Last one to post........... Part 5

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Freak screw gun accident. Was trying to get to the computer too fast. Its just the tip. I have 9 more. We're driving screws into the end of 2x4s in case the aliens land and make our technology worthless. We'll still have something to fight them off with.
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
Freak screw gun accident. Was trying to get to the computer too fast. Its just the tip. I have 9 more. We're driving screws into the end of 2x4s in case the aliens land and make our technology worthless. We'll still have something to fight them off with.
:rotfl2: you're scaring me.....just a little bit!
my MIL is making me crazy again..

She is going to take Darren for a couple of days this week. My Fil suggested she take darren to Water Wizz(a awter park). She then proceeds to tell me how this would be unfair to her other two grandchildren!

She already took them for their time this summer.. My Fil took the youngest on an all day fishing trip. The oldest did girly shopping trips and movies!

Now I understand that they all like watre wizz but my Mil and Fil are now going on the same cruise and me and my family. My inlaws are taking the girls. We are paying for darren

so who gets the unfair part??

We have about 4 or 5 stuffed Stitches in the house, and my mom says we're brainwashing our son. My mother goes out and prob. spent about $1000 on Thomas the Train stuff so my brothers two kids can play with them in her basement.
DHs' sister used to live in town....she is older than both of us. She never did interact with us except at Christmas. His other family members would send all of their presents out to her and she would bring them out to our house on Christmas Day. The kids were really little then and they thought the Aunt was bringing them tons of presents and they would get so excited to see her! The worst of it was that she would let them think all those presents were from just her.

After a while, when DH wouldn't do anything about it, I put a stop to her coming over. She then made it sound as though she were too busy for us. :rolleyes: Now that I am a grandma, I try to take my grandson whenever I can 'cause it would have been nice to have some family help all those years ago ~ even if just 1 night a month babysitting so we could go out to dinner! You frequently wonder how their thinking processes could be so :tilt: !
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