Kiz, Jem and Jim's Adventure along the Rio Grande The COMPLETED TR!

Good afternoon guys - theres a ham in the oven so I'm taking the chance to update this while waiting for dinner to cook!

Wednesday October 9th

We were up at 6.55am this morning - this being our lie in day!
We rambled over to La Cantina for breakfast and I had some lovely apple puree and fruit salad for a change - very yum but so was the toast with loads of President butter - anyone else just a bit in love with this!? Its so much nicer then the butter we get here and the apricot jam was pretty yum too. The kids tried some hot cocoa too but it was a case of too sweet too early for them.

We went back to our room to get ready then as we were having a more leisurely morning and not heading down until 10am for Studios opening. We were ready and on the bus at 9.30am and went straight around the corner to scream our lungs out.

And then the kids just had to go hang out with Mike!

Next up was Slinky Dog and this is the moment Jemma realised she had pulled down the safety bar into the locking position.... AGAIN!

Well at this point the heavens opened and we ran into the RC Racer photo point to shelter. I hadn't brought the coats as it had looked like it was going to be another sunny day :( It did abait though and we walked back out of TSPL and there was two very short queues for Minnie and Mickey...

Again it started to absolutely bucket down so we sprinted into Art of Animation which was Jems next pick anyway so it worked out well! We spent ages in there drawing and singing and looking at the artwork and when we were ready to go it was still raining badly but I could see Animagique was about to begin so we ran across just in time to be admitted.
The kids were in awe of this show - for some unknown reason they both really really loved it.

The rain was stopped when we came out and we headed for ToT for a FP as DDW was going to keep an eye on Jem while myself and James rode it. We then went on Cars as this had been closed all morning. We had fun spinning about. Jemma decided Aladdin was a good bet for our next ride as it was only showing a 5min wait - turned out to be a walk on :) They kids love that they could control the carpet :sick: lots of spinning again!

It was time to meet DDW next so we headed over to Disney Junior live which was showing in French but this didn't bother the kids and myself and DDW had a right laugh at Goofys very deep voice during the show. Must say the preshow with Sofia and Jake is great - pity it isnt a proper meet and great but James was thrilled to be pulled up to dance with Jake.

We then split up to do ToT and Jem, DDW and Jonah went to Art of Animation again. But alas when myself and James got to the elevator he got spooked so we had to do a runner :( Maybe next time :)
We met back up with the guys and again went our separate ways as myself and the kids were off to Val D'Europe for a couple of hours and a spot of lunch.

We caught the train (€3.20 each way for 2 kids and 1 adult - bargain :thumbsup2) and of course exited from the wrong side of the station and so had a stooooooopidly lony walk to the shopping centre! But we did get there!
We had a little look in a couple of shops before we decided lunch could wait no longer! We had planned on PAULS but it was a bit pricey I thought and there wasn't much that appealed to the littlies. So we walked to the Terrace and had a lovely lunch in La Croissanterie. We had three hotdog baguettes - deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevine! They were baguettes with franks smothered in a creamy cheese sauce with a slight hint of mustard and included in the meal was a drink (a nestea and two apple juices) and dessert (an eclair, cookie and a beautiful set custard raspberry tart with a jelly glaze). Im very hungry now! It was a little under €25 altogether. We then headed back up browsing through the shops. I picked up some lovely eye shadows in KIKI which were only €2.90 each are exceptionally good (worth a look for any MUAs :thumbsup2) and then I got some nougat for my Mam and some mini apple tarts for my Dad in HEMA and a wee mug for myself too. Love HEMA for littlle bits and bobs.

We headed back for the train station and got one of the double deckers back to MLV-C and when we went to get out the man in front of us fell or tripped getting out and himself and the child he was pushing in a stroller went face first into the platform. We ran to help them up and the train security arrived then to make sure they were ok, which they were but by all means they were shaken, we were too if I'm honest. We trundled back to the Santa Fe at this stage as we were tuckered out and all wanted a little snooze. This is when Jemma realised she had left her bag with both her and James' autograph books and her camera (with a huge SD card) on the train. She was distraught, the poor little muffin, so we got into bed and had a big cuddle until Jem felt better. We knew just what would fix this and make everyone feel better again..... a ride on BTM! So we got up, ready and straight out the door and down to the park and walked almost straight onto BTM! We were near the back and it was super good here! We picked up a FP for Peqter Pan after this and had a spin on the Carousel and Pinochio before it was time to return to Peter Pan. And then it was back to BTM for the last ride of the day and if its even possible it was better as it was getting dark and there were loads more bats in the cavern :yay::banana:

It was time to trek back to the SF for a freshen up before dinner and we were back down in the Village but undecided as to where to eat. We had reservations for Inventions but I wasn't sure about this as I was watching the budget and it was a bit early in the holiday to be broke!! It wasn't a factor anyway as once the kids saw the huge planet at the top of the stairs they kind of decided where we were going for me!

We had a ten minute wait for a table for three - this was about 7.30pm. The kids were easy to please and ordered two hotdogs and cokes and I ordered the BBQ chicken wantons to start and the cheese burger for mains and I was naughty and had a tart tatin for dessert - well we had had a stressful day with the loss of the bag. The wantons were amazing. Very tasty and the kids loved them too. They really liked their hotdogs and cleared their plates. My burger was very tasty and came well done as I requested :) And the tart tatin was great especially with the cream. The kids both had pancakes to follow their hotdogs and really enjoyed them. The bill came to €65 and I think I got discount with my AP but I'm not 100% sure sorry.

We then went back to the SF and later on met DDW and Jonah in the hotel bar for a drink. The kids had slushies and I again had an El Picante which was lovely again. This came to €14. We chatted away until we were all tired and headed back to our rooms for a great nights sleep.
loving your updates!!

Thanks you ,love that you are reading along :) Cant believe I have only two more days to post though!

Im loving being in your trip report :)

You know what I just realised, we never got a picture of the kids together or us :confused3 :mad:

I know, I really thought I'd get to see you for a bit before we left on the last day, mucho sad! :( We best sort our schedules for another trip ::yes::
And of course you'd be featuring! Couldn't leave my hotel neighbour (and sprinting Mickey Mouse impersonator) out :rotfl2::rotfl: :hug:
Only just seen this but what a lovely read over my breakfast! :coffee: Love the photos, the children are so gorgeous and some lovely blue skies in the background too.

You've made me realise what a bonus EMH is, we seem to take so long to get going in the morning but I'm going to make a real effort to get there early next time. :thumbsup2

Thanks for all the detail, it brings back memories of our recent trip and I can't wait to see the new characters on the cavalcade. Think I might be tempted to stay at the SF sometime next year too! :goodvibes
How did I miss this???? Sounds like a fantastic trip....loving your photos. Weather looked great! Looking forward to more :-D
I have finally caught up - my phone has been playing up with disboards lately and haven't had a chance to come online from the laptop til tonight!

LOVING your TR - your kids are adorable! I am so, so jealous of you meeting Jack & Sally - they are my favourites but don't think we will ever get there at Halloween! Wish they were there year round!

Just caught up with this. Loving your TR :)

Your kids look so happy in all the photos. So glad your DD ended up liking BTM - and it IS better in the dark :thumbsup2

I need some tips from you as I still can't get Lewis interested in it.

Look forward to more :goodvibes
Only just seen this but what a lovely read over my breakfast! :coffee: Love the photos, the children are so gorgeous and some lovely blue skies in the background too.

You've made me realise what a bonus EMH is, we seem to take so long to get going in the morning but I'm going to make a real effort to get there early next time. :thumbsup2

Thanks for all the detail, it brings back memories of our recent trip and I can't wait to see the new characters on the cavalcade. Think I might be tempted to stay at the SF sometime next year too! :goodvibes

SF is sooooo worth a stay now. I didn't think alot of it in 2010 and ever since I'd been of the mentality that it was so far away but it was quicker then getting back to the NPB or SQL - maybe we were a bit lucky with shuttles too though! Thanks, they are cuties but equal measures sugar and spice, all things nice and slugs, snails and puppy dogs tails!
Getting up and doing EMH is tough but we always get so much from it - its funny though, the kids are always late for school ( cause I'm a bad mammy and I love my bed!!) but I can be up with the larks for a go on Teacups! We get so many things done in EMH that long lines and busy parks wouldn't matter for the rest of the day. It just works!

How did I miss this???? Sounds like a fantastic trip....loving your photos. Weather looked great! Looking forward to more :-D

Thanks Jo, hoping to get back into it Sunday - we had birthday partys, all caught the vomiting bug (24 hours for the kids TG but almost 60 for myself and Shane :sick:) and midterms so my TR is suffering a little. But I have my notes ready to go so theres no excuse!xx

I have finally caught up - my phone has been playing up with disboards lately and haven't had a chance to come online from the laptop til tonight!

LOVING your TR - your kids are adorable! I am so, so jealous of you meeting Jack & Sally - they are my favourites but don't think we will ever get there at Halloween! Wish they were there year round!


Lol thanks - Jemma is loving all the compliments! Sally was just ditzy and vague and hilarious! I did read something about the possibility of Jack being about around Christmas as Sandy Paws so don't rule it out ;) xxx

Just caught up with this. Loving your TR :)

Your kids look so happy in all the photos. So glad your DD ended up liking BTM - and it IS better in the dark :thumbsup2

I need some tips from you as I still can't get Lewis interested in it.

Look forward to more :goodvibes

Totally better in the dark ::yes:: They just loved every minute, me too though and I think because I was a lot more relaxed then normal they could just enjoy it more. I'm a bossy boots normally and make them pull their weight with chores so this was a proper break for us all! I still tidied the room... a lot! Some habits die hard :rotfl:
And as for getting Lewis hooked - what worked for us was explaining to Jemma that it wasn't really thunder she could hear - thunder is her BIG fear - and our motto was "What can't noise do?? Hurt us!". It just all magically clicked somewhere in her brain and she decided BTM is the best and her favourite and she's bringing Nan on it and it'll be the first ride next time and the last ride before we leave. :woohoo::yay:
Hey all :wave: just dropping by to account for my lax manner of updating - the hound knocked my laptop from a height (and it may have a nasty virus too) and so its not working at the minute :'( will post Sunday from mother's and get it finished. Cross my heart :) ::yes::
kizzabel said:
Hey all :wave: just dropping by to account for my lax manner of updating - the hound knocked my laptop from a height (and it may have a nasty virus too) and so its not working at the minute :'( will post Sunday from mother's and get it finished. Cross my heart :) ::yes:: are so funny!
Disneyfanswicklow said: are so funny!

I've been procrastinating since that post! But tonight's the night! Next post after half 7 :)
Really looking forward to your up date kizzy :banana:
Hope you all feeling better
Rachael xxx
We were again up early (6.30am!) and headed over for breakfast - have been dreaming about the hot milk and cocoa mix I'd been making at breakfast all this week :goodvibes and we were down for 8am and this is what we saw!

Glorious!! pixiedust:

We veered left and replicated our scores on Buzz again with two level 3s and a 2. Great job Space Rangers!!

Our favourite flying elephant was our next stop - James really enjoyed trying to make me sick. All this ups and downs and circles around :crazy2:

We soared over London with Peter - with all the twinkling lights and sounds working :yay:

And we went a bit mad next and had a go on Teacups and saddled up some pretty ponies again at the Carousel! We then queued about 20 minutes at PP and were delighted to meet......

Ariel! She was lovely but not overly chatty and I was miffed there was no photographer but it wasn't a big deal. James became too shy and hid behind me for a few minutes!! Not a princess sorta guy - he does have a girlfriend in school though - maybe he was afraid she would get jealous! :lmao:

It was a bit after ten at this stage so we made our way over to Frontierland and stayed to the left (love this tip!!) and breezed past the longer right hand queue! We waited maybe 5 minutes and went almost all the way round with our hands up!

We went on Phantom Manor next and then all decided to go to the Village and pin trade our way through it!
We are now totally addicted! We had some lovely trades and by the time we had finished and done a little shopping it was time to head back to Discoveryland to meet Ruth (Donald Ducks Wife) and Jonah for lunch. It wasn't our day though as Pizza Planet was closed. Such a pity as Ruth had really enjoyed that lunch earlier in the week and we were looking forward to our little Dis lunch!
We did go to Colonel Haithi's instead though to have a pizza pasta fix and it didn't dissapoint. The queue was about ten minutes long and it cost €27 with AP discount for an adult meal (Pizza royale, side salad a yummy tiramisu and large drink) and two kids meals (one pizza and one pasta bolognese plus drinks and ice cream). It was all lovely and fresh and big portions so I shared with the kids so we all got a taste of everything. Great meal and we will happily return. The theming was also great and there was loads of seating.

It was lovely to sit and have a nice chat with Ruth and we had a nice, relaxed meal.

We caught the end of the Halloween parade when we came back out on Main St again but my two were anxious to go to Stitch Live so we went our separate ways again and headed for the Studios. We were right on time for the English showing and the kids sat up the front on the floor. Stitch chose James to be his monkey and I was surprised because my shy little chap was all chat!!

I had really wanted to see the Motor! Light! Action! show as it had been 3 years since I'd seen it and I had heard the Lightning McQueen section is to be axed so we huddled together in the stands - it was cold today!

Soon we saw the main man

It was good but the audience inclusion bit is a bit tired! We were caught in some sleety rain as we exited at the end and it chilled us to the bone!

We traded Pins again in the Studios and decided to brace ourselves and run back to the bus stop and went back to the room to warm up, have a rest and a bath. The kids had a good old splash around and we mooched about and rubbed soothing cream into tired feet and just had a couple of nice hours relaxing before we headed back out for dinner in the Village.

Dinner tonight was at The Rainforest Cafe. We were seated at the back near the big Gorillas.
I ummed and aaahed for a few minutes over the menu - the only thing I was decisive on was the cocktail! I ordered a Jungle Runner and two milkshakes for the kids.
I eventually made my mind up and ordered a Louisiana Chicken Burger and the kids had cod nuggets and a cheeseburger both with fries. I had asked for a different accompaniment and had hoped for a jacket potato but our server apologised as it wasn't possible but said I could have the potato gratin. SOLD!! Thats my favourite food in the world! Closely followed by dauphinoise potato.
It was absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't fault it. It was a mix of sweet and white potato. The chicken burger was very tasty too and both kids cleared their plates.
The cocktail was the only thing that wasn't great - bit too strong!
I had the Toblerone tart for dessert (this was my reason for choosing the RFC!) and the kids had the chocolate mousse and it got a big thumbs up.
With discount (10% AP) the total was a little under €56

We were stuffed after dinner and made our way back to our hotel. The kids were asleep within minutes and I packed up and got organised for our last day :sad: and rang DH to make sure he was ok and the dog didn't miss us too much!
Hey all, thanks for reading along :flower3:
I'll be busy bessie tomorrow but I'm hoping to get this finished in the next few days.
Delighted to have booked another trip tonight - its not for a while but I'm super excited and especially be back to double tickers but thats not the best bit - my darling DH is coming too! It took loads of coaxing :cheer2: It going to be a super sneaky secret one! Big reveal planned pixiedust:
Ok busy Bessie !!
Spill the beans when are you going where are you staying ??
So happy you got DH to go with you :)
Ok busy Bessie !!
Spill the beans when are you going where are you staying ??
So happy you got DH to go with you :)

Lol today was even busier!! Ugh can't wait to chill out this weekend!
Sooooo we are going to the Newport Bay just after James' 6th birthday (5 days after infact) and its his birthday present! (Any excuse lol! :lmao::rotfl:)
It will be in the middle of or near the end of refurbishment so I'm going to ask for a refurbed room and we're going all nautical for it > PTR, TR, luggage tags, reveal! Cannot wait :cool1: DH is even looking forward to it and I've promised not to go all park commando on him - he loves a lie in! - so I can bring the kids down for EMH and come back for brekkie with him. I know it will be cold and there will be a few closures but we'll have a relaxed trip and just hope BTM and iasw are open. It will be our 1st trip over a weekend - the thinking being more rides will be open and it won't be busy in January expecially if its cold. I'm not saying a word on the reveal as its top secret!! :woohoo::woohoo:

Last installment of this TR will be on Friday at the latest. I don't have any notes for it but memory hasn't failed me (yet!) and I think I have some piccies for it.
The NPB on my bucket list ;)
So pleased you have a double ticker !!
We all love our sleep hear so know where your DH coming from and it's his holiday to.
We do longer trips now because of this no rushing take things at a more chilled pace, what you don't do this time you will always do the next ;).
Great trip report kizzy xx
The NPB on my bucket list ;)
So pleased you have a double ticker !!
We all love our sleep hear so know where your DH coming from and it's his holiday to.
We do longer trips now because of this no rushing take things at a more chilled pace, what you don't do this time you will always do the next ;).
Great trip report kizzy xx

Exactly! When I think of those first couple of trips when we tried to do it all in 3 days!! :crazy2: we always came home exhausted!! Its so nice to have 4 or even 5 days and take our time and we still get loads done but it actually feels like a holiday. I was thrilled DH picked the NPB - really wanted to stay in a refurbed room (fingers crossed!) and the pool will be a nice extra. Plus I was a bit harsh on the NPB the last time we stayed there and in hindsight the room was beautiful. I think it was just a badly organised trip and it was more other aspects that gave me a tainted view of the hotel and the whole trip really.


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