Lama pa'ipa'i on the Lanai – an Aulani TR -Aloha and Mahalo Aulani! Link to PTR 11/5

Wow. You really do have a lot going on. I know I've said it before, but I really am in awe of your ability to handle and coordinate such a large NYE trip, especially when you have so many variables floating around. I just don't think I'd have the patience to do it!!! I do hope that things come together and everyone will be able to go when everything is said and done.
Ugh - sounds like there are a couple major things that still need to work out for your upcoming trip. It's really nothing you can solve. You just have to wait. I'm not sure what to recommend on the FP+ front. My friends don't have their tickets either and probably won't purchase them until they get there which leaves FP+ out for the second half of my trip. Sigh.

Does it leave it out or does it just mean you can't schedule them until that first day? I wonder if there is still an advantage. So for us, if everyone is set and linked the first day in theory we could then schedule for the rest of the trip. Question really is, what will still be left? Does it help, or hurt? If we link, then we can't do regular. I know you can now but I do expect that to be "fixed" by our dates. Unfortunately even if my sister buys her tickets early (the one for sure going, not worrying about the rest) it doesn't address the problem with my PAP and my folks being at the Swan. I think I will order the bands just in case, at least we have options that way, right? I do think it is CRAZY that they are sending 2 sets of bands for split stays. The packaging is wasteful enough but now that?

Yay for a DISmeet with Sheree. It must have been really fun to see her again. Speaking for Sheree. I hope she does a TR!

I do too! They had a wonderful time, I know that and I really wish that my whole gang could have been there as they would have really hit it off. It was really fun to see her and I truly enjoy her DH and the girls, just adorable!

And Yay for lunch with Kathy and Mark. That sounds wonderful. You certainly are the traveler these days. Enjoy what you can between your work responsibilities.

Very excited to meet Kathy! I do wish the work trips were more spread out. I used to travel a LOT for business, there are good things about it for sure but oh, in between trips trying to get caught up is nuts. Chicago will be a little frustrating for me, having lived there there are so many things I want to go see and do that I love about that town and I simply won't have any free time. Or very little at any rate, first and last mornings really.

Sheesh you have been busy and there seems no end in sight! God bless you for organizing the family trip, I couldn't do it. Too many people's issues to keep track of!

It's my busy season...I won't take a breath until maybe 12/24. LOL! I'm not trying to track their issues, I figure they will update me when they have info. I've really done all I can.

I hadn't thought about the no tickets = no pre-planned FP+ part. It does seem like a convient way to get people to purchase park tickets earlier. And, like you said, any other time of year its probably not a big deal but during that time, definately a big deal.


It really kind of just hit me yesterday, with the 60 day window, that the pre-sale is probably a huge driver. The other thing I'm a bit unclear on, is will that force me to do online check in? I don't like online check in.

YOU have SO much going on! I am so jealous you already have been BACK to Hawaii!!! Even if it was for work- you still got to be in the Aloha state. :thumbsup2

It is a tease though, to spend 5 hours on the plane, less than 72 on the island and 5 back. I squished in what I could for sure!

We are also under 90 days for our NYE trip- we go the day after Christmas. :thumbsup2 So happy we got Palo Brunch and Remy dinner on pirate night- I wasn't sure about either, because there is a VERY high ratio of CC members on the ship- and MANY who are waaaay beyond silver, which is what I still am- until this cruise is over, that is. I'll be gold on the Oct 2014 one with MEK- did I hear you might join us? You should! It's a double dip! So no brunch, but LOADS of time on CC. :yay:

I am crushed that I miss you by A DAY!

Oh I wish on the 10/14 DD!!! Tentative plans with Mary Ellen for 2015 F&W but right now Jeff and I are booked on the 9/20 Magic out of San Juan for fall 2014. Jeff would love the CC part but not so sure I could sell him on the rest...on a DD you can't get the 10% on board on both cruises can you, just one, right?

I don't know if we will really go on that cruise, I hope so but lots of moving parts and it's very far away.

LOVE Palo Brunch! Not so sure about Remy, Jeff has no interest at all, though the food does look incredible!

I hope Jenny will still go with you to OKW- as I said before, you will love her- she is a tiny bundle of HUGE Disney energy! :yay:

We have met, last fall. Love her!!!! I hope she goes too, and I hope she does the DL 1/2 with me in August of 2014 but that's a whole different trip and story. :thumbsup2
Driving in we found it was OPEN!


We paid our dollar, pulled in, parked and headed over.

After you pay admission, you have to wait for the next scheduled video. It is mandatory, you may not head down to the bay until you see it and it runs on a schedule. So we waited. And sunscreened, and drank water, which we'd forgotten our bottle in the car so paid too much for one there. We needed more after those steps!. We watched the video which basically tells you not to touch ANYTHING or walk on ANYTHING and then we were cut loose. There is a tram you can take down but of course, we walked.

There is a nice little informational stand at the base. Of course if you just saw the video, other than comparing what you saw to the pictures there for fish ID'ing I'm not sure how much business they get.

To the right was locker rental and if memory serves, restrooms and places to rinse off. We rented a locker. Neither of us were comfortable leaving car keys etc on the beach. At $7, its not cheap!

We looked to the right

Straight out

And to the left

We liked the look of things to the left

Mandatories taken care of we headed to a spot we thought looked good and as fast as you can move, with snorkel gear, we were in that water!
The reef starts pretty early and you do have to be very careful to 1) not step on it 2) not accidentally kick it and 3) not scrape yourself up on it! There was decent wind and as a result, it was not exactly a warm experience and the visibility was less than ideal. We did see quite a few fish though due to the cloudiness, the colors were not as visible as we would d have liked. Jeff tends to haul A at times while snorkeling whereas I tend to meander and hang. It is not always the best pairing as you really should stay with a buddy at all times. As a result, I looked down at one point to see a turtle right under me. Excitedly I popped up, and waved Jeff over yelling TURTLE! who quickly came over. By this time though, we had also started the turtle a bit and he took off like a bat out of you know what. Jeff followed. I however, who had popped up to alert Jeff, then needed to get my mask and snorkel reset to join them (without kicking coral), was left in the dust. Jeff was crabby I didnt follow and I was crabby he took off without me. Oh well. Main thing is we saw, and swam with, a turtle!


We snorkeled for 60-90 minutes. As lovely as it was, at a certain point, the fact that you haven't eaten and you have gone up and down 2200 steps, then walked down to the beach and snorkeled, does hit you. We were HUNGRY! And decided to head out. Which meant back up. No tram for us!

Looking down at our spot

It is so gorgeous!

You can really see the reef in some of these

This is where we were (and our Turtle)

Continued in next post
Continued from previous

It's kind of like sunset pictures, you can't have too many, right?

If you do have to leave (like you left your sunscreen or towel in the car) and want to come back, make sure you get your hand stamped!

Also, if you plan to be back more than once in the same trip, or within a year, there is a log book you can add your name to so you do not have to watch the video again.

Entry to the theater where you see the video (exciting stuff huh)

No line at the ticket booth (Jeff must have been taking a bio break, can't imagine I stopped just to take these shots at the end when I was starving lol)

Looks far away from the top

More stairs back to the parking lot

A nice view of the earlier part of our day

At 2:59, according to my notes, we were in the car driving out. All I'd had was a banana. Jeff had a bit more.

We were on a mission! Starving and yes, a wee bit cranky as a result.

I really do recommend going here, especially for newer snorkelers, it is an amazing first experience and a great way to get your feet wet. Literally! earlier in the day would have been better visibility wise I think, as well as crowds but on the flip side OH did that water feel good after our little stairmaster adventure. Pure heaven.

So fun to find a couple of updates! :yay:

Your NY plans seem to be shaping up nicely. :thumbsup2 The whole FP+ thing does put a bit of a wrench in things for us veterans, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

Love your boys reaction to the DL trip: rope drop, food and verandah. Raising them right, I see! :)

You got to snorkle. Hurrah!!! The pictures are stunning. That reef is quite expansive!

I cannot imagine how hungry you were. I am hungry just thinking about it!!!
Thank you for posting so many you said, you can never have too many. Each and every one of them are gorgeous! How neat that you were able to see and swim with the turtle. That's a neat memory to have.

Every time we go swimming, I come out starving to death. I can only imagine how hungry you were after all that you had done that day. I can almost hear your tummy rumbling from here.;)
What a great update, Cynthia.

I just sit there and am in awe of the view. So, so beautiful.

I have never gone snorkeling and really ought to try it before I get much older.
Full thigh shot? You are my hero. :worship: Runner legs girl!

That water looks unbelievably beautiful. :cloud: Those views could never get old.

I've never snorkeled either. I'm waiting until I get it Hawaii. :rolleyes1 Wish M was reading this. ;)
You are right - You can never have too many pictures of that view. I am glad the parking lot was open and that you were finally able to snorkel.

So the purpose the video was to scare you so you wouldn't even dream of touching a single thing? Fun stuff!

How cool that you got to get up close and personal with the turtle.

Bring on lunch! Can't believe you guys did all that activity without eating. I would be like this. :faint:
Wow. You really do have a lot going on. I know I've said it before, but I really am in awe of your ability to handle and coordinate such a large NYE trip, especially when you have so many variables floating around. I just don't think I'd have the patience to do it!!! I do hope that things come together and everyone will be able to go when everything is said and done.

Well I haven't done a darn bit of coordinating lately but thank you so much, that is very sweet :)

So fun to find a couple of updates! :yay:

I figured if I didn't get Haunauma Bay up today, it could be Sunday which I really didn't want!

Your NY plans seem to be shaping up nicely. :thumbsup2 The whole FP+ thing does put a bit of a wrench in things for us veterans, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

It really does put a bit of a wrench!

Love your boys reaction to the DL trip: rope drop, food and verandah. Raising them right, I see! :)

They have their priorities straight, bless their hearts!

You got to snorkle. Hurrah!!! The pictures are stunning. That reef is quite expansive!

It is so beautiful and really just a lovely beach to hang out at on top of it all. Easy to put a full half day in there I'd think.

I cannot imagine how hungry you were. I am hungry just thinking about it!!!

I was SOOOOO hungry it wasn't even funny. We did have trail mix on top of Koko Head but that didn't sustain me for long.

Thank you for posting so many you said, you can never have too many. Each and every one of them are gorgeous! How neat that you were able to see and swim with the turtle. That's a neat memory to have.

It was so neat, he was right under me!!

Every time we go swimming, I come out starving to death. I can only imagine how hungry you were after all that you had done that day. I can almost hear your tummy rumbling from here.;)

It was! I do generally eat a late lunch but when it gets late late like that...ugh.

What a great update, Cynthia.

I just sit there and am in awe of the view. So, so beautiful.

Hard to believe it really is that blue, and that clear. Just amazing.

I have never gone snorkeling and really ought to try it before I get much older.

One of the wonderful things about snorkeling is that age really isn't that much of an issue. If you can swim, you can snorkel. It's a bit wierd at first to get used to the mask ect and I'm not one to dive down with my mask on and then worry about spewing the water out of the snorkel (Jeff is), you can really see a lot just floating along, mask down. Very zen at times!

Full thigh shot? You are my hero. :worship: Runner legs girl!

:rotfl2: you crack me up. And are great for my ego. Thank you. There is something to be said about the strategically turned leg versus the full on shot. :rotfl2: I keep hoping for a runner rear but that just doesn't seem to be happening. :rolleyes1

That water looks unbelievably beautiful. :cloud: Those views could never get old.

No, they really don't get old do they? Just amazing

I've never snorkeled either. I'm waiting until I get it Hawaii. :rolleyes1 Wish M was reading this. ;)

I can't believe that with all your Mexico trips! That's just WRONG my friend, wrong! You must do it on the cruise with Joshua. Don't wait, life is too short. Besides, then you have a basis for comparison.

You are right - You can never have too many pictures of that view. I am glad the parking lot was open and that you were finally able to snorkel.

Well we had snorkeled once already at Aulani, it just wasn't very good. VERY cloudy water so didn't see much at all and as a result, weren't out long. This was better but I do think it would have been even better earlier in the day.

So the purpose the video was to scare you so you wouldn't even dream of touching a single thing? Fun stuff!

The sad thing is, people still do. We spoke with a guy at the top of Koko Head who went on and on about how he would grab the turtles and ride them :mad:

How cool that you got to get up close and personal with the turtle.

It was! Although I was terrified I was going to kick him in the head with my fins and was glad I had the short ones for that reason even if the longer ones do give you more control in the surf.

Bring on lunch! Can't believe you guys did all that activity without eating. I would be like this. :faint:

I was. We both were. I can't believe we didn't think to pack a lunch but the whole doing both Koko and Haunauma was very spur of the moment. Worth it but oh were we starving!
Caught up on the chatting and want to say thanks girls :goodvibes. Loved meeting both of you, Cynthia and Ellen. Disney ball of energy. :cool1:

Sadly yes, the cruise being canceled and moved to late March has thrown a wrench in the May girls's trip.......for now. I'm not saying it won't happen but it'll take more finagling but its not impossible.

I'm ALL about the DL 1/2 in August Cynthia! :thumbsup2 I can do a 16 mile minute no matter what. :rotfl:

Your plans all look wonderful and your plate is full. Once Joshua's bar mitzvah is done on the 12th, I'll be able to breath again. :hyper: Hopefully sleep too. And plan.

I'm signed up to do our Utah NAMI Walk on 10/19. I'm hoping to run some of it.
Driving in we found it was OPEN!


The reef starts pretty early and you do have to be very careful to 1) not step on it 2) not accidentally kick it and 3) not scrape yourself up on it!

Do not taunt the reef.

Excitedly I popped up, and waved Jeff over yelling TURTLE! who quickly came over. By this time though, we had also started the turtle a bit and he took off like a bat out of you know what. Jeff followed. I however, who had popped up to alert Jeff, then needed to get my mask and snorkel reset to join them (without kicking coral), was left in the dust. Jeff was crabby I didnt follow and I was crabby he took off without me. Oh well. Main thing is we saw, and swam with, a turtle!

How cool is that?!:thumbsup2

Looking down at our spot

What a gorgeous beach! Love the colors and clarity of the water from above.

It's kind of like sunset pictures, you can't have too many, right?

Pretty much, yeah.:goodvibes
All caught up and just stunning beach shots.

So glad the snorkeling worked out but sorry you were so hungry and crabby.
What awesome views! Beautiful beach and bay. You guys are quite the die hards on vacation with all your hiking and stair climbing!! I suppose you kinda have to climb some stairs to get to the view ;) That and you wouldn't have such amazing legs if you didn't use them so much!! :lmao: (Ok, maybe you will because you are one of those kind of lessed people!!)

As for your December trip plans, you are doing the best that you can with what you have. I have to hand it to you that you have all the options and angles covered. You can only do so much to help get everyone's plans finalized. Completely understand that your brother has a challenge with his planning - congrats to him on his promotion!!! :)

I tend to agree that by December they may close the loop on the FP+ and the paper FP. So it doesn't make sense to lock yourself in now to a plan if you won't be able to change later to paper. At least you will be enjoying WDW at the holiday time with your family. If nothing else you have a fabulous trip planned with all the dining and activities already. :goodvibes (And again, I realize all the effort that has gone into the planning for that many people. The options along make my head spin.)

You have quite an exciting 2014 planned with all those trips and meet ups! :yay:

Take care and have a great weekend!
Okay - I've been AWOL from the DIS for a bit, and had a LOT of catching up to do. I was way back before your business trip!

Anyway - glad you made it out of there with your feet still attached! I hate blisters. You managed to have a couple great looking meals (and beverages) too! Nice business trip!

Your snorkeling location looked gorgeous! Of course, there seems to be very little in HI that isn't gorgeous.

We had a great time meeting up with you in Seattle too! If we're ever out there again, we'll get the whole gang together - AND find a Tully's!

We did have a great time in Alaska and I'm hoping to get my TR started soon. I have to figure out how I'm going to do pictures - my free photobucket is about full and I don't know if I'm going to shell out $ or try Flickr. Any suggestions?

On another side note - I might be revisiting my spring break plans. We are considering switching from Grand Californian to Aulani!! I'm going to have to go back and re-read all your info on room choices and views!
These magic bands sound a bit stressful. I haven't heard a thing about them for my early December trip so I'm not bothering with them. Congrats to your DB, hopefully there will be no problems with him going on vacation.

Glad you could get into the beach, all those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I swam with a turtle once while diving, it was an amazing experience, so special. Note to self, always keep snacks with me in Hawaii, I would hate to leave that gorgeous beach.
I would never use out points at holiday time. It is such a ripoff. I would book POP. LOL
OKW is our next resort to stay. I think sometime in May.
Nice Dismeet.
It looked like a nice spot to snorkel.
Caught up on the chatting and want to say thanks girls :goodvibes. Loved meeting both of you, Cynthia and Ellen. Disney ball of energy. :cool1:

Just a ball of energy period I think...the Disney aspect is a bonus.

Sadly yes, the cruise being canceled and moved to late March has thrown a wrench in the May girls's trip.......for now. I'm not saying it won't happen but it'll take more finagling but its not impossible.

Not impossible is good! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

I'm ALL about the DL 1/2 in August Cynthia! :thumbsup2 I can do a 16 mile minute no matter what. :rotfl:

YAY! I am so excited!!!

You could do a 16 minute mile walk in your sleep I have a feeling. :rotfl:

Your plans all look wonderful and your plate is full. Once Joshua's bar mitzvah is done on the 12th, I'll be able to breath again. :hyper: Hopefully sleep too. And plan.

So soon! He is looking adorable, I know I should say handsome but, he's just too cute still for that.

I'm signed up to do our Utah NAMI Walk on 10/19. I'm hoping to run some of it.

Fun! How long is that? I have my first 10K (my first run anything ever) on the 27th. Excited but nervous too.

Do not taunt the reef.

No, it will bite you back!

How cool is that?!:thumbsup2

Supremely cool!

What a gorgeous beach! Love the colors and clarity of the water from above.

It was gorgeous! And it is good the lot fills as it keeps it at a reasonable crowd level.

All caught up and just stunning beach shots.

It is a gorgeous place!

So glad the snorkeling worked out but sorry you were so hungry and crabby.

I do wish I'd have packed lunch, it would have been a lovely spot for a picnic. But Koko head was unplanned and our times got all off. In a good way really but we were hungry!

What awesome views! Beautiful beach and bay.

Isn't it pretty there?

You guys are quite the die hards on vacation with all your hiking and stair climbing!! I suppose you kinda have to climb some stairs to get to the view ;) That and you wouldn't have such amazing legs if you didn't use them so much!! :lmao: (Ok, maybe you will because you are one of those kind of lessed people!!)

I think you burn far more calories on a park commando day than we did any day on our Hawaii trip. We made up for any movement by being complete sloths for much of the trip. :lmao: We do love to hike though, or just really to be outside and moving and I was very happy we were able to fit some of that into the trip. Dropping the extra 20 pounds did more for my legs than anything else though that's for sure. That and a nice side angle photo. LOL!

As for your December trip plans, you are doing the best that you can with what you have. I have to hand it to you that you have all the options and angles covered. You can only do so much to help get everyone's plans finalized. Completely understand that your brother has a challenge with his planning - congrats to him on his promotion!!! :)

I had my first dream about this last night, dreamed we had to move it to Spring Break, which wouldn't work and it was a whole fiasco. Much as I'd like to think I'm pretty chill about what I can't control, clearly there is something in the back of my mind. :lmao:

I tend to agree that by December they may close the loop on the FP+ and the paper FP. So it doesn't make sense to lock yourself in now to a plan if you won't be able to change later to paper. At least you will be enjoying WDW at the holiday time with your family. If nothing else you have a fabulous trip planned with all the dining and activities already. :goodvibes (And again, I realize all the effort that has gone into the planning for that many people. The options along make my head spin.)

I figure ordering the bands at least allows us the option, of options. I do hope that it rolls out to Swan/Dolphin by then though and they can book FP+ as well, it will be me that's the issue but really, as long as the rest can hit things I am ok with that. I do worry about the holiday crowds.

You have quite an exciting 2014 planned with all those trips and meet ups! :yay:

Take care and have a great weekend!

Very busy 2014 and a very Disney one but it will be very fun!

Okay - I've been AWOL from the DIS for a bit, and had a LOT of catching up to do. I was way back before your business trip!

I don't think there is a thread I'm not behind on! Not enough hours in the day.

Anyway - glad you made it out of there with your feet still attached! I hate blisters. You managed to have a couple great looking meals (and beverages) too! Nice business trip!

They are recovering, not 100% yet but much better. I am happy to have a week off between business or other trips, I'm as behind at work as I am here!

Your snorkeling location looked gorgeous! Of course, there seems to be very little in HI that isn't gorgeous.

Oh there are some seedy, sad and run down spots and boring office parks....but it is easy to stick to the pretty parts.

We had a great time meeting up with you in Seattle too! If we're ever out there again, we'll get the whole gang together - AND find a Tully's!

I need to take a picture of one so Dave doesn't think I'm nuts! It was really fun hanging out with you guys

We did have a great time in Alaska and I'm hoping to get my TR started soon. I have to figure out how I'm going to do pictures - my free photobucket is about full and I don't know if I'm going to shell out $ or try Flickr. Any suggestions?

Send out a bat signal! I have the photobucket pro. It's a little bit of a bummer as when I upgraded it was unlimited storage and now it's not. But I didn't like the idea of my stuff in more than one place so it's been easier to keep it there. I'd fill up another free one too fast and while I know folks that manage multiple accounts...I'm not one of them.

On another side note - I might be revisiting my spring break plans. We are considering switching from Grand Californian to Aulani!! I'm going to have to go back and re-read all your info on room choices and views!

Oooh, tough call! If you do switch, I'd vote for pool view or ocean. With pool, it's a little less points and if you get a top floor in that category you'll get some ocean view. If you go island view, there are some good options too and a few where you might get peek ocean as well. We LOVED our ocean view and the building we were in and would want that again but you can get a good view for less. Don't plan on standard, there aren't very many and they go super fast and it's a terrible view. I do think though if you end up with a late arrival that a lower point room for the first night and then moving to the view isn't a bad way to go at all.
I'm glad that you were able to pay your dollar to park and enjoy some snorkeling. I'm sure it felt great to get into the water after doing all that walking and climbing.

And you got to swim with Crush!!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
These magic bands sound a bit stressful. I haven't heard a thing about them for my early December trip so I'm not bothering with them. Congrats to your DB, hopefully there will be no problems with him going on vacation.

For early December, I wouldn't either!

Glad you could get into the beach, all those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I swam with a turtle once while diving, it was an amazing experience, so special. Note to self, always keep snacks with me in Hawaii, I would hate to leave that gorgeous beach.

It was amazing seeing the turtle in his environment. It was a gorgeous beach! We had some trail mix at the top of Koko head but at that point, we needed more than a snack.

I would never use out points at holiday time. It is such a ripoff. I would book POP. LOL

I am definitely the opposite. I have points specifically to avoid staying at a value lol!. Even if I was paying cash, I just can't do a value for more than maybe one night. And while the points are high, it's still vastly cheaper than rack rate at a deluxe.

OKW is our next resort to stay. I think sometime in May.
Nice Dismeet.

I love OKW, very much looking forward to going back. It was great to see Sheree and her family.

It looked like a nice spot to snorkel.

It was!

I'm glad that you were able to pay your dollar to park and enjoy some snorkeling. I'm sure it felt great to get into the water after doing all that walking and climbing.

The water was pure Heaven. Honestly at that point for me it was far less about the actual snorkeling and more about just getting in the ocean!

And you got to swim with Crush!!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

We did, definitely a trip highlight!


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