Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too (Part 2)

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Look at you, Erin!!!! It's official now! Good job, and I hope you get to feeling better!!!

Thanks Kara .. hopefully i will start feeling better soon, still feeling yucky today :sad2:

Erin, you look so cute in your overalls! Come on out here and paint my house when you're done, K? :laughing:
Oh i would love to ..Airfare's on you right? :lmao:

OH, I've had a headache since yesterday afternoon - finally took some Tylenol.

Sending hugs Kara take care and hope your bad head goes :flower3: :hug:
Hi everyone! Just a quick stop by until hopefully later when I can actually sit, absorb, and post here.......

Just spent FOUR HOURS at the car dealer!:headache: Airbag light came on in the van; dealer ordered a part and said it would only take an hour. Well, the new part didn't take care of the problem. They now need to order another part - at least they are not charging me for the extra labor today; I just didn't plan on spending all morning there.

I'm off now to run errands, then take Lauren to tennis. Hope to be back on later!
Oh Cammie that stinks. I was suppose to bring my car in today too. Except they didn't have a loaner for me to take and I cannot wait at the car dealer for 2 hours while they change the oil and put on the sticker.

Tammie- Got your message I was feeling yucky so I never did order I am going to do it now.:banana:

Here are some new pics of Badookie


Cammie, sorry about your van. I hate those "car trouble" days. We need to get our brakes done soon.

Jillian - What a cutie! Badookie is getting so big! Thanks for sharing :lovestruc
Been off the DIS all day - think I've got the shakes! :lmao:

I painted one wall in our bedroom - very pale blue - looks great! I just decided that there's no point in killing myself like I usually do. So I just painted two coats of trim and one coat with the roller. I can do one wall a day and save my back and legs. And then Jeff can go back and roll a second coat everywhere this weekend. I really think I'm gonna like this color though. I was very hesitant before. AND I think once this is done that it will prompt him to look at new furniture. Or at least a new bedframe and mattress. I'm so over this bed!!!!

Cammie - car trouble stinks!!!! I hate that you were stuck there all morning.

Jillian - I just can't say it enough - that child is gorgeous!!!! He just looks so huggable.

Debbie - I get hooked on Facebook, too, and then I don't touch it again for a couple of weeks. It comes and goes with me. But I can't stay off of the DIS! I miss you guys when I'm not here.

Erin - glad you're feeling better. I keep thinking I"m coming down with something too, but I will NOT get sick!!!

Tammie - I'm heading to your TR now.

Hello everyone else I missed - gotta run back and catch up on work since I spent two hours painting today. Erin, I need your overalls!!!!
All right - I'm home for the day now; have some time to kill before Amanda gets home @ 4pm. I MUST check in here with you guys! I miss you all!

I can't go back and read what I've missed - sorry, but it will take too long. Did see some pix of lovely Erin is overalls -- adorable!!! Good luck with the new job! Also noticed some pix of that cutie-patootie Badookie -- my gosh, Jillian, I can't believe how much bigger he has gotten! (did you ever score that Elmo? I hear it's going to be very hard to find!)

I'm so sick of dealing with the van! This used to be my ex's responsibility and I hate having to take this on also. After spending four hours there today, I'm supposed to take it in to another place tomorrow for service on the wheelchair ramp. Nothing is wrong with it - just it's yearly check. But quite frankly, I'm in no mood to spend another morning sitting around. This is what has me soooo stressed - I'm not home enough to get things done! And, between the car and my mouth -- ooh boy, my credit card is getting quite the workout. Honestly, I'm feeling guilty about this vacation and thinking I have no business taking Lauren again in Feb. But then the ex will call and I have to hear about where he is and what he's doing (which is not ALL work; and btw, has not seen his children in 3 WEEKS because of all his travels), and I just think, "screw it!" - we DESERVE to go to Disney! Nice attitude, huh? Can you tell I'm cranky?

All right - I'll settle down now. Seriously, I'm so glad I have you guys here - I can't b**** to anyone else like this. Sorry.

Anyway - good TV night tonite! The Office is on - always makes me laugh! Kara - sorry to see your boy Rocco get kicked off DWTS -- can't believe he left before that dreadful cloris!:eek: Anybody else watching anything good?

Tammie - Has the babysitter situation going? Have the kids found anyone yet?

Laura - Is Tim behaving himself?

Debbie - get the EW issue with Zac yet? He is looking fine!!! And, I think I have a new crush: Anderson Cooper! Oh my!:love: I sometimes catch his "360" show on CNN - he's so smart and handsome. And these past two days, he was a guest host on Regis and Kelly - oh god, his smile will just m-e-l-t you! Don't worry, I still have my inappropriate crush on that yummy middle Jonas brother, but Anderson is gaining ground! Ok - I'm done rambling. Amanda's home; let me get her settled and I'll be back!
hello... just to say i am the other half of erins pickie of her in paint smeared clothes!!! xxx
Erin - glad you're feeling better. I keep thinking I"m coming down with something too, but I will NOT get sick!!!

Hello everyone else I missed - gotta run back and catch up on work since I spent two hours painting today. Erin, I need your overalls!!!!

How about i come over and paint for you??? ;)

All right - I'm home for the day now; have some time to kill before Amanda gets home @ 4pm. I MUST check in here with you guys! I miss you all!

I can't go back and read what I've missed - sorry, but it will take too long. Did see some pix of lovely Erin is overalls -- adorable!!! Good luck with the new job!

Thanks :thumbsup2 and yeh the overalls are just the hottest hey

hello... just to say i am the other half of erins pickie of her in paint smeared clothes!!! xxx

Hello you xxxx

Hello to everyone else :wave2:
Jillian .. Your boy just gets cuter and cuter every pic
I'm so sick of dealing with the van! This used to be my ex's responsibility and I hate having to take this on also. After spending four hours there today, I'm supposed to take it in to another place tomorrow for service on the wheelchair ramp. Nothing is wrong with it - just it's yearly check. But quite frankly, I'm in no mood to spend another morning sitting around. This is what has me soooo stressed - I'm not home enough to get things done! And, between the car and my mouth -- ooh boy, my credit card is getting quite the workout. Honestly, I'm feeling guilty about this vacation and thinking I have no business taking Lauren again in Feb. But then the ex will call and I have to hear about where he is and what he's doing (which is not ALL work; and btw, has not seen his children in 3 WEEKS because of all his travels), and I just think, "screw it!" - we DESERVE to go to Disney! Nice attitude, huh? Can you tell I'm cranky?

Be cranky Cammie .. your day sounds like it sucked :flower3:
hello... just to say i am the other half of erins pickie of her in paint smeared clothes!!! xxx

Welcome Rachel!!!! We loved your pic!!! Wishing you two much success in your new venture!!!!

Cammie - my my my, you are on a rampage today!!!! BTW, I love Rocco, but he couldn't dance. Bless his heart. Just nice to look at!!! And I've loved Anderson Cooper since he first hosted the original Mole. Just something about him and I can't put my finger on it.....

Do NOT feel guilty about your trip with Lauren! Look at all you do 365 days a year. You deserve a break and Disney is what works for you two so I say, DO IT! And don't look back.

I Tivo The Office every week, what do I watch live? Hmm, can't figure it out now. I have been TIVOing everything this year. I'm already 2 weeks behind on Desperate Housewives, and haven't caught a single episode of Grey's or Private Practice. Love me some Tim Daly too! Now I'm hooked on Lipstick Jungle, so I have to Tivo that while I watch Dirty Sexy Money. The dude who plays Nick is a DEAD RINGER for my ex! Swear!!!! But I watch it anyway.... :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

OK, time to get myself to look presentable. Taco night at the clubhouse with, c'mon now, say it with me.... Beer to go!!!! :rotfl2:
hello... just to say i am the other half of erins pickie of her in paint smeared clothes!!! xxx

:welcome: Rachel! Woohoo - another DISer from across the pond! And.....you looked cute too in your overalls!

Be cranky Cammie .. your day sounds like it sucked :flower3:

It did! Thank you! I think I may be making myself a drink soon. It's after 5pm by you, right?

Do NOT feel guilty about your trip with Lauren! Look at all you do 365 days a year. You deserve a break and Disney is what works for you two so I say, DO IT! And don't look back.

You see, that's why I love venting to you guys! You all make me feel better about the possible irrational things that I do! Thanks!

OK, time to get myself to look presentable. Taco night at the clubhouse with, c'mon now, say it with me.... Beer to go!!!! :rotfl2:

Ok, you're having beer tonite? I'm DEFINITELY making myself a drink! :drinking1
any place that has to go cups is for me. Have I ever told you about the bars near the cabin Wisc? They regularly give out "pup" cups for drinks that weren't finished. Granted I haven't been out up there in a few years but that just blew my mind.
Cammie, not only am I having a drink tonight, I'm having a drink NOW!!!!!

It was funny the first time I ordered my beer "to go" at the clubhouse. I told her we had the golf cart and she didn't bat an eye!!!!

This whole economy thing has me really nervous. I can't remember the recession of the 70's - guess I was too young to know what was going on. But now that I'm a grown up (at least according to my birth certificate!) it is really starting to hit home. We've cut out a LOT of little things lately. And just this week, Ally and I were out getting a bday present for my niece and I found the cutest handbag, but I didn't get it. I haven't bought anything for myself in months!!! Not that I'm a martyr by any means, it just really made me stop and think. I think what would happen if Jeff were to lose his job - I think his is more unstable than mine right now because he's in the auto industry - and it's scary!!! There is no way we could sell this house!

Our neighbors have their house listed well below what they paid for it a year ago, and they haven't had one person even look at it in 6 months! That is not a good sign. Luckily they made a TON of money on the last house they sold, so they can afford to take a hit on this house. But if nobody even looks at it, how can it sell? :confused3 I told Jeff he'd better be ready to work at McD's if he loses his job and he asked me which shift, to which I replied "ALL of them!" :rotfl2: We laugh about it, but at the same time, ya just never know......

I did talk to my boss today about a raise - I know, sounds crazy, but he agreed!!! He said if anyone at that company deserves more money it's me! Guess he doesn't need to know I painted my bedroom today, huh? :rolleyes1
Good morning ladies!

Yup - blew off the service appt. for the van this a.m. I need to get to the gym to work off some of this stress. I think I'll stick the ex with the chore of getting the ramp serviced!:thumbsup2

It's a beautiful fall day here today - chilly, but sunny; and the leaves are turning. I love this time of year!

Anyone making plans to see HSM3 next Friday? Lauren only has one friend who really wants to see it also so the mom and I are planning to take them to dinner and then see the later movie at 9:30. We're hoping there won't be many little kids at that show. Both Lauren and her friend have said they have every intention of getting up and dancing!:goodvibes Their other friend just got back from spending the long weekend at Disney; first time she's been there in about 6 years. Lauren is so annoyed with her because all she's talked about is how childish and boring Disney was! This is the one friend who I feel tries to act much older than she really is. Geez - she's 12 yrs. old and can't find the joy at WDW?:confused3 I'm so glad Lauren has this other friend who seems to be on the same wavelength as her. They're both crazy for all things Disney!

Off to the gym! Have a good morning everyone!
Good morning ladies!

Yup - blew off the service appt. for the van this a.m. I need to get to the gym to work off some of this stress. I think I'll stick the ex with the chore of getting the ramp serviced!:thumbsup2

It's a beautiful fall day here today - chilly, but sunny; and the leaves are turning. I love this time of year!

Anyone making plans to see HSM3 next Friday? Lauren only has one friend who really wants to see it also so the mom and I are planning to take them to dinner and then see the later movie at 9:30. We're hoping there won't be many little kids at that show. Both Lauren and her friend have said they have every intention of getting up and dancing!:goodvibes Their other friend just got back from spending the long weekend at Disney; first time she's been there in about 6 years. Lauren is so annoyed with her because all she's talked about is how childish and boring Disney was! This is the one friend who I feel tries to act much older than she really is. Geez - she's 12 yrs. old and can't find the joy at WDW?:confused3 I'm so glad Lauren has this other friend who seems to be on the same wavelength as her. They're both crazy for all things Disney!

Off to the gym! Have a good morning everyone!

I was online buying tickets to the 7:30 showing next Friday of HSM3 and then realized that we're going to SC to see Jeff's parents! :headache: I guess we'll just have to be the uncool family who doesn't get to see it on opening night..... :sad2:

So sad about Lauren's friend. How can anyone not love Disney??? But ya know, there are so many people who just don't get it. For BSIL it was all about "rides" and characters. Hello!!!! You can get that at any theme park across the country. I could literally go to Disney and not set foot in any attraction and still have fun. I just love it! It's the details. It's the CMs. It's the whole picture. But sadly, for some people, it's none of those things. They miss out on the details that only Disney can catch.

I envy you living in New England during the fall! I miss the leaves. We get a little bit of fall, but nothing like that. Even SC got more of a fall, and we were only an hour away from the mtns there, so we could drive up to Asheville and get beautiful color. Sadly, not here. :sad1:

Well, Jeff gets off at noon today so hopefully he'll be home on time and we can finish painting the bedroom. I'll go start on the trim in a little while and hopefully I'll be almost done by the time he gets home. There is one section that I can't do until he gets home because I can't move the armoire by myself.

Have a great day everyone! TGIF!
Good Morning All

Busy day here Mike is at work until tomorrow morning so I have been alone for 2 days and I am tired. Going to the craft store to see if I can find something for Badookie for Xmas and toBJ's to get diapers,but first Badookie needs a bath.

Cammie- I agree it is a Beautiful day here. I cannot wait to get out. I think we will take a walk thru the park. Love Fall!

Kara- Can't wait to see the pictures of how the bedroom turns out. I am going to look at a new Bedroom set tomorrow. Our bed broke cheap piece o ' Crap. Not really cheap,but enough is enough.

Well Hope everyone has a great day.
Good Morning All

Busy day here Mike is at work until tomorrow morning so I have been alone for 2 days and I am tired. Going to the craft store to see if I can find something for Badookie for Xmas and toBJ's to get diapers,but first Badookie needs a bath.

Cammie- I agree it is a Beautiful day here. I cannot wait to get out. I think we will take a walk thru the park. Love Fall!

Kara- Can't wait to see the pictures of how the bedroom turns out. I am going to look at a new Bedroom set tomorrow. Our bed broke cheap piece o ' Crap. Not really cheap,but enough is enough.

Well Hope everyone has a great day.

Now I could comment on this, but I won't.... :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

I want new bedroom furniture sooooo bad, but it's probably not in the cards for awhile. I do think I can talk Jeff into just the new king mattress/box spring, and just use it with our existing furniture and no headboard for awhile. At least that way I could get the new bedding that I want to get the room in order. Right now we have a sage green coverlet and light blue walls. It's looking pretty senior citizen!!!!

OK, just a quick break - need to go paint some more!!!
Good morning ladies!
Yup - blew off the service appt. for the van this a.m. I need to get to the gym to work off some of this stress. I think I'll stick the ex with the chore of getting the ramp serviced!:thumbsup2
It's a beautiful fall day here today - chilly, but sunny; and the leaves are turning. I love this time of year!
Anyone making plans to see HSM3 next Friday? Lauren only has one friend who really wants to see it also so the mom and I are planning to take them to dinner and then see the later movie at 9:30. We're hoping there won't be many little kids at that show. Both Lauren and her friend have said they have every intention of getting up and dancing!:goodvibes Their other friend just got back from spending the long weekend at Disney; first time she's been there in about 6 years. Lauren is so annoyed with her because all she's talked about is how childish and boring Disney was! This is the one friend who I feel tries to act much older than she really is. Geez - she's 12 yrs. old and can't find the joy at WDW?:confused3 I'm so glad Lauren has this other friend who seems to be on the same wavelength as her. They're both crazy for all things Disney! Off to the gym! Have a good morning everyone!
Yes, Elizabeth is off so we are going to go during the day!
I love Rocco too but he was so bad...I actually was surprised how bad he was.
I did not get the mag yet but WOW I love that kid. Just watched him on Jay Leno and the crush got stronger...Oh to be young again!
BTW..I know you have a ton on your plate but you would love facebook. It is short and to the point so you don't have to spend a lot of time there. The time consuming part is if you sit there and start trying to search people out.
I hear ya though Kara...I can take it our leave it but I MISS YOU GUYS!

Hang in there Jillian! Hope things are going better on your end.

Renee....I hope things are looking up on your end as well!

Have a fun day at the mall Laura! I love "the malls".
Hi Erin...glad your back.

Hi Tammie..Pam...NEWBIES!!!!!!To all I missed!
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