Live from Enchanted China

It sounds like you finally got over the jet lag and are having a great time.
How long have you been able to spend at each of the sites? Do you feel that the time allotted is sufficient or do you feel rushed?

Thanks for the updates. I can’t wait to hear what’s on the agenda for the next 2 days.
Day 4

We went to the Temple of Heaven and rode pedicabs through a hutong (old-fashioned neighborhood). We had a Tai Chi lesson near the Temple of Heaven and learned some crafts and yoyo near the hutong. Tonight we are having Peking Duck - yumm!

Most people are wearing shorts. Dinners are equally casual. They mentioned that the first night's dinner in Shanghai might be an occasion to wear long pants or a skirt, but it is not required. While we're on the subject of attire, I recommend bringing a wide-brimmed hat. Even though it is not that hot out during the day, the past few days, we have spent a lot of time outside, doing a lot of walking. My son left his hat in the bus this morning and really regretted it.

Not sure what's on the itinerary for tomorrow. LOL. We have a printed itinerary for days 4 and 5 which was revised since the earthquake, but we're not even following that! Even for the June 16 departure, I wouldn't count on following our itinerary.

I am running out of disk space on my camera -and we're not close to halfway through. I'm not so computer savvy that I can download to my laptop. I'm also running out of camcorder disk space. Bring twice as much camcorder and camera memory as you think you might need.

Hi AbdMom,

Thanks for the tip about bringing a hat & extra memory sticks...

How was the Peking duck?
It's 6:30 a.m. now. I've been up since 3:15 when my cell phone went off. Don't know who called as it dropped the call right after I picked up. it was a male voice though and everyone who would call in case of emergency is female ;) . Note to self: disconnect the cell phone battery before going to bed.

Many people wonder how many children are on the tours. Out of 31, we've got about 15 under the age of 25. They are almost equally spread out in ages. Out of the 15, 11 are female and 4 are male. The majority of adults are female too. I think there's 7 male and 9 female, but with Dusty and Fred we work out even. The older adults (moms and dads) are generally in the 45-55 age range. There are no solo travelers and no adults without kids. I would have thought that we would have families with adopted Chinese children, but there are none on this trip.

Peking duck was OK. The hour of dinner was kind of late for us - we left at 7 pm and got to the restaurant at 7:30. Dinner didn't end until after 9. Dd fell asleep just before we left. I wanted to fall asleep during dinner. I'm fairly used to Chinese food and am surprised at the Western dishes - generally vegetables, that show up on the table. Last night we had corn niblets. :confused3 One of the kids favorite dishes is potstickers - which are supposed to be Beijing -based - I haven't seen those. I also love hot and sour soup and haven't seen that either.

Timewise, I think I would have liked to spend more time at Tiananmen square and the Forbidden City. However, we did spend about 4 hours there and it was quite hot and we were very tired by the end. There are a couple of days where we have the afternoon off, so we can go back and visit those sites that we would like to see. The hotel is very close to Tiananmen square. I would have liked to spend more time at the Great Wall. However, it was a 2 hour drive there and back. We left at 8 a.m. We had lunch and noodle making and glass blowing after seeing the Great Wall. We probably got back around 4:30, but I don't remember exactly.

Today's itinerary is the one with the most, shall I say, flexibility? We won't really know what we're doing until we get where we're going. Off to breakfast now.
Hi Abdmom,

Where did you guys have dinner last night? Those items (potstickers & hot and sour soup) are among my favorites too. ::yes::

Did you guys have a chance to check out the Olympic venues like the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube?

I couldn't tell you the name of the restaurant we ate at last night. We got on the bus and drove for about 20 minutes and there was no English sign on the restaurant. There are almost as many restaurants as there are people in Beijing. There's no lack of places to eat.

Did you guys have a chance to check out the Olympic venues like the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube?
:cool2: :rolleyes1 If I told you everything, you wouldn't need to come on the trip, now would you? I need to leave some Disney magic. pixiedust:
We leave for Guilin today. We will hate to leave the Peninsula. It is a really great hotel. Last night we had a buffet dinner in Jing with fabulous food. Yesterday we had a hotpot meal in a restaurant. We finally had the dumplings that we had been missing. My ds ate so much that he didn't want to eat any thing at dinner.

After dinner we saw a kung fu show. I slept through much of it, but ds loved it.

About a block from the hotel is a pedestrian street - Wangfujing street. It looks like this will be a main area for the Olympics festivities- shopping - hanging out etc. Definitely a place to check out.

With regards to the Olympics, they are doing so much renovation throughout Beijing to get ready. I feel like I've arrived early at a party. Construction is proceeding rapidly. Yesterday, Dusty told us that starting July 15, they will shut down several thousand factories in the area so that the air is clean(er) for the Olympics. They will also limit the number of cars on the roads. The air has not been too bad - dd had asthma when she was little, so I brought an inhaler. I haven't needed to use it.

Today we are off to Guilin. We are leaving the hotel at 10 a.m., flight takes off at 12:30 for a 2 1/2 hour flight, so it will be mostly a day of traveling. We stay there only 2 nights before heading to Shanghai.

We are all enjoying the trip very much. I wouldn't hesitate to book another ABD trip again. What am I saying, I am eager to book another ABD trip. I just have to come up with the money!
Hi Abdmom,

Good to hear that the Peninsula Beijing is a great hotel and that you guys are enjoying the food & having a great time so far...

Looking forward to reading about your Guilin adventure. Thanks for posting!
Hi Everyone

There was no internet service in Guilin. We are now in Shanghai. Even though I have a transformer, it got very hot when I plugged in my computer, so I can't use too much computer time.

Guilin is very beautiful. The hotel was slightly hit and miss. Still first class though. We were there for two nights. The hotel is set in an outdoor modern sculpture park. We did bike riding around the hotel which was great. The BBQ was excellent and probably the best meal we have had so far.

One thing we discovered is that the air over China is always bumpy. There is always turbulence on every flight, so if you are susceptible to that, take precautions.

We are now at the Shanghai Hilton. Nice hotel. Very nice shopping mall down the street, but the prices are higher than in the States. The pool is supposed to be very good, but we haven't seen it yet.

Tonight's dinner is at the Bund. It is the one night where we can dress up, so I'm off to get the kids ready now.

The two English channels on Chinese TV are National Geographic and CNN. The kids are learning a lot from National Geographic. ;)
Glad you’re back Abdmom. I missed hearing your reports for the past few days. How was the river cruise in Guilin?

Yesterday I was speaking to someone who just came back from China and she told me that for all inter-China flights, the luggage restrictions were 30 lbs for checked bags and 11 lbs for carry-on. Have you or anyone else on the trip had a problem with these restrictions?

Can’t wait to hear about Shanghai!
Hi Abdmom,

Glad to hear that you guys enjoyed Guilin. It sounds like Shanghai will be a big change in scenery. And thanks for the warning about air turbulence.

By the way, did the ABD guides mention anything about the pandas at the Beijing Zoo or what their thoughts are about putting Chengdu back on the itinerary?
Thanks for posting! I would love to do this trip, and it's great to hear about it as you go! :thumbsup2
The Guilin river cruise was fantastic. It was difficult to capture on film/disc how beautiful the scenery was. Afterwards we had 2 hours for shopping at a local market. This is a good stop to pick up souvenirs.

The Beijing zoo just got 8 pandas from Wolong for the Olympics. We were lucky enough to see them. Very cute.

The government of China is not permitting any tour groups into Chengdu at the moment. ABD has no control over that. So, it is up to the government as to when they will allow tour groups back in. There is no telling as to when that will be.

Overall, we have had to be flexible with our itinerary expectations. Yesterday, we were supposed to see the Childrens Palace, but it is a National Holiday for the entire time we are in Shanghai, so it is unknown whether we will be able to see the Children's Palace. In general, Dusty and ABD have been fantastic in substituting other activities as necessary at the last minute.

With regards to luggage, one good thing about ABD, they do have a lot of magical pixie dust that helps our luggage fly. ;) I would keep to North American standards and you should be fine.
Thanks AbdMom. Where did you guys go today? Does the Shanghai Hilton have any good restaurants like the Peninsula Beijing? Did you say you guys went to dinner at a restaurant on the Bund? How was that? (sorry for all the questions but inquiring minds want to know...) popcorn::
We are so excited to read about your adventures in China! We will be leaving this Friday June 13 for our flight over to Beijing for our China ABD tour. We have a few more questions - What airline is Disney using to fly between the cities? Have you used any of the laundry facilities in the hotels yet? Have you had any rainy days during the trip so far? Have you found ATM machines to be easily available on the trip? We can't wait to hear your next news about your trip! Thank you!!
Last night we had dinner at M on the Bund. Excellent food and a panoramic view. Unfortunately, it has been very hazy in Shanghai, so it is difficult to see very far. Afterwards, about half of the group elected to wander around the Bund on their own. We were tired so took the bus back to the hotel.

Today we went to Fuxin Park and then did some shopping. DS found Nirvana - a place that sells Nintendo DS and Gameboy games. Very cheap compared to home. My main question was - will they work? Out of 4 games purchased, two work well and are in Engligh. :cool1: The other two are in some form of Spanish/English with Chinese grammar. :laughing: Well, ds is still very happy and doesn't really care.

It was very hot here and it did rain lightly today. DS complained of a sore throat and I had difficulty breathing at one point. There is lots of public smoking here. The air in Shanghai is significantly better INSIDE than out. Tomorrow, we will pre-medicate with Claritin.

We had a spectacular lunch at the Grand Hyatt. This afternoon we had off. Fred tried to take us to have laundry done, but even the local laundry was expensive, so many of us just carried the laundry back to the hotel. This is the first hotel that I have looked at the laundry prices. Laundry was not available in Guilin, but it was at the Peninsula. Here, at the Hilton, a pair of shorts is about $5 and a t-shirt is $6. Since most of my laundry is my children's clothes, I could almost buy new for that price. I did some laundry in the sink. We shall see if it dries. :confused3

The Hilton has a nice breakfast buffet, but it is a much busier hotel than the Peninsula. It does have a nice pool which I had to drag dd out of after more than an hour. There is a bakery in the lobby which looks great. We may try that after dinner. We ordered room service from a very extensive menu. The prices are not too bad for hotel room service - $14 for spaghetti, $7 for French Onion soup. After my long hot trip carrying many pounds of laundry, I am taking this option rather than trying one of the many restaurants nearby.

I have not been spending much money, so haven't had to hit the ATM frequently. There is a handy ATM on B2 of the Peninsula hotel and another one in the lobby of the Shanghai Hilton. No ATM in Guilin.

So far, both of our inter-China flights have been on China Southern Airlines. Yesterday, the plane pulled away from the gate when there were still about 10-15 people in the aisle getting to their seats. :scared1: Luckily, they got seated before we started moving too quickly. We've had the same movie on both flights. It's a really bizarre movie too. Also both 2 hour flights had full meal service. ABD also gave us box lunches to carry on the flights. We really haven't suffered from a lack of food on this trip! The hotels provide bottled water in the rooms. The guides also hand out water on the buses. You can't even brush your teeth with the local water.

Tomorrow we are going to the Science and Technology museum. It's supposed to be the largest one in Asia.

The electricity is not "good" here. When my laptop is plugged in (using a transformer), the screen dims and brightens in a 5 second cycle.
Hi Abdmom,

Thanks for the fascinating report from Shanghai... how expensive is the local laundry? Is it a laundromat type of operation or more like our dry cleaners?

Is the Grand Hyatt located within a skyscraper?

How are the rooms at the Hilton compared to those of the Peninsula and Guilin?

Glad to hear that the Hilton has a nice breakfast buffet. It's very important to start the long day with a good meal... ::yes::
Local laundry is more like our drycleaners. There are no laundromats in Shanghai, or Beijing or Guilin. If I had to do it again, I would just send them to the hotel laundry. The local laundry prices were not really any different from the hotel laundry.

The Grand Hyatt is located within a skyscraper in the financial district.

Rooms at the Hilton are not as nice as the Peninsula or the Moma Hotel in Guilin. I have heeard from others that the climate control in their rooms is not adequate.

It has been raining in Shanghai today and last night. It is very damp everywhere, including within the hotel.

We went to the Science and Technology museum this morning. Excellent museum.

We must pack this afternoon for our flight to Hong Kong. We leave the hotel around 6 a.m. and have dinner and an acrobatic show this evening. Luggage must be out of the room at 5 a.m.

It seems to me that the planning for Shanghai was not as good as for the other cities. We are here for 3 days, but only 2 in Hong Kong. There have not been many activities in Shanghai. Just activities planned for yesterday morning and this morning and night. I am planning to spend extra days in Hong Kong so that we can see more. Most of the other travelers are going straight home though.
Thanks for the update Abdmom.

When you say the hotel is also damp, do you mean it's humid INSIDE the hotel?? Is it because the hotel doesn't set the A/C properly?

And please confirm: did you say the luggage has to be ready to go at 5 AM??? :eek:

Also, if you haven't been keeping tabs, the heavy rains have caused flooding and landslides in Hong Kong. I hope things have tried out a bit by the time you get there tomorrow...


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