M:S for CHICKENS. If I can do it so can YOU.


<font color=green>When this Welcomed Guest posts m
Apr 23, 2002
***OK. Im warning you this is going to be LONG, but I am going to give the best, possible desciption of this ride becuase I know how nerve wrecking it can be not knowing what to expect from this potentially nauseating (sp) ride. SPOILERS AHEAD!***

Before I start, let me give you a little background about myself. I DO like thrill rides (ToT-LOVE IT! R&R- LOVE IT! Space Mountain-LOVE IT! ) I'm fine on Star Tours, but Body wars is a little too bumpy for me ( i get a headache on it). I get nauseous on sailboats and swings and I HATE spinning rides (sometimes the Carousel even gets to me!) That being said, I was very nervous about riding M:S especially after hearing horror stories about people getting sick. My biggest fear is getting sick in public, well, even getting sick PERIOD! Well, I was starting to think that I was maybe just going to pass on M:S becuase it was making me so nervous and it was starting to interfere with my trip( I shouldn't have to feel nervouse every time I step foot into Epcot). Well we were planning to do M:S at the end of our trip but out of nowhere my DH decided that he wanted to do M:S and he wanted to do it NOW! (and I was NOT allowed to chicken out) So I quickly popped a Dramamine and off to Epcot we went. Boy, was I nervous. It was a 30 minute wait in the standby line and I actually wished it was longer. I was shaky, sweaty, and in the middle of having a panic attack when we finally got inside to the room with the HUGE spinning wheel. (By this point I had popped 2 Tums as well becuase I was really getting myself sick just thinking about it). Finally, we got the the front of the line where the guy asked us how many were in our party and assigned us to a number. The doors opened to the breifing room and we were directed to our number. After a short presentation the doors opened and we walked down a hall until we reached our number. While there, a guy was walking around to each group asking if anyone wished to leave the ride now ( I almost said yes but I didn't want to be a chicken) and he gave us last minute instructions ("Keep your head back and face forward AT ALL TIMES!") Then, the inevitable. The doors in front of us opened and there it was....a gigantic centrifuge with little pods all around it. We boarded our pod, (I sat in 1 of the 2 middle seats with DH on one side and a very brave 5 year old on the other). I sat down and pulled the safety restraint down . Within a couple seconds the pod closed up and a t.v. -like screen/control panel came within inches from my face. This is when I freaked out, becase i knew there was no turning back but thankfully within a few seconds the pod tilted back and i was staring straight up into a beautiful sky. (the laying back did make me feel a little better) Then it started. it actually felt like like you were being shot up into the sky... NO SPINNING SENSATION WHATSOEVER! I compare it to the feeling like you get when you are taking off in an airplane, just slightly more intense. If you can handle ToT or the initial G-force of R&R than you will have no problem during this part. I actually enjoyed it! That lasted for about 20 seconds and from there it was more of a simulation ride. Unlike Body Wars, however, it is much smoother. If you can handle Star Tours, you can definately handle this part. Then there was the slingshot around the moon which was just like going around a loop in a roller coaster. From there it was a big nothing. You land on Mars, almost fall of a cliff, but land saftely and the ride was over. So my final analysis: I was awesome! If you like roller coasters, Star Tours and ToT you will love this even if you can't handle spinning rides. IT IS NOT THE SPINNING THAT WILL MAKE YOU SICK unless of course you turn your head. If you dont like upsidedown roller coasters, simulation rided or the feeling of being shot up to space, then you probably won't do so good. If your not sure, take Dramamine, dont eat for a couple hours and try it anyway. I was not the least bit woozy after the ride and DH went on to ride it 3 more times in a row ( I waited by the exit to see how people reacted....1 person was getting sick in a trash can, but he was foreign so maybe he didnt read the warning signs...the about 6 or 7 loads of people came out all of which looked unphased (a couple people were wiping themselves down with a wet paper towell, then the next load of people came out and there was a mom and a dad wiping the you- know- what off of their kid who had it ALL over them. But they were quickly ushered off to a little corner and many people did not even realize they were there( DH walked off the ride about 10 seconds after them and had know idea that the anyone had gotten sick)) OK well, this is long enough so if you have any other questions just let me know :)
I felt the same way. I was really nervous about riding on it as I do not like spinning. I do all the coasters and similaters, but hate the tea cups. I decided not to think about it and go full speed ahead and go on it. It was awesome! Saw some people losing it in probably the same trash can. One was a little kid-so go figure! I am very glad that I went to Mars! But then, I am game to always try something once, I just don't think about it. THen right before whatever it is starts, I say "self, what are you doing, you are insane"? I figure, ya only live once!
I felt the same way. I am so afraid when I don't know what's going to happen. The first time I went on ToT, my DH had to tell me everything that was going to happen step by step right before it happened. He'd say, "Ok, the doors are going to open and you'll see the spirits, but you don't drop, yet. Now you'll go up and the doors will open, but you won't drop, yet. Now we're going to move forward.... "

But I knew I was going to have to do Mission: Space even before we went, because I was going to have to take pictures and put up a review on the DIS Boards. I didn't have the guts to face everyone and tell them I was too scared to ride when so many people were waiting to ride and hear everything about it.

So, I did it. And I loved it! Especially take-off, and that's the part I was most afraid of. I can't stand spinning rides like the teacups, I don't even go on them anymore. But I didn't feel like I was spinning on Mission: Space. I can't wait to ride it again in October. :)
That trash can sure must get a workout there, LOL.

Good report!!!!!! My biggest worry, I think, might be the claustrophobic feeling. I have never been on Alien Encounter yet, for that reason, all the talk I have heard about the claustrophobic feeling of it, even though it is supposed to be cute and funny. I am sure I will give it a go on my next trip.
Well it's a good thing those trash cans are there. You would think that they would have a bathroom right there though. Maybe they'll add one in the future.
Dan Murphy,
I am very claustrophobic as well. The only part that really got to me was that couple seconds between the time that the control panel moves towards you and liftoff. They do have alot of air blowing on you which REALLY helped me (I dont know why, but that just makes me feel better) and once the ride started I didn't even think twice about being in an enclosed space.

Oh and one more tip: if I were you I would try to avoid drinking out of the water fountains that are right by the exit...I will leave it up to your imagination to figure out why :eek:
dianna - Thank you so much for your very detailed report of what actions occur during M:S! We're not going until October and I've already been thinking about if I'm going to be able to handle this ride. I'm so glad you told us what motions happen and when in the ride. It sounds like I'd like it and not be too bothered by it, although the simulator rides like Body Wars and Star Tours do make me feel a little funny afterwards its nothing very serious. I'm also a person who likes to "know" what lies ahead and I can enjoy it more that way, so thanks again!! :)
Like I said, I love Star Tours but the last two times I went on Body Wars I got a killer headache and also felt a little wierd (I also went on right after lunch...NOT a good idea). While the ride is about 4 minutes, it will be over before you know it. TO me the whole thing felt like it lasted only about a minute. In fact when it was over I was a little disappointed ( I never thought I would hear those words coming from my mouth!)
Thank you for that detailed, yet easy to understand ride report. I'm going in three weeks and I can't wait to ride M:S!

Maybe they should have CMs standing at the exits with special M:S barf bags for riders who look particularly green.
They do have a lot of CMs by the exit ready to clean up anything that might happen. But no barf bags...yet
How did your 5 year old do? I have a 6 and 7 year old and we are gonig to try in November. We have never been on body Wars (and don't plan to), but they love Star Tours! Last time rode it 5 times in one day!
Oh she wasn't my daughter, we were just paired with her and her father, but from what I saw she did excelent. She was not scared at all to go on and she walked off the ride like it was just another day. A lot of the younger kids I saw wanted to stay and play in the area that is directly when you come off the ride. I think the parents were more scared in a lot of cases than the kids were. Even the one kid who was throwing up still look like he enjoyed it. He probably just ate lunch right before he got on the ride....definately don't do that! And if they love Star Tours than they will love many parts of this ride. How do they do on the Tower of Terror and the Rock & Roller Coaster?
Thanks for such a great ride report! We're heading down in February and I've yet to read such a detailed report of M:S. I'm still not sure if I can handle it, I didn't feel so great after riding body wars but I remember riding Star Tours when I was really young and not having a problem. I'll probably get there and end up riding it, I'm sure I'll be kicking myself if I don't! :D
I enjoyed reading your trip report! As someone who also rode it recently, on August 1st during the special AP preview of the ride, I can vouch for its accuracy...except I would add a lot of emphasis to this part:

I compare it to the feeling like you get when you are taking off in an airplane, just slightly more intense. If you can handle ToT or the initial G-force of R&R than you will have no problem during this part.

In my estimation, the G-forces were MUCH more intense and longer lasting than what you experience on RNR, let alone an airplane takeoff. That's the part that got to me, not the spinning.
What you can do is ride Star Tours first when you get down there and see how you do. If you are ok on that then you will be fine on M:S. Body Wars is not a good indicator of how you will do because, like I said, I had a killer headache after that and I was fine on M:S. One of the reasons is because on M:S you are not being forced into bloodstreams, shot out of neurons, and being bumped by splinters. It is a much smoother ride, comparable to the part of Star Tours where you are flying through that space city. If you still have doubts, take Dramamine. That stuff works wonders!
OK - my question is the shooting around the planet part that feels like an upside-down loop on a coaster - you sit still the whole time correct? You don't actually move upside-down or in a circle or anything right?? Please tell me I'm right!! If I'm just sitting there & it only feels as if I'm going upside-down then that I can handle but not actually doing it!! :eek:
Like on Spiderman at IOA (this is the best example I can think of) - the part that makes it feel like you are falling off the building - of course you only feel like you're falling but you're actually just sitting there.
You don't actually go upside down, you just have the sensation that you are. (and it is a pretty real sensation) It lasts for about 10 seconds and it's over before you know it. Now on regular roller coasters that go upside down I HAVE to close my eyes, but I did not have to on this ride. As far as the G-Forces being more intense than R&R I have to disagree. I have gone on R&R about 10 times and each time, during that initial G-force, it is so intese that I have to scream uncontrollably (I can't help it). As for M:S the G's might be as strong as R&R but I didn't feel that they were worse. What also helps it out is that, unlike R&R where things go whizzing (sp) by you at 1000 mph, on M:S you are looking directly at clouds the whole time during takeoff (its pretty relaxing actually). So while, yes, it might be as intense as R&R, if you keep focused on the sky it will not feel as bad (at least it didn't for me). The visuals really make a difference in this ride. (That is also why I did not have to close my eyes during the slingshot around the moon. All you see is the moon and darkness..that's it. )And trust me, NASA did an excellent job at making this ride feel like an authenic trip to outer space


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