Linda's goal = Lose wt + 1/2 marathon 09(encouragement welcome)

Thanks for the kind words Laurie!

Holding steady at 10 lbs but fluid is my beast so this am the scale read what it said before but I am less bloated so I know it is real.

Off to work- working an extra day this week.I hope it does not blow my eating and working out routine.

Stay warm everyone,
Linda - I hear shoveling snow is really good exercise ;) But I sure wouldn't want to be out there driving in what is said to be headed your way. Hopefully, DD's shift will be cancelled--no one should be out in a blizzard.

Here in Western WA, it only takes a single flake seen by a spooked driver to paralyze the whole I-5 corridor. I learned to drive in snow in a camaro and as a skier, don't ever worry about myself, but I sure grip the wheel tight when I have to deal with worrying about others.

Please take care, be warm, don't over do it out there.

Ha weathermen what a job- only place it is OK to be wrong.School cancelled yesterday- no snow until a small dusting around 5pm or so.We were supposed to have a blizzard.I am OK with it, less of a wait for spring for it all to melt.

Off to work.

Down 11.4 lbs.- feeling good.

I'm glad your snow was minimal yesterday. :thumbsup2

Way to go on the weight loss!!!!!:cheer2:

I hope you have a great day!:hug:
Hello everyone- I have been lurking but not posting much these days.

I am stuck at a 10 lb loss right now despite working out like crazy.Yesterday I did 45 min on the elliptical followed by 15 mins of running and then weights.I also spin at least once a week.

I will say I will not be weighing myself today- we had chinese food last night- really bad I know but it was my one indulgence-We saw DAMAN WAYANS comedy show.He is funny but nothing like he was on TV.

Hope everyone is doing well

Wayans! fun! He played a comedy club in Seattle some years back - may 15! outch am I that old? I remember hurting after his show from laughing so much.

Are you getting enough water in you? I know that when I get enough, I lose. When I don't I hang onto the weight. I struggle all week at school to get enough in me and I tend to yo-yo until the weekend when I can pound water all day. And Chinese food always adds to the water weight with all the sodium--but it tastes so good!

I'm glad the storm wasn't all that bad for you. Still you must be tired of winter by now. (Not to gloat, but we've had two days in a row at almost 60 degrees--the downside, I had to mow the lawn today!)

take care,
Spinning was great this am, what a workout! Still holding on to some sodium somehow even though I left a puddle around the bike this am.Rings are still tight.Oh well, I will keep drinking my h2o.

The wind is brutal here.I am excited to get out and run now that my DD loaded our ipod for us- yeah we can't do it quite yet, getting easier to figure out though.

Come on spring

If you can't beat it join it- the snow that is! I ran in the snow today, it was kind of nice out there.

Today is the first time with an ipod and I kicked my own butt out there doing 6 miles faster than I ever have before.My time was 56:40, a 9:26 pace.Woohoo!

Went looking for new sneakers today too.Went to our local running store with no luck- I want what I have but that will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Great job getting your run in out in the snow!:cheer2:

Hope you're able to find new sneakers soon. :wizard:

Have a great day!:hug:
Great job on the loss Linda:thumbsup2

How goes the sneaker search?
Thanks you guys! Still looking for sneakers, have not had the time since the other day.I did go online to Saucony and wrote down all the newer models that are neutral and the price- now I think I will look around and try some things on- may get lucky and find mine too.

Today went to the gym and ran my 40 min intervals= 4+ miles, oh what a sweat! Also did all my weights and added a couple too.

Come on scale move it NOW!

Have a nice weekend everyone,

Scale is moving in the right direction...don't get too impatient. Once those fat cells are empty, they fill up with fluid (actually weighing more than the fat!); when it looks like they won't be needed for fat again, then they'll go away. (At least that is the theory the weight-loss place I use tells me--makes sense...I often see the scale go up even when the inches are going down.)

Hang in there, winter can't last forever! And the bright side is that you don't have to worry about the grass growing or the weeks that quickly overtaking my garden beds instead of the perenials. (Not to mention my distracted students who are acting like the spring-crazed Anna's humingbirds sucking down sugar from the feeders in the yard.)

The Sketchers really are a positive, but do take some getting used to and they are definitely not for running. Even wearing around the house makes my muscles work and feel stiff the next day. I guess they take some getting used to and now I've been away from exercise this last week, I'll be back at square one. The sales ladies at Macy are all wearing them to work; my sis--a RN also has picked up a pair for work and says they are giving her a workout too, but her lower back doesn't hurt as much as when she's done a normal 12-hour shift.

Here's to a good week,
Spinning on Sunday- wasn't that great since I was not feeling well.

Work yesterday and today 3.1 miles in 29:21, a 9:28 pace.I'll take it since I at least got out there.Still feeling crappy, my DD is sick too.Spring is on its way, no time for sickness now.

Wt continues to fluctuate.

Off to work but the scale was great this am- down 12.4 lbs.Yes water is the key- I love h2o but sometimes in the winter it is very hard to push for the extra.

Have a good one all,

You're so right about water. I try to keep it available at all times so I can drink it while working or even just watching TV (and of course plenty while working out).
Another nice day here today- going spinning this morning.

Wt staying about the same.Planning on a walk later today too with a friend then groceries.

The warmer it gets the easier it will be to push more water.I do great in the morning but as the day goes I tend to drink less.It makes a huge difference.

I agree too, it's the water that makes the difference... a huge difference for me. With your workouts, you must really have to sip all the time to keep up with intake.

I'm glad you are seeing better weather now...since we're due to go to normal temps this week instead of the mock spring we've been having, maybe you'll see spring on your coast. It's been a wacky winter--definitely not normal anywhere this year. I can't wait to kick this cold and get out and walk again.

Thanks for bumping up my journal. With being out of it with the cold the past two weeks, I really was dreading the search to find it and there it was, right on top. You are a gem.

I hope your DD gets over her cold too; if it is anything like my own, she needs babying...between DH and I, our oldest kitty has played "mommy" nursemaid and I've been scolded for getting out of bed and going to work every morning for a week. (yes, the Nana dog in Peter Pan has nothing on Tilda--she even tries to put on paw on the forehead and take temperatures.) But, I sure miss the days of my grandmother fluffing up my pillow and bringing me hot lemon and honey tea...

Have a fabulous week,


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