Letter to teachers for missing school?

Vacations during the school year are avoidable for most of us. The school gives us ample holiday time to take vacations during the summer, over Christmas, during Spring Break - we may not choose to take advantage of them because we don't like school break weather, crowds and prices - but that's our choice. And, for a few of us, school holidays are times we can't get off work (my husband can never take a vacation over Thanksgiving or Christmas - he is in retail on the Corporate side).

True that they're avoidable for most, but not all of us. DH can only take time off between projects. That NEVER happens during the summer months, and it's rare when it happens to fall during the other school breaks.
I've never heard of a form to fill out. For heaven's sake, can't you just let them know you'll be gone? As long as it's not during a big exam or project it doesn't seem any big deal to just be gone a few days.

I am not familiar with the public schools, but truancy? For a family vacation? I dare them, for heaven's sake, you are paying their salary. They are really working for you - I'm not saying be rude or demanding, but just don't fear them.

Now I wouldn't take my kids out for weeks at a time, but one week is no big deal. I personally won't take my kids out again, but we have one with a learning disability, and he gets ill frequently so misses so much school due to the illnesses now that we can't do that. I used to though and we had fun on those trips when they were younger. When they are little what are they really missing anyway?
I talk to the teachers in person a month ahead of time to give them a sort of heads up and then a week before we leave I'll remind them. So far, they have all been great about it. I always ask what I can do to keep them caught up while we are gone. What reading books should I bring and what type of homework packet can I make up for them. Also, I'll ask if there is any homework that they could take along.
For the office, the first trip we took them out of school for I told the principal where we were going and eventhough it was unexcused he wasn't upset that we were going. Since then I've stopped telling them that we were going to WDW 'cause I don't want to push the WDW thing too far with them. So now I just say XX will be gone from XX-XX for a family vacation. I've already arrange everything with their teachers.
I agree the letter on mouse ears is over the top.....I don't think I can lie through my teeth that well!!!

However, I do have to fill out a "Pre-Arranged Absence Form" - pretty basic - dates, grade, reason for absence.......it needs to be approved and signed by the principal. Mind you, this is for 3rd grade. THEN - I need to attach "A letter stating the reason for the absence and rationale for missing school." Hmmm....reason: family vacation; rationale = ???? Having fun????? :rotfl:
I am not familiar with the public schools, but truancy? For a family vacation? I dare them, for heaven's sake, you are paying their salary. They are really working for you - I'm not saying be rude or demanding, but just don't fear them.

An acquaintence of mine is a school administrator. When parents pull the "I pay for your salary" line on him he points out that they pay for approximately 7 minutes of his time per year on a household by household basis - and they've already used that. But he'd be happy to give them a refund if they aren't happy with what he does. Its less than $5.
An acquaintence of mine is a school administrator. When parents pull the "I pay for your salary" line on him he points out that they pay for approximately 7 minutes of his time per year on a household by household basis - and they've already used that. But he'd be happy to give them a refund if they aren't happy with what he does. Its less than $5.

:rotfl: Good for him.
I talk to the teachers in person a month ahead of time to give them a sort of heads up and then a week before we leave I'll remind them. So far, they have all been great about it. I always ask what I can do to keep them caught up while we are gone. What reading books should I bring and what type of homework packet can I make up for them. Also, I'll ask if there is any homework that they could take along.
For the office, the first trip we took them out of school for I told the principal where we were going and eventhough it was unexcused he wasn't upset that we were going. Since then I've stopped telling them that we were going to WDW 'cause I don't want to push the WDW thing too far with them. So now I just say XX will be gone from XX-XX for a family vacation. I've already arrange everything with their teachers.

This is my plan, too. DD is in first grade this year and we will only be gone 2 actual school days, the other days we will be gone are teacher work days and weekend days. At any rate, I was going to have a conversation along the same lines as this about our trip during our 1st parent/teacher conference which will be at the end of September. I think for the office I will just send in a note "Princess C will be absent xxxx and xxxx dates as we are going to be out of town." because the principal is always mentioning at every PTA meeting, etc. "Every minute of our classroom time is spent educating your children, so please refrain from taking your child out early on Fridays for a long weekend in the mountains, etc." Seriously, that is almost an exact quote from last September's PTA meeting.
An acquaintence of mine is a school administrator. When parents pull the "I pay for your salary" line on him he points out that they pay for approximately 7 minutes of his time per year on a household by household basis - and they've already used that. But he'd be happy to give them a refund if they aren't happy with what he does. Its less than $5.

Actually, whether that's the case or not, that's rather rude of a school administrator to say to a parent. I'd be furious. However, I don't think I'd say to his face "hey I pay your salary", so I doubt I would get that response! I'm sure he deals with a lot of frustrating scenarios.

It doesn't matter that one as an individual pays for 7 minutes or 7 hours. His position is paid by the tax payers and he is in a public service position and as such should be courteous.

We personally stay away from the public school system because I flat out refuse to have any "system" or district tell me what I can and cannot do with my children. I know that it's not for everyone and that many would disagree, it's just my position on the matter. When we took dd out of school in 9th grade for a week 2 years ago (she goes to a private school) I wrote a letter to the headmaster informing her that my dd would not be in attendance that week and if any of her teachers had assignments they could inform her of ahead of time to please do so. They were emailed and many of the teachers did give the work for the week. Our work is always noted in advance on an accessible computer system anyway. One teacher frowned on it. That's fine but it wasn't going to stop us from going. Of course I made sure that my dd was diligent in not missing any other school that semester and in getting as much done before the vacation as possible. She was in 9th and dd 3 pre K and ds 5 K. For kindergarten, it was a simple "we will not be here this week as we are going to Disney World". It was no big deal at all. The teachers were thrilled for ds.

The policy may state that after such and such amount of absences they'll do x,y and z. I'd be interested however to hear of a story where someone had truancy filed on them for taking 5 days off to go on a family trip to Disney (that was otherwise a good attendee and student) I can't imagine it happening and if something like that did happen, it should make national headlines due to the absurdity.

I've never heard of a form to fill out. For heaven's sake, can't you just let them know you'll be gone? As long as it's not during a big exam or project it doesn't seem any big deal to just be gone a few days.

I am not familiar with the public schools, but truancy? For a family vacation? I dare them, for heaven's sake, you are paying their salary. They are really working for you - I'm not saying be rude or demanding, but just don't fear them.

Now I wouldn't take my kids out for weeks at a time, but one week is no big deal. I personally won't take my kids out again, but we have one with a learning disability, and he gets ill frequently so misses so much school due to the illnesses now that we can't do that. I used to though and we had fun on those trips when they were younger. When they are little what are they really missing anyway?

This is our school policy:
Parent Absentee Letter
October 2, 2006

As the year progresses, students will inevitably become ill and may need to miss school due to illness. As parent(s)/guardian(s) it is important to understand 24 P.S.13-1327 Compulsory Attendance and Attendance Improvement Plan recommended by the state and how it impacts your son/daughter’s education. Below is a summary of the Compulsory Attendance and Attendance Improvement Plan.

All absences are marked unlawful until an absence note is presented to their homeroom teacher.

Students have three (3) school days to return the absent note; if the note is not brought to school the absence will remain unlawful/unexcused.

There are seven reasonable causes for absence as listed in CSD Policy #204 Student Attendance:

Recovery from Accident
Death in Family
Required Court Attendance
Family Educational Trip
Educational Tours and Trips
(Please clarify reason for absence on the written excuse)

Educational Tours & Trips as defined by CSD Policy #204 Student Attendance:

The CSD Board of Education may excuse a student from school attendance to participate in an educational tour or trip not sponsored by the district if the following conditions are met: The parent/guardian submits a written request for excusal prior to the absence. The student’s participation has been approved by the Superintendent or designee. The adult directing and supervising the tour or trip is acceptable to the parents/guardians and the Superintendent. The Board may limit the number and duration of tours or trips for which excused absences may be granted to a student during the school term.
(They actually hand us a form in quadruplicat for it to be approved by Superintendent or designee)
Unlawful Absences

Parents will be informed via letter when two (2) unexcused absences are documented.

After 3 unexcused absences, the parent/guardian is subject to penalties for violation of compulsory attendance law. Parents will be informed when three (3) unexcused absences are documented via certified mail.

A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative absences may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten cumulative days may require an excuse from a physician.

We know there is a direct correlation between a child’s attendance and their academic achievement. Students that attend on a regular and consistent basis are more likely to achieve and maintain their expected academic level.

Yours in Education,
Mr. Kevin Seyer
i read that, but it doesnt really say anything. it just says that after 10 days they will require a physicians note. but you still get 10 days where you wouldnt need them. it also says if your child is out more than 3 days, theyll send you a letter, why? i would think you already know?

i think schools are just trying to scare parents into thinking there will be some course of action taken if they take their kids on vacation. but in reality, there wont be.

in the end its up to the parent to decide whats right for their child.
Edited to add
mousesaver for less letter

This is where I had problems...
Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is important to your child’s success and happiness in his/her school work. An effort should be made to have your child attend school regularly.

Frequent absence adversely affects a pupil’s progress. Pennsylvania school law considers 10% or 18 days per year to be excessive. In such cases, a medical excuse may also be required for each day’s absence. Pennsylvania State Law requires that when your child returns to school after any absence, parents or legal guardians must send a signed excuse with him/her. All absences must be verified in writing and are due on the first day of return to school. In the case of an extended illness, 3 or more days, parents or guardians should call the school nurse to make her aware of the nature of the illness or injury and upon return a written doctor’s excuse is required. The following information must accompany the child on his/her return to school.

Date on which the note is written.
The child’s name.
Exact date(s) of absence.
Specific reason for absence.
Signature of the parent/guardian.

Students are responsible for making up class work missed during their absence.

Daughter had chicken pox and missed additional days, so I got the note that for ANY absences I needed to get a doctors note. Then she had emotional problems due to bullying and she was pinched. I had her seeing a therapis. The principal called my dd and I in the office and said that it is not about emotions it is the law and that if she missed another day she would have the home visiting officer there and I will be charged for her truancy;

She ended up on homebound, a gifted straight A student. she became school phobic, and would not even attend a ceremony for 6th grade because this principal was shaking hands and giving the awards.

she is still in therapy. I wanted to plan a budget trip to see her sister in NY last week and we had to cut it short because she had panic attacks every night when it got dusk and wanted to go home.

I am glad she is out of that school system, but switched her to online schooling while going through therapy. she is getting a TS to help her get out of the house with socialization.
My education is working with kids, I can't fix or have pervented this.

Sorry to go on, but I got caught up in this with a Black and white by the book, principal.
He counted every day at Disney towards the school total...as he said he would.

I just read all these posts because I am taking my children - grade 8 and grade 5 out of school for 3 weeks to go on a wdw vacation - first one ever. I was so scared, but extremely pleased when the principal called after receiving my letter about my grade 8er:hippie: missing 3 weeks. He thought it was a great oppurtunity and wished he could come with us. Maybe things are different in Canada, but I was very relieved, after reading all the other posts on here.
I wanted to say that last year when we got home our bus overseer called me and asked me to send a letter or give him a phone call also when we were going to have a known absence, just out of courtesy and because he doesn't always get a copy of the letter.

So this year I'll be talking personally to the girl's teachers at their parent teacher conferences next week (we leave in three weeks) to get homework. Then I'll give a simple letter to the office so they don't call truancy officer. And I'll call the bus depot.
I have teacher conferences on Monday. I will tell each of my childrens' teachers then and give them the short letter that I have prepared. Here's what mine says:

This is dd's (Kindergarten) who has missed 11 days in the last month for a broken finger and hospitalization for a bone infection. Ds's (3rd grade) does not have that line.

Dear ________,

This letter is to let you know that _________ will be absent from school for a family vacation to Florida beginning Monday, November 30. She will return to school Monday, December 7. I understand that she has missed several days of school due to her recent injury; however, any assistances that you can give to ensure she does not fall behind would be greatly appreciated.


Our district is VERY strict on missing school. Here are a couple things directly from DD's code of acceptable behavior and discipline handbook.

Attendance Policies
Ay child who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for 3 or more days or tardy on 3 or more days is a truant regardless of the number of minutes tardy. Any child who has been reported as a truant 2 or more times is a habitual truant.
Excused Attendance Events
Illness, physician visits funeral/dealt of immediate family, and court appearances. Parent notes are accepted for up to 3 events per grading period up to a max of 9 per school year. Additional attendance events must be accompanied by a dr. note.
Unexcuted Attendance Events
Include skipping school, suspension, organized skip day, and attendance events not accompanied by a note or attendance events not meeting excused guidelines. Family vacations are considered avoidable and will be classified by the principal as unexcused.

DD is in 1/2 kindergarten this year and we are taking her out one day for our Disney Vacation in October. So in total she will miss 3 hours of school. I knew going into it that it would be unexcused but we have nothing else planned that will take her out of school unexcused so I'm not really worried about it. Since it will be unexcused no matter what I have to say about it the note I write will be short and simple just stating that Paige will be out of school on October 8. I will give a copy to her teacher and the office so they don't call that morning asking why she isn't in school.

So basically, you're a truant.

:rotfl2: Sorry, just had to. Sounds like that school is a bit anal, esp for elementary school kids!
These types of questions come up all the time, and the OP really does need to find out the school district's policy. Our district is very strict. Any absence w/o a doctor's note is unexcused. Some (illnesses when you didn't go to the dr, death in the family) can be petitioned to be changed to excused at a later date should your child continue to miss school, but they are initially unexcused. Since it was going to be unexcused no matter what I said, I would send in a very simple note with as few details as possible....

Dear Teacher,

My daughter, Sunshine, will be absent from school from start date til end date. Please let me know how you like to handle missed assignments. If you have any questions, Please e-mail me or call.


That was all that was needed and it let the teacher take the lead in determining how to tackle missed assignments. No need to explain or justify why she wouldn't be there. If your district does excuse these trips, than this letter wouldn't work for you.


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