Long list of rare items I am selling - *TEMPORARILY CLOSED*

I need tiki items grand californa hotel and stitch box and 5 fireworks. I got kali and blue prenny press what for it?
jasonpwns said:
I need tiki items grand californa hotel and stitch box and 5 fireworks. I got kali and blue prenny press what for it?

I can give you a fireworks and some tiki items (pm me and be specific about which ones you need, please). I'm not trading California pin (only have one), I would need more for stitch box, and I doubt I have 5 fireworks anymore. If so that's all I have and don't want to trade them all! Also, I only need 2 kali pieces...would you trade just 2? THanks!

i will offer three raft couches and one slide teleporter group for to snowman magics
Will you sell anything for credits?

Edit: How about 3,000 per holiday and maybe 15,000 for the snowman (idk what snowman is worth)
Foamy666 said:
Will you sell anything for credits?

Edit: How about 3,000 per holiday and maybe 15,000 for the snowman (idk what snowman is worth)

yes, that is what I'm trying to do...have people bid here for credits. It's not working out exactly as I planned but that's ok! I also said if anyone wants to make a trade offer, they can pm me with that. This thread is for credit bids b/c that's what I need the most!

3,000 is not really enough for the holiday items and if you are talking about the snowman...that's almost priceless (unless you mean the magic...i'm talking about the quest gold snowman)! But it does have a price....just a lot more than 15,000. I can send you a list...pm me with each holiday item you want, and I'll write back with what I will take for each one. My quotes will most likely be negotiable.
MiakodaWDW said:
Please make bids everyone! (credits)

I'm about to have 100,000 credits. I would like the stuff and some other things which I will pick out. Or, if you have not sold the HM suit I will get credits to meet the auto win.
I am only going to sell a few more things. I am trying to reach a credit goal, and then I will have to stop selling for a while (or I won't have any rare stuff for my trade room!) I think once Foamy cleans me out I will be almost there, and won't need credits for a while. So I AM still selling now, but just a warning that soon this thread will be (at least temporarily) closed. Then when I need money again, I will fix the first post with any changes in my inventory and start again :) Thanks to all that are helping me reach my goal, especially Foamy!

To Mods: I will post when I am done selling, but I don't want the mods to officially close the thread...b/c I will probably re-open it again later.
Before you close... could you tell me an estimate cost for the Teleportation Magic?
Pirate-Emery said:
Before you close... could you tell me an estimate cost for the Teleportation Magic?

I'm a-loving your signature :)

For teleport...hmm...I'm not quite sure how many I have, and I may not want to sell it (I think I'm down to two). It's my favorite of all the magics (yes, even inferno) since it can actually serve a purpose, unlike the others, which is getting from one place to another more quickly.

Now that I have explained the features and benefits of my product, I will tell you that, if you act NOW and call within the next 10 minutes, you can get this most convenient method of easy travel for the low low price of only 50,000* credits! Yes, that's right....move from place to place....suddenly appear in front of someone, scaring them or making them look foolish by teleporting directly onto the bench they were headed for by (lol) WALKING! Sh-yeah...Walking...SO five minutes ago! Teleportation is the ONLY way to go! :rotfl2:

Act now! Don't delay! We can't hold on to them! We can't even GIVE them away! I mean, wait...no...we can but we WON'T!!! Order quickly before they all disappear, like the highly overrated invisibility magic (also on sale at a discount price)! Operators are standing by.

*Price negotiable in some states
MiakodaWDW said:
I'm a-loving your signature :)

For teleport...hmm...I'm not quite sure how many I have, and I may not want to sell it (I think I'm down to two). It's my favorite of all the magics (yes, even inferno) since it can actually serve a purpose, unlike the others, which is getting from one place to another more quickly.

Now that I have explained the features and benefits of my product, I will tell you that, if you act NOW and call within the next 10 minutes, you can get this most convenient method of easy travel for the low low price of only 50,000* credits! Yes, that's right....move from place to place....suddenly appear in front of someone, scaring them or making them look foolish by teleporting directly onto the bench they were headed for by (lol) WALKING! Sh-yeah...Walking...SO five minutes ago! Teleportation is the ONLY way to go! :rotfl2:

Act now! Don't delay! We can't hold on to them! We can't even GIVE them away! I mean, wait...no...we can but we WON'T!!! Order quickly before they all disappear, like the highly overrated invisibility magic (also on sale at a discount price)! Operators are standing by.

*Price negotiable in some states

lol.. :P Are you selling those for 50,000?!?!
i am interested in bat magic and invisisbility magic

plz tell me how many credits u want for it
I am also inteerested in the hm suit and the green armchair whatever pricce you want it is yours I don't caree how mucch I just have to have these :cool1:
I have to see if I still have an extra bat and invisible magic when I sign on. I think I traded my extra bat and all I have is the 3 star bat that I'm keeping (unless I get a great offer on my other thread for it).

If I still have invisible I'll sell one for 50,000.

the HM suit is....sad to say, gone. I traded it for a candy cauldron. Could not pass that up!

cubbsr..."green armchair"...is that the philharmagic theater chair? (like the ones in the emporium that are blue red and pink)? If so I will sell one for 30,000.
quote removed-rude

You don't have to be rude. She might like cauldrons.. It was her item, she can trade it for what she wants.
quote removed-rude

Anyway, I just found out that pin is winnable...it was part of the HM quest at WDW and I thought that was the only way to get it. So, thanks to your and someone else's information, the price for invisible is 30,000.
If anyone can win it, good work! You saved some credits. If I was correct and the parks were the only way to get invisible, someone let me know.

EDIT: Thanks to Mods for removing the rude post. So everyone knows, Foamy did not make the rude post, nor did I...we both just had it quoted in our posts. The original post was removed completely. Thanks again :)
invisible was winnable by winning each round of pirates ten times. Now, with the new version out, it is no longer available. I myself have had three at once due to multiple accounts, so I wouldn't charge more than... 10-20k for it (though I don't trade for credits since I have plenty on my own), but since it's your item it's up to you what you want to charge for it.


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