Kevin, about those screaming monkeys....


DIS Veteran
Nov 25, 2007
They do it often, not just on the presence of Ms. Goodall and her monkey talking. :laughing:

The first time we heard it was in December when DH and I were in the park at rope drop to ride EE a few times. We headed over that way to see what all the noise was about and a CM told us they did the every morning. There are two different types of monkeys and they scream like that to establish territory (although they are separated already) It sounds crazy and freaks my 2 year old out! We heard it again in early Feb and in March when we took the kids to Tuskar house for breakfast, both times we were there for rope drop. From what I understand it only happens in the morning after they bring them out.

My son loves it an now makes "territory calls" when his sisters go in his room.... :rotfl:

Just thought I would shed some light on the mysterious monkey screaming!
You are lucky then. I have been to AK many many times and only heard them once before Earth Day.
Me too, and this past December was the first time we heard them! The past 3 times I have been I have been in the park at opening and have heard it all three times..... In December when I heard it for the first time I thought it was mating season or something :rotfl: and the CM told us about the establishing territory thing!
I agree with SafetyMom....none of the AK regulars that were in line with us had heard this level of "chatter" previously.
Interesting...... :confused3 Where is Kaht Kam when you need it? :rotfl:

I consider myself very lucky then :thumbsup2 And hope we continue to have the same luck because my DS has come to look forward to it and I would hate to never experience it again! We got into the park about 10 on Tuesday and did not hear them and he was bummed! We'll just keep up our rope drop arrival's, that seems to be our lucky charm! :thumbsup2
I've only been to AK once, but I was lucky enough to hear the gibbons be pretty vocal on our way into the Maharajah Jungle Trek. It was so loud and so extended that had it been any later in the day (we got there at opening, and it happened within the first hour), I would have been on the phone calling my mom so she could hear it. I had never heard anything like it. They were had "finished" by the time we came back out of the Jungle Trek though, as we didn't hear them "talk" again for the rest of the day.
Those monkeys wouldn't shut up that last time we visited AK (both days we were there). They went on for HOURS, I didn't realize how "lucky" we were.:rotfl:
Those monkeys wouldn't shut up that last time we visited AK (both days we were there). They went on for HOURS, I didn't realize how "lucky" we were.:rotfl:

Good to know I'm not he only one "lucky" one........ I was about to start playing the lottery:rotfl:
I am one of the lucky ones too - they have done that every year we have visited AK. It is always first thing in the morning at rope drop and being a huge animal fan, I love every minute of it.

The first year I heard it I also asked a CM who was standing right near their area and was told same as the OP - it's about territory and they only seem to do it first thing in the morning when they are brought out.

At first, I thought it wasn't a real animal making the noise - I thought maybe it had been piped in (ah, the magic of Disney) but to my surprise, they were real! The CM pointed out two VERY tall towers which both had monkeys on them. They were the ones making all that racket.

You can usually hear them throughout the whole park!
I heard these monkeys during our last visit to AK 3 weeks ago. I honestly thought the monkeys were "mic'ed up" meaning they had microphones nearby which projected their sounds. :rotfl: After a while a cast member would shut off the microphone to stop them from being heard by guests. I must be losing it...:rolleyes:
I love watching those monkeys. We sat for almost an hour last summer on our annual trip to the world and just watched. They were very, very noisy. I loved it. I was mesmerized.

Not many people can say that they took an hour out of their Disney vacation to just sit and watch and listen to a bunch of monkeys chattering. . . well, unless you count people watching and waiting for a bus. . .



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