Lisa's Weightloss Journal (comments welcomed!)

LOL!!! I'm with you Erin! I'm so glad you're giving us permission to get back on the scale if we want because I was hurtin' this morning. It was just excruciating, and that thing just kept calling to me, " Lisa, hop on, Lisa, hop on!" It was terrible. But at the same time it felt oh so good! I have a good excuse for doing it though, really I do. When I weighed myself yesterday, it was in the afternoon, not in the morning like my usual routine. So I thought that maybe the scale wasn't accurate. Maybe I hadn't lost as much as I thought. I got on this morning and low and behold, I'm at 209.5 pounds! I guess when they say to weigh yourself at the same time, it's for a reason.

What you said hit the nail on the head Erin. There's no way I would've been able to stay from it all last week if I hadn't made that pact with you. Each time I felt that temptation, I felt like I'd be letting you down if I went through with it, and I knew you were going through the same agony and it wouldn't be fair for me to cheat even though you can't actually see me. Talk about a guilty conscience. But I kept my promise and now you've eased the pressure a bit by suggesting that it's ok to obsess this week. Thanks Erin!:D Let's shoot for a scale free week for the beginning of October, ok?

Gotta go, I'll check in later.
Now Lisa, this is going to sound weird, but now that I have unlimited potential to step on the scale, I haven't yet had the urge! I put it in the linen closet!:confused: I feel good, though, knowing that whenever I DO want to know, I can go check!

Here's another pound and a half happy dance for you!:Pinkbounc :bounce: Never get weighed unless it's the morning, OK?:)

Let me know when you want to take the challenge again. The first week of October could be a really great time. . .I leave for WDW and the Wonder on 10/3, hee-hee!:p There will be no scale and no desire to step on it whatsoever! Uh-oh, I just thought of this. . .what if there's one in the fitness center?!:eek:

Have a good day tomorrow, and congratulations again. You're doing some amazing and wonderful stuff for yourself!

Erin, I'm sure you'll be super busy in the days before you go on vacation, so whenever you want to do the challenge will be fine with me.

9/16/03: I ate all three meals today. Yipee!

Breakfast-Two eggs, two strips of bacon, 1 cup of milk.
Lunch-Sizzling chicken salad, water.
Dinner-Beef stir fry with oriental veggies, Crystal Light.

Let's see if I can go one day without getting on the scale. I'll try not to weigh in until Thursday.

Erin, you must be so excited, your vacation will be here in no time!
Lisa, you are doing so well AND you ate ALL 3 MEALS yesterday!! You go, girl!! Hope all goes well for you today!!
Hi, Lisa! Just wanted to check in and say hi. I was thinking about you this morning as I was dragging the scale out of the linen closet (at least I was doing it guilt free;) ) so that I could check my progress mid-week. Wanted to throw the dumb thing back into the closet after I weighed myself! Why is it that I have this secret belief that I'll step on the scale after three days and it'll show a miraculous 10 lb. loss?!?:rolleyes: I'm leaving it in the closet 'til Monday!

Sometimes this healthy living business is just hard! Last night I came home from work tired and wanted to find comfort in the kitchen cupboards, but I just ran in, grabbed my cow, and ran out before the urge to graze overtook me! I know that that's a good thing, but I really wanted to eat a whole tub of popcorn at the time! Knowing that we're all in this together--and that you can see me from CA :p kept me on the straight and narrow.

I hope you have a good day. Try to eat all your meals, OK?:)

I know it's late, but I had to check in. Thanks for the kudos ladies, I've been working really hard!

Erin, I've had the same experience with the scale this week. I guess if you weigh only once a week, you see that 3 or 4 pound loss at once as opposed to weighing every day and seeing a few ounces at a time. Oh well, I'm still obsessing about the scale this week. I weighed in today and I'm at 208.

I did see you go into your kitchen today to reach for those cookies you keep stashed away, but you reached for your Skinny Cow instead. Good girl!:Pinkbounc Did you see me at Jack in the Box dying to get a hamburger, bun and all? If you did, then you know that I chose the chicken club salad instead. I did have a few croutons though. Not bad, eh?

Time to post my menus....

9/17/03: I'm racking my brain trying to remember what I ate!

Breakfast-Strawberries, small cup of coffee.
Lunch-The rest of the chicken sizzling salad I had left over from the day before.
Dinner-Steak, salad.

9/18/03-It's getting difficult to keep up with my journal lately and doesn't look like my situation will be getting any better any time soon. I'll be putting long hours for the next month or so, but I'll do my best.

Breakfast-Sorry to say that I skipped this meal.:(
Lunch-Chicken club salad from Jack in the Box.
Dinner-Kashi cereal with 1 cup of milk.
Snack-Slice of cheddar cheese.

Tomorrow I promise to eat breakfast. I'm off to visit my friends' journals....
Hi, Lisa, I'm over here now, visiting your journal!:) You are doing an awesome job--another pound!:Pinkbounc Oh, my gosh, you're just melting away out there in CA! Hey, everyone better not stand too close to Lisa--they may catch her pounds when they're falling off her body!! :p You know what they say, "energy [or matter or something scientific] is neither created nor destroyed," so those excess pounds have to go somewhere!

Enough silliness! Promise me, in the hectic days ahead for you, that you'll be good to yourself. It sounds like you're going into a dangerous place--that place when working so much, along with taking care of our families, makes it REALLY hard to watch what we eat. Caring for ourselves becomes a lower priority. Go into this place with your eyes wide open, Lisa, so that you can continue to stay on the road to success that you're on! You've lost 16 pounds. That is such an acccomplishment, girlfriend. You've worked hard and you haven't given up along the way. You're doing it!

Have a good one, and check in when you can. If it's hard to get to my journal, don't worry about it! I'll be nosing around yours and we can check in together here. :)

Take care, Lisa,

I'm just checking in to say hi to all my WISH friends who come visit my journal and to ask a question. Who is it that eats Skinny Cow? I think it's you Erin, but I couldn't remember for sure. I went to the grocery store before work this morning, and low and behold, there they were in the freezer section, Skinny Cow products! Ooh, and they look so good! Unfortunately too many carbs for me. They were all around twenty something carbs, a little too high for me at this stage of my plan. They must be a savior for whoever is doing WW.

Ok, back to work. I hope you're all having a wonderful low fat or low carb day! Talk to you all later.:D
Sorry Erin, I didn't see your post at first. Thanks for being in my cheerleading section. I'm trying my best but this morning was a bit of a challenge. When you work at a doctor's office, you're always getting all kinds of goodies coming through from other contract facilities as a "Thanks for doing business with Us" and it range anywhere from bagels, donuts, huge muffins, all types of candy, cakes, pies, you name it. You'd think that because they're medical facilities as well that they would send healthy food. Hey, how about a block of cheese or a side of beef for us low carbers?! The good thing was that I had made it a point to eat breakfast and I was already full of the stuff I'm supposed to be eating. If I would've been hungry, I definitely would've caved!

Thanks for the advice Erin. I'll try to make it a point to prepare some meals ahead of time so I don't have an excuse to cheat. Thanks for being understanding if I don't visit as much the next couple of weeks. I sure will try though! Have a great weekend if I don't get to check in for a couple of days. Be good to yourself.:D

P.S. Did I see only 13 days left before your vacation?:Pinkbounc

thanx for your support on my post!

sorry to but in but hey! i have just read the posts for the first time in awhile and i see that we are all beating ourselves up a bit but just take a reality check. look at your daily menu's........... they may not be perfect but are they an improvement on 6 months ago?!?! you bet .....big style!
this is a lifestyle plan, it wont happen overnight, but with little and often we will get there!!!

I really should listen to myself!!!

speak to you all soon, hope you are all well (all of you, I will get round to you soon....hi meme!)
Lisa, you've already gotten some great advice from Erin. We all know that dangerous place when things get hectic and somehow our needs end up last on the list.

Maybe when you're cooking dinner you can double the recipe and freeze some of the leftovers for those busy days ahead. Also, don't forget to stock up on low-carb snacks. Even an Atkins bar is better than pigging out on carby stuff!!

We will totally understand if you can't post all the time. Use your extra time (what extra time??) to take care of yourself and we will still be here when things slow down a bit. Just don't forget that we're thinking of you and cheering you on every day!!
Thanks Doreen and Erin, you two are so nice! I just stopped in to say a quick hello. I'm at work right now and was thinking of you. Glad to hear the weather is clearing up where you're at. I'm not going to post my menu for yesterday, but I didn't cheat, I promise. In fact I was bad and didn't have lunch but I did have a big breakfast which is why I didn't eat lunch. I did have some fruit at lunchtime though. I hope you all have a great weekend. If I have time, I'll check in tonight. Be good to yourselves and don't cheat because I have eyes in the back of my head!:D
Yeah, I know, Lisa, you have those secret mother powers that let you know what's going on in the next room AND across the country!:p Hey, what are you doing at work on a Saturday? You don't work every Sat., do you? I worked Saturdays all last year and it wasn't really too bad, but I promised DD if I could get out of it this year, I would. When she's grown up, I might just do it again. What else do I have to do anyway? Clean?!?!?:confused:

Big breakfast then fruit for lunch is a good thing.;) Glad to know that you're thinking about your healthy takin'-care-of-Lisa lifestyle. Hey, Monday's coming. . .keep walking the straight and narrow so we can meet the scale with a smile on our faces!

Have a good weekend. I have my in-laws coming tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll get to pop over to your journal. Know I'll be thinking about you, though!

Just a quick hello from me, Lisa!!! I can't believe how well you're doing!!! I read through the struggle with the scale posts and laughed, my DH2B and I both weigh ourselves constantly, but I accept that I won't see much...I guess I worry that if I do something wrong, I won't know what it was if I only weigh myself once a week, I dunno! Silly, I guess after 5 weeks to worry, I'm still basically eating inductiony (it's a new adjective I just now invented!) :rolleyes:

I thank goodness for Kevin (dh2b) because he points out where he sees the loss in me, I don't feel it THAT much in the clothing (thanks to working out and gaining muscle), but he sees it all around on me and always tells me, so that helps! Inches and pounds aren't "melting" off as I guess I had hoped, but it's all good, slow and steady wins the race, right?

What is your total loss at this point? You need a clippie! ;)

I'm here...even if I don't seem to be!

Karen :smooth:
Karen, you're back! I was so glad to see that you posted. We missed you and were getting worried. Welcome back!

Well, I've lost a total of 16 pounds but I haven't weighed myself since Friday, so we'll see what the scale says tomorrow.

Don't worry about the slow weight loss, Karen. As long as it's a pace that you can live with, that's all that matters. It's YOUR body and YOUR experience.

I'm not gong to post my menus, too tired. I just want to say that haven't cheated and I'm still on track. I had breakfast and lunch today but no dinner, just a peach. I didn't even know that I could have peaches but I noticed that they were low in carbs while I was looking up info on another food product. I could have added peaches when I added the strawberries a month ago. Oh well!

I'm off to see what you girls have been up to. Ta ta!:D
Thinking of you, Lisa, on our official scale day! Good luck!

Good morning, Lisa! How are you doing today? I hope that when you got weighed in Monday, you saw a loss of some kind. If not, then no worries. If you keep doing the right things it'll come off eventually. I get a sense of peace from knowing that!

It looks like a beautiful day here in Southeastern PA; yesterday we had tornado warnings. . .couldn't put up the door to the garage/gym when I was doing my walk--too afraid of being swept away! Fortunately the storm blew over pretty quickly, but not too far from us, three twisters touched down. :(

Well, take care and have a great day. Stick with it!

Hi Lisa!! I hope all is going well for you!

You've lost 16 pounds already - that's wonderful!! The rest will keep disappearing, probably when you least expect it to!

I'm off to check the carb count on peaches! I'd love to be able to add them to my list of yummy foods!!


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