Lindsay's journal.....3 half marathons later and I'm still at it updated 7/12

hi! i'm following over from the link on your siggie! really enjoying your race report and pics! congrats on your race and an even more congrats on your great weight loss. the before and after pictures are great!
Hey, Lindsay! You have a great memory! My leg has been fine since last summer, but my reflux is still bad. I am planning to start a super restricted diet in March to see if that helps--I'm just waiting until after spring break because I know I can't stick with it when we're on vacation.

I'll pop in and visit the Incredibles today. Thanks for making me still feel welcome.
Hi Lauren! I was looking for race reports, and came across your thread. You should be so proud of yourself and all you've accomplished! Can't wait to hear more about your race - awesome job!
hi! i'm following over from the link on your siggie! really enjoying your race report and pics! congrats on your race and an even more congrats on your great weight loss. the before and after pictures are great!

Thanks for coming over nancy. I appreciate the compliments too.:goodvibes

Hey, Lindsay! You have a great memory! My leg has been fine since last summer, but my reflux is still bad. I am planning to start a super restricted diet in March to see if that helps--I'm just waiting until after spring break because I know I can't stick with it when we're on vacation.

I'll pop in and visit the Incredibles today. Thanks for making me still feel welcome.

glad to hear the legs are better. I hope the reflux gets better soon too. enjoy your vacation.

Hi Lauren! I was looking for race reports, and came across your thread. You should be so proud of yourself and all you've accomplished! Can't wait to hear more about your race - awesome job!

Thanks for joining. My name is actually Lindsay. Im glad you found my report. Did you do the race??? or are you thinking of doing it next year??? just curious. I am very proud of myself for doing this. I am excited to write more although I left my camera at my parents house and I need to take pics of the goodies I bought at the expo. So it may be delayed a day or two. Thanks again for reading along.
First thing we did at the expo was to find the table with our bib numbers. There was no one in line and I gave my number, signed my name, and got my bib and sticker for my bag check. I then took my waiver over to the goodie bag area, I handed it in and got my bag.

Inside the bag was a tshirt and marketing/advertising papers. I was really surprised that this was all that was in the bag. Last year I remember seeing that there was also a pair of socks and a disposable camera. Did anyone else think the goodie bag lacked goodies?

Here was the tshirt which I loved and the bag.

I had a few things planned to shop for.

1. a belt that would hold my cell phone and my energy food (twizzlers & pretzels)

2. an "I did it" tshirt

3. a cool tshirt to wear during the race.

The first booth I saw was the I-fitness belts. They had all different sizes and colors. I choose the one with 2 pouches and of course pink because I was in a princessy mood.;)

I really liked this belt because it was that spandexy material and once you put it around your waste it did not move/slide. I paid 27$.

Next I hit up the princess merchandise tent. This area was a bit crowded!!! There was one "I did it" tshirt to choose from so that made my decision easy and I also found a cute tank that I just needed to have too.


Both shirts together cost around 55$ but my mama was nice to foot the bill for me on this one. I just love her!!!!
at another stand I got a magnet for my car ($6) that is in the pic with the tank top.

I thought I was just about done shopping and a bit saddened that I did not see any cool tshirts to wear for the race. I headed over to the area to check my dtag. As I was walking down the last row of vendors....I spotted it............

It was the shirt that I had planned to get online for the race but I waited to long and when I went to order it there were out of my size. This time I was in luck. They had my size. I purchased it and did a little dance because I was so excited!:lmao:

After the exciting shopping spree I walked through the dtag area and waited for my mom and aunt to sign up for the chear squad package. I told them that I had heard it was not necessary and that they would still be able to get good spots to see me at the castle and at the finish but they really wanted to purchase them. Who was I to tell them what to do it was there money.:confused3 While I waited for them I spun the wheel at one of the vendor tents to see what I could win. I ended up with a pencil and a pack of rice.:rotfl:

As we were leaving the expo I stumbled upon this.


I though the glass running shoe was so cool!

Up next an afternoon/evening of doing exactly what the race experts advised me not too.:eek:
I agree that the goodie bags lacked goodies and the expo lacked a certain..."ex." Or maybe "po." OK, fact is, I missed the clif-tasting booth that is almost always at these things. AND the Cascadian Farms sample booth, too. The expo was lacking in food samples. There I said it. And the bag...last year had a sharpie, I believe, maybe some clif blocks as well as a protein bar. I think you are right that they included socks last year. I think they may have been giving those out at Lady Foot Locker, but I didn't like the ones from last year that much, so I didn't try to get another pair.

At least the shirts were properly sized this year.

Great pictures! I did not notice the running glass slipper. I am not sure that heel would hold up well to 13.1 miles of running, even for a midsole strike or tiptoe runner. :laughing:

And what a sweet bit of good fortune that they had the very exact shirt in your size that you had been wanting!

So how did your fam like being part of the "ChEar Squad?" Or am I getting ahead of you here?
Lindsay, I bought the same pink tank!! :goodvibes And what luck to find the exact "Cinderella slipper" shirt you really wanted to buy!!

This was my first really big race expo so I wasn't sure what to expect. But since I had no expectations, I wasn't disappointed with it. But not blown away.

Did you see the "One More Mile" vendor? LOVE their shirts for the terrific and funny sayings, as well as material. BTW, did anyone get a "sweaty band"? I swear by my bondi-band but the "sweaty bands" were so cute. I wanted to sign up to be in the pixalated (spelling??) end-of-race picture but somehow never found that section. ..hmmm..yet one more reason to return next year!

Yup, not much "swag" in the "goodie" bag. -But I love this year's t-shirt design and my DD has already hijacked the sneaker bag! :rolleyes1

Your trip report is awesome...keep it coming!!!
I agree that the goodie bags lacked goodies and the expo lacked a certain..."ex." Or maybe "po." OK, fact is, I missed the clif-tasting booth that is almost always at these things. AND the Cascadian Farms sample booth, too. The expo was lacking in food samples. There I said it. And the bag...last year had a sharpie, I believe, maybe some clif blocks as well as a protein bar. I think you are right that they included socks last year. I think they may have been giving those out at Lady Foot Locker, but I didn't like the ones from last year that much, so I didn't try to get another pair.

At least the shirts were properly sized this year.

Great pictures! I did not notice the running glass slipper. I am not sure that heel would hold up well to 13.1 miles of running, even for a midsole strike or tiptoe runner. :laughing:

And what a sweet bit of good fortune that they had the very exact shirt in your size that you had been wanting!

So how did your fam like being part of the "ChEar Squad?" Or am I getting ahead of you here?

I thought the expo was ok but I have not been to a really big one like this before so not much to compare it too. I would have liked to taste test some cliff bloks. I did love the shirt they gave so at least that is a plus but I just thought there would be some other fun things too.

I will tell you that my mom and aunt loved their goodie bags and thought the Chear Squad was worth the money for that alone. The got tshirts, a sports chair, and a big clapper. I will let you know about the other benefits as I get into the race day report!

Lindsay, I bought the same pink tank!! :goodvibes And what luck to find the exact "Cinderella slipper" shirt you really wanted to buy!!

This was my first really big race expo so I wasn't sure what to expect. But since I had no expectations, I wasn't disappointed with it. But not blown away.

Did you see the "One More Mile" vendor? LOVE their shirts for the terrific and funny sayings, as well as material. BTW, did anyone get a "sweaty band"? I swear by my bondi-band but the "sweaty bands" were so cute. I wanted to sign up to be in the pixalated (spelling??) end-of-race picture but somehow never found that section. ..hmmm..yet one more reason to return next year!

Yup, not much "swag" in the "goodie" bag. -But I love this year's t-shirt design and my DD has already hijacked the sneaker bag! :rolleyes1

Your trip report is awesome...keep it coming!!!

I dont know if I saw that one more mile vendor. I tried to check everything out but the longer we were there the more crowded it was getting so I might have been rushing just a little.

I should have another update tonight! Thanks for reading along. Im having fun writing this one!
I am loving your report!! I have to admit I was a lurker when you first started last year and then I wasn't on the boards much over the past few months - probably about the same timing that you had not been posting.
Your before & after pictures look fabulous!! Congratulations on reaching so many of the goals you have set for yourself.
I am someone who starts out strong and has a hard time finishing, but I think you are smart to keep doing races throughout the year. I would imagine that it helps to keep you on track.
I LOVE all of your t-shirts! I think the swag would be my main motivation for doing the princess 1/2 vs. another Disney race!
Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to seeing more of your report! popcorn::
I am loving your report!! I have to admit I was a lurker when you first started last year and then I wasn't on the boards much over the past few months - probably about the same timing that you had not been posting.
Your before & after pictures look fabulous!! Congratulations on reaching so many of the goals you have set for yourself.
I am someone who starts out strong and has a hard time finishing, but I think you are smart to keep doing races throughout the year. I would imagine that it helps to keep you on track.
I LOVE all of your t-shirts! I think the swag would be my main motivation for doing the princess 1/2 vs. another Disney race!
Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to seeing more of your report! popcorn::

Thanks for posting to say hello. It is very hard to finish something once you start especially when it comes to weight loss but I think having the goal of the princess is what has kept me going. I now have made it a routine for me so its easier to continue. The disney race was great and I am nervous that the next race I am doing is just going to be boring compared to what I just witnessed. It was an amazing experience.
Lindsay--I got the pink shirt too! And did you see the long sleeved t-shirt that was white and kind of see through? I got that one, too! (I have it on right now.)

Somehow I missed the pink polka dotted 13.1 magnet! I bought a mouse ears one, but I like the one you got a lot better.

We like the string bag, but there really wasn't much "free stuff".
Once we left the expo we walked the mile back to the bus area. There was a CBR bus just sitting at the stop waiting. We hopped on and we were off. The bus was all to ourselves. We were back at CBR in no time and dropped my recently purchased items off in our room.

The plan for today was to have an easy day touring the countries of epcot, getting on some rides, dinner at Cape may buffett, and illuminations.

When we arrived at epcot I was so excited to see that some of the topiaries from the F&G festival were out already. Here were some of my favorites.




We were all starving so our first plan of attack was to find some lunch. We thought the fish and chips from the UK sounded good and I never tried that before so we headed to the Yorkshire County Fish Shop.

Apparently everyone else had the same idea because this is the line.

the wait was well worth it. This was the best fried fish I ever had.

We sat in the back along the lagoon. The sun was shining and there was a warm breeze going. It was a moment during the trip that just made me smile and feel so happy.

Once our bellies were full we walked through the countries by this point my legs and back were feeling extremely tired and I was starting to think about all the advice that was offered to me. Most of which consisted of "take it easy and rest your legs during the few days prior to the race". I guess I was going to learn the hard way.:headache:

We made it through the countries from america to mexico and my mom and aunt requested a smoke break. :headache: I am always trying to get them to quit but I will at least say they kept the breaks to the minimum during the trip. While they took there break I got myself one of these.
Oh baby was that yummy. I only ate half and then shared the rest.;)

We made our way over to Future World. We did Ellen's Energy, Figment, The land, and Spaceship earth. This was my first time on Spaceship earth since the changes and I loved the video thing at the end. Here are some of the funny pics of my mom and I.




After the rides we took a potty break and I called home. My dh and boys were doing great. I talked to both of the boys and had to hold back my tears. I missed them so much. Disney is just not the same being there without them.

We started our walk over to the beach club for dinner. I love this resort and I love love love this buffett too. I got a plate of salad, a cup of NE clam chowder. A small piece of flank steak (oh my god this was to die for). 2 buckets of clams and a few crab legs. Everything was soooo good. I was a bit fuller than I should have been but I had to get my 40 dollars worth.

After dinner we walked back to Epcot. We got a spot for illuminations. I just love illuminations! no matter how many times I watch it, it gets me teared up everytime.

We still wanted to get on test track and soarin so we decided to stay for EMH. We went to test track first along with the other hundreds of people with the same idea. It ended up being about a 40 min wait but it was fun.
We are in the back row:

We went right over to soarin and that was a 50 min wait. Im glad we waited for this. It was my first time riding and I loved it. It was my aunts favorite ride too. My mom on the other hand did not enjoy it and had her eyes closed after 30 seconds of the ride starting.:lmao:

We walked to the bus stop after soarin and I will admit, I was beat!!! my legs ached and I was so exhausted. I was second guessing my plans that I had for the next day. I knew that I would need to take it easy or that my race would be complete tourture. We got back to the resort around midnight. I was asleep within minutes.

Up Next: How did I spend my Saturday....the day before the race.
Thanks for posting to say hello. It is very hard to finish something once you start especially when it comes to weight loss but I think having the goal of the princess is what has kept me going. I now have made it a routine for me so its easier to continue. The disney race was great and I am nervous that the next race I am doing is just going to be boring compared to what I just witnessed. It was an amazing experience.

I feel the same way, Lindsay! The Princess was such an awesome first race, but now I wonder if any other race will ever measure up! My friend who ran with me said that most races are fun, just not THAT fun. She's done 14 half marathons, so I am sure she's right!
So excited to be following along in your report. You are so smart to do this right away, before the details start to fade. I'm craving some fish and chips right now, and I showed michael the ice cream sandwich to make him jealous. He loves them.

I'm sure it was tough to be there without your boys, but I'm so happy for you that you were able to have this special trip with your mom and aunt, and do this for you.
HaHa! Loved your pic of the Fish & Chips...I saw these in Jan 2010 and have been craving them ever since!! I have never had them, but have them on my list to try when we are there in late April...thanks for the pic to keep me going! :thumbsup2
I feel the same way, Lindsay! The Princess was such an awesome first race, but now I wonder if any other race will ever measure up! My friend who ran with me said that most races are fun, just not THAT fun. She's done 14 half marathons, so I am sure she's right!

Im going to say with that many halfs under her belt that she probably is right. Im sure my next one will be fun too, just in a different way.

So excited to be following along in your report. You are so smart to do this right away, before the details start to fade. I'm craving some fish and chips right now, and I showed michael the ice cream sandwich to make him jealous. He loves them.

I'm sure it was tough to be there without your boys, but I'm so happy for you that you were able to have this special trip with your mom and aunt, and do this for you.

My kids were looking at the pics too and cant wait to get a mickey ice cream sandwich when we go back. Those fish and chips were so good and I dont usually eat fish. Im glad I tried them.

HaHa! Loved your pic of the Fish & Chips...I saw these in Jan 2010 and have been craving them ever since!! I have never had them, but have them on my list to try when we are there in late April...thanks for the pic to keep me going! :thumbsup2

:lmao:sorry to induce more of a craving.:lmao: You need to definitely get them next trip. They were delicious.
We were up nice and early this morning. I got a croissant and a side of bacon to eat from the food court for breakfast. (I know not the right choices but I was on vacation.;)) We got to the bus stop by 830am and were off to Animal Kingdom.


We made it to AK just in time for rope drop. I think they have such a cute show to open the parks.


It wasnt before long that the ropes dropped and we were on our way. We decided to do the safari first. There was a 20 min wait posted but we basically walked through the que and got on the ride. Here are a few shots I got.




The safari was great. We got to see the baby elephant who was so cute.

Next we were on a mission to face the yeti! Last trip we decided to skip it since there was a long line and we had the boys. So this was my first time riding it.
and the mountain was awaiting me......10 min wait...cant beat it!

I absolutely loved this ride and could not believe I missed going on this last time. It was so fun. My mom and aunt loved it too. I quick made a call home to dh to tell him about it and I assured him that we will do this next time we come.

The final thing on our agenda for AK was to do It's tough to be a bug.

We got right in as the show was starting so we didnt have to wait.:woohoo: I really enjoyed this show this time. Last time my boys completely freaked out during the show and I was consoling them. So this time I was able to enjoy it.

We took a few more pics.


and then we were off to our next destination......Hollywood Studios. It was about 11am and I was really hoping to still get fast passess for TSM.

Would I get lucky enough????????????
Lindsay, wow, you are looking fantastic! :worship: WAY TO GO!

You are an inspiration to me b/c we're both around the same weight and I'm really working on trying to train for a half marathon, but I'm only up to 3.50 miles so far. I was really beginning to think that I would never make a half marathon at my weight, but you have given me new hope. :thumbsup2 I was also beginning to think only super skinny people ran half marathons.

Seriously, you look great! I love the runner's legs, I hope my legs look that good eventually :rotfl:

Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see the rest of your TR! Oh, and I will definitely be praying for your DH. I hope he gets a job offer soon.

Nicole :upsidedow
Can't believe I missed your update yesterday. I had bacon a couple mornings before the race too, Lindsay, but I figured with all the sweating I was going to be doing, I'd better make sure I had enough sodium on board.:lmao: Michael does not like It's tough to be a bug either. We've done it 3 times now, the first time he was pretty much horrified, the second time last year, I didn't remind him he hated it the first time, and we went on and again he hated it. This trip, he and my niece decided they wanted to do it, since it had no wait, and since he was a little nervous, I promised him I'd buy them both another pin if they didn't whine or cry, and again he didn't like it, but no crying. :rotfl:We love Everest too. I'm loving your trip report. Keep it coming.

You are an inspiration to me b/c we're both around the same weight and I'm really working on trying to train for a half marathon, but I'm only up to 3.50 miles so far. I was really beginning to think that I would never make a half marathon at my weight, but you have given me new hope. :thumbsup2 I was also beginning to think only super skinny people ran half marathons.
You can so do it if you set your mind to do it, and put in the training. I'm over 200 pounds, and was able to do it, but Lindsay is my hero, she was able to do it, and have time to wait in character lines during the race. Hope I'm not giving out any spoilers to the trip report.;) There were many women my size or larger walking or walk running the race. I run/walk, and toward the end of the half more walk than run. You can do it Nicole!!
Nicole- Thank you for your kind words about my legs. I always had muscular legs from playing so many sports and I am so glad I am finally starting to see the muscles again. For years they hid behind layers of fat.:lmao: As Kathy already said can definitely do this. Usually during local races I feel like people are looking at me and wondering how I am going to run with them since I am bigger. The princess was the first race where I didnt feel that way at all. There were so many women with different types of bodies. Your weight will not hold you back, honestly it may keep you at a slower pace, but still you can and will do it.

Kathy- Thanks for sharing the story about michael and Its tough to be a bug. The poor kid!:lmao: At least he got a pin out of it.:rotfl2:

Ok now to get going on another update!!!!!!!!


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