Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too........

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<font color=hotpink>I do believe hangers are again
Sep 29, 2006
Hi, my name is Debbie and I am a control freak! :wave2:
UPDATE: This has become an ongoing thread where people can come and talk about their worries, anxiety, control issues, trip planning, holiday complaining, anything you want to vent about thread!
There is also our trip check list included in this thread.

Now back to me.....
Anyone else out there like me? I can't stand when things are out of my hands. I worry about everything too! Please join us so you don't feel alone. We can all crab about stuff together and talk to someone who understands how we feel.

WDW is kind of good for our kind. We can make reservations, look at schedules, and have a plan for the whole trip but.....
don't throw any curve balls our way like refurbishments or a bad view or God forbid someone gets sick!
:crazy: We might go crazy, out of our minds, coo coo.

Because I am a control freak this also adds up to "worry freak" too.
Worrying that stuff is going to go wrong that you can't fix! :crazy:
Am I alone?

Maybe we should make it our goal to compile a list that we can keep, cut, and paste, etc. that would serve as some sort of check list that leaves nothing out. I am sure someone has already done this but we could do it again....

We are crazy though so we can put EVERYTHING :crazy: on ours!

I'll start and then whoever wants to add on can just copy, paste and add on then repost....

I bet we could get the ultimate list for us worrying control freaks so that nothing, I repeat nothing can go wrong.... :rotfl2:

Make sure all ADR are made at 180 days, save all confirmation numbers in your WDW trip folder.

Make copies of the credit cards you will be bringing and using on the trip to keep separate from actual cards.

Call every few weeks before hand to confirm your reservations at the hotel are OK.

WDW trip folder
Travel Guide (my Unofficial Guide)
One change of clothes
Contact lens supplies
Video Camera
Cell phone charger
Recharger for camera batteries

____pairs of underwear x ____ people = ____
____pairs of socks x ____ people = ____
____pairs of pajamas x ____ people = ____
____pairs of jeans x ____ people = ____
____pairs of shorts x ____ people = ____
____t-shirts x ____ people = ____
flip-flops x ____ people = ____
Sunday dress x ____ people = ____
Sunday suit x ____ people = ____
Sunday shoes x ____ people = ____
toothbrushes x ____ people = ____
aloe vera gel
makeup bag
spare glasses
small "souvenirs" (I bought on the cheap ahead of time to surprise the kids)
healthy snack bars
fanny packs
rain ponchos
pre-cut moleskin
first aid kit
our homemade autograph books

Make sure everyone has there Driver's Licence's (ID)

Collect all maps and schedules so you can plan out where and when you will be doing what on each day (there's no time to waste)

Check all drawers and under beds and furniture (don't forget the bathtub area)

Again, rememeber IDs[/QUOTE]
Oh, you're definitely not alone! I like to plan a lot, not every detail, but a lot! I've found that our family trips work out better this way. I spent a lot of time planning our ADRs and researching restaurants for our trip last month. I was going to start making plans for the parks, scheduling days, looking at maps, etc., but my husband said I was going to ruin the trip by overscheduling it! I can't believe he said that when we've been places with and without planning, and the planned trips always went better. He also said I wouldn't have any surprises (first trip to Disney ever for all of us).

Well, I learned my lesson! Next time, I follow my obsessive compulsive instincts! :goodvibes We ran around to ADRS, park hopped like crazy, didn't have time to swim, wandered around aimlessly, and completely exhausted ourselves! We still had a great time, but believe me, next time, our trip will be better planned so we can relax more and enjoy everything!

Good luck with your trip planning! :cheer2:
Oh I am the BIGGEST control freak!!! I am a planner until nothing can possibly be planned anymore. I cannot stand for anything to be off schedule and I am NEVER EVER late for anything..Normally about 15-30 minutes early!! I have every ADR done on the day it is allowed, and I have already looked at the menus so I know exactly what I am going to eat at each restaurant... :rotfl:

My little sister swears that I have OCD, and sometimes I think that I do because everything in my house has to be just right or I will FLIP OUT!!! It drives me insane if I can see lint on my carpet, or if a picture is crooked or if somebody leaves a cabinet door in the kitchen open...OHHHHHH I have problems... :rotfl2:

HI ...I am Jennifer and I am a FREAK!!!! :rotfl2:
Yeah, I agree., The problem with me is somehow I can't transfer it into my housework! :rotfl2: Unfortunately....that is NOT perfect!! :laundy:
I have this theory that because it will never be perfect I just don't try as hard!

Oh well.....since my trip is right around the corner I am getting really sick with worry about all the things that are out of my control. Like right now my kids have colds!!!!!! When you look forward to a trip so...... much you don't want anything ruining it!

What if they don't get better by then....
what if we get sick now for the trip....
what if my daughter won't go on the rides.....
what if my son won't sleep......
I know I've got to let it go and I can't!!!! I'm CRAZY!!!! :crazy:
Hi :wave: my name is Natalie and I am a control freak.

and yes, a worrier too. Would you like to hear the list of all the things I've been worried about as it relates to our trip to WDW?

the motorhome, although just a few years old and well maintained by the RV dealer, will break down

we will have one of those March blizzards the east coast can get just before we leave and will delay us

something disastrous will happen last minute that will cost us most of our Disney savings

we will have an accident on the 16 or so hour drive to Fort Wilderness

one of the kids will get sick or hurt while at the World

we will lose our cash, or bank cards, or credit cards while there

it has taken a long time to save the money for this trip and the weather will be terrible

.... these are just the worries I sort of recycle, one after the other runs through my head

I plan and plan and plan and I'm still sure I've forgotten something important. I wish I could relax but my husband swears I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have something to worry about. anyone else like me out there?
Oh yes.....you are me!!!!
Maybe we should unite to fight this disease together!!!!!
........how about the reservations being lost?
.........a broken limb (or sprained for that matter)
..............a bad view (that you are paying too much $ for)
......lost luggage (using DME for the first time)
.........packing the wrong clothes
......and you can't leave out HURRICANES!


Maybe if we type it enough it will start to become ridiculous and we will feel better.
I'm not a control freak, but enough of a worry wart for everyone on these boards. I drive my family bonkers.

I read Gilda Radner's book and was convinced I had Ovarian Cancer.

Everytime my DD's belly hurts, I know she has appendicitis and it will burst before we can get her to the hospital.

The house will burn down right before we're set to go to WDW.

I am terrified everytime my newly licensed DD drives anywhere.

My bedroom is close to the furnace and even though it's only a few years old, I'm scared it's going to blow in the middle of the night.

There are more, believe me. Just no sense in boring you all with my neuroses.... :teeth:
All kidding aside I just threw my back out!!!!! See what I mean...If things didn't go wrong I wouldn't worry about them.

Are all control freaks worry warts?
Talk amongst yourselves......
I can be, at times, a control freak or worrier. I just got thrown for a major loop this last weekend when my landlord inform me that he intended to move into the house at the end of this month :furious: . We have rented this house for 4 years and have been very good tenents (maybe too good). Anyways, I told him that we, a family of 5 (me DH, DS9, DS 4 and DS 1), would never be out by then, it's going to take between 30 and 45 days just to close once we find a house. We now have til the end of November. So while I was happily and excitedly getting everything in order for our December trip, with non refundable MVMCP tickets already purchased, I (DH works a lot is not really all that helpful when it comes to things like this) now have to find our house, get our mortgage, pack, move and get our kids adjusted to the new house before we leave for our vacation on Dec 8th. I'm so going to need the break if I don't go crazy :crazy: by then.
I'd have to say that I am usually the opposite of all of this, but planning our Disney trip is really bringing it out in me! Why is that? Well, there are several different reasons. I might as well not go into them again. I posted an incredibly long diatribe about it somewhere else on Disboards the other day! Just putting it out there kind of helped a little. But I'm still freaking out. :scared:
Debbie6221 said:
Are all control freaks worry warts?
Talk amongst yourselves......

I feel like the more that I can control and fix the less I have to worry about then. I feel like I worry the most about the things that are out of my hands. Does that make sense?

I can be, at times, a control freak or worrier. I just got thrown for a major loop this last weekend when my landlord inform me that he intended to move into the house at the end of this month . We have rented this house for 4 years and have been very good tenents (maybe too good). Anyways, I told him that we, a family of 5 (me DH, DS9, DS 4 and DS 1), would never be out by then, it's going to take between 30 and 45 days just to close once we find a house. We now have til the end of November. So while I was happily and excitedly getting everything in order for our December trip, with non refundable MVMCP tickets already purchased, I (DH works a lot is not really all that helpful when it comes to things like this) now have to find our house, get our mortgage, pack, move and get our kids adjusted to the new house before we leave for our vacation on Dec 8th. I'm so going to need the break if I don't go crazy by then.

That is going to be a royal pain!

The good news is after all your hard work you will be rewarded with a much deserved WDW trip!
I read Gilda Radner's book and was convinced I had Ovarian Cancer.

After Christopher Reeve's wife died I was having trouble breathing (turned out to be a pulled muscle) but I went to the GP for all the full blown tests to make sure I didn't have lung cancer!
That is going to be a royal pain!

The good news is after all your hard work you will be rewarded with a much deserved WDW trip!

I'm so hoping it makes the time go quicker, although we do have 2 birthdays, Thanksgiving and our anniversary before we go (well, we'll actually be celebrating our anniversary at Disney), so I may very well lose it before all is said and done.

I also worry the most about things I have very little or no control over. This usually leaves me doing so much more work, but it helps me sleep better ;) .
I also worry the most about things I have very little or no control over. This usually leaves me doing so much more work, but it helps me sleep better .

Yeah, me too! I just feel like some days I get nowhere!

I am seriously trying to figure out what to do about when I am back home from this trip and all depressed about being back home!
What is really crazy about that is the fact I have pretty nice life! :love: That's crazy! :crazy:

I just know when we get back I'll be worrying about my daughter's birthday in November, then Thanksgiving and all the holiday stuff (where are we going, when are we going, who will we see) and then it will be winter...blah blah blah....blah.

I'm just feeling a little blue today. Maybe it's PMS. :sad2:
My DH and I were talking today about whether or not we could afford to go to Disney again next year. Remember above how I said I'd want to plan MORE (not less)? Well, we went at the beginning of September and it was pretty hot, but we'd go again if they offered free dining. It's too good a deal to pass up! (If not, we'd go during the winter, and probably pay OOP and eat less.) Well, I said I would want to plan the days better. He said he'd rather not even make ADRs b/c when we tried to make a last minute change, there were openings available! Fly by the seat of your pants??! That's so not me! I'd be worried the whole time about what we are going to do and whether or not I'll actually get to eat where I want. I mean it could be fun that way... but it would totally suck if there were no openings! What a disappointment that would be! He's crazy, I tell you, crazy! :rolleyes: :rotfl2:
OK I didn't throw my back out. I guess I was being a bit dramatic. I just pulled a muscle somewhere back there and it just really hurts.

:furious: The control freak in me is losing my mind right now! I ordered some personalized shirts for our trip and I just emailed to check on the status of the order. She told me she NEVER received my Paypal payment and didn't even ship them yet!!!!!! I need them for Tuesday!!!!!!!
Now I have to decide by tonight if I want to cancel the order (if she even let's me) or pay about $20.00 MORE to have them shipped "next day: :scared1: I am out of my mind right now.
My DH and I were talking today about whether or not we could afford to go to Disney again next year. Remember above how I said I'd want to plan MORE (not less)? Well, we went at the beginning of September and it was pretty hot, but we'd go again if they offered free dining. It's too good a deal to pass up! (If not, we'd go during the winter, and probably pay OOP and eat less.) Well, I said I would want to plan the days better. He said he'd rather not even make ADRs b/c when we tried to make a last minute change, there were openings available! Fly by the seat of your pants??! That's so not me! I'd be worried the whole time about what we are going to do and whether or not I'll actually get to eat where I want. I mean it could be fun that way... but it would totally suck if there were no openings! What a disappointment that would be! He's crazy, I tell you, crazy! :rolleyes: :rotfl2:

I completely understand what you are saying. During this upcoming trip my DH will be whining that we are rushing all over the place to this reservation and that. BUT...........YOU MUST have ADR's!!!!!

Unless you go into it thinking you wouldn't care if you ate completely casual the whole time. I guess you just have to weigh how important the dinners are to you right? The thing is.....if they offer the free dining YOU WILL NEED ADRs!!!!!!!!!! What if you couldn't use your dinner credits? I guess I'm not going to be much help because I could never go with out ressies. I would have a heart attack and feel all crazed!
Maybe this is your time to let yourself fly free....... :cloud9:
(not literally fly..I just mean maybe you should try your DH's way ONCE).
Ver scary though......
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