** Live TR ** 3 Years of Planning & it’s finally here! Our first trip to the world :)

Loving reading along. Glad you're continuing to have a good time. Sorry about the cold. That's a bummer. Vitamin C and paracetamol for you :)
Flu-y or not, today was pretty awesome!

It was EMH at Animal Kingdom, so we got there for just before 8am and made our way around to Asia for Expedition Everest!

The parks were incredibly quiet, even for EMH, and we rode EE three times back to back – it was super cool! I love that they have a separate queue area for those wanting to go to the front. It was super amazing from the front!!

We then rode Kali Rapids twice – which was so so so cool! I was quite lucky that I didn’t really get wet, but Ben did. He got really really wet!

We sat for a little while (okay, a long while… it was SO hot!), and then Daisy and I went to go get some frozen lemonade whilst Ben, Jasmine and Chloe went to ride Expedition Everest and Kali Rapids again!

We took a wander across to DinoLand and the guys did DINOSAUR which they loved! I don’t think any of them were expecting it to be so fast!

By this point, my cold was driving me crazy and I just needed to go home. So, the girls went around DinoLand whilst Ben dropped me off home. On the way, we managed to find some Up grape soda badges – Up is my favorite Disney film, Ben even bought me an Adventure Book for my 25th birthday!

As we were coming out of the shop, Russell and Dug walk by to their photo spot – AMAZING! Admittedly, we were the only grownups in the queue, but it was so cool!

I got home around 1pm, and then Ben went back to AK to take the girls on the Kilimanjaro Safari, which they loved!

They got home around 3:30pm, and then went to play in the pool for a couple of hours before we left for Downtown Disney for dinner.

We had dinner at House of Blues which was AMAZING! Like, seriously, the best food I’ve ever had – and the portions were HUGE! Chlo had a children’s meal, and the pizza was huuuuuuge! All of it was so so good. Daisy and I had the strip steak with garlic mash, Ben had the ribs, Jasmine had a make your own burger and Chlo had the children’s pepperoni pizza… and then we ordered some French Fries, sweet potato fries and mac and cheese to share.

Okay, so, admittedly… we ordered waaaaay too much food! But oh my gosh!!!!! It was so good. I’ve never eaten so much food in my life…. It was so amazing. The girls loved it.

We took a wander around Downtown Disney after dinner, took the water taxi across to the Market Place, and then had a look around the shops. The girls did Pick a Pearl, and made a pearl necklace for their mum – I wasn’t expecting it to be quite as expensive as it was…. Just shy of $100 for the pearl ($15.99) and a basic chain and cage. But, it looks lovely and they had a good time!

We got home quite late, around 11pm, and the girls are exhausted.

I think, we’re at a point now where we’ve got to seriously look at our plan and reconsider it. The girls just aren’t used to this heat, so as much as we’d love to do rope drops, by 12pm they’re tired, grouchy and just fed up.

Up until this point, we’ve been getting to the park at rope drop, staying until 1/2pm, coming back to swim in the afternoon and then going back out for dinner and maybe a ride or two (depending on where we’re having dinner).

But, it’s not really working for us. The girls are just too tired.. whereas we’ve found that they handle the evenings so much better. So, where possible (depending upon our dinner reservations), we’re going to swim in the mornings/afternoons, get an early dinner and then head to the parks until late.

We’re gonna give it a go tonight – the girls seem really happy with the idea. I have no idea if it’ll work out, but we’ll see!

We’re off to MK today – I’ve managed to move all of our fast passes, and I’ve moved our dinner reservation to late afternoon, so we’ll give it a go!

Fab trip report and updates Hollie glad you're having so much fun. More Hollie pics too please, don't be shy, as we want to see your happy face grinning from ear to ear as we know you are :rotfl::cool1:

Hahahaha! Okay, so, I'm totally avoiding posting pictures of myself... I look sweaty and red in every single one!

I'm starting to adjust to the heat a bit, and I'm used to the sun a bit more now, so my skin isn't super red... I'll try and get in front of the camera a bit more :)
Hahahaha! Okay, so, I'm totally avoiding posting pictures of myself... I look sweaty and red in every single one!

I'm starting to adjust to the heat a bit, and I'm used to the sun a bit more now, so my skin isn't super red... I'll try and get in front of the camera a bit more :)

Great to read your TR!

Glad you're adjusting to the heat- we were there last week, and I ended up with a horrible red rash all over the back of my legs- I had to make 4 trips to first aid for the gel to stop it itching, but as it was heat induced, they told me it wouldn't get better until we went home (and they were right!) It was nasty! :(
What a fabulous trip report! The girls are so lucky to have such a great aunt, can't wait to read more!
Great trip report and amazing photos. Looking forward to reading more! :thumbsup2
Hahahaha! Okay, so, I'm totally avoiding posting pictures of myself
I know what you mean I'm quite keen to view and delete pics of myself at times! :rotfl: I'm sure you look fab princess:so even if you're not brave enough to post them hope you're still in lots of pics to take home.
You're certainly cheering up a lot of people with your brilliant writing and as others have said contagious enthusiasm/happiness. Hope the cold feels better soon. I came out with a cold on my 40th birthday out there last year-we went to discovery cove and I found all the time I was either snorkelling or drinking the free frozen piña coladas that helped!:rotfl::rolleyes1
Have fun :wave2:
It worked! It totally worked!

So, up until this point, we’ve been doing rope drops but by about 11am/12pm, the girls are exhausted by the heat.

We had a semi-successful night at HS, during which we noticed that the girls grumbled less at night so we tested a park close vs. park open today and it totally worked!

We had a desperately needed lie in and then chilled around the pool all morning afternoon, leaving for MK about 5pm – we were quite lucky in that the tram was right next to our car as soon as we got out, and then the monorail arrived as soon as we got to the platform! So, we got to MK about 5:30ish.

It was hot at first, but we had fastpasses, and by the time 7pm had rolled around, we had three happy girls! They lasted until about midnight, with no grumbling. We also made sure to stay on top of water consumption today, rather than allowing them to identify when they thought they were thirsty.

I feel like we did so much more… which I guess isn’t surprising given we managed seven hours in the park!

We started off with Space Mountain which the girls love, and then took a wander around to the new fantasy land. We didn’t make it that far around the park last time due to the heat, so this was super exciting!

The girls had a play in the Casey Jr Splash N’ Soak Station for a bit, and then went on Barnstormer. We actually did quite a few rides yesterday, which I’m quite happy about… as up until now, as we’ve had to shorten all of our days, we’ve only managed a couple. We ended up doing Space Mountain, Barnstormer, Dumbo the Flying Elephant, Under the Sea, Mad Tea Party, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, Prince charming carrousel, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Mountain.

We considered doing 7DMT a couple of times… the wait time seemed to hover around 50-60mins for most of the night, it dropped during the first parade, but we were on the other side of the park at that point. Oh well! Wait wise, considering it was the evening, I was quite impressed that none of the rides had massive queues and towards the end of the evening, by about 9:30pm, even Big Thunder Mountain was a walk on.

We finished off the night with Splash Mountain under the fireworks, and then hot dogs at Casey’s Corner (chilli dogs are so yummy!). And then we managed to get some prime curb space for the electrical parade just outside which was just the most perfect way to end the night!

It was a fab day and we’re going to try replicating the later starts on Saturday to see if it helps, or whether today was a bit of luck.

Off to Typhoon Lagoon tomorrow, so off to bed!

Wow, can't believe you're half way through already! Still following along. Sounds like fun at the MK :)
A.K.A Daisy’s day of accidental doom.

Despite today turning into a bit of a nightmare around mid-morning, we have officially decided that we love water parks.

Everything started off so well… We got to Typhoon Lagoon around 9:30am and it was packed! But, we made our way quickly towards the Umbrella/Cabana hire desk and got some shady umbrellas booked :)

After a swim on the lazy river, we headed straight for Hamunga Kowabunga, which is where today sort of went wrong.

Ben, Chloe and Jasmine went down in front of us, with Daisy and I going straight after. She was to my right, and on the way down the slide, hit her head very badly.

As she was coming to the bottom of the slide, the water at the bottom meant to slow her down thrust her head forward and then back onto the slide. I opened my eyes after the slide to her screaming from the row next to me.

The lifeguard was BEYOND useless, and two days later, I am still livid about his attitude! Despite seeing a 16 year old girl screaming and clutching her head, he did nothing to approach her, he literally just stood there saying nothing. After we approached him, having to ASK for first aid, he told us to walk her all the way to the entrance. At this point, she was bent over about to be sick and could hardly walk. However, with no other apparent option, we tried to make our way that way, Daisy in hysterics.

Luckily, we met two lifeguards on the way, who immediately called for a first aider. Daisy was sat down, the first aider arrived and went for a wheelchair and icepacks.

By the time he was back with icepacks, she had somewhat calmed down. Calm enough anyway to let me and the firstaider properly look at her head – no bleeding, but the back of her head had two huge lumps. He took her to first aid in the wheelchair, where the nurse examined her, and we spent two hours in first aid trying to figure out what was best to do. She was adamant that she didn’t want to go to hospital.

Luckily, it wasn’t that serious. She didn’t have concussion, but her head is still very badly swollen – she can’t lie flat on her back, as it causes her too much pain. Daisy spent most of the afternoon under our umbrella, out of the sun, relaxing whilst Ben and I took turns sitting with her or taking the girls around the park.

By 4pm, she was feeling a little better – no more nausea, no more headache or dizziness, and upon the advice of the nurse she had eaten a big meal. The nurse checked her head over once more, and said she was good to go enjoy herself, but no more big slides. Thank god!

So, we headed to the wave pool, completely oblivious to the size of that big wave! All afternoon, we’d heard this periodic boom, and looked at each other wondering what it was – we were clueless! It was SO MUCH FUN! Terrifying, but fun! Daisy seemed back to her usual self, but the entire time we were in the pool, I did nothing but panic about her getting pushed to the bottom of the pool and hitting her head again – with me swimming around her all afternoon, I’m not really sure how much fun she found the waves!

We also did Shark Reef, which was super cool. I totally freaked out though, which I wasn’t expecting. I have the biggest phobia of sea weed (weird, I know!), but I figured I would be fine as I couldn’t see any in the water. But, as soon as I swap away from the ledge, I just started panicking and I was too afraid to look down. Ben had to calm me down before I could swim around, but I was still too panicky to use the snorkel so I just held my breath.

Unfortunately, our day was cut a little short by the storms which rolled in about 5pm, when the pools and slides were closed. We sat under our umbrella for a little while waiting for the rain to ease a little, and then headed back.

We had reservations for Hoop-De-Doo Musical Review, which was fab!! We really really loved it – we were seated right in front of the stage which was amazing. The food was a bit meh (salad and corn bread – or cake as the girls call it, fried chicken, ribs, mash, beans, sweetcorn and strawberry shortcake), but the general atmosphere was so great it didn’t really matter. The girls ate what they were given without complaints, and their eyes were glued to the stage all night, so we couldn’t really ask for more!

So, aside from injuries, today was really good! We’re gonna try and do Typhoon Lagoon again soon (perhaps this afternoon, as we’re not going to MK until this evening).
Sounds like you are all having a great time. I agree the heat is very intense at the minute but it's good that you've been able to alter your plans.

Sorry to hear about the slide incident, I hope she is feeling much better now.

Enjoy the rest of your trip :thumbsup2
Done Hoop 5 times, I love the food there, they just keep bringing me the buckets of chicken and ribs:rotfl2:
I've loved reading your trippie! So sorry about Daisy's accident, that must have been so scary. Glad she's such a trooper and got right back into the action with just a bit of rest. We are visiting soon and while we won't be seeing HDDR we have an ADR at Trails End that I'm excited about! :goodvibes Glad that your gang enjoyed the show.
Can't wait to read more! ::yes::
Heya guys!

Sorry for the delay - We've had a nightmare with my laptop! Gonna do a maaaaassive update in a bit, with the last week or so!

Bare with me!



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