Lyn and Tim's Wedding PJ 5/19/2014, WP/LSS

Following along! :)

Good luck with the dress shopping! We all have those insecurities no matter what size, and I know it's easier said than done, but just remember it is your day, and you will be the most important and beautiful person there! Have fun!!

Good luck with dress shopping.
Thanks so much guys :)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- was dress shopping. And it was a success! I bought a dress :).



What do you think? I felt gorgeous in it, but I'm wondering how it'll look in the pictures...Tim said that he was "blown away by how gorgeous you are" I guess that's good.

I don't normally buy clothes for myself, I guess this is why :lmao:. I really did feel amazing in it though....what do you think?
Just joining in....& Congrats from another May 2014 bride :) Can't wait to read more!
You look amazing in your dress!
You look gorgeous in that dress! Alfred Angelo? I hope your bridal party all said yes! You're making me feel really behind...I haven't even started to dress shop yet, or ask people to be in my wedding, or take engagement photos lol.
Just joining in....& Congrats from another May 2014 bride :) Can't wait to read more!
You look amazing in your dress!
Thanks :)

You look gorgeous in that dress! Alfred Angelo? I hope your bridal party all said yes! You're making me feel really behind...I haven't even started to dress shop yet, or ask people to be in my wedding, or take engagement photos lol.

Thanks! Yup it's an AA dress. And you aren't behind, we've been engaged since May :). I've been dying to get the ball rolling, and I know it'll be harder once Spring semester starts again!

Lovely dress!

Thanks :)


So I called Disney today since...well...we are 16 MONTHS AWAY! We booked for the 9th because of the cruise we want to take for our honeymoon (which leaves on the 10th), so I'll have to call Randy and Rev Kev to see about the dates being changed. The lady was really nice to me on the phone, and said someone will be in contact with me in 2-3 business days. :banana::cool1:.

Now...I know not much happens from 16-12 months.....and then from 10-PS so I'm trying to figure out what crafty stuff I can do now to keep me busy.....ya know, so I don't drive FH insane? Lol.

In other news, I asked all my bridesmaids and my MOH and they all said yes! I wish I got their reactions on video....but ah well....

So excited to finally be in contact with Disney! The next 4 months will fly by......right? :rolleyes:
Okay guys. I know I've been VERY bad at updating this. There merely hasn't been much to talk about! Plus, I had school.

But I did my last set of finals last week, and (hopefully) will graduate in June. I'm still waiting on my grades to post though.

Anyway. We are past the 12 month mark! :dance3::cool1:.

Also, because of the new changes to photography, we changed our reception venue!

Originally we were in a lottery for our ceremony time/location, but we still got it:banana::banana:. So we this is what is held for us:

Wedding Pavilion-11:30 am-1pm (Noon Ceremony)
Living Seas Salon-1pm-6pm

I'm wicked syked! I've always loved Living Seas, but didn't want to deal with Disney Fine Arts Photography. So I'm so happy for the new rules!

We just sent in our room block information today also. The hotels we chose for room block are: ASMu, POR, and BC! Pretty excited! I might try to get a night at Beach Club myself, and try that AWESOME pool! :beach:

As for bridal party, everyone said yes. So that's exciting! We're suppose to go bridesmaid dress shopping in early July!

Now, we're waiting for our LOA, and then a planner! We also have to finish our wedding website and work on STDs and newsletter...oy vey. At least school is done so I have time for that!

I'll post more later on some bridesmaid dress ideas :)
Hey Fallon,

Glad to see you decided to write a PJ. Can't wait to read all your plans.

Good luck with everything!
Hi Fallon! Jenn here :) I had to come and find your PJ :)

Love what you have so far, and your dress looks AMAZING!! Can't wait to see more!
Okay gals,

I have to say that I failed on keeping up with this. So I'm going to try to catch you up and do better.

As you can see, our date changed (AGAIN!).

We were in the beginning parts of planning, and I find out one of my cousin's college graduations is on May 10th...:scared1:

Now...we all know there are some people that are on our guest lists because we have to invite them (though, admittedly, that is a very short list on mine:rotfl:). Well....this cousin and her parents I actually WANTED at the wedding Lol. :rolleyes1

So...naturally, I was extremely stressed out by the situation...

I ended up moving the date to May 19th (a Monday) in order to accomodate said family. I was WICKED lucky because Disney had my venues AND time free on that day, as did Randy Chapman and Rev Kev!

So that is why our date is now May 19th.

We ordered my mom's dress while they were visiting for my graduation (High Honors BTW!). She picked a GORGEOUS dress! It came in, and is at her house (in FL) now, so I can't take a picture with it but I love it.

Here is a picture from shopping:

And here is the color. It's called "Ever After".

On this day, we also picked out my older sister's dress. She's Autistic so she can't be a "traditional" bridesmaid. So I gave her the title of "Honorary" Bridesmaid.

The brown is Purple and the pink is Tealness. (Invert of bridesmaids dress)

When we signed out contract, I had my younger sister (MOH) take pictures...yes I'm that much of a dork ;).

I was wicked excited what can I say?

This was an adventure.

I really wanted a two-tone dress that was going to be opposite of Mary's dress. I felt this would be the best way to tie everyone together so it was obvious that Mary was one of the bridemaids.

So we went shopping. And this was the dress we originally picked!

We were told that they'd be able to two-tone it the way I liked.

But....they couldn't.

So they tried to tell me to just do the white part as white or cream, it'd look fine.

I was getting wicked frazzled, because that isn't what I imagined. Luckily (and with the help of my AWESOME bridesmaids) I had enough of a backbone to say "No. We'll keep looking".

They tried on a lot of dresses:

We eventually decided on this dress:

The dress is Tealness, and the sash with it is Purple (Remember, the opposite of Mary's).

So all my girls bought their dresses that night! AND everyones came in! You have no idea how awesome that was to see them all come in (I picked up 3 of them). I kept hearing horror stories of "'s 3 months to the wedding and bridesmaid A didn't order yet!". Luckily, my bridesmaids ROCK and ordered the day we went shopping. I just have to order my 2 FSDDs dresses; we are waiting a little longer since they are still growing. Wouldn't want them to outgrow the dress before the wedding!

Anyway here are the dresses (modelled by my bridesmaid Joanna!) PLEASE excuse my messy messy bedroom.

I love the colors together :)

We also have moved since I last updated. THAT was annoying...and also partly why my bedroom is still so messy in the previous picture--we haven't fully settled yet.

No, obviously not Tim and I. But in our wedding party we had 2 couples! (My cousins and Nichole and Eric)...and since last update they both broke up :sad1:. Luckily everyone still is "friendly" towards everyone and they all will still be in the wedding. But that did throw a monkey wrench in the loop!

I still have a couple more updates to do...I'm working on the planning kit now (HOLY DETAILS BATMAN!). There are A LOT of questions here that I haven't thought about. IDK why, but I only knew that I wanted to walk down to O Sol Mio....(more on that later).

But I do have to there are tons of pictures in this post already, so I don't want to overwhelm ya ;).
I LOVE your bridesmaid dresses! The colors remind me of Ariel, very under the sea like (but then, most things remind me of Ariel haha ;)) I think the reverse colors will look beautiful on your older sister's dress as well.

Who would have thought to document signing your contract? I love it!

We moved into our apartment a month and a half ago but still have plenty of boxes to unpack, also in the bedroom (which is what I'm supposed to be working on now but shhhhh - don't tell Kevin!) so I feel your pain!
I really like those bridesmaid dresses! They do remind me of Ariel. I think it's the wave effect at the bottom.

I just read this from the beginning and OMG another person who is allergic to pineapple! I get so many weird looks when I say I have a pineapple allergy. But mmm, Tonga Toast.
I LOVE your bridesmaid dresses! The colors remind me of Ariel, very under the sea like (but then, most things remind me of Ariel haha ;)) I think the reverse colors will look beautiful on your older sister's dress as well.

Who would have thought to document signing your contract? I love it!

We moved into our apartment a month and a half ago but still have plenty of boxes to unpack, also in the bedroom (which is what I'm supposed to be working on now but shhhhh - don't tell Kevin!) so I feel your pain!

LOL Yeah, I hear ya! And don't worry, I won't say a thing ;).

I really like those bridesmaid dresses! They do remind me of Ariel. I think it's the wave effect at the bottom.

I just read this from the beginning and OMG another person who is allergic to pineapple! I get so many weird looks when I say I have a pineapple allergy. But mmm, Tonga Toast.

There are so few of us! Most people usually do a doubletake when I say the allergy!


Okay ladies...I have a slight rant!

So...I know I'm not the only bride here that has a Pinterest board for their wedding.

I've been pinning on mine for a while now, and have gathered 455 pins! :scared:

For months, I was merely ignoring my board and not really planning our wedding too much because I was just getting overwhelmed by it all. It felt like everyone else was excited for our wedding, and I'd just sit there and think "yeah...can we just elope?" we are, around 7 months out from our wedding day and I have NOTHING done (or so it feels, I know that's not entirely true). So I went to the all mighty Pinterest board...and AHH!!! It's all so unorganized! For most people I guess this isn't a HUGE deal; but I also suffer from OCD...

So for a couple of days, I was in panic mode.

I went as far as to post on Facebook (which I try to avoid with wedding stuff).

I called my parents. I called a close family friend that is like my second mom. I ranted to my friend online (who reads this PJ).

I basically was close to having a meltdown, wanting to just go in the fetal position, cry in a corner, and just wish it all away and cursing the existance of Pinterest.

Then I rediscovered an awesome piece of software on my computer...OneNote. This program came with my Microsoft Office. I can organize EVERYTHING so that I can look at all the ideas clearly.

Needless to say, I'm probably going to be avoiding pinning more to my wedding board...but I feel better just typing out how much of a nutcase I am...and hoping that I am not the only one here who got hit this hard with wedding anxiety....:rolleyes1


I realized I never showed you guys our cake topper. I did describe it in an earlier post, but yes it came in the mail shortly after Hurricane Sandy! Here's a picture :)

I think it's so adorable!

So anyway....I think I'm going to go back to organizing my thoughts on my OneNote. I'll post more soon! :)
So, it's been kind of whirl-wind around here. We found out yesterday that our Best Man has dropped out of the wedding. We weren't expecting this at all, so we are still sort of shocked right now. We're hoping it'll work out.

Ah well...Que Sera!

On a more positive note, I realized I never posted a picture of our Save the Dates! We did a newsletter with a magnet :)

This is the front, when it's folded up.

Front: unfolded.

Inside 1

Inside 2

Back folded

Better shot of the magnet

I absolutely love it! Tim worked so hard on the magnet! I have also had a couple of the guests asking for more issues of the newsletter, so I need to start working on that!

I also want to start DIYing. At least I'm more organized now :).
Love the newsletter and the Save the Date magnet.

I hear ya on's addicting, but frustrating. I wish there was a way to make folders within a folder. I have my wedding ideas folder private so just my mom and I can see it...but there are a zillion pins in there and it's really hard to find the stuff I want...Argh!

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!



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