lola's adventure:from couch to 1/2 marathon!!!

Lola-sorry I haven't checked in for a while, I have had a bit to deal with here. But I am proud of you, you are going to so totally rock the Half!!!

Enjoy your trip, enjoy the race, it is a wonderful experience. And since this is your first one (right?), you automatically set a PR!!

Can't wait to hear all about it.
Thanks Vern, I hope thinks are going smoother for you soon.

Did my 5 mile run outside yesterday. I am really missing my treadmill and plan ot buy one ASAP. I'm just really not sure which one to get. I don't want to spend more than necessary but I also want one that will stand up to regular running and it seems the less expensive ones are really built for walking which is likely why my current treadmill broke in the first place.

Food was back on track yesterday:
B: sandwich thin and LF peanutbutter
S: FF/SF Capucino
L: roasted red pepper soup
D: Chicken breast and corn
S: SC ice cream sandwich

I weighed in last night and I was up 2 lbs. While a gain is never good I felt this wasn't too bad considering I've really been completely off plan for the last 2 weeks. My total weight is currently 188.6. I doubt I could loose 3.6 lbs before Saturday to make the 185 lb goal (and I won't be weighing in again to find out). It's ok, I'm still down > 55 lbs and I'm about to run a half marathon :banana:. Those accomplishments are more than enough for now.
Well, it's here! This will be my last check in before taking off for the half marathon. What ever happens with the race I am so proud of myself. (sorry to be so self-congratulatory... but this is a journal after all). A year ago I never would have dreamed I could even consider running 13 miles and now here I am.

I'm a little bit afraid of losing motivation once the race is over so I want to take some time to outline what my new goals will be.

Let's see...what am I going to focus on next week when the Disney race is over? I plan to run a 10 mile race the first weekend of May. Until then I think I'm going to focus on trying to improve my speed a little bit. I will plan on doing more frequent short runs during the week and adding in some more aggressive interval training. I want to start doing all my shorter runs without the run/walk breaks and save those for distances > 5 miles. I think I will plan on keeping a weekend long run of 7-10 miles at least every other week.

Food wise, I really have to get back in the game. Basically the weight has been static since Thanksgiving. I am happy not to have had a significant gain over the holidays but now I want to start losing again. After Disney I'm going to try to be stricter with myself and get completely back on plan. I have a girls trip to Vegas planned for the end of February which gives me 7 weeks. I'd like to loose another 10 lbs by then so if I don't gain too much at Disney that will make my Vegas goal weight 179.

Goals for Dec-Feb:
1. Train to run a 10:30 average min/mile for the Broad Street run
2. Loose 10 lbs in the 7 weeks between Disney and Vegas
3. Run at least 3 days per week
4. Hook up the Wii fit and start using it for cross training 2 days per week
5. NO GRAHAM CRACKER snacking while I'm at work.

It really helps me to write all this out on here. Sorry for the long post for anyone who took the time to muddle through it :)
Guess I'm a little late to tell you good luck. But Good Luck! You'll do awesome. You have some real accomplishments and lots to be proud of. Most everyone has trouble during the holidays. The key is to get right back on the wagon. I don't think you will have any problems. :goodvibes

Bummer about being stuck at the hospital. Wow! I'm glad you finally go to join your family for the end of the holiday.

You are smart to have more plans. I totally let me walking go a couple weeks after I got back last year. Huge mistake on my part. I really hope not to do that this time. I love the walking. I was just so cold....:cold:

Have a great time and if we don't meet there, we'll chat and compare notes after we are both back.
I did it!!! I finished my first half marathon!!! :yay:

My official time was just over 3 hours but I spent 21 minutes meeting charecters (I timed it by pausing the NikePlus) so my acutal running time was a little less. Either way I am just tickled pink to have finished. It was so much fun and I feel great. :thumbsup2

I will try to write a complete report soon but work is crazy today. Thanks to the ice storm I've been stuck here for the last 36 hours. Hoping to get home for some rest tonight.
Congratulations, Lola!!! :cheer2: Way to go!!!! :thumbsup2 I am so proud of you!:hug:

I hope you're able to get home this evening.:wizard: Please be sure and get plenty of rest! :hug:
Lola congratulations!!!! That is quite a feeling isn't it? Hope you guys dig out from this great storm- we just made it home the day before-phewww!

So I have taken a full week off of everything, running, eatting right and journaling here on WISH. Frankly, I feel like a slug and I can't wait to get back on track.
I ran 5 miles today which felt great. I did it with only a brief 2 minute walk break after the first mile. Tomorrow I have to get my eatting back on track. It has really just been terrible. I will go to WW to weigh in. I suspect I've gained around 5 lbs or so since my last weigh in. I have found that the post race duldrums are a little worse than I anticipated and I feel kind of blah. I registered for a 10 mile race on May 1st so hopefully that will help give me a new goal. I want to get faster and maybe run the whole thing without walk breaks.

I will still try to get to some more detailed feelings about the race in the next day or so but I just can't seem to muster the energy to do it at work today.
Lola-I know exactly what you mean about the doldrums. But you can get right back to it, even if you take it slowly, you will get there. I too have been slacking off for the last two weeks, and am finally getting back on track.
Thanks Vern, I'm back to running the last couple of days and I'm feeling a bit better.

Ok, so here is my mini TR and race report. No pics so a little dull but at least it will help me remember :)

I was out of the house bright and early for a 7:30 AM direct flight to Orlando. I had never flown Southwest before so I wasn't prepared for the longer lines at their check in and security at RDU. Luckily I had left lots of time so it was no big deal. I'm not a big fan of the SW no assigned seat board by number thingy but when traveling alon it is not a problem. I was able to snag an aisle seat toward the back of the plane and had an on time, comfy uneventful ride. I arrived to the shuttle just as one was pulling in. I had a little time before my friend's flight was due to arrive so I used the rest room and looked around at the airport Disney store. Soon I started to make my way to the Magical Express where I planed to meet my buddy. Unfortunately I headed the wrong way and ended up in the A section of the terminal when I should have been in B. Oops... after some backtracking I finaly found the right spot and buddy was there waiting for me. We quickly went through the line and in about 10 min we were on a bus headed for the Boardwalk Inn. This was my first using ME and I really liked it.

This was my first time staying at the boardwalk and I'd really wanted to check it out for a long time. I was happy to see they still had the Christmas decorations up in the lobby when we got there. They were very pretty. There was a bit of a line to check in but our room was ready right away. We were on the first floor and the room was nice. It was comparable to other deluxe properties I've stayed at before and I have no complaints about the room or the service at the Boardwalk.

Once we got settled we headed out to catch a bus to the expo. The marathon buses were picking up by the convention center and were not well marked so it took us a bit to figure this out. A bus came quickly and we were on our way. The expo was packed so we didn't shop around too much. We both picked up our half marathon packets and I got my 5K one too. I wanted to switch out my XL shirt for a L but this was a big deal that would reuire a lot of backtracking so I deceided to just keep what I had. The bus to go back to the boardwalk took FOREVER to get there. We waited at least 40min but this was the only problem we had with transportation the whole trip.

We quickly stopped at the room to put our things away then walked over the DHS. I haven't been there in years since we usually skip this park when I come with my DD. I had a reservation at Mama Melrose for 2:30 and we just made it. The Expo business took a lot longer than I thought it would. We each had a flat bread which was very tasty the meal was pretty reasonable. We just sat there a soaked up how thrilled we were to be in Disney! After lunch we floudered for a bit. The only thing I really wanted to see was Fantasmic. We saw the Little Mermaid show first then hit Tower of Terror. We wanted to do Rockin Roller Coaster but we saw the Fantasmic Line was already getting long. It was more than 2 hours from the show but I was worried we would miss it. We got in line and each got a Mickey Ice cream while we waited. They let us in about 90 min before the show and we waited. It was pretty cold. It turns out we were suckers and easily could have done the Rockin roller coster b/c there was still seating available until about 10 min before the show. I enjoyed Fantasmic but I'm glad I haven't brought my DD since I think it would be too intense for her. I'm not in a rush to see it again.

We headed out of DHS and walked to Epcot. We had dinner reservations at the new resturant in Mexico. I'm blanking on the name right now. We each had a margarita and I had the tilapia which was really good. Buddy just had a salad. We had a good view of Illuminations from our table which worked out very well. After dinner we were beat so we headed back to the room. I had thought we might check out Jelly Rolls or the Dance Hall but we were way too tired. Besides, I was signed up to do the 5K in the AM.

My alarm went off at 520 and I was out the door by 530 on the way to the 5K. This was only my second race ever so I was nervouse and excited. About 5,000 people ran the 5K. I thought it was crowded but of course it was nothing like I would see the next day at the half marathon. They had buzz and woody out for pictures and there was a very long line. Since I had more than an hour until the start I jumped right in line. I heard a lot of other people say they wouldn't wait for that but I was thinkin, Uh, you are going to wait one way or the other so you might as well get a picture with Buzz out of it. I struck up a conversation with a nice woman in front of me and time passed quickly. I got my picture and it was time to get in the corral. It was a bit chilly at about 40 degrees or so.

They had some festivities at the start including the nation anthem. Before we knew it we were off. The race started through the parking lot and then looped around the world show case. There were a few character stops including Mulan in China and Remi in France. I really whish I had stoped for Remi but for soem reason I didn't. They also had some charecters out waving from balconies including Mini in a kimono in Japan and Pinochio in Germany. The 5K is a bit of a blurr to me. I ran the whole thing with no walk breaks so I was pround of my self. My overall time was 35:18.

OK, have to take a break. I'll try to report the rest tomorrow :)
Congrats on running the 5K with no walk breaks!!!:cheer2: How did you like the Boardwalk Inn?

Looking forward to the rest of your trip report, Lola!:goodvibes Have a great day!:hug:
Congratulations on finishing both the 5K and 1/2 Lola! :banana: I probably passed you several times during the weekend also. Do you think you will go back next year? I am just waiting for the registration to be open. We will definitly be back.
I am interested in how you enjoyed Boardwalk also.
Ok I'm back :)

I was very happy with our stay at the boardwalk. I enjoyed the themeing of the area inside and out. Our room was large and well kept. Were were on the 1st floor with no view but I bet he views fromt eh upgraded rooms would be excellent. I loved being able to walk to Epcot and DHS. We were able to make a few visits to the World Showcase in the evenings. If I had more time there I think I would have enjoyed the easy access to the night life on the boardwalk but we just didn't get to squeeze that in on the is trip. I would absolutely stay there again although I do prefer the monorail resorts when traveling with DD b/c of the easy of getting around with the stroller and all her gear.

Back to the report :)

So after the 5K I took the bus back to the boardwalk. There was a bus waiting when I got to the stop. While on the bus I got talking to a man who had run the 5k with his 3 kids. That seems like such a great experience to share as a family. I'm hoping I can get DD to run with me when she is a bit older. I was back in the room by about 9:30. Buddy was out shopping while I took a quick shower. We then caught a bus for Animal Kingdom. We were lucky that one was pulling up just as we walked to the bus stop.

We had 10:20 reservations at Tusker house but wanted to get EE fast passes and try to ride Kilamanjaro safari first. We got our fast pass and the like for KS said 10 min so we thought we had time. Unfortunately it was really more like a 30 wait. I've been on the KS about a half dozen times but this was the most active I've every seen the animals. We got very good views of many of the "big ticket" residents like hippo/rhino/elephant and giraffes. Once we got off it was already 10:45 We ran over to Tusker house and they were still able to take us for the very end of the lunch seating. TH was one of my favorite charecter meal on my last visit. This time it wasn't quite as good. Maybe b/c DD wasn't with me or maybe because we were at the tail end of breakfast and the food was looking a little picked over. It was good enough and we did get to see Mickey and friends so we enjoyed it.

After breakfast we were excited to use our EE fast pass so we made a bee line for Asia. When we got there we saw the stand-by line was only 20 min. So we grabbed a second set of FP and jumped in the stand-by line. This was my first time on EE and I LOVED it. What a fun ride. When we got off we jumped in the FP ride and rode it again. From Asia we headed to Camp Minie Mickey to see the Lion King show. We just made it in before the show started which was perfect timing! I've seen this show a bunch but it was Buddy's first time and she was impressed. Next we headed to Dino land and got FP for Dinoasaur. While we wated for teh FP time we road the Triceratop Spin. I've never been on this one before but it had looked appealing to me. In the end it was a longish wait for a so-so ride. We went and used our Dino FP the doubled back to Asia to use our last EE fast pass. By now it was 3pm which was out goal time ot leave AK and head to Epcot. We were able to get a bus straight from AK to Epcot. I had forgotten this was available but it was a lot faster than going back to the hotel first.

Once in Epcot we headed for the World Showcase. We started making our way around from Canada. Buddy had never seen it before. Unfortunately since we had the half marathon the next AM we didn't want to partake in any of the usual "Drinking around the world" activities. We stopped and had Pastries in "France." By 6:00 we were exhausted and I was a little worried since my feet were killing me and I figured this wasn't a great way to feel the day before my first half marathon. We had 6:30 reservations at Bistro de France. I've wanted to try that place for a long time but it always seemed to "fancy" for DD. We opted to skip out on this in favor of pizza in our room and an early bed time. I think I was asleep before 8pm.

My alarm got me up promptly at 2:45 the next AM. I fumbled to put on my gear that I had laid out the night before and Buddy and I made our way to the bus stop. At 3:10 there was already a line. The first bus that pulled up was mostly full and they only let on about 5 people from our stop. About 5 min later an empty bus pulled up and we filled it. There were still about 20 people left waiting when we pulled away. By then it was about 3:30.

We made it to the staging area and found our way to the race retreat tent.
I had struggled with the decision of wether to pay for race retreat or not but in the end I deceided it was worth it to me to have a guaranteed warm dry place to be before and after the race. We had plenty of time to check our bag, take a picture with the Woody/Buzz/Jesse/horse crew and use the porta potty twice before it was time to head out to the starting corals. The race retreat did have a seperate area of about 20 porta pottys. I don't know if the line was much shorter than the larger area outside but we didn't have any problem getting in to use them.

I really didn't know what to expect as we headed out to the corals. I'm not sure exactly what time we started walking, maybe about 4:45. The crowds were unbelievable. It was just a huge moving mob of 27,000 people making their way down the service roads/parking lots of epcot. It seemed to take forever. I was in corral E and Buddy was in B. She barely made it to her coral when they started singing the national anthem and there were still plenty of people coming in behind us.

They stared the race in several (7?) waves. I was in the 5th wave (aka corral E) I had plenty of time to sit down and stretch before the race started. There was a lot of energy in the air. I was just soaking in all the excitement. It might have been nice to have had someone there to share it with but maybe there is something to be said for having an acomplishment that you can only share with yourself. Before I knew it we were moving forward to the start line and the fireworks went off for the start of the 5th wave. I was on my way!!

My plan for the race was to do 3min run/1 min walk intervals from the start and maybe switch to 3:2 later in the race. It was very hard to stick to the walk intervals early on. I think it helped that there were a lot of run/walkers in corral E so many people were doing the same thing I was. After the first 2 miles it was clear that I had dressed too warmly. I had debated a short sleeve shirt with a throw away sweater vs. my usually short sleeve shirt with my running zip up on top. I had deceided to wear the zip up and had pined my number to the front of that. I spent the fist 20-30 min dealing with reorganizing myself during the walk breaks. By mile 4 I was pretty much set with the zip up tied around my waist and the bib pined to the short sleeve shirt. I also was trying to juggle my camera which I had planned to keep in the pocket of the zip up. I must have been quite the sight. I guess it did keep my mind off the running for a little bit and I was pleased that I was able to keep moving at my usual pace while I got set up.

The first set of charecters I saw was Pooh/Eeorye. I didn't stop as there was a long line. Around mile 4 or 5 I deceided to stop for a potty break. I didn't really desperately half to go but I was worried about finding a place later. Turns out I shouldn't have worried about it. The lines for the bathroom got a lot shorter as we got farther in to the race. Next time I will know that I should wait unless I really have to go. Eventually we passed under the sign for the MK. It was still dark out at that point. I knew it would still be another couple of miles before we were actually in the MK but I had that "wow, I'm really doing this" feeing.

Running through the MK was amazing. The crowds really picked up as we got closer to the park. The cheering was so motivating I stopped an had a volunteer take my picture with the castle in the backgroud. I just love that shot :) As we looped passed teh Teacup ride I stopped for a pic with Alice and the Mad hatter. Farther along there was Snow White and Dopey but I didn' stop. As we came aroudn the back of the castle I stopped for a pic with the fairy god mother. I skipped the photo stop in front of the castle with ASI. There were also photo-ops with the cast of The Princess and the Frog but I skipped it due to a long line. I was just on cloud 9 as we ran though the park. As we came out the back they had the steam engine parked to the side tooting it's horn for us. Then they had a whole pirate ship set up with Capt. Jack and a whole group of pirates.

As we headed down the road by the grand floridian I started to feel nervous about by time and was thinking a maybe I had stopped for too many photos. I had the thought that maybe I was toward the back of the pack and that if I couldn't keep my pace I would get swept. I must have had oxyegen deprivation to my brain b/c it was obvious that I was well ahead of the 16min/mile pace. Anyway, I skipped pics with the penguin from Mary Poppins and Goofy/Donald on the golf course b/c I was nervous about this. I did stop for Chip and Dale b/c their line was very short.

I found mile 7-9 to be the toughest mentally for me. I was starting to feel a little tired and it was still in my mind that not finishing was a possibility. I dont' remember exactly when but some time around mile 10 we ran up the clover leaf and onto an over pass. Looking down from there I could see the THOUSANDS of runners stretching back miles behind me and I realized that even if I walked to the end I would finish!! From there on I had a lot more fun. It felt euphoric even though I was tired and my right foot was hurting. I stopped for pics with Tiger and Eeorye and some fairy whose name I don't even know :). Entering Epcot was great but not quite the same as the MK. The excitement at that point was more about getting to the finish line. Once I came around the corner and saw the gospel choir I knew I was almost there.

Coming across the finish line was a tremendous feeling. I just kept thinking that I DID IT.... I got my butt up off the couch and moved it until I could run 13 miles! A year ago if anywone had asked me if this was possible I would have said no way. It is such a liberating feeling to do something "impossible". My official time was just over 3 hours but I stopped for pics/potty for a total of 28 min. All in all I was very happy with my finish.

After the race I picked up my medal and headed to back to the race retreat to meet up with Buddy. She had finished about an hour before me. We had some breakfast, collected our things and headed back to the hotel. After a quick shower we were on our way to the MK.

Have to do some work today. I'll try to finish up later. :)
Wonderful race report.
This is too funny. We went to AK after the 5K and had a 10:15 ressie. We probably were eating in the same room. :goodvibes

A good stopping point during the 1/2 is the restrooms that are in the covered area that leads from Adventure Land to Frontier Land. Very large, no wait and CLEAN. I didn't stop last year, but this year I knew our fluid intake was more and it was a good idea.

Glad to hear you were pleased with Boardwalk. I am looking to schedule a trip for a friend and that is what I am suggesting for her. She will have an ECV and nervous about taking in on the bus. From there she would be able to roll to a couple of the parks without a problem.
You did it!!!:cheer2: I am so proud of you, Lola!:hug: I bet finishing the race was the most amazing feeling!:cloud9: Way to go!!!:cheer2:

I'm glad you liked the Boardwalk. We stayed at the villas there a couple of years ago and we loved it!:love:

Looking forward to the rest of your report!:goodvibes
Lola nice trip report.Not sure what your weather is but it has been the pits since we got back-I have not done a thing but eat.

Have a good day
Thank you all for the kind words :)
Linda, the weather her has been so-so since I got back but nothing like the North East has been getting. My eatting has not been great but I am keeping up with my running and working on intervals to see if I can get a bit faster. My weight is about the same and I'm OK with that for the moment.

I'll try to wrap up the trip report quickly.

We got to the MK around 1:30pm and the park was already pretty crowded. We had reservations at Tony's for 2:30 but deceided to skip them in favor of munching on snacks all day. We started off by getting a space moutain FP then hitting Fantasy land ofr Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, and It's a Small World. The line for Peter Pan was crazy long so we skipped it. Then we headed to the hunted mansion. This was one of Buddy's favorie Disney Land rides and she was anxious to see the DW version. I had never realized the exteriors were so different.

After HM we were on a hunt for Churros which we finally found in Fronteir land. I also stopped for an ice cream cone...(hey, don't judge, I just ran 13 miles :)) Initially I picke up a Dole Whip float. I was anxious to try this as the get such rave reviews here on DIS. I'm sorry to report that they are just not for me. A bit too sweet, so I ditched it and got a regular cone.

We got picked up a FP for TMRR and went on Pirates of the Carribean. Eventually it was time to head back and use our SM FP. I hadn't been on SM for years and it was just as much fun as i remembered it to be. We grabbed a prime spot for the Electrical Parade right on Main Street and sat down to wait about an hour for it to stop. We really didn't mind the rest. After the parade We headed over the TMRR and used our FP then rode it again on a short SB line. The CM checking FP was the pickiest I've ever seen. We got came back exactly 2min before our window opened and he asked us to wait to the side. Which was fine but I've just never seen it happen before. By now it was just a little before 9pm. We started making our way out of the park but stopped for the last showing of Country Bear jamboree. We had :-)45 reservations at Flying Fish but we were just too worn out. We ended up with another night of Pizza fromt he board walk. Originally we had planned to go out to jelly rolls after dinner but there was NO WAY either of us was moving from our bed. We watched a little TV, packed up and passed out

The next AM we cleared out of the room and checked our bags with the bell hop. I had a 1pm magical express and buddy had a 4pm. We caught a bus to MK and the driver warned us that it might be a long ride b/c of the marathon traffic. Luckily we must have timed it well b/c the ride was not much longer than normal excpet that they dropped us at the transportation center instead of the usual bus stop. We hopped on a monorail (first ride for buddy) and pulled in to the MK just as the opening show was starting.

We husteled to SM to pick up a FP before going to CP for our breakfast. We got a lot of cute pics with pooh and friends. I think Buddy felt a little silly at the charecter breakfasts but not me :) Ager breakfast we headed back to SM to find the stand-by line very short. We got another set of FP and jumped on stand by. We rode 3 times in a row then rode buzz light year. By then it was time for me to start heading back to the hotel. We took a monorail to Epcot and walked through to the back gate. On the way I picked up a fast pass for TT for Buddy and she got herself one for MS. Then we said good bye and she went off to ride Soarin while I caught the ME to the airport. While waiting for the buss I was speaking with a few nice folks who had run the full marathon. They bolstered my feeling that I really just have to run that race next year.

My ride home was uneventful and I made it in just in time to tuck DD into bed. All in all it was a fantastic trip. Running my first half marathon was an experience that is difficult to put into words. Add in a little Disney and, well, it just doesn't get much better than that. :goodvibes

Now I'm home and trying to stay motivated even though I don't have any real events on the horizen. I'm still running 3-4 days a week and I'm trying to keep some sort of longer run on the weekend. Last Saturday I did 7 miles and I think I will do 9 or 10 tomorrow. I'm working on trying to get faster and I'm doing my mid week 3-5 mile runs without walk breaks. My diet/weight loss is stagnent at the moment but I'm not gaining either. I'm pretty happy with my currant size and I'm trying to deceide if I want to push forward for another 10-20 lbs or just maintain.

As for this journal I'm not 100% sure about it's future. I've gone from "couch to half marathon" just like the title says. If I deceide to push on with the weight loss I think it will be helpful to keep posting here. I've been so greatful to all of you who have followed along and given be excouragement along the way. :goodvibes I'm going to see how I feel over the next few weeks and make and effort to get back to posting on a more regular basis.

I plan to start officially training for the full marathon in June per the Galloway program and I think that will call for a whole new journal!
OK, so now an effort to get back to some regular posting.

I weighed in at WW on Friday just b/c I felt like I needed a "starting over" point. I was up 1.4 lbs for an even 190. Not too bad considering I've really been eatting WAAAAY off plan pretty much since Christmas.

Yesterday I did a long run outside since we were having beautiful 50 degree and sunny weather. I hit the American Tobbacco Trail which was muddy but otherwise beautiful. I went for 10.25 miles according to the NikePlus which I think is about 9.5 real miles. Took me 1hr and 50 minutes. I tried a new interval plan. I ran 1 mile then would walk for 2 minutes. Over all the run did not feel great from the begining. I reallly felt like I was working and my right hamsting and groin was pretty sore at the end. Not sure what was up since my 7 mile run last weekend on the tredmill felt great. I'm thinking of going back to a 5min run/1-2 min walk interval for a bit. At least for the long runs.

Food yesterday:
B: 2 eggs 1 slice rye toast, half a biscuit
L: none
D: (we went out to Caraba's a resturant that I really don't like much) I had a starter salad with house dressing, grilled salmon and half cup of pasta with tomato sauce. Also ate 3 pieces of bread (the only good thing at that resturant IMO)

Not sure when I will weigh in this week. I usually do Mon or Tues day night so maybe I will shoot for Tuesday even though it's unlikely I'll see much change in weight over 4 days. I have a Vegas trip planned for late Feb and I want to try to use that as motivation to get back on plan.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


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