Just don't understand


Earning My Ears
Oct 2, 1999
The more I am trying to understand about the DVC, the less I seem to. My main question was trying to figure out how many points to buy and whether there were any "presentation" options before signing on the dotted line :confused: Now I am seeing where people own multiple properties :confused: why? if you can use any of the properties? can you only borrow from future points but not save current points :confused: Can you add to points? If you bought too many points, can you sell a part of them as resale. The sales book is absolutely no help to me. I am going to TRY to get into the chat later, but tomorrow is a school day and I'm sure there is some last minute homework for one of the kids that will come up. This is so frustrating! We have to decide right away because we have a 7 day land and sea reservation for July that needs a deposit by tomorrow, but if we're going to do the DVC, then that would probably change. I've got three kids, somewhat on the older side, with one quickly approaching 21, although he is a big Disney fan and still vacations with us, but that could change. HELP!
If you haven't already you need to read the post toward the top of this board "Frequently asked questions about DVC". Then come back and ask some specific questions that we will happy to try to answer.
People own multiple properties for a few reasons....

1) Yes you can use any of the properties but the owners at the specific resorts have a 4 month window for making reservations that non-owners do not. Therefore, if you want to assure yourself of a stay at a resort for a particular time then you need to be an owner there. This window is especially important for HHI and BWV owners.

2) It could be that people wanted to add on points but their home resort was sold out as BWV and OKW are.

And to answer some of your other questions....

You can save current points or borrow future points but there are rules for that.

You can only sell extra points if they are under a separate contract. You cannot break up a contract to sell what you don't need.
tryntje....You've got a lot of questions, as we all did before joining DVC. I strongly suggest that you take the time to do some thorough research on the topic.

Start off, as BillM correctly suggests, by reading the FAQ's. There is a gold mine of information right there.

Then figure out your vacation habits....:confused:
How often do you go?
How long do you stay?
Do you want to go to the same area (Orlando, Vero Beach, Hilton Head) for the great majority of the next 40 years worth of vacations?
Do you really, really enjoy visiting Disney World, and staying on site?
Do you plan well in advance or do you need a lot of last minute flexibility?
Have you compared with other, high quality time shares?

There are many more questions. People on this board are great and willing to share their knowledge...be advised you are coming to a board where the vast majority of the people REALLY love their decision to join DVC! :D

Last piece of advice. Don't rush yourself into any decision. There is a lot of money involved and you don't want to put yourself in a position of regret based on a rushed decision.

Good luck. If you are like me, the information gathering part of the DVC decision was very enjoyable. Lots of people to help you here.
Hi Tryntye: I agree with everyone else. Take your time and make sure it is what you want to do. We bought in 93, but before buying, we visited even before the entire old OKW was finished. We then went back a year later and visited again. Then we came home and several months later decided to buy. We have never had any regrets buying. How we planned when we bought, was we decided how many points it would take for a two bedroom in prime time (ie the week after Easter) thinking ahead as to when our sons would be married and might like to join us. In the meatime, we have gone several times in January and September each year using the one bedroom (these are low point times). We have also taken other people with us and used the two bedroom. We just bought more points last year and were able to add them to our existing points and we gave our son a wonderful honeymoon at the Polynesian and then joined them a week later. With careful planning, you can make the most of the points. Many people go to the cash basis for Friday and Saturday nights, because these nights use a lot of points. The reasons DVC make weekends high was so that people won't just go for weekends and causing a problem for others trying to book. Hope this helps.
As most have indicated, try to estimate the amount of trips/time you plan to spend each year in the type unit you want to stay in. It is best to under estimate so you can add on. It is much easier to sell small contracts than the big ones.

We joined DVC this year. After our first trip we quickly realized we wanted to vacation more often, so we simply did an add-on at our home resort (VWL) to support multiple trips per year. I looked at it this way; if our vacation style changes in years to come, we can add-on again OR sell our add-on. If we vacation less in the future, we could always upgrade the room or tie in a short cruise. We really liked the VWL when we stayed there. We have also purchased a small add-on at OKW. Our thought process was; we could invite family or friends down on short notice because of the size and availability of OKW, stay at OKW (great resort), enjoy a cruise with our stay, and just plain added flexibility to visit other resorts without a large commitment to one place.

I can honestly say, we have never been the sort of people that focus on vacations or big fans of time shares. We found this program to be unique and of high quality that we jumped in with only the regret of not doing it years ago. Our perspective on life and true quality time has certainly changed. Since we have purchased, friends and neighbors are beating our door down to get info. I have six referrals in process right now and they all came to me!

We could not be happier with our decision and the quality of the product and support.

I hope the info provided a slight bit of help.

Best of luck on your decision. If it is right for you, you will know.
Everyone has given you great advice. If you are not familiar with all the DVC resorts, visit the web page for DVC and look at the resorts there. If location is important to you, or you know you prefer one over the other, that should be your home resort so you have the 11 month window for ressies there. If you are like us, and just like staying on site, where isn't as important until after a few trips. We purchased after BWV opened, but knew we wanted OKW. We first thought we would be using other resorts too, but after a few stays at OKW, we felt so much at "home", that we have never stayed anywhere else.

Our only regret? The same as most who post here. WISH WE WOULD HAVE DONE IT SOONER!
Great advice from thread above.

I would like to add (or re-voice again) a couple of points.

If possible, buy where you plan to stay most of the time. The 11 month reservation window is important to "lock in" your vacation. You can always adjust your plans at the 7 month window if you desire to try a different resort. If you plan on going to WDW most of the time, purchase at WDW (either from Disney or via resell)!

We did this recently and it worked great. We made a 7 day reservation for BWV (home resort) at the 11 month window. We then decide to see if we could go to VB. At the 7 month window, we where able to get two nights at VB and shortened our stay at BWV to 5 nights.

DVC is best for people that plan well in advance. If most of your trips are spur of the moment, then DVC might not be for you.

The number of points to purchase is the hardest thing to figure out (no matter what, you won't have enough:)). I recommend that you think about how often you would using DVC and calculate an average number of points needed for those plans.

Banking and Barrowing are a little confusing at first. It really helps to plan your vacations about five years out to see how the points work (even as an experiment). This will help understanding the process of banking and barrowing (although I have only barrowed :)).

The great part of DVC is the flexibility! We have gone to WDW once (as members), stayed two nights at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, and have another vacation planned for February. We are also planning on using points to go to Hawaii in 2004.

This board is a great source of information. Ask all the questions you need to!
Your replies have been extremely helpful. I actually have read every single available post, as well as the FAQ's section thoroughly. That section did not answer my questions as clearly as some of the replies here.

One additional question (all of which I will be referring to the sales person I am in contact with). You mention that OKW is "sold out" -- yet our sales person has not mentioned that, as that is the property we are interested in as our "home".

The mention of "Add-on's" isn't covered in the sales literature, etc. An on premises sales orientation would certainly be the most helpful, but I don't see that being offered anywhere.

It is hard to say what our vacation "patterns" are -- it's hard to get DH to take vacations. With the DVC, he would be more likely to (a big plus).

Thanks for the input, as I think I know better what questions to be asking the sales person, and whether I should be looking at resales or not.

As an aside, ask you guide right out if there are any sales available for OKW or BWV. If they have excersised their option to buy out people who are selling, perhaps they do have minimum inventory available. Otherwise, a resale is what you need.

It takes fewer points to reserve at OKW than the other resorts. It is one reason we have felt there is a great deal of value in staying with our home resort. Look at the time of year you prefer. If you like to travel at "peak" times for Disney, such as holidays and summer, you will need more points. Also look at the amount of time you will likely go. I usually say to plan on at least a week. If you look at the 1 week rates for the time of year you would most likely go, this will give you a thumbnail sketch of where you likely need to look at number of total points to purchase. Of course, you need to also consider the size accommodations you will need. For example, if you will want a 2 bedroom at OKW in Adventure season (Jaunuary, September, and most of December), you will need 218 points. If you think you would only use this every other year, through banking and borrowing, you would possibly need less, but don't count on it! It has been our experience that you never QUITE have enough!;)

We started out with 230 points at OKW and added 150 points there when more became available. We now have enough to do what we feel comfortable with, and also can do an occational exchange. :)
It is funny that you mention that your husband is not much of a vacationer. I was the same EXACT way! We rarely traveled.

When we visited DVC, we did it while we were in WDW. I am the type of person that needs a reason to do something or I will procrastinate.

I said to my wife in jest that now we have a reason/excuse to vacation. I enjoy planning the vacations. As soon as we pick our dates, I make the call to MS, the airlines, and car rental and wait.

I agree with the buy where you stay. We really love VWL and know when we like to go, so we make our plans in the 11-7 month window to ensure our dates and we plan our business and other plans in life around it. I personally think the cancellation policy is very good. I find it comforting to be able to change the time if required and add or subtract days as needed. Others have mentioned reserving a lock-out two bedroom for guest joining them during a short stay. When the guests leave, they can reduce their room size to the studio or 1 bedroom.

To save on points, you can stay Sunday to Friday (Thursday night) for far less points.

If you buy a multiple contracts, it is advisable to try and maintain the same use year (month of renewal). Simply for your own point administration reasons.

Check out the chat on the DVC nights. You could ask live questions and you will get a ton of great answers.


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