Losers Check In Here!

All right everybody...I'm going out of town for a few days so I'm counting on all of you to keep spreading the good wishes and the pixie dust!!!

The next time I read this thread I want to see lots of graduates from the Loser Academy...and that's an order! :teeth:

Yes Ma'am!!! I really hope to graduate sometime soon~!~!:banana: :banana: ;)
All right everybody...I'm going out of town for a few days so I'm counting on all of you to keep spreading the good wishes and the pixie dust!!!

The next time I read this thread I want to see lots of graduates from the Loser Academy...and that's an order! :teeth:

How cool would that be if we could tell you, that we all won( when you get back)!

Still a Loser for right now though, darn:sad2:
Losing all the way around here. Nothing with the postcards and nothing at the parks. Did see some with the fastpasses and saw some with the hats. :( None for us! Like I saw some others posted, don't get your hopes up, that's for sure! Too bad everyone can't win something!!!!princess:
Losing stinks.
I don't like it anymore.
I am out of post cards.
It's raining.
Both my kids are home sick today.


TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!!

Should I take the plunge and order 100 more postcards? I have one left from my original 100 and I just haven't been able to send it out.
Please add me to the list of Losers in Loserville! Visited WDW in Feb. had a great time(as always), dressed alike in Mickey T-shirts, epitomy of a happy family Mom Dad boy girl and grandparents. Everywhere I looked, people were wearing dream pass lanyards, but us nothin..... Ok so last day we're at Epcot pin trading station CM comes over to kids asks if they are pin traders, well yeah just bought some. He invites them to a game of Pin contration. I thought to my self, maybe heres our dream right? Well game over, he thanks the kids for playing , asks their names and hands them this certificate in a really big plastic bag..... I think he read the disappointment on their faces (mine too) for he said , "maybe you don't know , but that certificate is from this years million dream celebration" DS and DD just politely thanked him and smiled and still continued to look in the oversized bag for a pin or something. That's our dream story, but considering we're diehards for Disney, we'll try to get lucky again soon!
OK, I can't really be a loser cause I won a dream fastpass at MGM in November, but I have to comment. We saw a family who had won ears, FP's in MK, FP's in AK, got to open Epcot, and AK! I just wanted to rub my self on them and see if the luck would rub off!!! And to top it off they were all thin, blond and beautiful. :goodvibes It would have been the most anoying thing in the world to meet them and hear about all their good fortune except they were the nicest people and so grateful and overwhelmed by their good fortune. I'll just keep on sending in my post cards and keep my fingers crossed! I just don't see how I've sent one in EVERY DAY and have not won and some people have won 4-5 times.:sad2:
I just keep thinking that I haven't won... YET! Remember team - The Game Ain't Over!:cheer2: We still have plenty of time left on the clock.:hourglass We have sent over 100 postcards since late Feb. . We will be probably be sending at least 100 more before the whole shibang is over! DH and I have discuss this contest. He says it is simply the luck of the draw, I believe persistence will win out. While it has been said that it is better to be lucky than good, it has also been said that luck is the residue of hard work.
Keep on keepin' on and DON'T GIVE UP! I know this is called the "Losers' Thread", but it really should be called the "Players Who Haven't Won Yet" thread. To all those who have played and won ears and lanyards once, twice or several times I say "Congrats".:thumbsup2
We went to three parks in one day(not bad for "older Kids") didn't see any dream teams. Stood in line next to couple who won FP's. that was it. I DID get to pin trade for a Million Dream pin!!
We just started doing the postcards a couple of weeks ago, so as of right now, I'm part of the Loser's Club! But the way I see it, its only early April, we all have 8.5 months left to win! :thumbsup2 Its not over until its over! :goodvibes
We saw a bunch of winners and Dream Team members but they didn't come to us :sad2: But you know what, we got to spend a week in Disney with beautiful weather (they had a huge snowstorm at home while we were gone :rotfl2: ) so to me we won!!!!!!
I'm backkkkkkkk!!! What, no good news from my regulars? What's this world coming to? I leave for a couple of days and have high hopes for all of you and what do I get....nada, nothin', ziltch. You know those machines they use to flock christmas trees with that spray fake snow all over the branches -- we'll I've got one and it's shooting pixie dust all over the place. So take a number and get in line! :flower1:
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I got the dreampasses and I got them from this lovely man (not a CM) I was walking into DMGM and he had won them and his family was leaving for the day(this was about 12:30). He came up to me and said are you a family of 4 (technically 5 but DH was at POR sicker then a dog). I said yes and he said you can have these. Were leaving the park now and won't be returning. He just gave them to us with only 1 tab removed.(still don't know what the 1 tab was but think it was TOT). I had already been sick 3 times that am, so we just walked into Little Mermaid thanks to this guy and his family. I unfortunately had to leave the park after that due to being so sick but my kids were so happy he gave them to us that they still have them in their rooms. So to this guy thanks again :banana: :banana: :banana:
Welcome back Lisa....start aiming that pixie dust power shooter my way A.S.A.P! Talk about nadda,nothin' zilch...don't remind me of the amount of dreams we HAVEN'T won! I am out of postcards and have not replenished them...I know when I'm beat. I had a cut off $$$ wise...when the cost of sending the cards started to get close to a night in a value...that would be it! So, what can I say? I tried...it didn't help to see on the news that Chicago is rated as the worst place for mail service..:rolleyes: I could've told them that!I'm going to start a thread to see if any DISers from the Chicago area has won thru the mail..I'm tellling you, having the PO box in Elmhurst...just a few miles from Chicago and me is not a good thing!

Pam -- I'm so sorry!!! You better sit on your hands so you don't click on the polls asking how many ears/lanyards have been won. Since you said you've reached your limit financially on sending the cards, I think you should stop for awhile but start back up again in a few months. That was a good comparison about the price of a night's stay. I feel that the people who have already won multiple times will stop sending once they use up the cards they had on hand. I mean really -- how many ears do you need to win? Plus no one has reported winning anything more valuable. I doubt very seriously they will be awarding any big prizes through the postcard entries, they're going to save those for the people actually visiting the parks and spending money there.

So good luck and lots of pixie dust for whatever you decide to do!!! :goodvibes


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