Kicked off the SWA flight.... Today Show story

Okay, I have a very short skirt...don't wear it in public, it was part of a show costume But, just for giggles, I tried it on and sat down on a chair. Now, this skirt was really, really short. When I sat down, it rode waaaaay up, so that my tidy whities were completely in evidence! I'm sure that was what the scenario was. Here's hoping it was undies that were showing anyway. Okay you guys....stop the laughing at me....just wanted to see what would happen. Nothing is too drastic to try in the search for truth on the DIS boards!!!

The image of our esteemed moderator which I have had for years in my mind has just flown out the window....... :rolleyes:
No matter what you may hear/read, I am not completely nuts!!! No way will there ever be any evidence of my experiment!!!:scared:

The image of our esteemed moderator which I have had for years in my mind has just flown out the window....... :rolleyes:
Ahh, it's okay. I'm just prepared to 'take one for the team' so to speak. Nothing is too 'out there' for me it it means more insightful posting for me!! :rolleyes1
As I pack today for our WDW trip on Friday... I will be using a ruler to measure all mini skirts prior to placement in the suitcases. Remember, I've volunteered to be the guinea pig in the DME: Can My Bags Get Better Service Than I Can? experiment. Once and for all we'll learn if the yellow tagged bag will make it to a guest's room without actually riding the DME bus... stay tuned!

This afternoon I will search for the photographic evidence that shows what happens to girls in skimpy clothing in the airline industry... I know I have that pic here somewhere... ;)
I watched the Today show bit and nothing was blurred. But I will say that when Matt had her stand up then sit back down you did catch a glimps of white panty.

While I think her skirt could have been longer, I have seen many young women her age wearing this.

Was the SW wrong on how they handled it? I think so. They could have discreetly offered her a blanket and ask her to cover her legs. They did not need to pull her off the plane and tell her that unless she put on different clothes she would not be allowed to fly. They allowed her to sit back down only after making adjustments to her outfit.

If airlines want to have dress codes, fine. But spell it out in black and white. My idea of "lewd" or "obscene" may not be the same as yours.

I did find it ironic that Ellen found a commercial for SW that had a flgiht attendant in a very short skirt standing on a runway talking.
You'll notice that some flight attendant uniforms from years past have been quite short... but they all have matching shorts/skorts.

Viva (although another word comes to mind) la difference. That could have been a points-earning pun there. Think about it...


Bad, very bad!!! Close but not quite close enough for any points.
Judging by a clip I saw yesterday, she is going to get annihilated and royally chewed out today on 'Dr. Phil'.

Wasn't one TV appearance enough?????
I'm just wondering when she'll file her lawsuit against NBC for the hosts jokingly describing the SWA mini-skirt sale as a happy resolution for all with pun after pun.

I'll bet Hooters in SD has picked up some business over this... ;)
Judging by a clip I saw yesterday, she is going to get annihilated and royally chewed out today on 'Dr. Phil'.

Wasn't one TV appearance enough?????

Rats, I woulda liked to have seen that! If I'd known it was on, I'd have set up my VCR to tape it.
SWA has apologized to her in writing and gave her free tickets. SWA admitted they were wrong.
SWA has apologized to her in writing and gave her free tickets. SWA admitted they were wrong.

They certainly apologized... but I doubt that will be the end of it. I think she's still on her public humiliation press tour. :rolleyes:
The young lady gratefully accepted the American Virgin tickets that airline presented her with, and then the spokewoman from AV told her they wanted her to be their guest of honor on the maiden flight to LV!!!
She (Ebberts) said that as soon as she got an apology from SW, she would ceased and desist from anymore television or radio shows...that all she wants is an apology from SW..then she's done with her tirade. Well....Dr Phil came out with that nice letter from SW, with the apology that we've all seen...about this story having legs..etc....and he presented her with two r/t tickets to anyplace that SW flies to. She thanked him, and then told the audience that she would use them but not until she had flown with AV first!!!
Well......after her attorney spoke about where they were going from here, Dr Phil took a 'Dr Phil nutty' on the guy. Said he couldnt' figure out what the problem was, that this society was sue happy and he resented frivolous suits like this tying up the court systems here in the US. Then he asked Ms Ebberts why she had changed her story so drastically from she was fine with an apology to now heading to court. She answered that she said earlier that she would not go on any television shows as soon as she got her apology, and then handed the tickets from SW back to Dr Phil saying that she had been a loyal customer of SW before this but there was no way she was going to fly SW ever again and the Dr Phil should give the tickets to someone who would use them. You should have seen his face...he just couldn't wrap his brain around her change of stance. Her lawer said that since it took SW 2 months to come up with an apology, and after many public appearances, they were't sure what the next step would be!!! Nope, Dr Phil was not happy with that particular group. A lot of people told her that she looked very nice, and that her skirt looked just fine to them in the photo that was shown, as did her top.
:upsidedow Didn't get a chance to post yesterday, RL-yeeech...

SW has started a new ad campaign making light of the stituation

shrinking prices, etc. lots of puns
Saw clip of the young woman in question who states the fact that she is angry they are using her situation now in their advertisements!:rotfl:

i thought it was hysterical:thumbsup2
Well she never told Dr. Phil she would not continue to sue SWA. She simply said that if SWA apologizes she would do no more tv or radio interviews. She reiterated that to Dr. Phil after the apology from SWA. I hope she does sue. I hope she collects big time. It is time some of these corporate giants learn they do not rule the world like they think they do.
IMO, SW did just the right thing in using humor to defuse this situation:thumbsup2 very smart marketing dept.

poke fun of yourself 1st & join in the laughter;)

they pride themselves on doing things differently/the SW way, and it appears to be working out well for them.
Well she never told Dr. Phil she would not continue to sue SWA. She simply said that if SWA apologizes she would do no more tv or radio interviews. She reiterated that to Dr. Phil after the apology from SWA. I hope she does sue. I hope she collects big time. It is time some of these corporate giants learn they do not rule the world like they think they do.

I hope she does sue. And I hope she gets laughed out of court.

It's time some of these greed-mongering, ambulance-chasing, sue-happy sheisters learn that the rest of the world is not gullible or stupid enough to fall for their "My client was embarrassed - she deserves a fortune to dry her tears with" line of crap any more.
This is starting (okay not starting, it is) to become a debate. It may be time to close it down. So...if you have anything earth shattering, or enlighening to say, I would say it pretty soon. Otherwise, it has pretty much all been said, and debated to death.

Ah-ha. . .finally, a voice of reason. . popcorn::
1) she hasn't filed suit yet

2) damages?? :lmao:

3) That lawyer's going to want some sort of payment. I doubt she's signed anything but a contingency fee agreement.

4) Yes, they will file suit. IIED, and other assorted causes of action. Normally this is done for nuisance payment, i.e., we file suit never intending to go to court, just for a settlement.

5) Southwest may not appreciate the nuisance claim and decide to provide a vigorous defense.

One just never knows.

Stay tuned!


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