any additional pics. Kind of misleading, IMO as Darth was the obvious draw to the breakfast. Here is our picture:

Inside Sci-Fi was awesome. We have never been to this restaurant and it really was cool. Star Wars clips playing on the screen and you ate in a car. I wasn't sure if it would be a buffet or what, I guess had I been here before I would have known it isn't set up for buffet style eating. There was a set menu you could choose from. This didn't work well for DS5 or DD2 as neither was interested in anything offered (other than DD2 licking the chocolate sauce of the muffins and eating her whipped cream with a spoon) DD8 enjoyed her meal, I enjoyed the Shrimp and Grits but DH didn't really like his omelette. DD2 ate NOTHING. She liked the characters but was a bit too young to really appreciate the experience and was antsy most of the time. (played the Ragland Road video several times) We met a storm trooper, a jawa and Greedo came by and signed DD8's cast. That was cool.



DS really liked meeting the characters and watching the clips on the big screen. DH was pretty disappointed in the food choices and how much it cost to watch DD2 and DS eat almost nothing. At the end they brought a dessert (strawberry cream thing?) and the CM gave DD2 this glowing ice cube to keep. Of course DS wanted one too and she said only one per table. Well that led to drama and fighting over it and we had to high tail it out of there after that. So slightly underwhelmed that for $250 we couldn't get more than one glowing ice cube. Oh well, lesson learned and for what it was we had a good time :thumbsup2
Thanks for posting!! We are going to Saratoga for our first trip this winter. Staying in a 2 bedroom with another family. Love all the pics!


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