Just when you thought you've seen all the MAGIC! **See Page 95 for PTR!!!!**

Whoa whoa whoa! What's with the wild trip report updates? you left no notice for slackers like me who have gotten quite used to the slow easy pace of this TR.:rotfl2:

That's what comes of planning two more trips for '12:cool1:
LOL... I really wanted to get this thing done.. plus it has almost been a year since we were there and all the little details are getting fuzzy. :scratchin

OMG she is just such a beauty Tim.

Pressed Pennies is the one thing we don't say no to for Katie at WDW unless we are pressed for time. We filled an M&M mini's tube with quarters & pennies (in the right order even!) so that we had them on hand whenever. 51 cents for a souvenir is my kind of bargain!

Thank you!

We ended up buying the pressed penny book so we can keep them safe. We always seemed to lose them. :rolleyes1

I wanted to do Ohana just for the characters but breakfast is not usually a big meal for us. Now if they served Tonga toast.....

Looks like you all had a blast!

If they served Tonga Toast, I'd never leave 'Ohana!!!! :lmao:

GREAT family photos Tim.

Do you always rent a car in Orlando, or just this time because you were doing a lot of off-site things? I am wondering because we are driving in June & will have our car. I think we may want to use our car to get to certain parks (we are staying at Yacht club, so if we want to go to AK, then maybe driving is easier, or our breakfast at Poly) but DH thinks driving will be a hassle and we should stick to Disney Transportation.

What's your take on it?
We have always had a car. We usually visit with Melody's grandfather who lives south of Tampa and her cousin who lives next to Orlando. I kinda like being able to drive to dinner or a park if I want to and not have to worry about Disney busses. We usually take the busses to MK- it is so much easier to get dropped off in front.

I can see how driving could be a hassle... it is a lot cheaper not to have a car and just take a cab 1 or 2 times if you need to get somewhere quick.

WOW WOW WOW!!! That is one gorgeous cake! I love that she found the Disney lettering for the fondant.

I love the idea of using a rice crispy base for the cake, bet it tastes good too. I hope she has a side business--that is too much talent to go to waste.

She does an amazing job. This is the cake she made for Juliana's 4th birthday..





funny I was just telling DH about your $100 cake at Park Faire. Good lesson learned at your expense. :confused3sorry
You could always put that $100 towards the rental car!!! :lmao::lmao:

Love that picture of Ana with Lady. It really puts the "statue" into perspective! :wizard:

She looks like an ant next to it!

What a nice way to say good by to Disney....a quick trip to the Dark Side. Looks like it was fun!
It was fun... although it was very, very busy.

YAY for Ana reading Go Dog Go! I love that book. Katie still pulls it out occasionally just because its fun. :cloud9:
It is a cute book... it was one of my favorites when I was a kid too.:goodvibes

:cloud9: too cute!!!
Ok, after reading some of the chatter here, I have decided I'm NOT going to order a cake in Nov. If I'm going to pay $100 for a cake it had better taste good....I mean GREAT! Decision made.
See, my TRs do help people out!! :lmao:

I would try a different bakery but I won't be paying for a cake at the GF anymore. :sad2:

I'm sorry to see this TR coming to an end but happy your starting a PTR. (nope not doing one myself). I hope our paths do cross in Nov. and I think I might have an idea about the other trip :rolleyes1:boat: maybe.....?
I hope we could meet up- even for a quick hello! I guess you'll have to read the PTR... :surfweb: :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Love the video of the kids playing. Warms my heart.

Oh and BTW.... Love the squirrel tag. :lmao:
Juliana & Christopher were being silly.

I posted a squirrel pyramid and I guess the tag fairy thought I liked them. :confused3 :squirrel:

Great picture...I love how happy Christopher looks being held by his big sister.
The snuggle every night before bed. Maybe suffocating is a better term... :lmao:

Two trips!!!!???? :rotfl: Now you sound like me. :lmao: However, if you're saying that one isn't what you think...cruise out of NY, perhaps? Although I could be totally wrong, too.
I have to try to keep up with you neighbor!!!! :rolleyes1

Love your new tag. The squirrel smilie is AWESOME.
Thank you!!!!! :thumbsup2

can they be any cuter :love: and the video is so sweet! love Christopher's little laugh....did my heart good today to hear that and see their sweet faces :goodvibes
I'm glad you were able to get to smile. :) She loves her little brother and she was just being silly- and he was loving it. :rotfl2:

hmmm....two trips to Disney....need details and dates popcorn::
You planning on going back this year???? popcorn::

hope Christopher doesn't have any major pain with his new teeth :hug:
me too! Last night was a little rough. :headache:

That's what I was thinking too. Wonder if we are right? Hmmmm
Who? What? Where? popcorn::
Made it back in time for it to wrap up - but how fun to hear that there may be a couple more in the works!

I was too far behind to try to comment on all the wonderful stuff I saw, so I will go with:

Love, love, love the castle picture and the fact that you had caught it on film!

Christopher is such a sweet, happy looking baby and Juliana looks thrilled to have him in her collection of playthings ;)

The birthday cakes are amazing!

Ohana juice....goooood Beverly....baaaad
No WDW trip this year....saving up for Thanksgiving 2013!

but we are going back to DLR Feb 16-21....going to meet up with Kris (mom2mitokids) on Sunday, so excited to get to meet them!

looking forward to your next PTR popcorn::
Made it back in time for it to wrap up - but how fun to hear that there may be a couple more in the works!
Hi Tanya! :wave2:

I was too far behind to try to comment on all the wonderful stuff I saw, so I will go with:

Love, love, love the castle picture and the fact that you had caught it on film!
It was a one ina lifetime chance catching her picture on there. I still can't believe I got it!

Christopher is such a sweet, happy looking baby and Juliana looks thrilled to have him in her collection of playthings ;)
:lmao: She is like a little mother to him... she loves him so much!

The birthday cakes are amazing!
They are! She does a great job with them!

Ohana juice....goooood Beverly....baaaad
This is perfect for the tag fairy! :rotfl2:

No WDW trip this year....saving up for Thanksgiving 2013!
awwwwww..... I'm sure you will take a few trips to DL though... :goodvibes

but we are going back to DLR Feb 16-21....going to meet up with Kris (mom2mitokids) on Sunday, so excited to get to meet them!
That's awesome!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it! :thumbsup2

looking forward to your next PTR popcorn::
Yea, maybe next week sometime... :surfweb:

Cat in the hat is fun. I love Juliana's outfit!
Thanks!!!! Cat in the Hat is one of our favorites!:goodvibes:goodvibes
I am so excited that you are getting to go again! (I do hope you used a travel agent...LOL)

I'm excited to see more of the Dark side...I do want to get over there one of these days.
Don't know if we will get to DLR again later this year, but you never know with us :lmao: all the new DCA stuff will be finished by summer, so maybe a quick fall trip!
I am so excited that you are getting to go again! (I do hope you used a travel agent...LOL)
Travel agent? I'm not sure I know any of them. :lmao::lmao:

I'm excited to see more of the Dark side...I do want to get over there one of these days.
It was fun and I wish we had more time. I didn't feel the 'magic' like I do while at Disney and we didn't explore since we were on limited time. I wouldn't mind going again.

Don't know if we will get to DLR again later this year, but you never know with us :lmao: all the new DCA stuff will be finished by summer, so maybe a quick fall trip!
See, I knew you'd head back. ;) pixiedust:

EDIT:: I also forgot to mention that Christopher started cutting his 2 bottom teeth today! No wonder he was up 5 times last night!!! LOL

Ugh, hopefully tonight is better. Teeth are no fun. That is an adorable snuggly picture of the two of them!
Ugh, hopefully tonight is better. Teeth are no fun. That is an adorable snuggly picture of the two of them!
Thanks Cynthia! It has been a rough few nights. He has been so restless and has figured out he can roll over in the crib. He has never done this before... he likes to roll around on the floor. He has kept us on edge because he has been face down a few times. We have been on edge.
Juliana and I had just gotten off the Cat in the Hat ride in IOA and we met up with Melody who was doing a little sunbathing. We made out way over to 1 Fish 2 Fish Red Fish Blue Fish- which basically is Dumbo, or was it Aladdin's carpets, or was it Triceratops Spin? I forget.



During the ride you have to try to avoid the water being shot at you.... or in the case with our ride, try to get sprayed!

We got off with being just a little wet. I wanted to check out the wait time for the Hulk roller coaster so I left the girls for a minute to check the wait time. I fought the crowds on the way over. This place was packed! When I got over to the ride it was only a 2 hour wait. UGH. I guess I won't be riding that today. So I texted Mel and said I was going to come back to them.

When I met them we moved on to the next ride- The High In The Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride. The cue was based on Dr. Seuss' The Sneetches.


This was a long and sloooooooooooow line. We ended up waiting for over over an hour. Good thing we could read the story while we waited.



We were getting closer. I'm not sure what time it was at this point?


When we made it to the loading area, Melody bowed out again and Juliana and I hopped on!



The ride is basically a kiddie roller coaster- except there are no drops, no speed, no fun. Although the track is suspended about Seuss Landing and there are some good views from here.


Harry Potter in the distance.


When the 1 minute ride was over I had enough... we were wasting precious time waiting in lines and we haven't even seen anything yet. We did stop in the Grinch gift shop before we left.


This gift shop was really cool. They had tons of Dr. Seuss stuff plus EVERY Dr. Seuss book ever written. Somehow we made it out of there without spending any money. LOL

IOA was so packed we made the decision to try Universal out. I mean, it couldn't be any worse, right? We would have to come back sometime to ride those coasters and get up close to the Harry Potter area. It was a short walk to Universal.

On the way...



We were pleasantly surprised to see that it wasn't nearly as busy as IOA.


The girls...


Did you know Melody has her own diner there?


We figured out by reading the Unofficial Guide that E.T. would be a good ride to try. The wait wasn't to long. The cue was awesome. It was like being in the forest with HUGE trees all around. As you make your way to the ride you get deeper and deeper in the forest and it keeps getting darker and darker. The ride itself was amazing too. Think of Peter Pan x100. You get on your 'bike' and pedal your way through the forest trying to outrun the feds. You end up on E.T.'s home planet. Juliana has never seen the movie but she really loved the ride. I did too! I suggest you check it out if you ever make it there.

We went on Woody Woodpecker’s Nuthouse Coaster which reminded me of the Goofy coaster in MK. There wasn't too many people waiting so we made it on the ride pretty quickly. We also checked out the Curious George water area. We didn't let Juliana play because we couldn't let her get soaked, but we teased her by taking pictures of it.




Who knew the Burger King "King' would be hanging out here?


We had less than an hour till we had to leave. I wanted one more adrenaline pumping experience before we left Universal (I still had our flight as one too). There is a 'newer' coaster called the rocket but once again the line was really long. Looking around, the line to The Mummy wasn't bad. I rode on The Mummy when we went to Universal in L.A. on our honeymoon. I didn't remember the ride, so it was was like riding it for the first time all over again. The Mummy is a roller coaster that doesn't invert and there aren't many big drops. What makes this a great ride is the visual aspect of it along with the story... yes, a roller coaster with a story. I had a picture of me riding it but I've seem to have lost it. Oh well.

When I walked out of the ride, I found Juliana and Melody. They both looked at me with sad eyes. I think I had them too. We gathered up our belongings and headed towards the exit. We did spot Dale Jr.'s car walking out.


In the car and on to the airport we went. I don't remember how MCO was so I'm thinking the wait wasn't too bad. Our vacation was coming to an end. Juliana & Puppy were ready to board.


Once again we had a wonderful trip with many great memories. We shared the the joy of Disney with family & old friends. We even got to see Disney for the first time again through the eyes of our friends daughters.

Till the next time.... see ya real soon!


Now we have to plan the next adventure as a family of 4!

Thank you all once again for following and bearing with me during this looooong TR. I am going to be starting a PTR soon since we have not only 1 trip but 2 trips in the works!
The day when you have to return home is never a fun day, but I think you did pretty well and fitted in quite a lot of UO fun on your last day.

So sorry to see your TR coming to an end! :sad2:

Sooooooooooooo happy to hear that you are planning two more trips and that you are planning on a PTR! :woohoo:
I hope you post the link to it here! :thumbsup2
what a fun last day for you all! Ana looks so cute in her sunglasses!

wow those are some long waits :eek:

think you can have a pass on taking so long for this TR since Christopher has taken up your extra DIS time....next time we might not be so accomodating :lmao::lmao:

can't wait to find out your next trip dates and what you have planned popcorn::
Always sad when a trip comes to an end, but YAY for TWO trips this year! I am still trying to figure out how I can get one in! No Disney in 2011 hurt me, and knee surgery on 2/15/12 is killing me time wise too! Looks like it was a great last day! I felt the same about Universal when we went years ago, long lines, rides not worth the wait, wasted so much of the day in the line. Love that Ana has gotten so much use out of her wish trip clothes! Hopefully they still fit for at least one of the next couple trips!
In the car and on to the airport we went. I don't remember how MCO was so I'm thinking the wait wasn't too bad. Our vacation was coming to an end. Juliana & Puppy were ready to board.


She's obviously a good little traveler!

Once again we had a wonderful trip with many great memories. We shared the the joy of Disney with family & old friends. We even got to see Disney for the first time again through the eyes of our friends daughters.

So sad it's over....thanks for sharing it with us!

Now we have to plan the next adventure as a family of 4!

Looking forward to reading all about it. I hope it's real soon!
I have to try to keep up with you neighbor!!!! :rolleyes1

Yeah, well...blame the AP. :lmao: Its amazing how your mind works when you take the price of park tickets out of the equation. Its almost like its free. :lmao: Oh...Disney...you are so very smart. :rotfl:

Looks like you had a great end to your trip, although it always sad to see it end. Thanks for sharing it with us and we're looking forward to more details about your next trip (s)??!! :goodvibes
It is always sad to a trip come to an end unless......

You have another one planned. :cool1: In your case not one but two trips.

Ok :surfweb: for a sign you started. :laughing:


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