"Keep Calm and Carry On" April 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

I’m using my permission slip to stay in bed this morning and skip my usual workout. It’s supposed to be nicer weather today, so we planned on doing some yard work. So I’m saving my energy for that...plus everyone seems to be staying up much later, but I stil normally get up early. So I’m lacking in hours slept. Ugh...clearly I still feel like I need to justify why I’m skipping my workout! 🤦🏻‍♀️
I used my permission slip yesterday to stay in my PJs all day binge watching the last season of Project Runway. I also watched a fascinating movie about Vincent Van Gogh. The clouds never did clear, which I'm sure contributed to the down day. I did sort out the fridge and pantry, make a shopping list and I'm headed up to the fancy grocery store to restock.
I have to do a few things that I don’t enjoy today before spring break is over, so I can’t entirely give myself a free pass.

Tomorrow I am recommitting to Noom. I have been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds during quarantine. I’m grateful that I haven’t put the 20 pounds back on, but now that this is the new normal, it’s time to get serious about my health and lose more weight. But for today, I am eating whatever I please.
Back from the grocery store... I wondered if a weekend morning would still be busier than weekdays, or if they've all run together at this point. It was definitely busier and I won't do Sat/Sun morning again... at least everyone was wearing masks., and it was just the 60+ folks I found two soups to try, but with having to eliminate anything that has beans/legumes, tomatoes or potatoes and wanting something without a starch, that doesn't leave much to chose from.

It is just 8:45am, but already I've done more today than I did all day yesterday... and the sun is out!
I used my permission slip to order pizza for Sunday night dinner - I just could not be bothered to do anything!

I like this for my motivation this week ...

Today was the start of my new routine ....

I did a guided meditation when I woke up - I did "feel it to deal with it" - about getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.
I did my 10-15 minute walk around the block
I worked from home, this was my workspace today

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I had a healthy lunch - turkey and salad
I walked with my boys on the beach this afternoon - even though I was tired - I pushed through as I thought maybe I needed the activity and fresh air. I was still tired after but am still glad I did it. It helped get my steps just of 5000 on what otherwise would have been a very sedentary day. We are starting to get some cooler nights and I was surprised at how warm the water was late this afternoon - our days are lovely at the moment - not too hot but still nice and warm :)

In some cautiously optimistic local news here in my state of Queensland we had 0 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours... here is hoping we continue this trend.
I used my permission slip to order pizza for Sunday night dinner - I just could not be bothered to do anything!

I like this for my motivation this week ...
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Today was the start of my new routine ....

I did a guided meditation when I woke up - I did "feel it to deal with it" - about getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.
I did my 10-15 minute walk around the block
I worked from home, this was my workspace today

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I had a healthy lunch - turkey and salad
I walked with my boys on the beach this afternoon - even though I was tired - I pushed through as I thought maybe I needed the activity and fresh air. I was still tired after but am still glad I did it. It helped get my steps just of 5000 on what otherwise would have been a very sedentary day. We are starting to get some cooler nights and I was surprised at how warm the water was late this afternoon - our days are lovely at the moment - not too hot but still nice and warm :)

In some cautiously optimistic local news here in my state of Queensland we had 0 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours... here is hoping we continue this trend.

I've found I sleep better if I get out for even a short evening walk... and love you work space!

I'm still reading my Gabby Bernstein book, so I thought I would use one of her quotes as my motivation this week.

I'm working on letting go of outcomes, which can be challenging. We're taught to have specific goals and to use clear visualizations in reaching them. I have two near term things that I want - to get back to my job and then to retire to Port Townsend in a couple years. But I'm having to continually re-frame both and break them down into what it is about each that I want... like leading a team and contributing to group success or living in a small town where there is an active social scene and a strong connection to the natural world around it.

I have a mantra that I repeat to myself which is really helping me to stay grounded and aligned, however I'm not doing a meditation each day, but @4Mickeys, taking your queue I will start to do a daily practice as well.

I need to be disciplined as well as motivated! I found myself snacking a little too often this weekend. I do well with meals, but am definitely eating out of boredom. Today I will make a list and occupy myself with a project during the late afternoon so I stay out of the kitchen!
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I need to be disciplined as well as motivated! I found myself snacking a little too often this weekend. I do well with meals, but am definitely eating out of boredom. Today I will make a list and occupy myself with a project during the late afternoon so I stay out of the kitchen!
Amen! This morning in Noom they brought up how our meal choices are better than our snack choices, due to the planning that goes in to meals, and the more impromptu nature of snacking .
I used my permission slip on Saturday. I did nothing but lay around on the couch. I did clean a small cabinet but that only took maybe 30 minutes.

On Sunday we took the kids to a big field at the metroparks by us. We kicked the soccer ball around for awhile and did a little bit of walking. Jeff and I did for for another walk in the neighborhood a little later in the day and we also made home made hamburgers. Other then that Nick and I watched all but the last 2 episodes of the first season of Survivor. He is loving it. We kept it playing while I cooked as I am not as interested in this season and knew I would not miss anything.

Today, so far I have had to work (up until recently) with the gas company digging and fixing a gas line right out side the window where I work. The tractor that digs up and puts the dirt back squeaked. they also used to pound the dirt back in place. OMG! I could not concentrate with the squeaking. It was horrible. Jeff and I did go for a walk. When we got home Elizabeth had made mac and cheese. Now she makes this about twice a week. It is her favorite. Today she added 1 cup of milk instead of 1/4 cup. It was pretty soupy but still tasted good.

I have realized that for how much I complain about not having free time because of the kids activities I am starting to miss them.
Monday Motivation

Today is back to distance teaching for me, so my job is to MOTIVATE all of my students and parents who have been on spring break quarantine for 10 days. It is hard to be a motivator when I am not motivated myself. I have some very upset families who have lost family and friends to Covid19. Most have lost their jobs. They are 100% relying on the food my school is providing families. It is so hard to expect them to use the technology required for distance learning when some of them only have a cell phone. One of my students was hysterical because the cell phone broke. They miss being hugged. They miss the attention and love they get in school. They can't play with their friends. Being only 4 years old, they don't understand. Heck, I barely understand what is going on sometimes. So, needless to say, it has been an emotional day back to work.

I need to vent a little. I find it very frustrating and outrageous that some people are not taking this seriously. My husband was consulting with someone today who kept taking off his mask and kept getting too close to him. We have an executive order from our governor that everyone must wear a mask around others. Social distancing isn't new. This has been going on for weeks. Why are some so casual about this? Is it because nobody they know has died yet? Well, I know a 40 year old who just died. She and her parents all got it, and for some reason, she died.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Monday Motivation

Today is back to distance teaching for me, so my job is to MOTIVATE all of my students and parents who have been on spring break quarantine for 10 days. It is hard to be a motivator when I am not motivated myself. I have some very upset families who have lost family and friends to Covid19. Most have lost their jobs. They are 100% relying on the food my school is providing families. It is so hard to expect them to use the technology required for distance learning when some of them only have a cell phone. One of my students was hysterical because the cell phone broke. They miss being hugged. They miss the attention and love they get in school. They can't play with their friends. Being only 4 years old, they don't understand. Heck, I barely understand what is going on sometimes. So, needless to say, it has been an emotional day back to work.

I need to vent a little. I find it very frustrating and outrageous that some people are not taking this seriously. My husband was consulting with someone today who kept taking off his mask and kept getting too close to him. We have an executive order from our governor that everyone must wear a mask around others. Social distancing isn't new. This has been going on for weeks. Why are some so casual about this? Is it because nobody they know has died yet? Well, I know a 40 year old who just died. She and her parents all got it, and for some reason, she died.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
We just got the order that our schools will be online the rest of the year. I knew this was coming but I feel defeated today. My kids get mostly A's and B's. Right now they both have F's in all of their classes. For assignments they are getting P for completed work, I for incomplete and NS for not turned in. This equates to you either get an A or and F. Teachers are being great and everything. This vent has nothing to do with them. More so here at my house. The amount of time I need to be on my kids to get their stuff done and turned in is really wearing on my. There have been some fighting with the kids over this. I may not survive this. Teachers are god sents. The teachers here have talked about how much work you are doing as well as my mom (she is a teacher). She is giving us (my sister and I) some tips to help. We have gotten in a grove with everything but school work. We need to figure this out quickly.
Monday Motivation

Today is back to distance teaching for me, so my job is to MOTIVATE all of my students and parents who have been on spring break quarantine for 10 days. It is hard to be a motivator when I am not motivated myself. I have some very upset families who have lost family and friends to Covid19. Most have lost their jobs. They are 100% relying on the food my school is providing families. It is so hard to expect them to use the technology required for distance learning when some of them only have a cell phone. One of my students was hysterical because the cell phone broke. They miss being hugged. They miss the attention and love they get in school. They can't play with their friends. Being only 4 years old, they don't understand. Heck, I barely understand what is going on sometimes. So, needless to say, it has been an emotional day back to work.

I need to vent a little. I find it very frustrating and outrageous that some people are not taking this seriously. My husband was consulting with someone today who kept taking off his mask and kept getting too close to him. We have an executive order from our governor that everyone must wear a mask around others. Social distancing isn't new. This has been going on for weeks. Why are some so casual about this? Is it because nobody they know has died yet? Well, I know a 40 year old who just died. She and her parents all got it, and for some reason, she died.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
I share your frustration... we had protests at our state capital Saturday and no one was visibly practicing social distancing and very few people had masks on. I was OK with the protest, assuming they followed the guidelines, but ended up getting really pissed off when I saw what happened.
We just got the order that our schools will be online the rest of the year. I knew this was coming but I feel defeated today. My kids get mostly A's and B's. Right now they both have F's in all of their classes. For assignments they are getting P for completed work, I for incomplete and NS for not turned in. This equates to you either get an A or and F. Teachers are being great and everything. This vent has nothing to do with them. More so here at my house. The amount of time I need to be on my kids to get their stuff done and turned in is really wearing on my. There have been some fighting with the kids over this. I may not survive this. Teachers are god sents. The teachers here have talked about how much work you are doing as well as my mom (she is a teacher). She is giving us (my sister and I) some tips to help. We have gotten in a grove with everything but school work. We need to figure this out quickly.
Don't have any guidance here, other than to send hugs to all of you.

I share your frustration... we had protests at our state capital Saturday and no one was visibly practicing social distancing and very few people had masks on. I was OK with the protest, assuming they followed the guidelines, but ended up getting really pissed off when I saw what happened.
And did you see KY has had a spike in cases a week after their protests? They have a right to protest but to put other people in jeopardy (especially those having to take care of them now) is so irresponsible.


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