Just got back!


Mar 11, 2005
Hi everyone! :flower: Got back last night from 2 night stay in Sequoia lodge.
I wanted to thank everyone for all their tips as it was great to have this knowledge when there.
I will post more later but quickly... the weather was good Friday, sunny and hot :sunny: It rained Saturday morning but cleared up and was very sunny by 10am :cool1:
But sunday it rained all day :earseek:
So we didn't do as much as we could have.
Quick run down....we ate at Auberge for lunch, very nice :love:
Walts for breakfast, also good!
Inventions for dinner at 8pm, dissapointing not many characters and food was rubbish yet it cost 100 euros for me and my dd! :earseek:
cafe mickey, brilliant we had lunch here and it was v nice plus loads of characters and loads of time with them as it wasn't busy.

I will post more later! :banana:
When you write your trippie ( :teeth: ) please mention Sequoia Lodge as we are staying there for the first time in November. Glad you had a good time despite the weather on Sunday. :) Looking forward to hearing ALL about it!!! :sunny:
Cast: Me age 32!
My mother age 52
DD age 5
My sis age 30.

Friday 22nd April!
We set off for the airport at 5am for our 8am flight. Everything went straight forward and flight only 1 hr long so we arrived at cdg at around 10 10am paris time :sunny:
Baggage came quickly and as we suspected there was no silvershuttle to pick us up so we went outside from T3 and straight away found the taxi rank ...we only waited 2 mins and we were all seated in out taxi and on our way! :flower:
I couldn't beleive how straight forward this all was, no messing around looking for the vea just straight into a taxi and at our hotel in aroung 30 mins Bliss! :Pinkbounc
It cost 72 euros for the taxi and was well worth it.
Chech in at sequoia was quick and our room was even ready even though it was only 11.20 am :banana:
We were on the 3rd floor in a montana room and the room was very nice and comfortable, although a kettle would have been nice!
We freshened up and dropped off our cases before leaving our room to head for the parks. :teeth:
Walking through the village was lovely we strolled around the lake and looked in a couple of the shops..I wamted to buy everything right there and then!
The sun was shining and the village was quite empty. We stopped at anettes for some lunch and I got the foot long hot dog, very nice. Annetes was not busy at all and the service was very good. It was nice to chill for a bit after our journey and plan our afternoon.
By this time is was around 1pm and as I knew the cinema parade was on at 1.45 in the studios we decided to head there first. Oh by the way I forgot to add in our hotel room I had changed dd into a minnie mouse outfit complete with ears and she was getting loads of attention because of it! ::MinnieMo
This was probably the best £20 I have spent as throughout our trip it got her loads of attention. :cheer2:

Anyway.. back to the studios , it was pretty quiet and as soon as we walked in we spotted mickey mouse outside his van, DD got her picture taken and her 1st auto graph! We then walked straight on to alladins carpets.

After this we took our places for the parade and dd stood right at the front with me as the parade came round.. She got kisses blown to her from mickey and minnie Captain increadible came up and gave her a hug and Genrally every charcter gave her a wave as they passed because of her costume! :sunny:

After this we went staight on to tram tours..thought this was boring was my mum wanted to do it, dd was a bit scared of the fire and we were glad wwhen it was over.

Now for disneyland , we walked over and entered main street..Wow it was lovely and I got some great pics of dd outside the castle. We headed straight for fantasy land and mamaged to get on the carousel after a 10 minute wait or so. But to honest it was packed and as it was now about 3pm there was no chance of a fast pass for peter pan so we just walked around soaking up the atmospere and then stopped for an ice cream and a drink.

Now for the next parade... We got some places outside caseys corner on mainstreet and waited for about 15mins for it too start..it was very busy and we really had to search for a space for dd to sit on the kerb.
Parade was great dd loved it and again got some waves and kisses.
By now we were really tired, it was about 4 30 and we had been up since 5am, i figured we had no chance of getting on any rides so we headed back to the sequoia.
Its quite a walk when you are tired and at this point I was wishing we were staying in the DLH!
Back at the hotel we rested had a drink and watched the disney channel before changing and going out for dinner at 6.30pm to the rainforest cafe.
There was no que and we were seated straight away by the gorrillas.
meal was lovely but dd was a bit wary of the thunderstorm.
We then bought a few bits in the shops and were back in our beds in the seqoiia for around 9.30.
It had been a long day and tomorrow was going to be busy as it was dds 5th birthday! :cheer2:
Hi diana. :flower:
We were very pleased with the sequoia, the room was lovely and fresh and not too far from reception. The redwood bar is very relaxing on the big couches and would be really nice in November with the fire on . We were served our drinks whist we were seated and the bar wasn't too busy at all.
The only thing is Boy do the french like to smoke! so it could get smoky but its like this everywhere I imagine.
As I said check in and out went very smoothly, overall I would defo stay again.
Papworth, it was quite packed but as you are going on a weekday it should be better. :banana:
Sounds wonderful. Thanks for your report - look forward to hearing more about it. Glad you got SOME decent weather.

Your DD obviously had such fun dressed as Minnie!! Mine would love it - but not sure if it will be practical in November!!
That was a great first part - sounds like you made the most of your time and your DD must have had a wonderful time with all that attention from the CMs. ::MinnieMo Thanks for the info about Sequoia Lodge - it sounds really nice - can't wait!!! :Pinkbounc Looking forward to your next installment!!! :teeth:
enjoyed part 1 of your report.
It is magic the memories for your DD. They will stay with you both forever :flower:

What a lovely report :)

I totally agree about the Minnie outfits! Money well spent! Just ask my DDs ;)

Sequoia Lodge is great Diana and in the winter they will have that wonderful open fire running. It doesn't look spectacular from the outside but it is definitely my favourite out of Santa Fe and Newport Bay. Fear not coz you've made a great choice to stay there (especially in winter time)! If I go again hopefully we will try the New York.


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