Lulu201's Healthy Living Journal--Just trying my best to walk the walk! Come on by!


<font color=6600cc>Will walk for cheesecake<br><fo
Jun 14, 2003
April 22--here's where I started this thread:

Here's the last post from my old journal:

February 27, 2005

Hey, everybody! Tomorrow is the start of my new "Just Do It! Plan" For the next 7 weeks--2/28 until 4/16, I'm going to do my darndest to be healthy and lean! With the help and support of my friends, I'm going to walk my 6 Smilie healthy walk like this:

1. I'm going to read my devotions and Bible EVERY DAY because I need the strength that only God can give. That's where I'm going to keep my center and I KNOW that I can't walk this alone. :)

2. I'm going to take my vitamins EVERY DAY! :)

3. I'm going to drink cool refreshing water--6-8 glasses of it EVERY DAY! :)

4. I'm going to follow an ambitious half marathon training plan, pushing myself even when I'm tired (unless I'm sick with a fever). I'm going to walk or strength train 6 days a week. NO EXCUSES! Whether it's one mile or 10, I'm going to do it. :)

5. I'm going to eat a healthy WW diet using all my activity points and flex points. If I stumble--and I may--I'm going to get back up and keep on going. :)

6. I'm going to look at my scale EVERY DAY and take my measurements once a week. :)

I'm going to make MYSELF and my health a PRIORITY in my life, and I'm going to print this out and READ IT EVERY SINGLE DAY! At the end of 7 weeks, I'll reevaluate this plan, but no matter what: I'm going to do this for me. NO EXCUSES!

Erin :shamrock:

PS Could everyone wear their jammies inside out tonight? I'd really appreciate it!

I'm starting a new journal to celebrate my fresh start. This is the place where I'm going to try my hardest to take care of ME and to lose the weight that's holding me down as I train for my half marathon. I don't have any desires to be model thin--I just want to be feeling fit and active and not so chubby. :blush: Doreen and I have talked a lot about this and we're united in going forward!

I remember when I first started on the WISH, back in 8/03, I had a real desire to be fit. I have that desire now, but it's gotten covered up by the day to day stresses of work and family. It's time for me to dust myself off and to get back in the game of taking care of me.

Here I go!


Edit: April 23, 2005

A couple of months ago I started this thread (my 3rd journal actually) under the name of Lulu201's Just Do It! Plan. As it states above, I was thinking I was ready for a "no excuses" tough-love kind of approach to fitness, one that was going to finally get me to where I need to go, one that would recognize that I need to take care of ME.

Well, I'm still in that place. . .kind of. I know I still have to take care of me, but I'm thinking that the way to get there is NOT a tough love, no excuses approach, but rather the same old day to day struggle that I've had since I've joined WISH in August 2003. Some days will be easy, and some will be tough. There will be times I can focus on ME and days I must recognize that the focus has to be totally elsewhere. It's my hope--my prayer, actually--that with God's help I can have more days that are somewhere in the middle. That I can be in a place where I can give love and attention to those around me without sacrificing my health and well-being.

If you're reading this journal for the first time, you'll witness the struggle I had with a "Just Do It!" approach in the next several entries. If you go ahead a month or so, you'll see how I wasn't able to keep up an extensive dieting and exercise regime and had to moderate my goals to be more realistic. I'm happier in that place, and I'll continue to just try to walk the walk, day by day, moving forward, and looking Upward.

Let me be the first to stop and say "You go, girlfriend!"

We'll tackle this together for the next 7 weeks and celebrate our successes at the Ocean City half marathon! WOO HOO!!
Aww, you're my first visitor, Doreen! How appropriate! We're gonna kick some buttoosky tomorrow, kiddo!

Here's today (even though this journal isn't official 'til tomorrow) in a nutshell:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins :)
3. Water :)
4. Exercise--10 miles on the treadie. I walked/ran the first 6 in about 80, then had to stop and pick up DD at church choir. Had dinner with the family and then went back to walk some more. The last 4 were in 61 minutes. Suffice it to say that I'm happy and proud that I got this mega-walk in, but I am soooooo tired I can barely hold my head up. :)
5. Food--oh, heck, I ate whatever I wanted to today 'cause tomorrow I'm walking straight and narrow.
6. Scale-- :)

It was a FULL, wonderful day. Church was incredibly uplifting, DD and I drove by her "maybe" new school and picked up some groceries, DH and I cleaned out the garage and made it into a gym space which we all LOVE! Then I walked those miles. . .yeah it was a good day. I'm feeling more like maybe I can do this half marathon thingy.

I'm going to have a little snack :rolleyes: and then go to bed. Snow day tomorrow???? :cheer2:


Oops, forgot my plan for meals (it's my goal to plan one day ahead)

Whole grain English muffin w/pb=6
Coffee w/1/2 and 1/2=1

1/2 banana=1

Tuna sandwich=8


Grilled chicken=4
mixed veggies=0
half cup of rice=4

Sugar free jello w/tbsp. lite whipped topping=0


Exercise=free weights
Good morning, Everyone! It's Monday, February 28, 2005 Day #1 of the "Just Do It!" Plan :flower:

We're getting ready for another snow storm! :Pinkbounc

Here's the plan for today:

1. Devotions: I'm going to take DD to school and then will settle down w/my devotional stuff and the book by Max Lucado, "In the Grip of Grace." I'll get to my healthy living book, too, and will post on that later. :)

2. Vitamins: :)

3. Water: I'm about 7/8. I'm giving myself a smilie now; I'll have another glass in a few minutes. :)

4. Exercise: This afternoon I'm going to get on the treadie and do 4 miles. I know that I should really rest today, but I'm not going to push it. I don't think I'll have time tomorrow, so today's the day. I'm much better getting my long walk in on Saturday.

5. Food: Had my breakfast as planned--eng. muffin w/pb and coffee=7
Snack was a half of a banana=1. Change of plan for lunch=McDonald's salad=10; 18 so far for the day. 3 p.m. snack=orange. Better get on that treadie. :rolleyes: OK, I'm back to post dinner=1/2 cup pasta=2, chicken=5, sauce =1 Total for day 26. Dessert was s.f. jello.
Target points are 24, AP will be 2. I'll figure it out after I actually exercise.

6. Scale: My weight this morning is 178.

My measurements:

Upper arm: 12" (R)
Bust: 43" (next time I'm wearing a minimizer bra!!! :teeth: )
Chest: 34"
Waist: 32.5"
Hips: 42"
Thigh: 25" (R)

I'm going to take DD to school and then come home and find myself a ticker to keep track of my weight.

'Til later:

Erin :flower:

Edit: OK, here's the exercise scoop. I walked 2 miles in 30 on the treadie. I can't do any more. I'm tired, but I'm proud of myself for walking. :)

I really don't know how I'm going to train for this half marathon--I don't know if I can follow what my training schedule says. I think I'm going to have to have some flexibility, but I know I'll try to do what I can. It looks like the kids might be off from school or have a delay tomorrow, so I'm going to wake up with DH at 5:30 and get out to the treadie by 6. Doreen, what does your training schedule say we should do this week? Maybe I should follow yours instead of mine.

Washed the dog, reorganized a book case and moved it into the garage/gym. Made the beds, did the dishes, went to Kmart and Target. Will do the laundry tonight with DD while watching TV. I relate to Doreen's term "laundry stress." If that darn laundry is hanging around and not put away, I hate starting the week!

I put down the Max Lucado book. I usually like his work, but this one isn't grabbing me. Has anyone read his book "Come Thirsty?" The next chapter in my healthy living book is about "forgiveness." Holding back anger and hurt and not forgiving can lead to symptoms of stress and ill-health. The author says to "let go and let God" basically. That's my book report for today.

Final edit for the day:

Well, I made it through the day. I'm so doggone tired; I hit the wall about an hour ago. Now maybe I know what I'll feel like 24 hours post-race?
Right now I want to eat. Anything. Browse around the kitchen and eat! I may go have some yogurt and some almonds for 3 flex points, but I know that really it has to do with being tired. I feel like a tire that someone's deflated!
Too bad I'm not that thin! :teeth:

OK, so now I have to plan for tomorrow's meals, because I know that to be successful I have to have a plan.

Oatmeal w/bananas and almonds and cinnamon and splenda and milk=4
Coffee w/half and half=1

1 oz. cheddar cheese and 3 crackers=3?

Tuna sandwich and lite mayo=8? Have to double check the bread


Tuesday is usually Saladworks; I'll have to see about this.

Gotta watch American Idol and cheer on my guy Anthony.


Good morning Erin!

You sound focused and ready to go! Woohoo! :Pinkbounc You CAN do this Erin! :cheer2:

Have a wonderful day today! :sunny:
Everyone is starting new journals! :)

I love your new resolve to kick butt and your plan looks good! I am very impressed by your 10 mile walk - you go girl! Take it easy on the 4 miles today and remember to do lots of stretching.

Your menu looks good - I think it is great to start the day with a plan, it eliminates what I call the ? factor.

Hi Erin,

A fresh start with a new journal my be just what you need to get yourself on the healthy living path. Awesome job on the 10 mile walk. That is incredible. Your plan for the looks great.

have a wonderful day,
Ok Erin,

You asked. I am getting a Quad venti sugar free vanilla nonfat cappucino. Say that 3 times fast. It helps that I have a coupon for a free drink. I figure the quad is called for since I will be up for 31 hours.
Erin, we did it!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I know you're tired, but you've got to be feeling good that you made it through Day 1, right? I'm proud of you!! ::yes::

It will get easier. :hug: I promise. :goodvibes We've just got to keep going day by day. :cool1: :cool1:

Sweet dreams, dear WISH-sis. :cloud9:
:cool1: Good morning! It's MARCH! Hold on a minute here, I've got to use my green:

OK, that's better. NOW I'm ready for March! :)

Thanks for stopping by last night, Doreen. I was pooped yesterday, but today is brand new and I'm so happy I made it through Day #1. Here's the plan for today:

1. Devotions: "In what way can I do God's will today?" :)
2. Vitamins: will have them soon
3. Water: will start drinking soon
4. Exercise: will walk on the treadie soon. 4 miles is the goal
5. Food: breakfast was as planned--banana cinnamon almond oatmeal with coffee=5
6. Scale: :)

Between Dzone and post-long-walk fatigue, I did a negative number on myself yesterday. I CAN DO THIS! :cool1: Just gotta take it one step at a time.

Today I'm not sure what work will involve because of the snow. I'd love to work this afternoon if I can.

My only food challenge for the day will be dinner DD and my Tuesday night dinner at Saladworks. I'm going to have to check the website again and see what looks to be a good choice. Maybe we'll have dinner at home instead?

I'm off and into the day!
Erin :shamrock:

Edit: had the vitamins :), have had a glass of water (gotta get in more), lunch was my tuna (3+.5 light mayo) sandwich (2 points for bread) and pickle. Great lunch at 5.5 points. I'm going to have this more often. Didn't get my walk in yet, had to run to the drs. office instead. Am going to get out to the treadie now, even though I'll have to shower and dress all over again!
Hey, what can I say? That's what we Jock Athlete princess: types do for our sport!

Edit #2: It's about 7:40 and I'm still drinking water. How many times do you think I'll be up tonight going to the bathroom? :p Walked 4 miles on the treadie. P.M. Snack was 1 oz. cheese and 3 saltines. Salad was great at Saladworks.

Food plan for tomorrow:

I think I'll have that oatmeal again.

Snack: orange

Veggies, yogurt, and walnuts

Snack: apple and 1 oz. cheese
more veggies

Dinner: Soup and crackers

Exercise: 2 miler on the treadie
lulu201 said:
My only food challenge for the day will be dinner DD and my Tuesday night dinner at Saladworks. I'm going to have to check the website again and see what looks to be a good choice. Maybe we'll have dinner at home instead?

I'm off and into the day!
Erin :shamrock:

I don't know what Saladworks is, but is sounds good to me!! It sounds WW friendly...

I hope you have a super day!!
I LOVE the green! What a great idea!

Day 1 was a success and now we're ready for Day 2! We can do this! :hyper2:

A nice long stroll in Ocean City, along the water, sounds good right about now. Sure does help me forget about all that snow. :p :cloud9:

Have a wonderful day, dear WISH-sis! :sunny:
2 miles is fantastic after a 10 mile walk! You did awesome! Food looks good, water was great - you had a wonderful day my friend! Keep it up and you'll see those 160's sooner rather then later.

I love your breakfast for today - sounds so yummy. I LOVE Oatmeal. Do you buy non-flavored Oatmeal and then season it yourself? I might have to try this and see how many carbs it is. I miss my Oatmeal! :)

Have a good day, stay warm from the snow!

:wave: everyone, thanks for stopping by!

Doreen, thanks for the imagery of the OC walk. I'm going to think of it as I'm on the treadie. I'm also going to look around for an ocean view print to hang by the treadie!

Amanda, I haven't had my oatmeal for so long, but with the snow and everything, it just seemed right. When I was trying SB, I gave up my oatmeal, but I'm glad to have it back. Anyway, I use 1/4 cup of the quick cooking oats (not instant), add 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 cup water, 1 tbsp. sliced almonds, some cinnamon and splenda to taste, and then when it comes out of the microwave, I cut a half banana on top and then mush it around. Voila! I have to admit, it's better than the peanut butter banana oatmeal I used to make.

Tracy, Saladworks IS WW friendly. . . I just have to make up my mind which salad to choose. They give a delicious whole wheat roll with it, too. I just have to watch the butter.

:grouphug: to all,
Hi Erin!

You are a workout princess: ! Way to go!!! Keep up the good work and enjoy Saladworks with your DD! :teeth:
Well the bannana is out for me - to many carbs. But I think I could at least put some sugar free jelly and mush that around. Just for flavoring ;)

:cloud9: A 6 smilie day for you! :cloud9:

Way to go, Erin! :cheer2: Looks like life threw you some curves today but you dodged them and earned those smilies anyway!! Good for you!!

Hey, this healthy living stuff is working out for us - what do you say we do it again tomorrow? :hyper2:

See ya in the AM, WISH-sis! :hug:
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Erin is walking the walk!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:


You are so going to rock that 1/2 marathon.

You are doing a great job this month. You are taking what life throws at you and making it work for you. I am so proud of you.

Have a great evening,

I like Anthony too.
Thought I'd stop by and give you a big :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: in your new journal! You are going to do great Erin! :cool1:
Good morning, everyone! It's March 2, 2005 Day #3 on my Just Do It! Plan

Yep, yesterday was a :) :) :) :) :) :) ! :Pinkbounc

Today I'm going to do the following:

1. Devotions: :) "No matter young or old or inbetween, we all need God."
2. Vitamins: :)
3. Water--1st glass down
4. Exercise--I'm going to take DD to school and then hit the treadie for my 2 miler. The weight thingy comes today; DH is giving himself a week to get it together.
5. Food--B: oatmeal
6. Scale: :)

I'm taking this step by step, day by day,
Moving onward and looking Upward!

Edit: working on glass #4. Walked my two miles on the treadie. :) . Had yogurt and almonds for lunch. Have a class starting in 10 minutes.

Edit: snack was a soft pretzel (3) and diet coke w/lime. Still on track and it's 2 p.m.! :flower:

Edit: glass #5 is done, but still have 6 to go. I can't go for 8--I'll be up all night! Heading home for my soup and crackers. I'm counting this another 6 :) day. Hooray!


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