Lung cancer


DIS Veteran
Feb 21, 2004
My mother was diagnosed this past Friday at age 51 with lung cancer. I do not know stage or anything at this point. She should hear from an oncologist by Wed to set up her first appointment. She has always been a smoker and she has lung issues (Asthma/COPD) they will not do surgery because her lungs are just not healthy enough for it, they said something about it was drastically affect her quality of life. So she will be doing radiation.

This is always so foreign to me, i have never been directly affected by cancer. I will most likely be taking her to many of her appointments since my job is coming to an end and I will have the time to do so.

I have done some research and I will just say they terrify me. I swear the impression I get is that we'll be lucky if she lasts 5 years. I stopped reading stuff on the internet...I'll talk to her dr and see what is said.

I just wanted to share. She has not told her grandchildren and she hasn't really made an announcement to a good portion of the family. So I can't really talk about this to anyone. My husband is like a deer in the headlights with this kind of stuff. He cares, he just doesn't know what to do or say.

If you made it this far, thank you.

Charity, I am sorry to read this.:hug:. Cancer is an ugly word, and an uglier disease..
I do know reading about it offers not much hope, so I am glad to hear you will now wait until you see the specialists.. Nobody really writes about the good stories, they are all out living their lives.. Please don't give out hope...

ALWAYS know you can share anything here, and this is absolutely the best group for just venting, asking for advice, anything at all.... NO matter how often, please know this..


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