Key of the door


Earning My Ears
Aug 12, 2002
Hi Everybody……

This is a note to introduce ourselves and to settle a long standing argument, first our names are Joe and Fay and we got married in Orlando on 28th February 2001 (see I’m a man and I still remembered the date) so onto the report which is more of an old day report than a trip report so here goes, It starts on a Sunday morning in April 99 we had landed on the previous Thursday and was staying off site at Kissimmee close to a Ponderosa (maybe a little to close) so at 8:30 am we were merrily feeding our bellies planning the strategy for a day at one of the parks .9:45 am we waddled out, back to our room. I don’t remember which one of us suggested lying down for five minute but we were both sure it was a good idea. 1:30 pm wake up not quite understanding were I was, woke Fay and we decided it was to late to go to one of the main parks so we went to wet and wild. This was the first time we had been on International Drive we parked the car about half way down the car park got the towel etc from the boot and walked over to wet and wild, when we got in we changed and got a locker put all our valuables in and went and had a great time. Now I don’t now if this is normal for W&W on a Sunday but it was almost empty we didn’t have to queue for anything, I think it was about 6:15 when they announced that the park would be shutting so we got all the gear out of the locker and went and got changed, this is when I noticed the key to the car had disappeared (DON’T PANIC, DON’T PANIC).
Ask Fay if the key had magically appeared in any of her clothes, now I know that might seem a silly question to all of you, but I once saw a magician on stage do that sort of thing and who knows he could have been there. NO she replied so off we went to stare in the empty locker, then to the information office someone will have handed the key in .Now thing start to get a bit surreal I ask the girl at the desk if anyone has handed in any keys, to which she asked what hire company “Avis” I said “No one has handed in any Avis keys but there’s some Dollar keys here somewhere” I turned down the offer and she suggested I came back in quarter of a hour to see if anyone hands in the key, so off we go to stare in the empty locker for 15 minutes.
I go back up to the desk see the same girl and ask her if anyone has handed in the key “No but I’ve found the Dollar keys” bless.
So I asked if I could borrow a phone to ring Avis, to which she gave me the receiver and asked me the number, now me being organized (ok Fay being organized) we told her the number I could here the phone ring and a Hispanic lady answered who had great difficulty to understanding my accent and I hers, but after a couple of minutes she had convinced me it was the wrong number, I turned to the girl and told her she had rung the wrong number, so with a little huff she rang it again, this time it was the right number but a recorded message saying the office is shut on Sundays and to ring a different number, but I had no pen so I had to ask the girl for a pen and to ring the number again, to which she did with another huff . I only managed to get half the number! I turned to the girl and put on my “puppy just wee weed on the carpet face” which seemed to work as the huff seemed smaller as she rang the number once more, a man answered who also had trouble understanding my accent eventually we understood each other he told us to stand by the car until somebody came which would be in about an hour. I gave the receiver back to the girl and said thank you, I don’t know who was more relieved me or the poor girl (I have got to say the girl was very good when you consider the only thing stopping her going home is some stupid English man who can’t even remember a phone number that somebody’s just told him).So off we go to the car park and stand by the car, trying to work out how I could have lost the keys and going through all the pockets one more time but no the magician hadn’t put them back. Its now about 7:45 and the shadows are getting very long, we are standing in the middle of an empty car park, when a minibus comes speeding towards us, at first we thought it was the man with the key but it stopped about 50 yards away and a bunch of shifty looking lads get out, I told Fay to act like a parking space! This seemed to work as they took no notice of us. Then another minivan came into the car park and pulled up next to the other van and some more lads jumped out and started hugging and shaking hands with the other. I don’t know if we had witness the first ever drive by hugging or what but they all jumped back into the two vans and went. Two minutes later a van pulled in and a lady got out and presented us with our new key, she said to try the key while she was still there it worked with no problem, off she went. I opened the boot to put the towels in and guess what there was the key lying on the floor. Now this is were our stories differ, Fay thinks I might have locked the key in the boot when I got the towels out, (I know its ridiculous), but I believe there was a magician there that day. I’m sure you will all agree with me.
Yep, sounds just like one of me normal days too, Joe.

One advantage of bein married longer than you is that with all the hassle and burdens wives bring yer they do eventually produce children. Then yer can blame all these unexplainable things on The Boy - like I do! :D

I hope yer now gonna tell us all about the rest of yer trip, Joe.
What a great report Joe!!

You know what ..... I reckon it was the magician too!! :D

Astrid x
great report -

I reckon it was definitely the magician :D

We've had that lie down on the bed experience before - we sat down on the bed around 4pm to discuss where we would go out for dinner, and next thing I knew I had woken up and it was 4am. That was the only night we were staying in Boston too - so we missed out on the nightlife there.

Great story and I am positive, 100% certain that it was the magician! No doubts about it!

Hope you hear more of your holiday highlights!


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